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UST OF VERBS. LISTA DE ALGUNOS VERBOS COMUNES. “VERBS VERBOS | VERBS | VERBOS | VERBS |VERBOS work trabajar | say decir walk caminar start comenzar run corer learn aprender finish terminar sleep dormir drive | manejar read leer help ayudar pay — | pagar write escribir watch wer get obtener go i. have tener dao hacer give = dar eat comer take tomar speak hablar play jugar / tocar misica break | romper study estudiar buy comprar drink | beber arrive llegar leave partr travel | viajar make preparar_| cook cocinar fy volar ‘How to Use the Present Continuous The present progresses use 1.To describe something which Is happening atthe ‘exact moment of speech. fap: Tas wang lesion at the moment 12. To describe an action that is taking place now but not atthe exact moment of speech ample: + Johnis working in London 3. To describe an event planned inthe future. Example: * Tim taking my French dass on Tuesday. 4. To describe a temporary situation. Example: + Tm staying with attend fora few days. 5. To emphasize the frequency ofan action. sample + That cid is aways eying foro good reason. 6. To describe changing situations Example «Her health is improving rap. 2. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY | aays get up a1 600. (Ye siempre ani as 6 dela arian) He usualy oes o war by bus. (El goneramentevaatabsjar en ic) ary often goss othe gy aight (Mary menudo va al gras 8 as noches) £ | Vie sometimes pay sooces en Sanday merrings (nosoves a veces jgarcs (bl los sabados en as mafenas) Ny mater rary cnak en Sundays (imams rar vez coc oe semingos) Pi so eres tl pil | never ave ae at work (6 nunca tego tarde al vabao) i? & ‘ADVERBIOS DEFRECUENCIA Bs * i ee 4 e rf ‘rca de Hamanidies Present Continuous ‘A: Are you buying shoes? B: No, I'm not. I'm buying some food. A: And you? B: Yes, | am. 'm also buying b Use of the Present Progressive Sis Presente continuo Usted esta comprando zapatos? jo, no lo estoy. Estoy comprando Uso del presente continuo — happening at the moment of speaking | Past Present Future | Peter is reading a book now. Acciones ocurridas en el momento de hablar | Peter esta leyendo un libro ahora, |"Fiked plan in the near future eo tee = rr We are going to Tumbes on Saturday, Plan fijo en un futuro préximo Vamos a Tumbes el sabado. ; | femora sion gp | vase Se Jam working in Rome this month ‘Actions happening around the moment of | speaking (longer actions). | My friend is making lunch. Estoy trabajando en Roma este mes. ‘Acciones temporarias i Acciones que sucedien alrededor del momento de hablar & (acciones mas largos), MMi amigo esta preparando el almuerzo. ‘Signal words: Palabras que lo indican. Now / at the moment/ Look! / Listen! (Ahora en este momento Min! Escucha!) Form Estructura be (am, are, is) + Infinitive + -ing Affirmative Translation oc Subject + Be + verb ing + complement _|Sujeto_+ verbo + ing + complemento I ‘am Yo [estoy He ] She is Ella esta tt singing \now. Esto(a) | cantando | ahora. We Nosotros(as) [estamos You are Ustedes jestan They Ellos(as) —_jestan Negative Negativo Translaton Traduecién Subject + be +not+ verb ing+ complement Sujeto + no + verbo + ing + complemento | amnot Yo ino estoy He el ‘She lis not Ella no esta It ‘singing now. Esto(a) cantando jehora. We Nosotros(as) |no estamos You ‘are not Ustedes —_ino estan They Ellos(as) _|no estan Interrogative Interrogativo Translation Traduccién Ee subject + verb ing + complement _| {jae ++ verbo + ing + complemento 1 no estoy he Is she Esta no esta it singing | now? cantando | ahora? we | Estamos: nosotros: Are you | Estan ustedes they | Estan ellos -eting: drive dri ‘make- making = 1 vowel before 1 consonant: cut- cutting, ‘swim-swimming ye REMEMBER: Verb + ING. wing. (-e) 1 Exercise 2 see: A) seeing 2d: A)deing Shave: A)haveing 4-hrow: —A)knowing Silsten: —A)listening 6. water: A) watering ‘Choose the correct spelling. 8)s0ing —_C} se0eing 8) ding C) dying B)having —C) haveing B) know) knowwing B) listen —_C) listening 8) waterring C) water sontcreronouns [SERETEROU ALES Me (2 para mi) (Can you cal me? Se {Puedes tamarme? You wieent) — [onitapyet pie Fee OTe soso Kleene tet) (et | ommen—(pnepeeiem G5 serene sheer Sioeer ssa ness) uy tena ne us bt pa amg noe te 9s "Tham 2 parts) pam ah esis son pra ten

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