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English Vocabulary in Use AdvancedLevel Test

1.‘Specs’ (meaning ‘glasses’) has a register.

A. formal B. informal
C. outdated D. literary
2. The word does not take the prefix ‘over’.
A. hand B. estimate
C. night D. priced
3. The word is the odd word out.
A. vocational B. flexitime
C. mechanical D. manual
4. is when you always buy a particular make because you like it.
A. Red tape B. Hard sell
C. Capital assets D. Brand loyalty
5. is not a piece of writing.
A. Composition B. Draft
C. Plagiarism D. Dissertation
6. is a negative characteristic.
A. Sullen B. Elegant
C. Affectionate D. Generous
7. Keiko and I fell headin love.
A. over heels B.it off
C. at first sight
8. The verb does not mean ‘want something’.
A. crave B. hanker after
C. defuse D. yearn for
9. Maria is so – if she sees something she likes, she just buys it without thinking.
A. extrovert B. impulsive
C. garrulous D. effusive
10. A is not active physically.
A. doer B. dabbler
C. couch potato D. culture vulture
11. At our office we have a day once a week when we can wear casual clothes.
A. designer B. dress down
C. snazzy D. dressed to kill
12. ‘The film was panned by critics’ means the critics .
A. loved the film B. didn’t like the film
C. didn’t see the film
13. means ‘I didn’t like the book’.
A. It was a page-turner B. I couldn’t put it down
C. I couldn’t get into it D. It’s compulsive reading
14‘Lunch is on me’ means .
A.I’ll pay for lunch
B.Lunch is at my house
C.I’ll cook lunch
15. is not connected with a car accident.
A. Road rage
B. Hit and run
C. A pile-up
D. A head-on collision
16. Guided tour, trekking and all-in package are words associated with .
A. hotels
B. methods of transport
C. types of holiday
17. The current economic is very good for small businesses.
A. disposition
B. climate
C. whirlwind
D. daze
18. ‘Key’ does not collocate with .
A. question
B. decision
C. role
D. thought
19. Tame animals .
A. behave aggressively
B. are afraid of humans
C. live with humans
20. The environmental problem of is concerned especially with animals.
A. deforestation
B. the greenhouse effect
C. global warming
D. endangered species
21. means ‘I don’t believe you.’
A. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt
B. What do you take me for?
C. Take it with a pinch of salt
22. If you are ill from not eating enough food, you have .
A. illiteracy
B. malnutrition
C. poverty
D. sanitation
23. An area represented by an MP is called a .
A. lobby
B. deputation
C. constituency
D. legislation
24. is a type of stealing.
A. Perjury
B. Harassment
C. Embezzlement
D. Joyriding
25. Both sides agreed to an immediate and the fighting has stopped.
A. annihilation
B. ceasefire
C. deterrent
D. warfare
26. means you have a lot of money.
A. Rolling in it
B. Skinflint
C. Strapped for cash
D. Things are a bit tight
27. is not another word for a newspaper or magazine.
A. Glossy
B. Rag
C. Scoop
D. Periodical
28. is the odd one out.
A. Out of sorts
B. Off-colour
C. Under the weather
D. On the mend
29. A ‘level playing field’ means .
A. a change in the rules
B. a serious discussion
C. an election
D. a fair situation
30. Which should I click on to open a new email?
A. icon
B. thumbnail
C. footprint
D. analogue
31. The word describes experiencing something on your computer instead of in real life.
A. interactive
B. virtual
C. smart
D. genetic
32. ‘Fleeting’ and ‘lingering’ collocate with .
A. sit
B. moment
C. glimpse
D. smile
33. The verb describes the way someone walks when their feet hurt.
A. hobble
B. amble
C. tiptoe
D. trudge
34. You can your eyebrows.
A. twitch
B. flutter
C. raise
D. blink
35. is not a shade of red.
A. Poppy
B. Ruby
C. Strawberry
D. Violet
36. Nip, pop, whizz and zip mean .
A. go a short distance quickly
B. slow down
C. walk very quickly
37. means a hard or painful experience.
A. A glitch
B. A pitfall
C. An ordeal
D. A setback
38. The school will notany form of cheating in exams.
A. condone
B. endorse
C. authorise
D. give the green light to
39. Mr Williams showed no as the judge sentenced him to ten years in prison.
A. apology
B. remorse
C. excuse
D. alibi
40. A means an agreement.
A. coincidence
B. compromise
C. rift
D. settlement
41. The findings in this study everything in the previous report.
A. conceive
B. predict
C. contradict
D. reside
42. is a colloquial term for a person.
A. Thingamajig
B. Whatsisname
C. Umpteen
D. Thingy
43. ‘A storm in a teacup’ is .
A. a misunderstanding
B. an argument that will soon be forgotten
C. something you can’t understand
D. a difficult situation
44. ‘He’s nobody’s fool’ means .
A. he has the gift of the gab
B. he knows his stuff
C. he’s a smart-aleck
D. he’s one sandwich short of a picnic
45. I thought the job wouldn’t take long. ! It took nearly two days.
A. It’s a small world
B. You live and learn
C. Famous last words
D. Out of the blue
46. Could you me on Friday? I’ll be away for the day on a course.
A. stand for
B. stand by
C. stand up for
D. stand in for
47. I didn’t feel confident or ready for the race so I decided to .
A. chill out
B. bottle out
C. stick it out
D. simmer down
48. I was ill on the weekend so I the party.
A. caught up with
B. came down with
C. missed out on
D. took it out on
49. ‘Craic’ is an English word for party.
A. American
B. Australian
C. Indian
D. Irish
50. The neutral word for ‘fireman’ is .
A. firelady B. fireperson
C. firefighter D. firemen
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. D
19. C
20. D
21. B
22. B
23. C
24. C
25. B
26. A
27. C
28. D
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. B
33. A
34. C
35. D
36. A
37. C
38. A
39. B
40. D
41. C
42. B
43. B
44. B
45. C
46. D
47. B
48. C
49. D
50. C

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