Activity Report - Nicole 1

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Jimenez, Trisha Nicole P.


Activity Report
WEEK 1 (JULY 5-7)
Orientation and Introduction During my first week at Goldilocks Bakeshop's Bread Plant, I
underwent a comprehensive orientation program. I familiarized myself with the plant's layout,
safety protocols, and the various departments involved in the bread manufacturing process. We
met our Plant Manager and Manager II, who discussed the tasks we would have to complete during
the internship and introduced us to several employees while giving us a tour of some important
areas of the bread plant, such as the raw material and finished goods warehouse, cake depot,
retailing, central packaging, store room, washing area, and production, in order for us to be
familiarized before we begin. After that, Our Manager II remind us about our first task which is to
conduct Time and Motion Study in the storage and retailing area, where we measured the speed at
which the storeroom and retail personnel worked. They provided us with a uniform, hairnet, and
shoes to wear, as well as things to utilize such as a timer, clipboard, and list of raw materials needed
in production.

WEEK 2 (JULY 10-14)

In my second week, we started our training in the Bread Plant. My co-interns and I am start to
conduct time and motion studies of workers retailing the raw components of the requested product
in order to validate the company's current statistics, efficiency of workers and assess whether or
not to raise the employee's wage. While conducting time and motion study, we also observe the on
how each employee work, as well as the process in production and take note of it. They gave us
with a sample document for 'validating the processing time of one product' as a reference and to
help us understand how the task should be completed. By the end of the week, we've started
entering the data we gathered and review it in order for us to get more familiarized about on how
to get the worker’s efficiency.

WEEK 3 (JULY 17-21)

Into my third week, after gathering data in the storeroom, we were assigned to determine the
efficiency rate of the employees by getting the order for the day and measuring the time of labor on
retailing each raw material. After conducting Time and motion study, we went to different areas in
production to observe the process and machinery there. While inputting all the collected data into
Excel, one of our managers, Sir Jonas, taught us some useful Excel shortcuts as well as the right way
to enter data into Excel.
Jimenez, Trisha Nicole P.

WEEK 4 (JULY 24-28)

During my fourth week, I was assigned to gather Time and Motion Study in storeroom. Since our
manager need to assigned different task in each intern in order for him to compare and evaluate the
data they have in terms of efficiency of workers. The first thing I need to do is to collect the list of
order for that day and how many batch of raw materials they will use. After that, I will proceed in
taking TMS on each employee and gather all the data I collected for their whole duty.

WEEK 5 (AUGUST 7-11)

In my fifth week, together with other interns, they introduced us in central packaging area where
the workers sort all of their products. We observe the process from weighing, packaging and sealing
of goods. I had a hard time managing our task in packaging area since all of their product was
processing there but with the help of other production workers, we gathered all the data that we
needed for our weekly task.

WEEK 6 (AUGUST 15-18)

In week six, we started to conduct Time and Motion Study in packaging area to determine the time
they spent in sealing and packing the products. After that, we had a meeting with our managers. We
analyzed all the data we had collected for 5 weeks in different area, and talk about the possible
improvement that should be applied in each sector.

WEEK 7 (AUGUST 21-25)

In week seven, we gathered information and work with my other interns to determine the true
production time after taking Time and Motion Study in central packaging. We also had a quick
discussion with our manager II then after that, we went to Cake Depot area to observe the process
on how they make customized themed cakes and turn over it into logistic.

WEEK 8 (AUGUST 27-31)

In the eighth week, we continue to conduct Time and Motion Study in the packing area and
warehouse so that we can monitor their daily productivity and orders. We input and review all the
data we had collected from week 1 to 8 in different areas in order for us to compute the efficiency of
each worker, and to know if it still fit in company’s required time. We finished and enjoyed our task
Jimenez, Trisha Nicole P.

since an IE is essential to the company's ability to perform well in order to increase revenue
through TMS, we gain a great deal of knowledge about how an IE functions and take responsibility.


During our last week, we had documented and present to our managers all the task we finished in
our assigned area. As an IE interns, we have learned a lot during our on-the-job training at
Goldilocks Bakeshop Incorporated's (GBI) bread plant manufacturing company. I can't help but
reflect on the incredible journey of learning and growth that this experience has been. From the
very first day, I was immersed in the world of industrial engineering, working alongside
experienced professionals who were generous with their knowledge and guidance. One of the most
significant lessons I've learned during my OJT is the importance of efficiency in a production
environment. Time and motion studies became my daily routine, as I finished my task, I witnessed
and understand now how important the role of an IE in every company.

In conclusion, my time at Goldilocks Bakeshop has been an essential chapter in my education as an

industrial engineering student. It has provided me with the tools, insights, and experiences that will
shape my future career. I look forward to applying the knowledge and skills I've gained during my
OJT in food manufacturing field.
Jimenez, Trisha Nicole P.


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