21 - Communication 3

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21°" CENTURY COMMUNICATION 3 TED SPEAKERS BEL PESCE ERIN MCKEAN 5 WAYS TO KILL YOUR GO AHEAD, MAKE UP DREAMS NEW WORDS ©p.13 @p.32 Disastor robotics Mutiecta artist ROBIN MURPHY PHIL HANSEN ‘THESE ROBOTS COME EMBRACE THE SHAKE ‘TO THE RESCUE AFTER p73 ADISASTER @p.s2 Peychologit Sculptor KELLY MCGONIGAL JASON DECAIRES TAYLOR HOW TO MAKE STRESS AN UNDERWATER ART MUSE- YOUR FRIEND. UM, TEEMING WITH LIFE @p.93 @p.tt3 Ectucational researcher Farmer and technologist SUGATA MITRA MARCIN JAKUBOWSKI BUILD A SCHOOL IN OPEN-SOURCED BLUE- ‘THE CLOUD PRINTS FOR CIVILIZATION @p. 104 @p. 182 20" Contury Communication was created trough a partnership between TED—a nonprofit dedicat edt spreading ideas through short, power taks ~and Nationa Geographic Learning, ‘acon th Fagan wong en Van Gogh at ia Fh Hareon/Pnhocla.com 4 oe COMMUNICATION LISTENING, SPEAKING, AND CRITICAL THINKING 3 LYNN BONESTEEL ¢» CENGAGE © Learning a (188i cea eoetaac | 2 CENGAG! teamine | “Learning Seating and Cal Thing nag ito eer Menaghon Senior velopment tr: Many Wenn Meta ese Lele Hie Dietor of abla US. ration Mart ‘tect asco Mh ugren omen Poe Manage Mark asta Senor gta Pod Manger ule afc Mann Mary Bo Hemebny Inert Desig Ben Cait Composter Slt ‘ALL AGS RESERVED. No arf hs work comedy he copyright ren nye voted strated nay farm rb ay ean ee erate by US copyright lon tbat tp witen emanate National Geographical Geograph Society” 0 the lon Bode Dein ares adler fhe Nationa Geog Sect (Ove Regie one ering tamer Se Sent oot Student ook with nine Werk Ste Cae Devcon Steet aston MA S220 toa Geographic ting eng ebing Company sa mison tobing the wer tothe cascode cts toe Whar nglch ‘aegung pooner sou t wedbyexpetencing Tough ‘curparerhipith Kato Goapapie nd Ey eee eng Slay rd be sxe gb ir ado {wea your loa fice at interatonlangagecom/egion ‘st Nata Gaya Leaming omnes NGLcengag-com \atourcorponte waste at wmcngage.cm Printed inthe United States of America Print Number: 02 Print Year: 2017 “The authors and publsher wot lice to thank the ftlowing teaches rom all ver the wos for {hot valuable input during the dovelopment process ofthe 21st Century Communication sees. ele. naka, St ha ht A, ADEA, oe Yn Say, AMDEAST, tb Kn Ai San ADEA, Nts ve ad ARDEA, Yann an es, Drees Ei ang Cs Pangan Ta Ana sera Se er, Sou as ow Bala, ao Cte, aia i, ARDEA, Ye Undo, Has Gamma ay, Tos ay Cana, sD Bsn, Langage ta Cllrs Catena, Tle ao ‘ak Cana, 250 Aner angge an Cates, ‘ane yo eg oon Sse Ua Oo ate cat, nest oar at At, Tos Tela ne, bt eat Argo ge, Log Sa 6 Pa, 15 st Doo esacuts a Dano. sa mn ci, Fs) ‘Stora uta, ese gt, Ns Jove, ters of ppt. meat tl Forni Ui Exes ears Pan ais Aes, JUS xsi Eg Lag ntl, as (le cn, vig ra Urs, Fd cet, on Ge a i pe Mo Tag ty comes, sats ti Ay Ns Base "aca ro ga, ato testo do amas Apes Mes. Jee ven, Cin Cure iy Sa Aen Face at, GF amps Ps ot Hess ota ai, K Gas Uy, era th, ie Coa erate Caner ‘pac rks May Yea, trai, cy Cty of Sn Fania, Cara tr es Fat nase, esi ose, Cai (trier, SS) Area ae sats ora ipa, ey Unies, ore 5 Bas ae, Mess ‘abt Mas, LCS Extn eh agp sa, Catia Sa Mir, angage & Cate Cat, taro, Tos Wen Se, ag ain Langa Cn a Unity af ‘uae, ree erica ey, Uy oT, as Kata apy, Mascots atin aby, Mss Enlai Ent Cis, asi avi anti, Uy Tas Mai, ames Sata a, nl Caruniy Cato, as Fanart, Gyr mo See agg ao ery ‘ore | Pano Paton, oma ia Cali, Cora co nas, SUSW mean ngage and Ce ‘ation Joni Pep, neta As Baa ie Jn Pst Cova Cte of i Peas Pp Ree, dna Dona eae on ore, ts Dae a Pst Yel Sara, Ayn oS, Hg vert 3g Camps, Su eS ayy. a a Ct, Pi Win a, covet ect Aut, Teas at Se, U0 se, Eg ara bt, ata Fae Sg, ry Tai, Tas ta Soe, Ans aati S Cai, sss ay Tan UCLA Catia a i, hives Wns Mo, cans yg, Pace ey, Ao Yak unr 1 Bringing Dreams ttn Up to Life ‘podem mes Sle oe? shew unr 2 ee Say It Your Way wok LLngasies & Communtcaten ce Nath Ara Heo how uv 3 To the Rescue! orton & oheotg age 2 iran Ways oftaaming How Stace ‘to's the ‘Acta err A Precous Roees 15th teat atrg Ue ‘Bad Fcc? ‘reunite Prychaogy bani OF Yourself Tectnoay page 2 aeay and toy cnpenatore Acquire we eenng Recap ten or cause and ‘tect Recogniae ning Poognize speaker's Understand pe lain word Tak stout ‘tect ana ge ‘resto pation Elan @ Boales Petect Synthese Pret Comes ier Prt Proorale ates ‘nly Pret Ieee nao Shiteceo Pract poate bret ony Synosio Prt vokote Personae Peale ond Sie Irxpet ratte Compare Sinton rece Compours words Slab toss Proneureg 2d Tovaht orp quostene ‘ses ey words Irenaton ats Use abbreviations Foous.on man btu ont eet Seas White ay words shen Use gba Ret your notes incu rs Use a chat to totems Foard efoto S mays 0 your coos Bel Pesce {Go ate, mako up new wort These robots comet the resem aler csetor Robin Muri Enda the shake Phi Hanson ow to maka sess your ond Kelly MeGoniga ‘An ureorcto art msour, tea wath 0 ‘anon deGaites Taylor asta school te cs Sugata Mitra oan sure prs ar Maren Jakubowskt Pause eect noo parpaton Uso xy ‘oreuage techy Uso rpotin sodas Vary you pace Bean actin papain Show ‘ets or yourtope Once repeal eequenco| iv on nant presenaton on How NOT foteam a oogn anguae” (eve par presntatan 10 Partin a group rola abut ret anne Give a int rosaniaian sbeut iat orisodt verse todocome auceass come ay Cond survey oo sess and ge roa proseratlon to oper ho reste Particeatein and atte ageip decuson Porcine pan ‘ocuesen about Sugota Mia's Scoot ts Cle Posen end plana process 5 ways to kill your dreams Go ahead, make up new words BEL PESCE ERIN MCKEAN These robots come to the rescue Embrace the shake after a disaster PHIL HANSEN ROBIN MURPHY How to make stress your friend An underwater art museum, KELLY MCGONIGAL teeming with life JASON DECAIRES TAYLOR Build a school in the cloud Open-sourced blueprints for SUGATA MITRA civilization MARCIN JAKUBOWSKI dovelops essential listening, speaking, and presentation skis to help learners ‘succeed with their academic and professional goals. Students leam key academic skills as they engage with thought-provoking TED Talks and 21st century themes and skills, such as global awareness, information literacy, and eiticl thinking, Each unt ope and Tirkond Dsaies poston ocr Prt inroducas a varity of atoning inputs Inelidig leces,itenves, podost, and ff clasroom dss, shal are expt taught and practced Woven ‘communication, snd eres inking Infosraphics ngage tusnts mow ep a the ner a promo tho fens wl th sa tmp sosmisay appa the sla ed Pat Put tTogethor hes stcknts connect as and popes thm for bo ra sesinent. Studows useage ‘aaa to sntodz information and ‘once tring, 2 ery Ful bindea Onna Workbooks powered by = [MYELT hp colo gta Roracy skis by SS fern ses compte sua a eo = program ang wih pooch econ and auto ‘yada ngage practi acs, er my ern tte Pee a Bi ia) seer a co THINK anc DISCUSS 41 Road the unit tive, What do think the tite means 2 Look atthe photo and read caption. How do you think PART 1 Would-Be-Entropreneur: Listen pt Listening Idonity Main Polis ne Story Exar Note Taking ‘Use Abbeevations ample Pronunciation Intonation and Pauses: Connuing PUT IT TOGETHER Communicate Sie an hal Presentation Presentation Sit Would-Be-Entrepreneurs: Listen Up!! BEFORE YOU LISTEN COMMUNICATE Workin a small group. Discuss these questions 1. Look at the photo and rea the caption. What type of business is this? Do you think the products are cheap or expensive? Why? 2. What are some examples of smal businesses? What qualities do you thin a small business owner should have? 8 Would you ko to own your own business? Why, or why not? THINK CRITICALLY. An entrepreneur i a person wo starts a business with an idea, makos it grow, and takes the risk of alr, Listen tothe {st part ofa podeas, Would80-Entroprenours: ist Up! fora program called ‘Business Talk. While you are istening, think about the meaning ofthe ile othe podcast. Then with your group, discuss what advice you tink the podaster I ‘going 1 give his stoners, ce (ETE Fead and listen to the sentences with words and phrases from the podcast ‘Guess the meaning of each bold word or pa, Then we each word or phrase ext tots definition, a, ls business success brought him great weslth a an early age. He was a billonaire by the age of 30 . Exports estimate that the numberof people employed by smal businossos wll ‘04 by 10 porcont inthe next 20 yes, «6. Wow, the now design makes the restaurant look completely difernt. The change is really striking, 4. ln my country, many young people settle down very 200n after college. By the ag of 30, most are marred and have one or two chilren 6. That singer was an overnight suocess. One day she was singing in smal cub for almost no money, and the nextday she had a number-one song {He cnt have any monoy of his o¥m, so he had to find an investor to help him Star his business. {9 He has boon working 24 hours a day for thee days, without any sleep at all He plans on spending the whole weekend in bed to ate up on his sleep, hh, He's rtirod now. His daughter runs the business. ‘She complains constantly. She never has anything postive to say. J. Owning a business is more liu than most people think. n fact, many small businesses enter nto bankruptey win a year orto of opening, 1% —— (Phrasal v to do something to get back on schedule ator fating behind (a happening al the tie, continuously 8, __ (phrasal) focate and estab onesel,one's family) (")alarge amount of money and property ("person who puts money into a business idea or activity Inthe hopes of making more money if the ideale euccestul 6. (v phrase) manages or controls a company or business 7 ( plvase) someone or someting that becomes very ‘successful avery short paiod of time 8 (ad) immecately noticeable, usualy in a postive oF good sense °. (0) figure tho approximate (ot exact) amount or extent of 40. (0 the egal state of being without money Paar D COMMUNICATE Work wih partner. Read and answer the questions, Use the words and phrases in boli your answers. [I don't think people with grat wealth are any happr than ordinary poplo 1m fac, think they aro lass happy, because they probably always want more wealth, Tha’ just human nature ' OK, but al rather have wealth and be unbsppy than have nothing and be unbagpy! 1. Are people with great wealth happier than ordinary mide class people? Why, or ‘why not? 2. What do you think many entrepreneurs worry about constantly? 3. Would you bo good at running a business? Why, or why not? 4. Ifyou had a milion dolar to invest, what ype of busine would you Invest in? Why’? 5, What do you think s the best age for people to settle down, gat marrad, and start fails? Way? 6. What sometimes happens to people who become overnight successes? LISTEN learnmore Because it may take some | young peopl inthe United States awhile to || find ab, many colege graduates retum home tov with thir parents after college. This is ‘quite diferent from the stuaton in previous ‘decades, when most univerity graduates ‘would quickly find jobs and set up their ‘own households ater gracuaton © (MUREED SEB LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS Read the statements, Then listen tothe podcast and ite T fr tue oF for fs for each statomont. More young people today want to start ther own businesses than in the past. 2 “The speaker advises young peopte to get jobs and settle down, a Many poople who want to start thelr own businosses are not realtic about their ‘chances of success, 4 ‘The speaker does not think that most young people are quaifed to become entrepreneurs Dover sigh: 0 re wtha epg ig ek 6 UNITY Bingia Does LEO (RIE) USTEN FOR DETAILS Liston to each segment of the podcast. Fill in the ‘missing information Sogment 4 1. Mark Zuckerberg started when he was oars old, Today is wealth s estimated at approximately dollars, 2. Nowadays, many poople want to start businesses because of the job market and technological change, 8. Shark Tankisa show on which entrepreneurs try to sl ther Kea to 4. Another reason so many people today want to become entrepreneurs is because ofthe success of people ke Mark Zuckerberg and Sogment 2 15 Robert own He works days a wook 6, He says that small businoss owners don't have any Sogment 3 1. About of small business aumers le their businesses in the fst year and about fal wit ve years 8, Gail Horvath and her husband ran a suecesstul business for yoars before the business went into Sogmont 4 9, itean be dificult to have a happy ven you run your own businass. 410, Tony and his wife ended up geting because he tis business over his wile pars 7 PESEEMIEETANY ‘contity Main Points and Story Examples When you iste, it's important to Kentiy the speaker's main points and examples. Somo examples ae shor, just a phrase or sentonce. Other examples are stories, which can be several sentences long, Real and listen to the ‘example 7 First, runing a business is hard work Just ask Robert, Robert ie a French chef who owns a café soning breaktat and hunch Here are some common expressions tht egal ery examples: Just ask Rober). Take (Raber), for example. You know the story, right? Shave story ‘Because this type of example can belong, speakers often restate the main point after the example. Read and listen to how the speaker restates the main point. ‘i advice to would-be small businss owners? Do not fal yourself. The freedom of being your own boss might sound grest, but say goodbye to ‘ree time. {@.[URIED Listen to an excerpt from the podcast. What are the main points? Wie ‘them in your own words, Main point #1; 1b 18 very hard work to have your own business. Main point #2 ceeeeeees Main point w; Use Abbreviations ‘To save te when taking notes, use abbreviated forms of key words. One way of abbrovating words isto shorten thom by gating td of a pat ofthe wor, oF by eliminating some ofthe vowels 6,0, uJ NOTE: The examples below are just suggested abbreviations. As you practice {aking notes, you wll come up with your own abbreviations. The point fo take notes quicly and be able to understand them late. Fronch-> Fr breakfast» bekfst- lunch» Inch 1H [UE LISTEN AND TAKE NOTES Listen again and complete the notes with information from the story examples. Use abbroviaions. wo? ‘What kind of business? What are the probleme? Example 1: __Rob-Fr chef Café, brefot Inch 8 UNIT Banging Ores to Lo ceca wo? What kind of business? What are the problems? Example 2: no, 2yng chi wife made Example 3: aaa him choose fam or bs AFTER YOU LISTEN | THINK CRITICALLY Interprot an nfographic. Work with a partner. Look at te infograpric and answer the questions below, Most Likely to Fail eecue emacs ic Gees Failure Rate Reasons for Failure J an © Cy Poor management ‘Tough competition ” » Bad market % Year ear Yar 1 ae oe “Aa ede ss pat arena ch, ‘ecner ay worn eau ‘rox: oan. 1. According to the nfograpic, whats the flue rate for rela stores, and why do 80 many of them fll? 2. What percentage of independent restaurants fail within the fst year? Why do you think so many restaurant fi? 8. Do you know anyone who owns or works for an independent restaurant or a Fetal store? Iso, do they enjoy their work? Why, oF why nol? pari ‘5 Take the quiz, Ghaose your answer to each question, Would you make a good entrepreneur? © How much risk do you foe! comfortable wil? 1. None Voy ite ©. Aol, but only when necessary 4. ot, Tang risks i aly ecg! © tow rnc work would you be prepared to Dina your now sins? 8. A few hous a day 12-hour day, but not on weekends 10-hour das, st cays a wee. 4. Every minute awake, seven days a ook © Why do you want to become an enivepreneur? To getrch To make my ov schedule and be able to spend time wth my Fly «Tobe my ov boss hate it when ther peopl ll me wha odo 4. Flore to una sucess business and ‘al improve the word around me © How good are you with money? a. Vave at of debt 1b. 1hve fo sve money. Idan have any savings, but dont have any debt eter. 4 watet my money caret | aways ow how much have and how much lowe, © How well do you deal wit failure? don't ove neve fale, bi. Idart ei. dopresses me. 6. Ion eit, but | do my best © move on, 4. Faire is an oppertuiy to eam © What would you do you someone offered {to buy yur business fra lat of money? a, Say yes and never work agin 'b, Say "yes" and age to continue working forthe company «6, Say yos'and use the money to start a ew business 4, Say no" because my business is my le KC THINK CRITICALLY Analyzo. Work in a small group. Discuss these questions. 1. Basod on wat you head in the podast and your own experience, how do you think a successful enirepreneur would probably answer each quiz question? 2, Compare your answers on the quiz. Which people in your group do you think would make the best entrepreneurs? Why? 3, Discuss your answers to question numbor 1 with the clas. 10 UNITS Binging Deas tLe SPEAKING EGEICEIG Use a Story Example Speakers often use stories to ilustate their main points. you tll a story to Hustrate a main pon, include ont information that drootly supports that main Point. You can follow this patter: + Stat the main point + Use a signal to begin your story example, such a8 have a st0N/. YOU now the stony right? (Bee the Listening kl box on page 8 for more examples) + Tal the sto. + Restate the main point. ‘THINK CRITICALLY Choose one of the main points below. Think ofa story to ilustato tha point. Take notes to help you remember the story, I can be a eal or an imagined story. Include ony information that direct supports the ‘main point 4. Starting your own business can be sky. 2. Owning a business can be har on your health 3. Working and going to schoo! atthe same tim i ificl COMMUNICATE Work with a partner, Follow th pattern inthe Speaking Sk box ‘and take tums fling you story examples. Don't forgot to restate the main point at tho ond EXETATNETANY intonation and Pauses: Continuing and Concluding Intonation isthe way your vole rises and fas when you speak. A pause isa shortstop inthe ‘low of speech. In statements, speakers often use rising intonation to show that a sentence isnot yet complete Falling intonation and a brit pause are Used to how thatthe sentence is complete, Read and listen tothe example. The syjlables in bold are the stessed sylables i each pase, where the rising or fling pattem stats, on ane, In other words, he works constantly. (pause) In fongor sentences, spoakers often us rising intonation a the end ofeach phrase and fang intonation atthe end of the sentance. Read and listen tothe example, 7 aoe ‘These days, it seems tome that everyane is stating, oF thinking about starting, their own business. (pause) ‘These are common pattems in English, but not every speaker uses intonation n exactly the same way. However, if you use these pattems, people will understand you better. WUE Liston to tho excertfrom the podcast and red along silently. Write ash (were you hear a pause. Write an upward arcow (4) where you hearing Intonation and a downward arow (~—) where you hear fling intonation, Use a ‘aight tne (—) forthe parts ofthe sentence where the intanation fs even, a fat. ‘Waring: This isnot a really TV shou. ety, Fist, running a business is hard wark. Realy har work. One hunded hours a week o hard work. —At eat Soven days a weok of hare wok. No Kk, slut ask Rober Roberti French chet who owns café sang brealdest and nich, (© [BED Lsten to the excerpt again and say the lines withthe speaker. Then with a parier, take turns reading the sentences, Use inlonation and pauses according to your markings P THINK CRITICALLY Analyzo. Work wth a partner, Dicuss these question, 4. Compare your markings from exercise N. I your answers dfr, ask your teacher 2. What effect cid te intonation and the pauses have on you? Did they make it ‘easier for you to understand the speaker? 12 UNIT Bingrg Dems tLe [nz] TED BEFORE YOU WATCH [A COMMUNICATE Read the tte and information about the TED speaker, Whats ‘range about the ile? Discuss your kas with your class. BEL PESCE Entrepreneur and Author ‘Bol Pesce, an entreprencur and wre, has worked at big companos including ‘Microsoft, Google, and Deutsche Bank and has helped start several businessas, ‘But now Pesce Is looking to ingpre others. She has opened a schoo! in Bezz, FazlNOVA, whichis dedicated to helping students achiove their dreams. Pesce Js also the author of three books and has been named one ofthe "100 mast, Inuental people of Brazi" by Epoca magazine, Bol Posce’s idea worth spreacng i that wo ara more kay to achieve our ‘ams i we follow five basic principles 1B THINK CRITICALLY Prodict. Based on the te of Pesce's TED Talk and the Information about her on page 18, what advice do you think she wil give inher talk? Wie three ideas in your notebook, © COLLABORATE Work wi a partner. Compare and discuss your answers trom ‘exercise B. Then together, make a new ist of the five pieces of advice you think Pesca wil give. ite you tn your notebook. Then share yours withthe clas. VOCABULARY 1D [NEED These sentences wil help you lear words in the TED Talk, Read and listen ta the sentenoas. Then choose the meaning of each bold word 41. Some of my ideas in exercise B overlapped with my partes, but some were bbe more dificult «be similar 2. Ho comes trom a humble background. Nether of his parents graduated from high school. Despite this, he became a vory successful businessman, Humble means: insping 'b. modest, not rich ‘unusual '8. When he read the university catalogue, he was excited about the large number ‘ofcourse offerings. He et that he could study anything; his choices seemed init! Infinite means: lites ».speciic 6. vary interesting 4 tor nal achieving hor droam of opening a new bakery, she had to coset ator a yar because she wasnt bringing in enough revenue to support her family Revenue means: a. customers money from a business 6. savings ‘5. The rectors fist movie, Fear, was 0 successful that they made a sequel, Fear Soquel moans: ‘book, move, etc, that continues the sory ofa previous one i. book, move, ate, that isa modern version ofan older one «©. a prcict that sso to promote a book, movi, et. 14 UNIT? Begg Drs to Lio 6. Most professional athete, auch a tenis players, reach thor peak when they ‘aren thei 28 of 30s, Tha fs when they are most compat In this context, peak means: ‘a. end of (ones) caroer ». point of greatest sucouss «6. top of a mountain 7. People often say that He about the journey, not the final destination, Journey means: ‘long tip ba visit toa spacial place 6. something you write about Bo careful whore you walk, The ground is uneven | don't want you to trip. “Trip means: ‘a. to lose one's balance by stepping badly b. to stp in water and sip ‘6. to step on something sharp 9, 1 you goto business school, you ae not guarantoed good jab when you ‘graduate, but your chances ae beter, ‘Guaranteed moar: ‘avon b. graded 2. promised 410, 1 made more money in my prior jb, but prefer this one Prior means: 2. cater, previous be tater COMMUNICATE Read the statements. Check [V the ones you agree with. Than ‘work wth a partner and compare and expain your answers [A Fasagree with number 1. n my pinion, sequels are usualy nt as good as 1th onigials. Bs Jagree with you. Movo studs just make saquols to make more money. They con't realy care about the qual ofthe movie, 4. Movie sequels aro usualy better than the originals. 2, you work hard, success is quaranteod. 3 “Most people reach thir peak professionally by the age of 35 4 ‘Te Jourmey sas important asthe final destination My prior teacher was excallent pare 45 WATCH F [IRIE WATCH FOR MAIN IDEAS Witch the TED Talk 5 ways fo kil your creams by Bel Pes. Chuck [7] the statements that Pesce would agree with, ‘Overnight success isthe best kine of success Lot other people make decisions {or you. a \wmen you become successful, sot {an even highar goal for yours 4 Many entreprenews fal because ‘they do not take responsibilty for thelr own mistakes, i Make sue you take tne to celebrate when you are successtul 6 ‘The goals tho most Important ‘hing. Cin contrat at ep fer Ter tte @ [IKKE WATCH FOR DETAILS Watch each segment ofthe TED Tal. Answer the questions, Segment 1 4. How did Pesce get into MIT? Segment 2 2, When Pesce saye, “The pipes are infinite and you's going to bump your head, an it's a art ofthe process," what do the pipes represent? 8. What doos she moan by "bump your head"? 4. What isthe process she refering to? Sogment 3 5, Was Pesco's fst book success? Wy did sho docio to vist every stats in Brazil to promote her second book? 416 UNIT? Binghg Ooms to Lio Ege gg ee aes gens ge eed sees ea geese ease a ees eee seca Segment 4 7. Recording to Pesce you don't hd an investor or a buyer for your product or doa, hose fault eit? '8. What should you do when you meet a goal? 1H [IEEE IDENTIFY EXAMPLES Watch sogment again, Wie the signals Pasco ‘uses t introduce the two stores he tls. Then watch tana mor tm, anc {take notes on each story, The fst one has been started for you, Do not write fll tech guy, buité mobl app 1 COMMUNICATE Work witha partner. One student retalls th first story from ‘exorcise H, and tho other student etl the second story, Use the slgnals and your notes from the char. J [BIRKEI ExPAND YOUR VOCABULARY Watch the excerpts from the TED Tak ‘Gusss the meanings of the phrases inthe box. (Cotwawet Vora godtart net unho trare ) AFTER YOU WATCH COMMUNICATE Work with a para. Discuss your answers to those questions 4. What is unusual about the way Pesce presents her idea worth spreading? 2 Did you ind this way of presenting interesting? Why, or why not? ‘8, Have you personally had any experonces lke those Pesce describes in hor talk? Share them with your partner. 4, Do you agroe with Pesce's main point Which ones? Why, oc why not? LL THINK CRITICALLY Reflect. Workin a smal group. Discuss these questions 1. Bal Pesce is @ non-native speaker of English ae does not pronounce every word perfectly. However, her presentations vory clear, Why? What factors contbute to the clay of her presentation? Wit at of factors in your notebook. 2. Compare your Ist with those ofthe othar groups in tho clas. How could you use some of the factors from question 1 to make your English clearer? port? 47

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