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10 Section B [45 marks) ‘Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided, B1 An object of mass 20 kg is initially at rest on a rough horizontal surface. A horizontal force F is then applied toi. Fig. B1.1 shows a graph of the variation of F applied with time. The object moves with an acceleration of 0.4 ms? in the frst 12 s. FIN ° 2 1 me Fig. 1.4 (a) Calculate (9, the speed of the object when the time t= 12s. speed {l) the distance travelled by the object in the frst 12 s. istance = a) (ii) Calouiato the frictional force betwoen the surfaces. Assume thet air resistance is negigble, {tictional force = evel] Need a home tutor? Visit ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School " {(b) In the presence of air resistance, the acceleration would change and not remsin constant at 0.4 ms* in the first 12 s. Explain, in terms of the forces acting on the object, why the acceleration would Ry B2 Fig. 82.1 shows a uniform beam of mass 100 kg being supported by two rollers. A student of mass 50 kg is standing in a position such that his contre of gravity (C-G) is (0.5m away from point T. 25m 30m Fig. B24 (2) Describe one difference betwoon mase end weight (©) Calculate the weicht of the beam. The gravitational field strength is 10 Nikg, Weight = ce mn 32 Need a home tutor? Visit ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 2 (e) On Fig. B2.1, draw the weight acting on the beam. ro (4) By taking moments about R, calculate the reaction force Fr. ~ (2) Fr iso m (0) State how the reaction forces Frand Fx will change as the student walks towards point R. Need a home tutor? Visit SA2 East Spring Secondary School 45 3 83 The Gdax Reverse Bungy at Clarke Quay uses @ giant catapult fo launch people ‘seated inside @ metal-ramed capsule vertically upwards using elastic cords. ‘When the capsule is about to be launched, each cord appli the cords are at 95" to each other as shown in Fig. B3.1, ‘3 force of 1600 N and Fig. 83.4 (H) By drawing a scaled diagram, find the resultant of these two forces, indicating ‘clearly ts magnitude and its direction. 3 (i) Calaulate the minimum force required fo hold the capsule in place prior to the launch, given that the weight of the capsule with its occupants is 1500 N. Force: .. a 23 Need a home tutor? Visit SA2 East Spring Secondary School 46 14 B4 Fig. B4.7 shows a roller coaster of mass 400 kg being released from rest at A. I is assumed thatthe fiction between the track and the roller coaster is negligible. Fig. Bt (2) Describe how the energy of the roller coaster would change as K moves from A to 8. rc) {b) Calculate the gravitational potential energy of the roller coaster at point A. Gravitational Potential Enorgy = 1) (€) Calculate the speed of the roller coaster by the time itreaches point D. Speed = 2) Need a home tutor? Visit SA2 East Spring Secondary School a7 16 BB Fig. BB.1 bolow shows @ ray of red and violet ight passing Into the surface of water. Reefracted red light Fig. 85.1 “Rofracted violet light (a) Explain what is meant by the term refractive index. 0 (b) The refractive index of water for red and violet light are 1.23 and 1.35 respectively. Calculate the angle of refraction of the refracted violet ray. Angle of refrSC0N = nnn a (6) Describe how the speed, wavelength and frequency of the red light will change 28 travels from air io water. ‘Speed: Wavelength ss Frequency: i (2) Explain how Fig. 85.1 shows that the speed of the red light is higher then the speed of the violet ight, soe TH a Need a home tutor? Visit ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 48 “16 BG An object is placed in front of a thin converging lens and a real image is formed on the opposite side ofthe lens. The object distance is varied and the image distance is measured. A graph of the image distance against object distance is. shown in Fig. B6.1. Image distance / cm 8 7 6 Object distance / cm Fig. 86.1 Fig. B62 is an incomplete fullscale ray diagram. Using data from Fig. B6.1, ‘complete Fig.B6.2 for the object wtien it is placed at a certain distance in front of the ‘thin converging lens, Show clearly tye image position and state the focal length of the lens. : Fig. B&2 Focal tength = nen ennnnsenenenen El Need a home tutor? Visit ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 49 7 87 Fig. B7.1 shows the postions of panies of a mecium at @ paricutar instant wnen Jongitudinal sound wave, traveling from left to right, passes through the medkim Bofore the wave arrived, the particles were all spaced equally apart at thor eriginal ‘undisturbed positions which are shown by the vertical ines. " (@) Explain what is meant by longitudinal waive. (0) Glen thatthe dstance between Pend ie andthe requency of the ‘sound is 20 Hz. () Calculate the speed of the wave Speed = e i) Calculate the time taken for the compression at Q to move to the position at R. (2) {@) Describe how the movement ofthe particle at point P wil change when (0) Alouder sound passes thrcugh it. nh 35 Need a home tutor? Visit ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 18 fi) Aigher pitch sound passes through it. m BS Fig. B8.1 shows the cooling fins that are found behind a refrigerator. The black metal cooling fins help to transfer heat away from the hot fuld which flows through the metal pipe. As a result, a cooler fluid flows out ofthe metal pipe Metal pipe —> Fig. B81 (2) Dosaribe how heat is transferred from the fot fd to the cooling fins and then to the surrounding air. In your answer, state clearly the heat transfer processes involved. Fee 2 Need a home tutor? Visit ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 51 19 (6) Explain how the features of the cooling fins allow heat fo be transferred easiy away trom the hot fhe flowing inthe metal pipe. oo BD (€) The retrigerator is able to transfer 36 MJ of heat energy in 4 hours. Calculate the power of the refrigerator. >6 Need a home tutor? Vi ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School % Z Section € [90 marks} ‘Answer any three questions in he spaces provided, C1 A:student carries out an experiment to study the flow of heat. The student heats a ‘600 g metal block M in boiling water at 100 °C for 10 minutes until the block has the ‘same temperature as the boiling water as shown in Fig. C1.1. | . 20cm? of water at25°C [™] Fig.c14 Fig.c12 ‘The student then transfers the metal block into a beaker containing 200 em? of water ‘at 25°C as shown in Fig. C1.2. ‘The temperature of water in the beaker is recorded at 30-second intervals, The ‘student then plots @ graph of the temperature of the water against ime as shown in Fig. C13. temperature /°C RB 8 8 8 & S 0 a: a eT) timets Fig. C1.3 (2) Explain why the temperature of the water remains constant at 50 °C after 120 seconds. Need a home tutor? Visit ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 53 2 {8} Explain what is meant by the spectic heat copacity of water is 4200 JM(kg"C). f). (c) The density of water is 1 g/om*. Calculate the heat gained by the water in the, first 120 seconds. Heat gained = .... bi (2) Calculate the specific heat capacty of the metal block M. Specific heat capacity =... 2} {(€) During 0 s to 120s, some water may have evaporated from the becker, (Explain, using the concept of particles, how evaporation takes place. QB i) Explain how evaporation can cause the value calculated in (¢) to be inaccurate. ow ft) >4 Need a home tutor? Vis ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 22 C2 Fig. €2.1 chows a periscope which may be used to sve what is behind a vehicle ‘when towing a caravan, Two mirrors should be used, but only one mor has been shown in Fig. C2.1 Mirror e (2) On Fig. €2.1, draw the second mirror in the correct postion. m ff vince {(b) Draw accurately a ray of light from the (top of the abject to the eye. uy (Gi) bottom of the object to the eye. a (€) From your answers in part (b), deduce whether the image is upright or inverted. tt {@) Triangular glass prisms are usually used in place of the mirors in the periscope by causing the ight to undergo total internal reflection as shown in Fig. C2.2. Fig. C22 (Explain why the light does not bend when it enters the glass pr'sm from w (Explain what is meant by the term critical angie of the glass prism. Need a home tutor? Visit ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 55 2B (WH) Given mat ne speed oF fight in air and glass Is 2.98 x TU" mvs and 1.98 x 10* mis respectively. Calcite the rica angle of the giass prism. Critical angle =... 12) (©) Glass mirrors usually have a layer of glass to protect the reflecting silvered surfaces from scratches as shown in Fig. C2.3. Reflecting sivered surface Fig. C23, Explain how the layer of glass would affect the image seen in the periscope. 28 Need a home tutor? Visit smiletutor. sg ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 24 C32) Brownian motion provides evidence thal the molecules in a gae ore moving, (Draw a labelled diagram of an experiment that demonstrates Brownian ‘motion om (lil) State two reasons why the motion in (ai) Is observed. ~ {(b) A filament lamp emits electromagnetic (E.M) waves with a range of wavelengths. Fig. C3.1 shows the energy emitted per second at each wavelength. c 2 ‘Energy A comitied por T SE second 5 T Fa ‘200 400 600 B60 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Fig. C31 Wavelength / nr Need a home tutor? Visit smiletutor-sg ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 57 25 ‘The wavolongih ef visible ght le between 400 nm and 700 nen, (9) Suggest two other E.M waves that are emitted by the figment lamp other ‘than light. ~ By (ji) Given that the total amount of light energy emitted by the lamp was 1.8 MJ per second and the amount of electrical energy used by the lamp was 3 Mi per second. Calculate the eiciency of the tamp. efficiency = 0 (iil)_The glass casing of the filament lamp can be sprayed with a coating that ‘will absorb EM waves of a certain frequency. By assuming a suitable value for the speed of the EM waves, calcuiate ‘the minimum frequency of E.M wave that should be absorbed so that tho Jamp is more efficient. ‘The glass should absorb EM waves with frequencies higher than .. ence LZ *1 need a home tutor? Vist smietutor sg ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 26 4 A peduium consisting of & metal sphere attached to a thin thread is shown in Fig, C4.1, When the thread is vertical, the metal sphere is at A. The metal sphere is ‘moved to B by a horizontal force of 2.5 N. 2.5N Fig. C41 (a) Draw a fulyabelled free-body ciagram to showing all the forces acting on the ‘metal sphere when it is at B. Name the forces cleay. Oo fo} (b) The metal sphere is now released so that the pendulum is free to swing. Explain why the metal sphere begins to move when released and why i continues. tomove past point A. 2 Need a home tutor? Visit SA2 East Spring Secondary School 59 ar (¢) The mass of the metal sphere is 400 g (Calculate the work done to raise the sphere. Work done = (i) Calculate the moment produced a point B due to is weight (4) Explain why the metal sphere eventually comes to a rest at point A alter a while, 11] (6) A student determines the time for one complete swing of the pendulum. She uses ‘wo methods. In the first method, she measures the time for one complete swing, In the second method, she measures the time for 20 complete swings and divides the total time by 20. Explain why the second method gives a more accurate result than the fist method, - Need a home tutor? Visit a = End of Section c* ‘SA2 East Spring Secondary School 60 SA2 East Spring Secondary School Need a home tutor? Visit 61

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