1033-TQM-KIA Motors

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Application of Total Quality Management in a Pakistani Industry

Muhammad Naveed


Department of Management Sciences, University of Okara

Total Quality Management

Mr. Atif Sarwar

January 3, 2024
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Application of Total Quality Management in a Pakistani Industry

1. Introduction

First time the term TQM used to describe the management approach to quality

improvement. Since then, it got so many meanings. The general meaning of TQM is, Total

Quality Management (TQM) is a way of managing a business or organization to make it

succeed over a long period by making customers satisfied (Danielsltt, 2023). It is an

enhanced approach of doing a business as compared to traditional methods by focusing on the

improvement of all processes of a business by getting everyone involved (Besterfield, 2012).

Everyone in an organization contributes to make their work, process, products, service, and

the culture in which they work (Danielsltt, 2023).

TQM is the for most part common sense. The word Total Quality Management

consist of three words:

 Total __ Made up of the whole

 Quality __ Degree of excellence a product or service provides.

 Management __ Act, art, or manner of handling, controlling, directing, etc.

Therefore, by analyzing these three words we can conclude that, TQM is an art of

managing the whole to achieve the excellence (Besterfield, 2012, p. 1).

Significance of TQM in the Context of Pakistan industries

Due to its potential to improve operational efficiency, product quality, and increase

customer satisfaction TQM holds significant importance in context of Pakistani industries. As

we can see the competition is growing both locally and globally by adopting TQM principles

Pakistani businesses can get benefit to remain competitive. TQM helps us in minimizing
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waste and inefficiencies to reduce the costs by providing a culture of continuous

improvement that also play a vital role to meet international quality standards which will

open the opportunity for Pakistani industries in global market. These businesses can’t only

meet the evolving demands of customers but, by focusing on quality management they can

also gain a competitive benefit in both local and international markets. The implementation of

TQM in Pakistani industries can improve employee morale and participation. As we know

TQM encourage employee’s involvement in decision making and problem solving by

implementing it the workforce will be more engaged and motivated that will be beneficial for

Pakistan where traditional management practices may not fully utilize employee’s potential.

Overview of the automobile sector in Pakistan

In Pakistan automobile sector is an important part of the country’s industrial

landscape. This sector has various segments which include cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses,

and rickshaws. Over the past few years automobile sector has seen considerable growth

which is due to increasing demand and government policies supporting the localization. Both

local manufactures and joint venture with international automakers are the key players of this

sector. This sector provides a lot of employment opportunities as well as contribute to

Pakistan’s GDP. It also faces challenges to keep up with global standards which are

regulatory changes, competition, and need for technological advancements. In Pakistan

automobile sector is also a key player in technological innovation and environmental

considerations. Recently to meet the global environmental standards we can see trend shift

towards more fuel-efficient vehicles and the introduction of electric vehicles (EVs).
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2. TQM Principles and Models

TQM Principles

Committed and Involved Management: This TQM principle emphasizes that the

long term top-to-bottom organizational support is necessary for Total Quality Management.

Management should actively participate and guide the TQM process. A quality council

should also establish to set a clear vision, develop long term goals, and direct the TQM

program. Quality goals must be added into the business plan and an annual quality

improvement plan should create by involving the entire workforce. This principle makes it

clear that the TQM is not a one-time initiative but it is a continual activity which should be

deeply embedded in the organization’s culture. It is expected by managers to not only

participate in quality improvement teams but also act as a coach to make ensured that TQM

principles are communicated and practiced throughout the organization.

An unwavering focus on the customer both internally and externally: This

principle emphasizes the importance of focus on customers (internal and external) in all

aspects of an organization’s operations. Focus on understanding and meeting the needs of

both internal and external customers is the core of an effective TQM program. According to

this principle customer satisfaction should be the most important goal of an organization and

it should be the driving force behind all organizational activities. Organizations must pay a

close attention to voice of the customer which means organizations should actively listen to

customer feedback to understand the needs and expectations and by using this information

make improvements in their products and services. TQM also focus on internal customers

(employees) and internal suppliers in decision making and improvement processes. This

approach ensures that those who are affected by the processes are involved in their

development and implementation, leading to better outcomes and greater satisfaction.

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Effective involvement and utilization of the entire workforce: TQM is not limited

to a specific department it involves everyone in the organization. This principle emphasizes

that every individual in the organization regardless of their role is responsible for quality

management. All employees must have training in TQM, statistical process control (SPC),

and other relevant quality improvement skills. These trainings make employees able to

effectively take part in project teams and contribute to quality improvement initiatives.

Employees should not only perform their jobs but also think about the ways to improve their

work. This will motivate the employees to make decisions and take actions to improve

processes and enhance quality. This mindset shift of employees is essential for making a

culture of continuous improvement in the organization. Managers can play a key role in

setting up quality improvement programs that involves input from the entire workforce.

Continuous process improvement: involves a relentless pursuit of excellence in all

organizational processes. This principle says that there should be a continuous effort to

improve all aspects of business and production processes. Organizations are encouraged to

initiate quality improvement projects in various areas, such as on-time delivery, order entry

efficiency, billing error rate reduction, enhancing customer satisfaction, reducing cycle time

and scrap, and effective supplier management. These projects are related to specific areas for

improvement and contribute to the overall enhancement of quality. Various technical

techniques are employed to facilitate problem solving and process improvement which

include statistical process control (SPC), benchmarking, quality function deployment, ISO

9000 standards, and designed experiments. These techniques provide structured and effective

methods for analyzing and improving processes.

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Quality models

Juran's Trilogy model

It is developed by Joseph M. Juran, is a fundamental concept in the field of quality

management. It presents a pragmatic approach that views quality management as three

interrelated processes:

1. Quality Planning: This is the initial phase where organizations define their

objectives and determine the steps necessary to meet these objectives. Key activities in this

phase include:

- Identifying who the customers are and understanding their needs and


- Establishing quality goals and benchmarks based on customer needs.

- Developing product or service features that meet these quality goals.

- Creating processes capable of producing the desired features consistently.

The essence of quality planning is to design a process that is capable of meeting

established quality goals under operating conditions.

2. Quality Control: This phase involves the execution of the plans and monitoring of

the process to ensure that it is performing as intended. The key activities in this phase


- Measuring process performance (i.e., monitoring output to ensure it meets the

quality standards and performance measures established in the planning phase).

- Identifying when the process is deviating from the plan and taking corrective


- Working continuously to maintain process stability.

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Quality Control is about operating the processes and producing the output with the

aim to detect, correct, and reduce poor quality.

3. Quality Improvement: This phase is focused on making changes that lead to a

higher level of performance. Key activities include:

- Identifying the need for improvement, often through new benchmarks or

changing customer needs.

- Seeking out new ways to improve process performance and product quality.

- Implementing the necessary changes to elevate process performance.

Quality Improvement is an ongoing effort, aimed at continually raising the bar of

performance and quality.

Applicability in the Pakistani Automobile Industry:

In Pakistan, automobile companies need to plan for products that are not only high in

quality but also cost-effective. Juran’s Trilogy can guide these companies in aligning their

quality goals with market demands. With increasing global and national regulations on

vehicle safety and emissions, Pakistani automobile manufacturers can utilize the Quality

Control process of Juran’s Trilogy to ensure compliance with these regulations. In a market

with growing competition, both from local and international players, continuous

improvement in quality can provide a significant competitive edge. Implementing Juran’s

Trilogy can aid in the continuous enhancement of products and processes, leading to better

customer satisfaction and market share. As the Pakistani automobile industry seeks to

integrate more deeply into the global supply chain, adopting a robust quality management

framework like Juran’s Trilogy can help in meeting international quality standards, essential

for exports and global partnerships.

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3. Sector Analysis

Pakistan’s automobile industry is the one of the oldest industries in the Asian

countries. Automobile sector of Pakistan is made up of different segments like Cars, Light

Commercial Vehicles (LCVs), Bus, Jeep, Tractor, Truck and two/three wheelers. Pakistan

automobile sector contribute 15% to the large-scale manufacturing. Which consider

significant industrial output of the country. During the fiscal year 2021-2022 (July to March)

automobile sector recorded 54% growth in sales and 57% growth in production of cars. 21

companies were granted with greenfield status for manufacturing of cars, trucks, LCVs,

sports utility vehicles (SUVs), and buses under the Automobile Development Policy (ADP)

2016-21 and more than USD 1 billion total investment was committed (InvestPakistan,

2023). With the vision to make Pakistan automobile industry a hub for competitive

manufacturing of auto parts and vehicles for local market and exports the government has

developed Auto Industry Development and Export Policy (AIDEP) 2021-26. The goal of

making AIDEP is to improve car quality, adding safety features, and making small cars more

affordable for Pakistani buyers (Times, 2021). AIDEP provides incentivized custom duty on

the locally produced small cars of up to 800cc engine and reduce 10% to 25% of import duty

on import of electric vehicles. The automobile industry was badly affected by the COVID 19

in 2019-20 has been started to revive and coming back on tack with positive trend in all

segments of automobile industry. The analysts are more optimistic about the automobile

manufacturing industry expected to see 41% earnings growth per year over the next few years

(Simply-Wall-Street, 2023). Pakistan has achieved localization almost 95% in tractors and

motorcycles, 20-25% in trucks and busses, and 50% in cars. To achieve localization, it is

necessary to produce one million cars per year but unfortunately only around 200k cars are

being produced annually (Murtaza, 2023).

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Here is some key characteristics of Pakistan Automobile industry which make it

different from other countries.

Skewed Market Share:

Japanese companies dominated Pakistan's automotive market, especially in four-

wheelers and two-wheelers. Suzuki held a significant market share but adjusted its strategy

when competitors like Master with low-cost vehicles entered the market. Suzuki's market

share in pickup trucks grew, while Master dominated the light commercial vehicle (LCV),

van, and jeep segment. In motorcycles, Japanese brands lost market share to low-cost Chinese


Demand Preferences of Domestic Consumers:

High-income groups in Pakistan mainly drive demand for large passenger cars,

limiting market expansion. In contrast, India and China see demand for smaller, cheaper cars

from low and middle-income groups. Small businesses and individuals primarily buy buses

and trucks in Pakistan, unlike other developing countries where companies and the state are

major buyers.

Popularity of Specific Brands:

Consumer preferences are strongly inclined towards certain brands. Popular brand

manufacturers often operate at full capacity, leading to supply shortages and long waiting

periods for vehicle delivery. This shortage sometimes results in consumers paying extra to

expedite vehicle delivery.

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Challenges facing Pakistan's automobile industry

According to current economic situation in Pakistan, the major reason behind the

increase of automobile prices is Rupee’s devaluation against the US Dollars. The increase of

inflation in Pakistan makes it difficult for people to afford the cost of owning a car.

Moreover, govt tax policies also impacted the car prices i.e., now govt calculate tax based on

the price of car instead of its size engine size which also caused the increase in price of a new

car. All these economic difficulties also caused financial loss to the car companies like Pak

Suzuki Motors. In 2023 due to inflation the demand for new cars is decreased which caused

the drop in both car production and sales as compared to the 2022. Due to the limitation on

imports by State Bank of Pakistan because of US dollar shortage for importing automobile

industry is also facing problems with getting car parts which has forced companies like

Honda and Suzuki to stop manufacture at times. As the value of Rupee’s go down the cost of

imported parts go up which cause the increase in overall cost of making a car. In this

challenging situation some models are still doing well in Pakistan like Suzuki Alto is a first

choice of buyer in below 1000cc category and Toyota model like Corolla and Yaris are

leading in the category of 1300cc and above.


The government of Pakistan is focused on the localization of car manufacturing in

Pakistan for this government has develop AIDEP 2021-26. Government has increased 50%

Regulatory Duty on import of Completely Built-Up (CBU) vehicles to manage current

account deficit. This strategy is adopted to boost the local manufacturing of cars and to

reduce the import of cars. Under the AIDEP the 10% to 25% subsidy will be given on import

duty on import of the electric vehicles. This shows the government effort towards the

promotion of the new energy vehicles specifically towards EVs to change climate. There's a

global trend towards EVs, and with China's core advantage in developing electric vehicles
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and its investment in Pakistan, this sector is poised for growth. Pakistan government is also

welcoming the new domestic manufacturers of automobile specially car companies. The

entry of new players will diversify the market lead to increase in competition that led to

provide better options for consumers. Pakistan has a rapidly growing middle class, which

could drive demand in the automobile sector. This demographic change is likely to increase

the demand for affordable and mid-range vehicles. Pakistan has made several improvements

thanks to investments from the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). These

improvements include upgrading its infrastructure, developing the Gwadar port, and solving

problems related to energy supply. Being a member of the Shanghai Cooperation

Organization (SCO) and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

has helped Pakistan strengthen its relationships with neighboring countries in South Asia and

Central Asia. By offering these countries access to the Gwadar port and proposing trade

agreements with them, Pakistan aims to boost not just its automobile industry but its entire


Quality-related issues or areas for improvement within the sector

The Pakistani automobile sector is currently facing several quality-related issues and

areas for improvement:

Build Quality Concerns: A significant issue in the Pakistani auto industry is the

deteriorating build quality of locally assembled vehicles. This includes problems such as

panel gaps, missing trim pieces, and malfunctioning mechanical or electrical parts. In

contrast, Completely Built-Up (CBU) units of the same vehicles being assembled locally tend

to have better build quality. This disparity in quality is attributed to the high rate of parts

localization by major automakers in Pakistan, which surpasses 50 percent in some cases.

However, the use of a majority of locally manufactured parts and panels in vehicles has

raised concerns regarding the overall build quality. Hyundai Nishat is noted for producing
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vehicles of higher build quality, attributed to its use of non-localized Completely Knocked

Down (CKD) kits for assembly.

Malfunctioning Airbags: There have been reports of malfunctioning airbags in

various vehicles from different companies. While this issue was raised earlier and seemingly

addressed by automakers, the lack of recent details on failed airbags remains a concern.

Cost-Cutting Measures: There have been instances where cost-cutting measures by

major car companies have led to the omission of standard features in vehicles. For example,

certain Toyota models, including the expensive Toyota Fortuner, were reported to be sold

without standard sash strips, a feature typically expected in vehicles of their class.

Government's Role in Quality Assurance: The government's efforts to promote and

enable 100% localization of vehicle parts need to be coupled with strict quality standards

enforcement. This would ensure that while localization reduces production costs and prices

and provides work opportunities, it also benefits the consumers by maintaining high-quality


Need for Policy Support for Local Manufacturing: To improve the quality of

locally manufactured vehicles, there is a need for government policies favoring parts

manufacturing companies. Supporting companies such as Denso, Aisin, NGK, Takata, Bosch,

etc., in establishing their manufacturing facilities in Pakistan could create a healthier

ecosystem for the automotive industry and offer better quality products.

Increased Competition: The introduction of new players in the market, according to

the AIDEP 2016-21, is expected to increase competition, which could potentially lead to

improvements in the quality of locally-assembled cars.

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4. Case Study Analysis: KIA Motors

Historical Background of KIA Motors

KIA is an old car manufacturing company who initially targeted a market segment

that was more price-sensitive than quality-conscious. In Pakistan, it is a joint venture between

KIA Motors and Lucky Group. KIA Lucky Motors Pakistan recently changed it name to

Lucky Motors Corporation in 2020 but it does not mean that both companies ended their

partnership. The company's strategy was to attract buyers who were primarily interested in

the affordability of a car, rather than its luxury features like its design or safety. KIA used

cheaper materials in the manufacturing process to keep costs low. This decision made a

significant impact on the car’s overall quality and reliability. This strategy makes possible for

KIA to offer lower prices, but they also contributed to a perception of the brand as being

lower in quality compared to other car manufacturers. In its early years, KIA paid less

attention to aspects that are typically valued by consumers, such as the comfort of the vehicle,

interior and exterior design, and overall customer satisfaction. This focus on cost reduction

often led to the neglect of these important factors in car manufacturing. While KIA's cars

were inexpensive to purchase, they often required frequent repairs and maintenance, leading

to higher long-term costs for the owners. This not only affected the consumer's perception of

value but also negatively impacted the brand's image as a reliable car manufacturer. KIA did

not initially focus on strategies that would ensure long-term customer loyalty, such as

establishing a strong brand identity or creating a base of returning clients. The absence of a

focused branding strategy and customer satisfaction policies meant that KIA missed

opportunities to build a strong, loyal customer base. The history of KIA show that how the

compromise on quality to reduce the cost of cars negatively affected the company’s image.

However, the prices were low but as compared to the reliability low prices are less attractive

to the consumers. Consumers was interested in such low prized cars but due to low quality
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and unreliability they don’t want to buy the company’s cars. To deal with this issue KIA

worked on making their cars better and reliable also focused on making the designing better.

This change was the part of their Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation strategy.

TQM strategy involves improving all parts of the business to make the overall product better.

The management of the KIA decided to use TQM practices which was the good choice. At

present day KIA is known as a popular international brand.

TQM Practices in KIA Motors

KIA Motors uses strategies that fit with Total Quality Management (TQM) principles.

Customers like KIA cars because they are more affordable than many others. KIA focuses on

both low prices and good quality. The main idea is that what customers think about quality is

very important. KIA used to be seen as not very reliable, so they started by listening to

customer feedback. Most of this feedback was negative, showing that just being cheap isn't

enough if the quality isn't good. A key part of Total Quality Management (TQM) is

continuously trying to make products better. For KIA, this meant focusing on improving the

quality of their cars. Hyundai, which owns KIA, invested in this idea to build a better future

for the brand. This focus on quality and the use of TQM practices by KIA's management is

shown in how they run the company. The awards KIA has won for quality and the increasing

number of loyal customers are proof that their efforts to improve in certain areas are working.

KIA Motors has been using Total Quality Management (TQM) for the past ten years. This

approach has helped KIA become known globally as a top car maker that offers good quality

products. Examples of TQM at KIA include the way they handle customer service, what they

focus on improving in their company, and how they manage their manufacturing and business

processes. These efforts show KIA's commitment to quality in every part of their work.
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Businesses try hard to fulfil the customer demands so that they buy their products.

KIA focus on providing customer support both before and after the purchase of a car.

According to the information available on the KIA’s official website they give a special

seven years of warranty to their customer which is far better then other brand who give only

three years of warranty. KIA implemented this strategy without the fear of financial loss

because they trust on their product quality. KIA also have a dedicated customer support team

willing to assist consumers by answering their questions, concerns, or technical issues. The

rare seven-year warranty make KIA more competitive in automobile industry because

consumers trust more on its quality. KIA offers other good services for customers. They

have reasonably priced repair services using real KIA parts. Also, KIA gives a 2-year

warranty for any genuine parts they put in or fix at their service centers. This is all part of

making sure customers get what they need and the best quality. KIA's goal is to make sure

customers have the best experience and get high-quality products, even for car parts and


Car companies, like KIA, must follow certain rules to make sure they are safe and

honest with customers. KIA follows the Vehicle Sales Code. This means they focus on

customer safety. The code requires KIA to give accurate information, do safety checks on

cars when they are sold to a new owner, offer test drives, and provide all the needed

paperwork when selling a car. These steps help make buying and selling cars safe for both the

customers and the company, ensuring a trustworthy purchase from a reliable seller.

In Total Quality Management (TQM), it's important to keep training employees so

they can offer the best service. KIA's website says they have been training their team since

the early 2000s to make customers happier. They even have competitions for mechanics

worldwide to encourage good work and skills. In 2019, over 25,000 employees took part in

these events. This shows how KIA works to improve quality by teaching their staff new ways
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to meet what customers want. While competitions at work can help with skills and

productivity, a better way is to give specialized training to employees. KIA spends money to

train their full-time workers, especially in areas like production and service. They focus on

employees who are really committed to helping the company in the long run, teaching them

about quality control, making things, and customer service. This costs a lot of money, but it

helps the company stay up-to-date with the latest ways to improve quality. This fits well with

Total Quality Management (TQM), which is all about constantly improving and training the

people who work there. KIA is doing just that.

Outcomes and impact of TQM

After KIA started using Total Quality Management (TQM) methods, it became more

successful and made more money. These TQM ideas really helped KIA in many ways and

made the brand stronger. Because of this focus on quality and making customers happy, more

people want to buy KIA cars, the brand is known all over the world, and the company is

earning more money.

KIA Motors was once a failing company, so Hyundai bought most of its shares. Back

in the 90s, KIA and many other Korean car companies were struggling. But after making

some big changes, KIA's money earned grew by more than 600% from 2006 to 2016. This

improvement happened because Hyundai focused on making better quality cars, improving

KIA's image, and changing how they attract customers. By using Total Quality Management

methods, KIA got past its tough times and is now one of the most popular car makers in the


In the 90s and early 2000s, people bought KIA cars because of its low prices, but

many people thought the brand was not reliable and the cars had quality issues. Everything

changed when KIA started using Total Quality Management (TQM) in how they ran the
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company. Before, owning a KIA car meant you might have problems and technical issues.

But now, this has changed. KIA has become more popular worldwide, and more people are

thinking about buying KIA cars because they are seen as reliable, good quality, and still

affordable. Using TQM helped KIA completely change how people see the brand, attracting

new customers and making more money.

Every company wants to make more money, but Total Quality Management (TQM)

focuses on using that money to make better products and train employees. KIA's money

earned has grown a lot, and it's now one of the top 69 brands in the world. This is a big deal,

especially since KIA had money problems before. The fact that KIA is now making more

money shows that TQM works for them. TQM needs a lot of investment in improving quality

and training people, but the money KIA makes from these improvements is worth it. KIA's

success today is because of changes they made in how they run things and their focus on

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5. TQM Implementation Plan

TQM Framework

Implementing the Total Quality Management (TQM) framework in an automobile

company involves a series of strategic, systematic, and cultural changes. Here's how each

element of the TQM framework can be implemented:

1. Leadership:

- Commitment and Involvement: Top management must demonstrate a

commitment to quality in their actions and decisions. This includes setting a

clear vision for quality and allocating resources accordingly.

- Vision and Mission: Develop a clear vision and mission statement that

emphasizes quality as a core value.

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- Communication: Regularly communicate the importance of quality to all

employees and stakeholders. This includes transparently sharing goals, progress,

and challenges.

2. Customer Focus:

- Understanding Needs: Conduct market research and customer surveys to

understand customer needs and expectations.

- Customer Satisfaction: Implement systems to track and measure customer

satisfaction and use this feedback to improve products and services.

- Feedback Mechanisms: Establish channels for customers to provide feedback

and ensure this feedback is used in decision-making processes.

3. Employee Involvement:

- Training and Development: Provide continuous training and development

opportunities for employees to enhance their skills and understanding of quality


- Teamwork: Encourage teamwork and collaboration across departments to

foster a culture of quality.

- Empowerment: Empower employees to make decisions and take actions that

contribute to quality improvement.

4. Process Management:

- Process Optimization: Analyze and optimize manufacturing and business

processes to eliminate waste and improve efficiency.

- Quality Control: Implement strict quality control measures at various stages of

the production process.

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- Continuous Improvement: Adopt methodologies like Six Sigma or Kaizen for

ongoing process improvement.

5. Supplier Partnership:

- Collaboration: Work closely with suppliers to ensure they understand your

quality standards and are committed to meeting them.

- Quality Standards: Set clear quality standards for suppliers and conduct

regular audits to ensure compliance.

- Long-term Relationships: Build long-term partnerships with suppliers to foster

mutual understanding and continuous improvement in quality.

6. Measurement and Analysis:

- Performance Metrics: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure

quality objectives.

- Data Analysis: Regularly analyze data to identify trends, issues, and

opportunities for improvement.

- Benchmarking: Compare processes and performance metrics with industry best

practices to identify areas for improvement.

7. Strategic Planning:

- Long-term Goals: Set long-term goals for quality improvement and align them

with the company’s strategic objectives.

- Resource Allocation: Allocate resources effectively to support quality


- Risk Management: Identify potential risks to quality and implement strategies

to mitigate them.
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8. Continuous Improvement:

- Kaizen: Implement the Kaizen philosophy of continuous, incremental


- Innovation: Encourage innovation in products, services, and processes to

enhance quality.

- Quality Circles: Form quality circles or cross-functional teams to identify and

solve quality-related problems.

Implementing TQM is a long-term strategy that requires commitment from all levels

of the organization. It's not just about tools and techniques; it's about creating a culture that

values quality in every aspect of the business. Regular training, effective communication, and

a willingness to adapt and change are key to successfully implementing TQM in an

automobile company.
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Based on the detailed analysis of the application of Total Quality Management (TQM)

in the Pakistani automotive industry, it is evident that TQM plays a crucial role in enhancing

operational efficiency, product quality, and customer satisfaction. The key findings of the

study suggest that TQM implementation can lead to significant improvements in

organizational processes and overall performance. The Pakistani automotive industry, with its

growth potential and emerging market dynamics, stands to benefit greatly from TQM

principles. The successful application of TQM in this context not only aligns with global

quality standards but also addresses local industry challenges. The case studies and sector

analyses within the study demonstrate the practical applicability of TQM, highlighting its

relevance and effectiveness in improving competitiveness and market presence. In

conclusion, TQM emerges as a vital tool for the Pakistani automotive industry to achieve

sustained growth and integration into the global market, fostering a culture of continuous

improvement and customer-centric approaches.

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