Modernization Vs Westernization

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Modernization vs Westernization

Response from Sebsibe Thomas

Development Scholars across the world debate on the fundamental differences in income
inequality among different nations. They ask why some nations are more developed while others
are less developed? Why some countries experience more development while others are stagnant
and less developing? Classical economist like john smith explain that free market and job
specialization will lead a nation to wise resource utilization and more economic efficiency which
will increase the productivity and growth of a nation.

However, Maynard Keynes asserts that for the economy to expand, saving must outpace
consumption. By reinvested, these net savings will increase the gross domestic product of the
nation. According to this school, a country's economic development cannot be advanced without
a large investment and involvement from the government.

Ricardo, another scholar from the classical school, believes comparative advantage and
international trade as engines of economic growth. In his opinion, economic growth can result
from international trade between countries. This is due to the fact that different countries have
different levels of access to factors of production. Certain countries are capital-intensive, while
others are labor-intensive. In a similar vein, certain goods and products demand a lot of labor
while others demand a lot of capital. While some nations have more production efficiency and
experience than others, others have less of both for a given product. Under such circumstances,
country A will produce product X more efficiently than country B. Likewise, nation B will
generate product Y with greater efficiency than nation A. therefore, this will increase production
capacity of both nations and hence economic growth will be boomed.

Modernization school of thought, which is the theme of this reflection, is another school of
thought that explains how developed countries developed and what developing countries should
do in order to catch developed countries. Scholars like Rostow, claim that developing countries
should follow the footsteps of the western developed nations. He claims that development has
linear stages of growth and these linear stages of growth are experienced by the global north and
should be followed by societies in global south.
Moreover, modernization school theory claims that societies in the periphery need to be
transformed from their draconian culture, belief and attitude towards more productive, conducive
culture of the west/core/ which is characterized by liberty, individualism, free market and
efficiency (weber).

Having mentioned few of the theories behind development, I would like to discuss concepts of
westernization and modernization which are fundamental basis for modernization theory of

What is westernization?
The adoption of Western culture, beliefs, and practices by non-Western societies or individuals is
referred to as "Westernization," a process of societal transformation. It entails incorporating
Western concepts, values, traditions, technologies, and ways of life into a community; frequently
leading to profound changes in the social, political, economic, and cultural spheres of existence.

A number of factors, including as colonization, globalization, migration, education, media

impact, and cultural exchange, can contribute to the process of westernization. Depending on the
context, viewpoints, and degree of change, it can have an impact on societies in both positive and
negative ways. The following are important facets of the westernization process as a social

Cultural Influence: Westernization frequently entails the adoption of Western cultural norms,
values, and customs in relation to language, attire, cuisine, entertainment, music, art, and way of
life. This may result in alterations to social norms, customs, and behaviors, along with the
disintegration of regional cultural practices and identities.

Adoption of Western inventions and Technologies : Adoption of Western inventions and

technologies, such as contemporary industrial processes, transportation, and communication
networks, can also be referred to as Westernization. Changes in economic systems, production
techniques, and living standards may result from this.

Social Institutions: Family dynamics, gender norms, and religion practices are only a few
examples of the social institutions that might be impacted by westernization. For instance, it
might question established gender roles or family values, which would alter family dynamics and
interpersonal bonds.

Economic Systems: Trade, business, and consumption habits are just a few of the ways that
Westernization may affect economic systems. It might introduce Western economic models,
such capitalism, and have an impact on consumer behavior, market structures, and corporate

Education and Intellectual Thought: In non-Western countries, Westernization can also have an
effect on intellectual thought and education. It might advance academic fields, pedagogical
strategies, and Western educational systems, changing how knowledge is produced, how it is
learned, and how people view the world.

Social Values and Ideologies: Westernization has the power to shape ideologies, belief systems,
and social values. It might bring Western concepts that influence societal norms, attitudes, and
actions, including democracy, secularism, individualism, and human rights.

It's crucial to remember that the westernization process is intricate and varied, and that different
communities and people may respond to it in different ways, such as through resistance,
adaptation, or acceptance. It may result in modifications to societal structures, customs, and
behaviors, and it may have advantageous as well as unfavorable effects. Numerous elements,
such as historical, political, economic, cultural, and social settings, as well as the agency and
choices of the individuals and groups involved, influence the scope and impact of westernization
as a process of societal transformation.

What is modernization?
Modernity's forerunners, such as Weber, Hegel, Habermas, and Kant, defined it as putting reason
above religious dogmas. It simultaneously questions and legitimizes the traditional social
establishment's organized core. The idea that authenticity originates with reason is what
modernization seeks to instill. The enlightenment intellectuals challenged and drew distinctions
between traditional interpretations of historical and medieval socio-political structures.

Modernization is thought to imply emancipation. According to (Cahoone), modernist thinkers

are strong proponents of emancipation. The academics connected modernity to reason's
legitimacy. Habermas refers to reason as an emancipatory monitor in this sense. However, there
is disagreement among philosophers regarding the canon of modernity and emancipation. The
concept of emancipation is questioned by its detractors, and poststructuralists see knowledge as
an integral component of dominance and control. In this sense, Foucault claims that there is only
a change in discourse another truth, another power rather than transcendence, liberation, or

Because modernity promoted the radicalization of the past, industrialization, urbanization,

political reformation, and social reformation were all intimately associated with it. Modernity's
ancestry was perceived as a unified process involving significant socio-political situations;
examples of this include Marx's rise of the capitalist mode of approach and Weber's
rationalization. It is true that modernity emerged in a Western fashion, with plans for
individualism, secularism, and rationality in general in line with the canons of enlightenment.
Thus, industrialization, urbanization, rising literacy and educational levels, wealth, social
mobilization, and more intricate and varied occupational structures are all components of
modernization (Huntington).

According to Kantian theory, modernity is essentially the progressive development of

subjectivity and consciousness, more especially the division of reason into the fields of science,
ethical freedom, and aesthetic judgment a division that appears to have been made without
difficulty or negative consequences.

Finally, Even if it is difficult to describe the differences between these two terminologies I would
like to tabulate it as follows.

Modernization Westernization
Modernization means to free oneself from Westernization initiates the western cultures,
traditional norms and value systems that norms and styles in non-western countries
have become obstacles
Molding oneself to become a better person Molding oneself into a westernized framework
with a broad mind, free-thinking, and by not focusing on one’s inherited values
innovative mindset
Adoption of modernization helps in building Its adoption is equivalent to learning one’s
a better society for living foundation
Modernization increases the use of science, Westernization is responsible for diminishing
it changes the thinking mode and causes a joint families, and marriage breaks
Modernization involves changes not only at Westernization is a process of following
the institutional level but also on instructional and fundamental changes of
fundamental level changes in personal life western countries by the other non-western
Modernization means the development of Westernization means adopting the
any country through economic growth, technology and infrastructure of western
technology development and infrastructure countries

Modernization is the emancipation of man from religion and other conventional thoughts,
whereas westernization is the imitation of western culture, philosophy, and technology by the
global south. Modernization is a very important concept because it leads man to a better form
without alienating him from his past, whereas westernization alienates man from his past by
creating another Europe in Africa or any other place in the global south.

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