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a child with down syndrome

introduction of down syndrome

- "dowm syndrome is caused by a random error in cell division that results in
the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21."(NICHD, 2017)
- what causes down syndrome?
- how common is down syndrome?
- when was down syndrome discovered?
- what is the likehood of having a child with down syndrome?
- how is down syndrome diagnosed?

what is down syndrome?

-every cell in the human body has a nucleus, which stores genetic material in
genes. genes are arranged along rod-like structures called chromosomes and carry
the codes for all of our inherited.
each cell's nucleus typically includes 23 chromosomal pairs, half of which are
inherited from each parent. when a person has a whole or partial extra copy of
chromosome 21, they are diagnosed with down syndrome.
low muscular tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep
groove in the center of the palm are some of the physical characteristics of down
syndrome, though each person with down syndrome is unique and may have these
chracteristics to varying degrees. alternatively, not at all.

how common is down syndrome?

down syndrome is the most frequent chromosal condition in the united states,
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. each year in the
united states, about 6000 babies are born with down syndrome.

what causes down syndrome?

all people with down syndrome have an additional, important piece of chromosome 21
present in all or some of their cells, regardless of the form of down syndrome they
have. down syndrome is caused by the insertion of genetic material that affects the
course of development and creates the symptoms associated with it.

the additional complete or partial chromosome's cause is still unknown. the only
factor that has been related to an increased risk of having a baby with down
syndrome due to nondisjunction or mosaicism is matermal age. however, due to higher
birth rates in younger women, 80% of children with down syndrome are born to women
under 35 years old.

there is no exclusive scientific evidence that down syndrome is caused by variables

related to the parent's activity prior to or during pregnancy.

down syndrome is caused by an extra partial or full copy 21st chromosome that can
come from either the father or the mother. the father has been linked to
approxmately 5% of the occurences

when was down syndrome discovered?

researchers have recently been able to explore the characteristics of people with
down syndrome because to recent developments in medicine and science. Lejeune, a
french physician, discovered 47 in the cells of people with down syndrome in 1959.
it was eventually discovered that having an extra partial or entire copy of
chromosome 21 causes the symptoms of down syndrome.
an worldwide team of scientists located and cataloged each of the approximately 329
genes on chromosome 21 in the year 2000. this achievement paved the way for
significant advancements in down syndrome research.

what is the likelihood of having a child with down syndrome?

down syndrome affects people of all ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds,

while older mothers have a higher risk of having a child with the condition.

how is down syndrome diagnosed?

ther are two types of down syndrome testing that can be done before a baby is
born. it's a combination of screening and diagnostic testing. prenatal tests
predict the likelihood of the fetus having down syndrome. these tests do not
provide a definitive answer as to whether your fetus has down syndrome instead,
they indicate a probability.

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