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Partition of India Timeline Activity

Negotiating Independence/Transfer of Power

Put the events below in chronological order, give a brief description, and explain
their significance.

Event Description Significance

Government of India Act A strategic law crafted by - Turned over
British parliamentary governance to indian
committee to preserve a hold representatives
on India and maintaining a - Expanded the
tight control over the colony. electorate from 1
percent to 10 percent
of the population:
allowing 30 million
Indians to be eligible
for voting

Event Description Significance

1937 Elections The election in which The Muslim league was
Congress won the majority of dissappointed by recieving
provincial seats and ministries less than 5 percent of the
whereas the none of the Muslim vote so Jinnah took a
reserved Muslim seats were leading role and directed the
won. future of the party.

Event Description Significance

Defense of India Ordinance A new law passed by the Limiting the power of the
British right after the British other parties
refused to the demands of the
Congress, and its resignation.

Event Description Significance

Lahore Resolution The Jinnah’s declaration – This showed to Congress and
about the demand of Muslim the British that the League
recognition as a nation – that expected an equal seat at the
was said in the Muslim table when it came to
discussing India’s future.
League’s 1940 annual
convention in Lahore.

Event Description Significance

Cripps Mission Attempt in Mid 1942 by the Promised self-determination
British government to to Indians at the end of the
cooperation of Indian leaders. war. With the right to leave
the union if it disagreed with
the new constitution.

Event Description Significance

Quit India Movement A movement launched – by - The British arrested the
the members of the Congress Congress leaders and the
leadership and Jawaharlal movement fell into the hands
Nehru – that included of lower level members and
destroying communication the general public.
networks and manufacturing - The largest threat against
salt. British rule and caused
large-scale rebelliions.

Event Description Significance

The Cabinet Mission British delegation to negotiate Offered compromise but
the terms of a British made the Congress and the
withdrawal in response to the Muslim League realize how
escalating protest in February they both wanted different
1946. plans.

Event Description Significance

Direct Action Day A mass rally on August 16, Violence broke out and it
1946 that Jinnah encouraged killed/attacked Hindus and
Muslims to participate in Sikhs. (4 thousand Hindus,
because of the fear that the Muslims, and Sikhs died in just
creation of Pakistan might not four days.
be done with just negotiations

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