(19330715 - Journal of Neurosurgery - Pediatrics) Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy - An Illustrated Review of Operative Techniques

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J Neurosurg Pediatr 25:540–547, 2020

Selective dorsal rhizotomy: an illustrated review of

operative techniques
Nebras M. Warsi, MD, CM,1,2 Jignesh Tailor, FRCS(SN), PhD,2 Ian C. Coulter, FRCS(SN), MSc,2
Husain Shakil, MD, MSc,1 Adriana Workewych, BSc,3 Renée Haldenby, MSc(PT),4
Sara Breitbart, MSc,2 Samuel Strantzas, MSc,2 Michael Vandenberk, MSc,2
Michael C. Dewan, MD, MSCI,2 and George M. Ibrahim, MD, PhD1,2
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto; 2Division of Neurosurgery, Hospital for Sick Children;
Faculty of Medicine and 4Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

OBJECTIVE Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a procedure primarily performed to improve function in a subset of
children with limitations related to spasticity. There is substantial variability in operative techniques among centers and
surgeons. Here, the authors provide a technical review of operative approaches for SDR.
METHODS Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, and PubMed databases were queried in accordance with PRISMA guidelines. All
studies included described a novel surgical technique. The technical nuances of each approach were extracted, includ-
ing extent of exposure, bone removal, and selection of appropriate nerve roots. The operative approach preferred at the
authors’ institution (the “2 × 3 exposure”) is also detailed.
RESULTS Five full-text papers were identified from a total of 380 articles. Operative approaches to SDR varied signifi-
cantly with regard to level of exposure, extent of laminectomy, and identification of nerve roots. The largest exposure
involved a multilevel laminectomy, while the smallest exposure involved a keyhole interlaminar approach. At the Hospital
for Sick Children, the authors utilize a two-level laminoplasty at the level of the conus medullaris. The benefits and disad-
vantages of the spectrum of techniques are discussed, and illustrative figures are provided.
CONCLUSIONS Surgical approaches to SDR vary considerably and are detailed and illustrated in this review as a
guide for neurosurgeons. Future studies should address the long-term impact of these techniques on functional out-
comes and complications such as spinal deformity.
KEYWORDS selective dorsal rhizotomy; cerebral palsy; spasticity; spine

elective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a neurosurgical respondence of each nerve root to specific muscle groups;
treatment primarily for a subset of children with ce- those that contributed the most to spasticity were cut,
rebral palsy (CP) characterized by spastic diplegia. while rootlets thought to contribute to gait and postural
Dorsal rhizotomy was originally practiced in the late 19th control were spared.5,23 The procedure also became mul-
century for the relief of intractable pain by Abbe, Bennett, tidisciplinary, with physical therapy and electrophysiology
and Dana.5 After Sherrington demonstrated that section- working alongside the surgical team. In parallel, Fasano
ing dorsal roots could reduce tone in an affected limb, et al. described the electrophysiological characteristics
dorsal rhizotomy was adopted for the treatment of spastic- of rootlets thought most likely to contribute to abnormal
ity rather than pain.5 These early procedures carried sub- muscular tone.6 He advocated for sectioning nerve roots
stantial morbidity, primarily related to severe sensory loss, that had abnormal stimulation thresholds and spread ac-
bladder denervation, postoperative weakness, and persis- tivity to muscles not normally innervated by that spinal
tence of spasticity.23 level.6 Following his 1987 description of the procedure,
In the 1970s dorsal rhizotomy started to become more Peacock is credited with popularizing SDR by expanding
“selective.” In Montpellier, France, Gros introduced intra- upon these previous advances.17
operative electromyography (EMG) to determine the cor- Today, SDR is experiencing a resurgence in popularity

ABBREVIATIONS CP = cerebral palsy; EMG = electromyography; SDR = selective dorsal rhizotomy.

SUBMITTED October 20, 2019. ACCEPTED December 6, 2019.
INCLUDE WHEN CITING Published online February 7, 2020; DOI: 10.3171/2019.12.PEDS19629.

540 J Neurosurg Pediatr Volume 25 • May 2020 ©AANS 2020, except where prohibited by US copyright law

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Warsi et al.

TABLE 1. Summary of operative techniques

Authors & Year Level of Exposure Extent of Bony Exposure Nerve Root Identification
Peacock et al., 1987 L2–5 Multilevel laminectomy/laminoplasty Simple anatomical/EMG
Park & Johnston, 2006 Level of conus (determined on Single-level laminectomy Anatomical/EMG w/ operating microscope; identify
ultrasound) cleft at conus
Bales et al., 2016 Below conus (determined on Single-level laminectomy EMG thresholds used to separate dorsal & ventral
MRI) roots
Sindou & Georgoulis, 2 to 3 levels of interest (most 2- to 3-level interlaminar keyhole Anatomical/EMG based on the position w/in neural
2015 affected nerve roots) approach foramen
Funk & Haberl, 2016 Level of conus (determined on Single-level laminoplasty Anatomical/EMG w/ operating microscope; cleft at
MRI) conus identified
Current technique (2 × 3 Level of conus (determined on 2-level laminoplasty Anatomical/EMG w/ operating microscope; cleft at
exposure) MRI) conus identified

among neurosurgeons, patients, and healthcare networks. Results

The rise of social media has strengthened patient and fam- A total of 380 manuscripts were identified by our initial
ily interest in the procedure, while health-economic analy- search (Supplementary Fig. 1). Overall, 343 studies were
ses have demonstrated its cost-effectiveness.2,15 In 2014 the excluded following title and abstract review. Of the 37 full-
National Health Service in England commissioned a pro- text articles that were assessed, 14 reviews were excluded,
spective study across five hospitals to revaluate the state 11 were nontechnical papers, 3 were repeat descriptions
of funding for the procedure, leading to its recognition of previously published techniques, 2 were conference pa-
and funding from 2018 onwards.26 However, despite this pers, and 2 were in a foreign language. The remaining 5
growth in popularity, multiple variations in the procedure articles consisted of original work written in English and
have been described with respect to location of exposure, describing a unique operative approach to SDR. These
extent of bone removal, and the identification and selection findings are summarized in Table 1 and detailed graphi-
of most appropriate roots for sectioning. The present study cally in Fig. 1.
aims to serve as a technical review of published methods
for SDR. To this end, we conducted a systematic review of
all described surgical approaches to SDR assessing their Peacock et al.
technical nuances, benefits, and potential limitations. We In the early 1980s, Peacock and Eastman pioneered
conclude by describing modifications of the procedure at a form of SDR for children with spasticity secondary to
Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. CP, which involved rhizotomies performed in the cauda
equina rather than the conus.18 This technique was later
described in greater detail, coinciding with the reemer-
Methods gence of SDR for the treatment of CP-associated lower-
Study Selection limb spasticity in the modern era.17
The search protocol was developed according to the Under general anesthesia, patients are positioned prone
PRISMA guidelines (see Supplementary Fig. 1 for full and a midline incision is made to expose the lumbar ver-
search strategy and Supplementary Fig. 2 for PRISMA tebrae. Partial L2–5 laminectomies are undertaken with
checklist).13 Briefly, a literature search was performed on adjacent facet joint preservation. Following a longitudi-
August 20, 2019, using the keywords “cerebral palsy,” “rhi- nal dural opening and arachnoid dissection, the posterior
zotomy,” and/or “selective dorsal rhizotomy” in combina- roots of L2–S1 are identified and isolated. Utilizing two
tion. The databases searched included Ovid MEDLINE, unipolar probes, rootlets of each posterior root are sequen-
Embase, and PubMed with no search restrictions. Title, tially subjected to electrical stimulation via single and te-
abstract, and full-text review were conducted by two in- tanic stimuli in the range of 10–150 V, as described by
dependent authors (N.M.W., M.C.D.). Disagreements were Fasano et al.6,7 The corresponding muscle responses were
resolved with discussion and re-review. All final studies observed both visually and with EMG.
included described a novel surgical technique not previ- Criteria that support the decision to divide the rootlet/s
ously published. of interest include a low threshold associated with a sus-
tained muscular contraction or spread of contraction to
Data Synthesis contiguous muscle groups beyond the rootlet’s segmental
Data pertaining to operative technique—with a particu- distribution. Conversely, rootlets are left intact if thresh-
lar emphasis on the extent of exposure, bony removal, and olds are relatively high and muscle contraction is brief
selection of appropriate nerve roots—were extracted for without diffusion.
each study and are summarized in Table 1. Surgical illus-
trations were created for each approach by a professional Park and Johnston
illustrator (A.W.). In 2006, Park and Johnston16 subsequently reported

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FIG. 1. Illustrations of the different bony exposures in SDR. Peacock and colleagues’ 1987 technique17 utilized a multilevel
laminectomy below the conus; in 2006, Park and Johnston16 modified this to a single-level laminectomy at the conus; Sindou and
Georgoulis22 used a less-invasive but more challenging keyhole interlaminar exposure; in 2016, Funk and Haberl8 described a
single-level laminoplasty at the conus; that same year, Bales et al. modified Park’s exposure to a single-level laminectomy below
the conus, with EMG to identify relevant nerve roots; and finally, our so-called 2 × 3 approach is based on a two-level laminoplasty
at the level of the conus. Copyright Nebras Warsi. Published with permission.

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FIG. 2. Ultrasound and MR images of the CSF “cleft” used to distinguish dorsal and ventral roots. A: Sagittal ultrasound view
of the conus medullaris below bony exposure. B: Axial ultrasound view at the conus showing the CSF cleft used to distinguish
dorsal and ventral roots (arrowheads [upper]) and below the conus (lower), where the cleft can no longer be appreciated. C: MRI
correlation of the CSF cleft as seen on ultrasonic views (upper image at the conus and lower image below). Figure is available in
color online only.

their experience of limiting the lumbar exposure.16 Follow- roots (S3–5). The lower sacral nerves characteristically
ing induction of general anesthesia, patients are positioned have little space between them and are left intact. A Silas-
prone on gel bolsters in Trendelenburg angulation to en- tic sheet is positioned under the dorsal L2–S2 nerve roots
courage rostral pooling of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In to gently separate them from the ventral roots as the pro-
children younger than 10 years of age, ultrasound images cedure proceeds.
of the conus and cauda equina are obtained to guide the Once the dorsal roots are spread on the Silastic sheet,
approach. In older children, where this would not be pos- EMG testing on each root takes place to establish an in-
sible, the L1 spinous process is localized using x-ray imag- nervation pattern using the hooks of the rhizotomy probes.
ing and marked with infiltration of indigo carmine dye. Threshold voltages are determined via recordings from
Following a limited midline lumbar incision over the the lower-limb musculature. The root is then dissected
interspinous space overlying the conus, the interspinous into 3–5 rootlets or fascicles of equal size using a Scheer
ligament and ligamentum flavum are excised to permit needle and stimulated with constant square-wave pulses
further ultrasonic views. Typically, two levels are exam- of 0.1 msec at a rate of 0.5 Hz. An increasing stimulus
ined to localize the conus and cauda equina. A laminecto- is applied until a reflex response is visualized from the
my over the index level is performed using a craniotome to ipsilateral muscles. When a reflex threshold is determined,
minimize facet joint disruption, whereupon the ultrasound the rootlet is then subjected to a train of a 50-Hz tetanic
is reemployed to reassess the conus’ position to determine stimulation for 1 second and the resulting reflex graded.
whether additional caudal laminectomies are necessary to Park and Johnston16 based their decision to divide a giv-
expose at least 5 mm of the caudal conus. This allows safe en rootlet on the number of rootlets producing sustained
separation of the dorsal and ventral roots. responses at that level and their response intensity, as de-
A linear dural incision is made and the operating mi- scribed by Phillips and Park.19 Rootlets producing a signif-
croscope is then introduced. The operating table may be icant reflex response (typically 3+ or 4+) undergo division.
tilted away from the surgeon to permit dissection of the At least one rootlet is left intact in order to preserve sensa-
contralateral nerve roots. The arachnoid is divided and the tion. Deafferented roots are sequentially placed below the
conus and filum terminale are visualized. The L2 nerve Silastic sheet to separate them from the untested bundle.
roots are next identified at their respective foramina. The The authors report sectioning 60%–65% of the examined
dorsal and ventral roots are separated and traced back nerve roots. Half of the L1 root is routinely divided with-
to the conus in order to appreciate the cleft that defines out EMG testing as it was deemed unreliable for this level.
ventral and dorsal sections (Fig. 2). Following medial dis- The dura mater is closed with a 4-0 monofilament nylon.
placement of the L2 root and neighboring dorsal roots, the An intradural injection of clonidine and morphine is ap-
ventral roots are covered with a cottonoid. Next the sur- plied, and Gelfoam is left over the laminectomy defect
geon is advised to identify the S2 root and lower sacral before a layered wound closure is performed. Since their

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initial publication, the group has also described the addi- through electrophysiology, and reduction of the risks of
tion of a postoperative epidural catheter to improve patient spinal instability.
analgesia.14 Anatomical accuracy is achieved by surgically access-
ing roots where both their ventral and dorsal components
Bales et al. are clearly separated at the exit to/entry from their forami-
In 2016, Bales et al.1 described a modification of Park’s nal sheath. This anatomical localization is then followed
technique that selectively analyzed each individual nerve by functional verification of the dorsal root by electrical
root with EMG to separate dorsal and ventral nerve roots stimulation and subsequent interruption of the dorsal root/
through comparison of stimulus responses. They argued rootlets likely to participate in spasticity. According to
that the anatomical variation present at the level of the the authors, the risk of spinal instability is minimized by
conus can make Park’s anatomical approach to identify- maximal preservation of the bony and posterior ligamen-
ing the dorsal roots particularly challenging, and therefore tous structures through an interlaminar spinal approach.
they advocated for the use of electrophysiology to dichoto- Preoperatively, afferents from the most affected mus-
mize the rootlets. cles are identified based on anatomical knowledge. These
Preoperative MRI is performed to determine the level specific dorsal nerve roots are then targeted through 2 or 3
of the conus. After induction of general anesthesia, the pa- interlaminar spaces. For example, the transiting L3 and L4
tient is placed in the prone position and the laminectomy dorsal roots could be accessed through an L2–3 interlami-
nar keyhole. The patient is positioned prone, and a midline
is planned for one vertebral level below the conus, typi-
lumbar incision is performed according to the topography
cally at L2. An intraoperative radiograph is taken to verify
of the predetermined interlaminar spaces. An intraopera-
the location of the appropriate level, which is then marked
tive radiograph is used to confirm the operative levels. The
at the level of the skin. A single-level laminectomy is per- muscles are dissected, while leaving the spinous processes
formed, and intraoperative ultrasound is used to visualize and interspinous ligaments intact. At the selected inter-
the nerve roots and ensure the exposure is below the level laminar spaces, the ligamentum flavum is removed and
of the conus. Care is taken to remain medial to the facets the space is expanded with rongeurs. The lower two-thirds
to minimize the risk of postlaminectomy spinal deformity. of the upper lamina and the upper two-thirds of the lower
The dura and arachnoid are opened, and a Silastic sheet lamina are removed in the midline underneath the inter-
cut to a width of 3–4 mm is placed ventrally around all the spinous ligaments.
roots of the cauda equina. A 2-cm midline opening is made in the dura and arach-
Direct stimulation of the nerve rootlets is achieved with noid. The microscope is then employed, and an oblique
bipolar stimulation using rhizotomy probes. The initial trajectory, on the order of 45°, is used to access the con-
goal is to differentiate the ventral and dorsal nerve root- tralateral roots by passing underneath the preserved in-
lets by recording motor thresholds. Motor responses fol- terspinous ligaments. Through this approach, Sindou et
lowing direct stimulation of ventral (motor) rootlets are al.,23 have found that the ventral and dorsal components of
typically achieved at a range of less than 0.4–0.5 mA and the nerve root are identified constantly at the exit to/entry
most commonly stimulate at 0.1 mA. By comparison, dor- from their corresponding dural sheath. Two roots can be
sal (sensory) rootlets have thresholds greater than 0.5 mA accessed on each side, one upward and one downward. At
and most commonly stimulate above 1.0 mA. Rootlets that this point, the posteriorly located dorsal root with its 4–5
stimulate at low thresholds (typically < 0.4 mA) are ex- rootlets are tested with electrophysiology, as previously
cluded as ventral (motor) rootlets and are tucked behind described, and subsequently sectioned if selected based
the Silastic dam. Rootlets that elicited an anal sphincter on the Phillips and Park criteria.19
response are also preserved. Rootlets that stimulate at the
established threshold for sensory rootlets are further stim- Funk and Haberl
ulated with a 1-second train of 50-Hz tetanic stimulation.
In 2016, Funk and Haberl8 published a paper describing
Dorsal rootlet responses are graded based on Park’s
a single-level laminoplasty approach. Their aim was again
criteria, as previously described.16 If the response is mark-
to minimize instability of the spine, and by extension re-
edly abnormal, 75%–90% of the rootlet is cut. If slightly duce the incidence of late scoliosis.
abnormal, 50% of the rootlet is cut. If the response to Their technique begins with preoperative MRI to lo-
tetanic stimulation is normal but the rootlet elicits a re- cate the level of the conus medullaris. The patient is
sponse only in affected muscle groups, 50% of the rootlet placed prone, and a laminectomy utilizing a craniotome
is incised. Once all the rootlets have been stimulated in drill at the level of the conus is used to provide interlami-
this fashion, the number of rootlets that are incised is re- nar access. The authors then describe the use of long-blade
viewed to ensure that there is adequate representation of Ruskin bone-splitting forceps to make oblique cuts in the
the affected muscle groups. spinous processes above and below the level where the
laminae are dissected. With these cuts, a midline complex
Sindou et al. is disconnected from the rest of the spine and stored in a
In 2015, Sindou and Georgoulis22 described the keyhole damp cloth. This complex consists of the spinous process
interlaminar dorsal rhizotomy technique in an attempt to of the MRI-defined level, the adjoining medial lamina, the
overcome the potential disadvantages of multilevel lami- adjacent superior and inferior spinous process segments
nectomy. The goals were to achieve anatomical accuracy attached through the intervening posterior ligaments.
of the ventral and dorsal nerve roots, functional selectivity A midline dural incision follows, and the L1–S2 dorsal

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sensory roots are separated and placed in a Silastic sheet.

For the L1 rootlet, 50% of the sensory rootlets are cut
without EMG. From L2 to S1, at each given level, roots are
separated into anywhere from 4 to 8 rootlets. According to
EMG evaluation using the Phillips and Park grading scale,
50%–60% of the rootlets are cut.19 The S2 root is divided
into 2 parts, the bulbocavernous reflex is stimulated, and
the fascicle showing the least pudendal nerve activity is
Following the SDR, the dura is closed tightly, and the
aforementioned midline complex is replated to the spine,
across the intact spinous process and dissected lamina.
This is done using multihole miniplates. The superior and
inferior obliquely cut spinous processes are fixed to their
respective ends using single sutures. In younger children, FIG. 3. Schematic representation of rootlet division. As shown, a Silastic
this suturing is done once through the bony spinous pro- sheet is placed between the dorsal and ventral nerve roots. The dorsal
(sensory) nerve roots are then divided into individual rootlets using
cess. In older children, the stitch is placed twice around the microdissectors. Stimulation of each individual rootlet then proceeds as
spinous process fragments through the interspinous liga- described. Copyright Nebras Warsi. Published with permission.
ments. Muscle and fascia are closed with sutures running
through the interspinous and supraspinous ligaments.

The 2 × 3 Exposure Technique

L3 to S1 (Fig. 3). The L3 nerve root is followed inferiorly
Patients are initially assessed in a multidisciplinary
toward its lateral exit site in the dura, which can be visu-
clinic. Candidates are typically 4–8 years old, with am- alized by sharply angling the operating microscope. This
bulatory spastic diplegic CP. Clinical examinations and provides final anatomical confirmation of the separation of
EMG recordings from the L1–S1 muscle groups are used motor and sensory roots. From lateral to medial, L4 to S1
to form a preoperative rhizotomy plan. This plan is made are stimulated and sectioned systematically thereafter. We
in consensus with the neurosurgical and physiotherapy repeat the procedure on the contralateral side, and finally,
teams. The anticipated amount of dorsal root transection when indicated, L1 may be sectioned by sharply angling
at each level is generally on the order of 50%–70%. the microscope superiorly. If indicated, the exposure also
A preoperative MR image of the spine is used to identi- provides opportunity to selectively section the S2 dorsal
fy the level of the conus so as to inform the ideal location of rootlets, as previously described, although this is not rou-
a 2-level laminoplasty aimed at unroofing the L2–S1 nerve tinely performed for all patients.
roots. With the patient in the prone position, intraoperative Our stimulation protocol uses a bipolar probe with a
fluoroscopy is used to identify the target levels for the lami- 100-μsec pulse width, which is delivered at 2.1 Hz to the
noplasty, and these levels are demarcated on the skin. A left and right L2–S1 nerve roots in order to obtain both
clear drape is placed inferiorly and tented over a curtain to sensory and motor stimulation intensity thresholds. At
allow physiotherapists access to the lower extremities. each level, both dorsal sensory and ventral motor roots
A midline dissection is performed until the supraspi- are identified and separated with a Silastic sheet. Rootlets
nous ligament overlying the planned laminoplasty site within the sensory roots are dissected apart using micro-
is identified. Bilateral subperiosteal dissections are then dissectors. The S2–4 nerve roots are confirmed via stimu-
performed while sparing this ligament. A 2-level lamino- lation and are spared.
plasty respecting the medial facet is then performed (Fig. Tetanic stimulation at sensory thresholds is then ap-
1). Inferiorly, the supraspinous ligament, interspinous liga- plied to separate rootlets at a frequency of 50 Hz for 1 sec-
ment, and ligamentum flavum are divided. The spinous ond. We grade responses to stimulation of rootlets using
processes and posterior ligament complex above the target the Phillips and Park classification system.19 Rootlets with
site are preserved and reflected superiorly. The ultrasound the most abnormal responses are transected. The number
probe is used to confirm the level of the conus, as well as of rootlets transected at a given level is based on the pre-
to appreciate the cleft between dorsal and ventral roots vis- operative rhizotomy plan described above. This process is
ible only at this level (Fig. 2). This allows us to identify the continued systematically to bilateral L2–S1 nerve roots.
optimal location for the midline dural opening. The dural Evoked potentials are then used to confirm the functional
leaflets are then tacked dorsolaterally to fascia to maxi- integrity of the ventral roots prior to closure.
mize intradural visualization. The dura is closed in a watertight fashion, and the lami-
The method is described herein as a 2 × 3 exposure noplasty complex is reflected back into position and fixed
because two nerve roots (most commonly L2 and L3) can to native bone using miniplates. The remaining closure
be visualized at the dural exit site, and 3 nerve roots (most process proceeds in standard multilayer fashion for the
commonly L4, L5, and S1) are identified in the midline. L2 lumbar spine.
is readily identified beneath the L2 pedicle, and anatomi-
cally, the dorsal and ventral roots are separated and L2 is
sectioned. A Silastic sheet is then placed in the CSF cleft Discussion
at the conus separating the dorsal and ventral roots from As interest in SDR continues to grow, there is a need to
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evaluate and compare the various surgical nuances of this cal for adequate exposure and identification of relevant
procedure. A variety of techniques have been described, nerve roots. In this regard, Peacock and colleagues’ initial
which vary with regard to the extent of bony exposure, approach is simplest,17 followed by Bales et al.’s dichoto-
identification of dorsal and ventral nerve roots, and selec- mizations of nerve roots using EMG.1
tion of appropriate rootlets for sectioning (Table 1). Beyond identification of nerve roots, the extent to which
Peacock et al.17 have described the largest bony expo- each root should be transected is unclear. There is evi-
sure, which may be associated with an increased incidence dence to suggest a direct relationship between the percent-
of spinal deformity.10 Alternatively, 1- and 2-level proce- age of dorsal root transected and postoperative functional
dures come at the cost of easy anatomical identification improvement.12 At our institution, we employ preoperative
of individual nerve roots. To circumvent this problem, the assessments to determine the amount to transect at each
use of extended EMG recordings increases the specificity level; however, this is not widely accepted. Intraopera-
of nerve root identification.11 The technique described by tively, we only transect rootlets with the most abnormal
Bales et al.1 has considerable overlap with that initially de- responses, and our target is on the order of 50%–70% per
scribed by Park and Johnston.16 However, a key difference level. This is in keeping with the technique described by
is that Bales et al. make their opening below the conus Funk and Haberl. However, it is not clear whether it is
and identify nerve roots using EMG, which is an entirely more important to transect simply a larger percentage of
different process from the anatomical identification de- the dorsal root or simply a larger percentage of the subset
scribed by Park and Johnston. Sindou and colleagues22,23 of abnormal rootlets.
described a keyhole interlaminar approach, whereas Funk Given that no single approach is clearly superior, the
and Haberl used a single-level laminoplasty. Our 2-level technique used will depend on individual surgeon prefer-
laminoplasty potentially mitigates the risk of multilevel ence and comfort with the variable interrelationship be-
laminectomy with several advantages over a single-level tween anatomy and neurophysiology in this patient popu-
approach. Cranially, the anatomy of the conus, and the lation.
CSF cleft between dorsal and ventral roots is preserved
(Fig. 2), facilitating separation of the ventral and dorsal Conclusions
roots. Caudally, two levels of exiting nerves (typically
L2 and L3) can be identified at the dural exit site, pro- A number of questions remain to be answered as they
viding confirmation of the separation between motor and pertain to these different operative approaches to SDR.
sensory roots. Distal to the conus, the sensory roots are One critical avenue of further study will be a comparison
best appreciated and can be traced backward toward the of each of these operative techniques vis-à-vis the out-
conus. Furthermore, with regard to bony exposure, there comes and potential complications. Similarly, it would be
is evidence to suggest that laminoplasty confers increased important to evaluate these factors among different centers
biomechanical stability to the spine compared with lami- and surgeons, as significant heterogeneity has been previ-
nectomy, although the exact extent of this advantage is ously reported. For example, Park’s group, reported only a
unclear.10,25 single CSF leak requiring operative repair in their series of
With regard to postoperative spinal deformity, there is a 1500 patients and no spinal deformity requiring operation,
growing body of literature to support the long-term risks of while other articles put the incidence of significant spinal
this complication with multilevel bony exposures.3,4,9,20,24,27 deformity in the 10% range.3,4,9,16,20,24,27 The value of ad-
The incidence of postoperative spinal deformity ranges juncts, including intraoperative neuromonitoring, should
from approximately 12% to greater than 35% in the lit- also be the subject of future research.
erature.3,4,9,20,24,27 Interestingly, even without surgery Saito
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