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Application Form - Skills Forecasting for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Short Course


The Fourth Industrial Revolution, a term used to describe recent rapid technological advancements, is
having a significant impact on economies, labour markets and individuals around the world. New
technology is generating new jobs, which has the potential to lift millions of people out of poverty and
enable countries to ‘fast track’ their development and recover from the impacts of COVID-19. At the same
time, millions of jobs are changing significantly, and some will become obsolete, due to technological

left behind, and that inequality will widen.

advances including automation and artificial intelligence. There is a risk that people without access to
technology and skills training, including women, people with disabilities, and marginalised groups, will be

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) systems have an important role to play in
enabling countries to embrace the opportunities digitalisation presents, by reskilling and upskilling workers
in response to changing labour market needs. TVET systems will need to become more flexible and
quicker to adapt, as the skills demanded by industry will change rapidly. Training providers, individuals and
governments will need access to reliable data on future skills needs, to enable them to make informed

training choices, and avoid skills mismatches.

For ASEAN member states, technological advancements and digitalisation bring significant opportunities.

To harness these opportunities and mitigate potential risks, ASEAN has developed a consolidated strategy
on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The ASEAN TVET Council has created a work plan to inform and
shape the changes that will need to be made by TVET systems in ASEAN countries. Item 1.1 on the
ASEAN TVET Council Workplan is: “Enhanced labour market information systems and skills forecasting for
the Fourth Industrial Revolution and other emerging trends”.

Skills forecasting involves analysing various data sources to anticipate future skill needs. It enables
governments to make informed policy decisions on training and budget allocations for training that meet
the needs of the labour market and allows individuals to make informed choices about the courses they
undertake. Enhanced skills forecasting will help policymakers across ASEAN to better understand and
prepare for their future labour market and skills development needs.

Skills forecasting can also support women, people with disabilities and marginalised groups, as it can
enable governments to provide targeted skills training to groups that are most at risk of being left behind by
digitalisation. Skills forecasting provides data on needs in new and emerging industries as well as male-
dominated occupations, e.g. engineering and construction. This in turn can enable a greater emphasis on
skills development for women and minority groups.

This short course will focus on conducting skills forecasting for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and other

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emerging trends in ASEAN. It will facilitate an exchange of expertise and lessons learned between ASEAN
countries and Australia, including between the different cohorts.


This short course consists of a 1-day online briefing/workshop followed by a 2-week course in Australia.
The short course will be offered twice.

The short course will support the following elements of the ASEAN TVET Council work plan:

 Outcome 1.1, Enhanced labour market information systems and skills forecasting for the Fourth
Industrial Revolution and other emerging trends

 Outcome 3, Enhanced capacity of TVET personnel (political decision-makers, managers, teachers

and trainers at schools and in companies).

The short course will be delivered under Australia’s new Digital Transformation and Future Skills initiative,
which was announced as part of a package to support Australia’s Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
with ASEAN. This topic has been chosen as it was identified by the ASEAN TVET Council as a priority for

its cooperation with Australia under the ASEAN-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

The course provider is expected to produce materials and training that can be communicated by
participants at later stages to wider audiences in ASEAN countries. To achieve the learning outcomes, the
proposed course will offer a structured learning process by applying a range of learning methodologies:
classroom sessions; case studies; site visits; discussion and planning sessions; and networking events.
Course Objectives

This short course will enable the participants to exchange expertise on skills forecasting. The participants
will also have an opportunity to connect with Australian government agencies and hear from experts in the

 Identify ways to support TVET regional mobility to strengthen the comparability of selected sectors
in ASEAN and reduce the gap between the demand and supply in skills
 Explore options to strengthen labour market information systems in ASEAN member states

towards achieving greater labour mobility across ASEAN member states

 Study and document best practices in assessing labour market needs and employment
opportunities, linking with skills requirements of growing industries
 Identify ways to obtain and use quality labour market information, including skills forecasting to
support lifelong learning initiatives (ASEAN HRD Roadmap)
 Explore ways to enhance capacities of governments, educational institutions, business sector and
other stakeholders to conduct skills forecasts to promote labour market-oriented education and
trainings (ASEAN HRD Roadmap)
 Explore effective models of cooperation or sharing of learning management information between all
stakeholders, including the private sector
 Benchmark the Australian approaches for the workforce to move between the labour market and
learning institutions to respond to changes in labour market demand (skills development, re-skilling

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and up-skilling).

Date and location

The final delivery dates and locations will be determined in consultation with DFAT and the provider
selected through an open tender process. The plan is to deliver this course twice. The proposed schedule

Group 1

 Online briefing: Late-February 2023 (date TBC)

 In-Australia course: 13 - 24 March 2023 (mobilisation around 10 March, return around 26 March)

Group 2

 Online briefing: April 2023 (date TBC)
 In-Australia course: 8 - 19 May 2023 (mobilisation around 5 May, return around 21 May)

Course participant profile

Each course will be delivered to 25 participants. The participants will be selected through a merit-based
assessment process.

Appicant profile:
 You are a citizen of one of these countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam

 You have a bachelor’s degree or higher qualification

 You have at least four years’ experience working in a relevant role in government, or with a TVET
training facility, university or an Industry association

 You have professional working proficiency in English

 Your supervisor endorses your application
 You are committed to engaging actively and foster networks with multiple stakeholders

You are committed to sharing expertise with course participants and disseminating learning from the
course with colleagues and peers

Gender equity will be a consideration and encouraged but not a constraint, given that participants
are selected by position and position responsibilities

To be eligible, all participants must:

 be at a minimum of 18 years of age at the time of commencing the short course;

 not have Australian permanent residence status or be applying for a permanent residency
 be a citizen of and residing in their respective ASEAN country

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 not be current serving military personnel
 not be married or engaged to, or be a de facto of a person who holds, or is eligible to hold,
Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency
 be able to satisfy all requirements of the Department of Home Affairs for a visa
 be able to participate in the nominated short course activities at the time and for the duration
proposed by Australia Awards
 be able to travel without family members as DFAT will only provide visa support and funding for
individual participants, not their family members.

Applicants must submit their application by 11:59pm on Friday 16 December 2022.

Practical Arrangements*

Logistics – Australia Awards Indonesia will cover the cost of:

subject to Covid-19 travel restrictions Fo
Return economy flights from the nearest airport to the course location
Per diems to cover living expenses while attending the course (in Australia AUD82.20 per day) –

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) insurance for the duration of the course in Australia
Accommodation during the course in Australia (see further information below)
 Transportation to and from the airport, to and from meetings and site visits
 Visa to Australia


 In Australia, participants will share two bedroom apartments, with each person having their own
bedroom (men will share apartments with men and women will share apartments with women)

Language support

 The course material will be made available in English

 Interpretation or language assitance will not be provided

Steps of Application

Participants will be selected through a competitive process whereby applicants submit their responses to
selection criteria (3 questions) and their background information through an online application. Australia’s
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will convene an independent selection panel to review
applications and select participants based on merit against the above participant profile.

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 Candidate must complete an online application form by 11:59pm on Friday 16 December 2022.

Online application link:

 Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a short phone interview in January 2023. Further
instructions will be emailed to shortlisted candidates a few days before the interview.

The selection panel will select up to 25 participants. The successful participants will be informed of the
outcome in January 2023.

Navigating (Moving Through) The Application Form

On every screen (page of the form) you will find a Form Navigation at the bottom page

You can click 'next' to continue the application and you can click 'back' to review your previous answer.

You can move to the next page after filling out all mandatory fields on the page.

Saving Your Draft Application

If you wish to leave a partially completed application, press 'save'. The system will ask for an email
address to send you a link to your application. From your inbox click "Resume Now" to continue filling in
your application form.

Attachments and Support Documents

You will need to upload the following attachments to support your application:

 Copy of Passport/ID Card


 Endorsement letter form supervisor

You need to allow enough time for each file to upload before trying to attach another file. Files can be up to
2MB each; however, we do recommend trying to keep files to a maximum of 2MB – the larger the file, the
longer the upload time.

Submitting Your Application

Complete the application with your personal information based on your Passport/ID Card. You will find a
Submit button at the bottom of the Last Page. You need to review your application before you can
submit it.

Once you have reviewed your application you can submit it by clicking the 'Submit' button. You will not be
able to submit your application until all the compulsory questions are completed.

Once you have submitted your application, no further editing or uploading of support materials is possible.

When you submit your application, you will receive an automated confirmation email included copy of your

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application form.

If you do not receive a confirmation of submission email, then you should assume that your
submission has NOT been successful.

Deadline Submission:

11:59pm on Friday 16 December 2022

Email : (subject line: “Queries - Skill Forecasting

Short Course”)

Download Link

o Preview applications
o Endorsement letter template
o Frequently Asked Questions

Personal Information
Full Name as in Passport/ID Card
 Male  Female

Place of Birth Date of Birth


Contact Information
Current Address line

District Province

Postal Code

Phone Number Alternate Phone Number

Email Email 2

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Nationality Information

Nationalites at Birth Current Nationality

Curriculum Vitae Section

This Curriculum Vitae Section is included in the assessment process and is worth 40% of your total
assessment score

Latest Education

Doctoral Degree
Level of Study

Education Complete?
 Yes  No
Exact title of degree/certificate Main Major or topic of study

Start date (year) End date (year)


University name

City Country

Master's Degree
Level of Study

Education Complete?
 Yes  No

Exact title of degree/certificate Main Major or topic of study

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Start date (year) End date (year)

University name

Country City

Diploma/Bachelor's Degree

Level of Study

Education Complete?
 Yes  No

Exact title of degree/certificate

Start date (year)

Fo Main Major or topic of study

End date (year)


University Name

Country City

Working Experience

Current Working Experience

Organisation/ Institution Categories

Organisation/Institution name Work unit

Position Type of employment

From To

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Month Month

Year Year

Echelon Level/Rank (if applicable)

Description of duty/roles

Please describe in details min 100 characters and max 300 characters

Supervisor’s Name
Supervisor’s Email
Supervisor's Phone Number Business Phone Number

Workbase City Province


Previous Working Experience

Max Working Experience is Two (2)

Previous Working Experience 1

From To
Month Month

Year Year

Position Echelon Level/Rank (if applicable)

Work unit Organisation/Institution name

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Type of employment Organisation/Institution Category

Description of duty/roles

Please describe in details min 100 characters and max 300 characters

Workbase City Workbase Province

Professional Development/Training/Certification

Please only list trainings and certifications which are relevant to this course. You can list up to three (3)
relevant trainings and/or certifications.
Training 1

Participating as:
 Resource Person/ Facilitator  Attendee/Participant

Training title Organisation/Institution name

Start date End date

Topic area

Training description

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If you have relevant publication, please provide link below

English Competency
 Basic  Intermediate
Fo  Advanced
1. Basic

I can get by with simple sentences in situations with which I am familiar. When I’m listening I just get the

general idea without any detailed understanding.

2. Intermediate

I can understand and communicate okay in most situations although I make a lot of mistakes of expression
and in listening comprehension.

3. Advanced

There may be some mistakes I make that a native speaker would not make, but I can express anything I
want to say.

Disability Information
Australia Awards strongly encourages applications from people with a disability. Support, in the
form of ‘reasonable adjustments’ will be provided to successful awardees with disabilities for
participation in the program.

Do you identify yourself as having a disability?

 Yes  No
Under Australian law, disability includes physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, neurological, learning

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disabilities, physical disfigurement, and the presence in the body of disease-causing organisms
If yes, please describe your disability in your own words:

Please provide details if you require special assistance or equipment to participate in the
scholarship selection processes, workshops in Indonesia and short course in Australia?
 Hearing and Speaking  Vision and Reading  Assistive Device or Aid  Carer

To communicate with others do you require or use any specific assistance?

(For example, hearing aids, sign language interpreter, lip reading, other communication assistive device or
additional time.)
To access information and communicate using written materials do you require or use any specific

(For example, large print, Braille, computer software (e.g. Jaws), lap top / computer, someone to transcribe
for you, or additional time.)
If you use an assistive device, please tell us what kind of device or aid it is.

Please provide details on the required carer to support your mobilisation

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Number of carer and support that carer will give
Please provide more information if you are working with any disability organisation (name of the
organisation and your position)

Selection Question
Each of the three selection questions below is worth 20% of your total assessment score
Please describe in detail your current roles and duties, and how they relate to this course.

Minimum of 750 characters and maximum of 2200 characters (including space and punctuation marks)
Response should be minimum of 750 characters and maximum of 2200 characters (including space and
punctuation marks)
Please explain what specific aspect of your work, organisation or community you hope to improve
as a result of participating in this course.

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Minimum of 750 characters and maximum of 2200 characters (including space and punctuation marks)
Response should be minimum of 750 characters and maximum of 2200 characters (including space and
punctuation marks)
Please choose up to two learning objectives listed below that are most relevant for your work
 Identify ways to support TVET regional mobility to strengthen the comparability of selected sectors in
ASEAN and reduce the gap between the demand and supply in skills

 Explore options to strengthen labour market information systems in ASEAN member states towards
achieving greater labour mobility across ASEAN member states

 Study and document best practices in assessing labour market needs and employment opportunities,
linking with skills requirements of growing industries
 Identify ways to obtain and use quality labour market information, including skills forecasting to support
lifelong learning initiatives (ASEAN HRD Roadmap)

 Explore ways to enhance capacities of governments, educational institutions, business sector and other
stakeholders to conduct skills forecasts to promote labour market-oriented education and trainings
(ASEAN HRD Roadmap)
 Explore effective models of cooperation or sharing of learning management information between all
stakeholders, including the private sector
 Benohmark the Australian approaches for the workforce to move between the labour market and learning
institutions to respond to changes in labour market demand (skills development, re-skilling and up-skilling)

Why are those learning objectives of interest to you?

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Minimum of 750 characters and maximum of 2200 characters (including space and punctuation marks)
Response should be minimum of 750 characters and maximum of 2200 characters (including space and
punctuation marks)

Evidence Documents
required documents your application will be rejected.

Please note: You are responsible for providing all supporting documents. If you do not provide all

Only file on "PDF" and Picture (JPEG/JPG/BMP/PNG) formats are accepted

Maximum file can upload is 2 MB
 Use Filename Format as "YOUR NAME_Name of Documents". example below:

o Budi Satria_ID
o Budi Satria_Academic Certificate
o Budi Satria_Endorsement Letter

o Budi Satria_TOEFL/IELTS (only if you have completed a test. Test results are not required
as part of this application)
 File or Documents without "YOUR NAME" in the filename, may be successfully uploaded; however

they cannot be stored in our system.

Passport/ID Card
ASEAN Logo.png

Latest Academic Certificate

ASEAN Logo.png

Endorsement Letter from manager/supervisor

ASEAN Logo.png

Copy Evidence of IELTS/TOEFL or other English language competence

such as evidence of any previous English language studies and/or participation in any overseas

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Requirement Checklist
Do you have Australian permanent residency status or are applying for permanent residency?
 Yes  No

Please give more details

Are you currently serving as military personnel?
 Yes  No

Please give more details


Have you been charged with an offence that is currently awaiting legal action or are you currently
involved in, or the subject of, an investigation, legal case or a court case?
 Yes  No

Please give more details


Are you married or engaged to, or be a de facto of a person who holds, or is eligible to hold,
Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency at any stage of the application,
selection, mobilisation processes or while on-scholarship in Australia?
 Yes  No

Please give more details

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Are you currently residing in ASEAN country?
 Yes  No

Please give more details

duration proposed by Australia Awards?
 Yes
Are you able to participate in the nominated Short Course (SC) activities at the time and for the

 No
Please give more details

Are you able to travel without family members for the in-Australia component of the course?
 Yes  No

Please give more details

Applicant’s authorisation, agreement, declaration

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By submitting this form, I authorise DFAT, or its appointed managing contractor, to: access and/or obtain
information, including copies of any of my relevant academic records/reports that I have for the following

 for use in the selection process for an Australia Award

 to brief relevant Australian officials, Ministers and members of Parliament.

Should I be successful with this application, I consent to the Australian Government using and disclosing
extracts of my application (relating to my academic background and achievements, leadership skills and
my proposed study program in Australia) in promotional material in hardcopy and on the Internet. I note
that promotional material may include, but is not limited to, media releases and information circulated to
DFAT’s offshore Posts and Australian universities, concerning the Australia Awards Scholarships or Short

I authorise DFAT to disclose the personal information collected in this form to other Australian Government
departments for the purpose of promoting and managing the Short Course.


I understand and confirm that:

DFAT has the right to vary or reverse any decision regarding an Australia Awards Scholarships,
Short Courses made on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information;
Decisions of the selection panel are final and confidential and no correspondence about outcomes
of the selection process will be entered into.

My Declaration
 I declare, in submitting this application form, that the information contained in it and provided in
connection with it is true and correct.

My acknowledgement
 I acknowledge that giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal
Code Act 1995 of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Full Name

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