Service Legal Agreement

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Service Legal Agreement

updated Sep 3, 2010 4:09 pm | 4,598 views

A Service Legal Agreement refers to a mutually agreed upon and legal document which outlines the specific performance objectives the outsourcing company expects from their contracted entity. The criteria coould be a number of things, ranging from customer service issues, to ROI, to sales objectives. An SLA is a document that describes the minimum performance criteria a provider promises to meet while delivering a service. It typically also sets out the remedial action and any penalties that will take effect if performance falls below the promised standard. It is an essential component of the legal contract between a service consumer and the provider. SLA allows the recieving party(customer) for comparing the delivered quality of service with the one promised. A Service Level Agreement is an important piece of documentation between the two parties. A good Service Level Agreement should address the following needs: Identify and define the customers needs Provide a framework for understanding Simplify complex issues Conflict Management Dispute Management Setting of realistic expectations

A good SLA should embrace the following:

Services to be delivered - Describes what services and in what manner they will be delievered. The information here should be as accurate and detailed as possible to avoid any confusions in the future. Performance, Tracking and Reporting - this deals with how you would measure and monitor performance. The bechamarks must be defined upfront against which the services delivered taht would have to be delivered. Problem Management - usually defines what would be the process when a problem is encountered. Can also include the escalation path. Legal Compliance and Resolution of Disputes -details as in case of disputes how the legal complaince can be checked and how would the disputes be resolved. Customer Duties and Responsibilities -It lays down all those actions that a customer must perform before expecting the SLA to work for him. Security - Both the parties should agree and comply with each other's security policy and procedures. IPR and Confidential Information -Confidentaility of both the parties must be maintained as per the policies and procedures. Termination - Generally identifies under what situations the SLA would be terminated.

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This would have to be acceptable to both the parties.

Benefits of SLA Proactive Service level management. Higher customer satisfaction by delivering service as per customer expectations. Better communication with customers on reasonable Service Levels.


Typical metrics one can probably expect to be in SLA between a network service provider and customer could be: 1. What percentage of the time services will be available 1. Specific performance benchmarks to which actual performance will be periodically compared 2. The schedule for notification in advance of network changes that may affect users 3. The number of users that can be served simultaneously 4. Help desk response time for various classes of problems 5. Dial-in access availability 6. Usage statistics that will be provided.

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Service Legal Agreement

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