Test Result For Sharon & Amy

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Raw Score Band Score

49-50 9
47-48 8.5
44-46 8
41-43 7.5
39-40 7
37-38 6.5
35-36 6
32-34 5.5
30-31 5
26-29 4.5
23-25 4
18-22 3

Band Score for Writing:

 9 Skills level: Expert
 8 Skill level: Very good
 7 Skill level: Good
 6 Skill level: Competent
 5 Skill level: Modest
 4 Skill level: Limited
 3 Skill level: Extremely limited
 2 Skill level: Intermittent

Remarks: This is the result of her score during the test. Sharon got 33/50. Her Band Score is 5.5
therefor her skill level is modest. Has partial command of the language, coping with overall
meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to construct
a basic sentence. Most sentences demonstrate competent control, and there is enough
structural variety to support the clarity of the writer’s ideas. Word choice is somewhat general
but clearly conveys meaning
Raw Score Band Score
39-40 9
37-38 8.5
35-36 8
32-34 7.5
30-31 7
26-29 6.5
23-25 6
18-22 5.5
16-17 5
13-15 4.5
11-12 4

Band Score for Writing:

 9 Skills level: Expert
 8 Skill level: Very good
 7 Skill level: Good
 6 Skill level: Competent
 5 Skill level: Modest
 4 Skill level: Limited
 3 Skill level: Extremely limited
 2 Skill level: Intermittent

Remarks: This is the result of her score during the test. Amie got 26/40. Her Band Score is 6 .5
therefor her skill level is competent. Can use and understand fairly complex language,
particularly in familiar situation. Though there may be a few errors in grammar, usage, and
mechanics, good command of language is apparent, and meaning is usually clear.

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