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They will continue to build on this

JEAN PIAGET foundation of knowledge as they go through the
phases, eventually gaining more complex cognitive
Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory capacities. At this period, a wide range of
suggests that as children grow, their cognitive capacities emerge, including
representational play, object permanence,
Intelligence varies. Children's cognitive development
postponed imitation, and self-recognition. Infants
is not simply about learning knowledge; they also
at this stage only exist in the present. They don't have
need to build or develop a mental model of their
anything from this world in their memories. At 8
surroundings (Miller, 2011). His work is recognized as
months, the infant will understand the permanence of
the foundation of developmental psychology. Piaget
certain items and will look for them when they are not
proposed a new set of assumptions about the
there. Infants' broad symbolic function begins to
intelligence of children:
emerge near the conclusion of this period, and they
 Children think differently and see the world can utilize two items to stand in for each other.
differently from adults. Language emerges when kids realize they can use
 Children are not passive learners, they words to depict feelings and objects. The
actively build up their knowledge about the youngster begins to categorize and retain
surrounding. facts he has learned about the world

The most effective way to understand children’s

reasoning is to think from children's point of view.
 Pre-Operational Stage (Symbolic thought)
Piaget's theory of cognitive development is founded
From 2 to 7 years
on the premise that children develop in four phases,
each with its own set of features and abilities. The The pre-operational stage is critical in the
sensorimotor stage, which lasts from birth to roughly cognitive development of children. Children's
two years old, is defined by the child's comprehension thinking is not yet rational or concrete at this
of the environment through sensory experiences and stage, and they struggle with ideas such as
motor movements. The second stage, the cause and effect. They also have difficulties
preoperational stage, occurs between the ages of two understanding other people's points of view,
and seven years old and is distinguished by the which contributes to their egocentric
child's ability to depict objects and events using thinking. Furthermore, their reasoning is
symbols. dependent on intuition rather than logic, which
might lead to judgment errors. Despite these
The concrete operational stage, which occurs
constraints, children in the pre-operational period
between the ages of seven and twelve, is
are capable of remarkable growth and learning,
distinguished by the child's ability to think logically
and it is critical for parents and educators to give
about tangible things and events. Finally, the fourth
them with the support and direction they require
stage, the formal operational stage, begins at the age
to succeed. Young children and toddlers have the
of twelve and is distinguished by the child's ability to
ability to internally describe the world through
think abstractly and hypothetically. According to Jean
mental imagery and language. At this age,
Piaget, developmental phases occur through the
children think about things symbolically. They can
combination of natural capacities and external events,
make one thing, such as an object or a
and children go through a succession of stages
word, stand in for something completely
(Wellman, 2011). The order of these stages is
different. A youngster is preoccupied with
consistent across cultures. Each child experiences
how the world appears rather than how it
the same phases of cognitive development
is. Children do not demonstrate problem-
throughout life, although at a different rate. The
solving or logical reasoning at the preoperative
following are Piaget’s stages of cognitive
stage. Infants of his age also exhibit animism,
which means they believe toys and other non-
 Sensorimotor stage (Object permanence) living items have feelings and live like people.
From birth to 18-24 months Toddlers can isolate their cognitive process from
the physical environment by the age of two.
Children gain object permanence during this stage, However, they are still unable to develop later-
which means they understand that items exist even stage operational or logical thinking skills. Their
when they can't see them. This is a critical stage in reasoning is still egocentric (focused on their
cognitive development because it permits youngsters own worldview) and intuitive (based on
to begin constructing mental representations of their
children's subjective assessments of think beyond concrete, physical objects and
occurrences) notions to comprehend more complicated and
abstract concepts. They are capable of solving
 Concrete Operational Stage (Logical hypothetical issues and comprehending
thought) From 7 to 11 years metaphors, analogies, and other abstract
concepts. This stage usually occurs between the
At this age, children begin to demonstrate logical
ages of 11 and 16, but it might vary based on
thinking regarding concrete experiences. They
the development of the individual child.
begin to understand the concept of conservation.
Adolescents can deal with hypothetical
They recognize that even if things alter in
situations with multiple alternative outcomes.
appearance, certain characteristics remain
This stage allows for the emergence of scientific
constant. Mentally, children at this age can turn
thinking, the formulation of hypotheses and
things around. They begin to consider other
abstract theories as needed
people’s feelings and thoughts, and they become
less egocentric. As children begin to reason
logically, they reach the concrete stage. This
stage, according to Piaget, is a major turning TEACHING STRATEGIES
point in a child's cognitive development
since it signals the beginning of 1. When teaching infants and toddlers, it is
preferable to read simple stories from books
Operational or logical thinking. A youngster is with lots of pictures, use simple audiotapes with
capable of internally working things out in their music and videotapes with cartoon characters,
thoughts at this stage (rather than testing things perform procedures on a doll to help the child
out in reality). The development of deductive understand what an experience would be like,
thinking is another important feature of the and keep teaching sessions brief (5 minutes)
Concrete Operational Stage. At this age, and close together.
children can apply logic to form
conclusions and solve issues. They 2. For preschoolers, ask questions about the
understand that if an equals B and B equals C, child's experiences or interests. Model new
then A must also equal C. This sort of reasoning language by adding words or questions to what
enables kids to comprehend more complicated the youngster says or does. Allow enough time
thoughts and ideas, preparing them for academic for the child to answer.
and personal success. When asked to reason
3. School aged children learn best
about hypothetical or abstract problems,
children at this stage may feel overwhelmed or
when activities such as games, role
make blunders. Conservation implies that the playing, showing items and objects,
youngster realizes that while certain objects may using puppets and artwork, and telling
change in appearance, their properties may not. stories and reading books are used for
Children can conserve number at the age of six, teaching.
mass at the age of seven, and weight at the age
of nine. However, logical reasoning is only used 4. When teaching adolescents, employ
when children are asked to reason about face-to-face or computer-based group
physically existent materials discussion, role-playing, and gaming to
clarify beliefs and problem solve, all of
which feed into the teenager's urge to
 Formal Operational Stage (Symbolic belong and be actively involved.5. Children
reasoning) From Age 12 and above learn best through their senses; select
learning activities that engage multiple
Individuals at this stage do concrete operations
on things and formal operations on concepts.
Formal logical reasoning is completely free of
perceptual and physical constraints. Adolescents
can understand abstract concepts at this point.
They can follow any given type of argument
without thinking about specific examples.
Children begin to develop the ability to think
abstractly and use symbolic reasoning during the
Formal Operational Stage. This means they can

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