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My Reflection

As a senior high student, I’m always searching for ways to get a better
understanding on how to make the right career choice. Recently the class of
personal development has been an eye-opening experience for me. Throughout
the first semester, we have covered a variety of topics related to personal
growth and development such as setting goals, identifying strengths and
weaknesses, and understanding personality types.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned through this class is the
importance of self-awareness. By learning about different personality types and
examining my own strengths, weaknesses, and values, I was able to get a
better understanding of what type of career would be a good fit for me. This
information helped me to focus my job search in a direction that aligned with
my natural abilities and interests.

Another valuable lesson from the personal development class was the
importance of setting and achieving realistic goals. Through the various
assignments and discussions in the class, I gained valuable skills in goal
setting, planning, and accountability. I’ve learned how to create a roadmap for
achieving my career aspirations, and the techniques I’ve learned have given me
the confidence to take risks and overcome setbacks.

Overall, the personal development class has been the most impactful
class I’ve taken in college. It has provided me with the tools and knowledge I
need to make an informed decision about my career path and to pursue my
dreams with confidence. From now on, I will always make sure to practice
personal development in every aspect of my life and to continually learn and
grow as an individual.

The ten myths about career planning that has been busted really is an
eye opener. To this day this kind of myths in career planning is abundant in
many cases in our environment in case of finding job or career. To learn this
kind of facts is a blessing for me, because not only it is an eye opener, it also
helped me understand the correct way of finding my career in the future.

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