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nursing rested on a set of basic assumptions

Martha Rogers that described the life process in human

Credentials and backgrounds beings. Wholeness, openness,
 Martha Elizabeth Rogers, the eldest of four unidirectionality, pattern and organization,
 children of Bruce Taylor Rogers and Lucy sentience, and thought characterized the life
 Mulholland Keener Rogers. process.
 She was born on May 12, 1914, in Dallas, Major concepts and definitions
 Texas.  Rogers postulates that human beings
 She began her college education (1931- are dynamic energy fields that are
1933) integral with environmental fields.
 studying at the University of Tennessee. • Both human and environmental fields
 Receiving her nursing diploma from are identified by pattern and
Knoxville characterized by a universe of open
 General Hospital School of Nursing (1936). systems.
 She obtained her BS degree from George Four building blocks for roger’s model
 Peabody College in Nashville, Tennessee  Rogers postulated four building blocks
 (1937). for her model: an energy field, a
 Rogers subsequently established the universe of open systems, pattern,
Visiting and four dimensionality.
 Nurse Service of Phoenix, Arizona. • In 1983, Rogers changed her wording
 For 21 years (1954-1975), she was from that of unitary man to unitary
professor human being, to remove the concepts
 and head of the Division of Nursing at New of danger.
 York University. • In 1992, four-dimensionality evolved
 Rogers’ publications include three books into pan dimensionality.
 more than 200 articles. Energy field
 Rogers received honorary doctorates from • An energy field constitutes the
 such renowned institutions as Duquesne fundamental unit of both the living
 University, University of San Diego, Iona and the nonliving.
 College, Fairfield University, Emory • Field is a unifying concept, and energy
University, signifies the dynamic nature of the
 Adelphi University, Mercy College, and field.
 Washburn University of Topeka. • Energy fields are infinite and
 Rogers was inducted posthumously into the pandimensional.
 American Nurses Association Hall of Fame.
 In 1988, colleagues and students joined her Identified two fields
in • Two fields are identified: the human
 forming the Society of Rogerian Scholars field and the environmental field.
 (SRS) and immediately began to publish • “Specifically, human beings and
 A verbal portrait of Rogers includes such environment are energy fields”
 descriptive terms as stimulating, • The unitary human being (human
 challenging, controversial, idealistic, field) is defined as an irreducible,
 visionary, prophetic, philosophical, indivisible, pandimensional energy
academic, outspoken, humorous, blunt, and field identified by pattern and
ethical. • Rogers remains a widely manifesting characteristics that are
recognized scholar honored for her
specific to the whole and that cannot
contributions and leadership in nursing. •
be predicted from knowledge of the
Rogers died on March 13, 1994, at 79 years
of age. • (All information from this section is
taken from the Nursing Theorists and Their • The environmental field is defined as
Work 10th Edition Book) an irreducible, pandimensional energy
Characteristics of life processes field identified by pattern and integral
• In 1970, Rogers’ conceptual model of with the human field.
Universe of Open Systems MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS: HEALTH
• Energy fields are infinite, open, and • She uses the term passive health to
integral with one another. symbolize wellness and the absence of
• The human and environmental fields disease and major illness.
are in continuous process and are • Her promotion of positive health
open systems. connotes direction in helping people
Pattern with opportunities for rhythmic
Pattern identifies energy fields. consistency.
• It is the distinguishing characteristic • Health and illness are manifestations
of an energy field and is perceived as of pattern and are considered “to
a single wave. denote behaviors that are of high
• The nature of the pattern changes value and low value. Human Life
continuously and innovatively, and Process
these changes give identity to the • The phenomenon central to nursing’s
energy field. conceptual system is the human life
• Each human field pattern is unique process.
and is integral with the environmental • The life process has its own dynamic
field. and creative unity that is inseparable
• Manifestations emerge as a human from the environment and is
environmental mutual process. characterized by the whole.
• Pattern is an abstraction; it reveals MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS: ENVIRONMENT
itself through manifestation. • Rogers (1994), defines environment
A sense of self is a field manifestation, as “an irreducible, pandimensional
the nature of which is unique to each energy field identified by pattern and
individual manifesting characteristics different
Pandimensionality from those of the parts.
• Rogers defines pan dimensionality as • Each environmental field is specific to
a nonlinear domain without spatial or its given human field.
temporal attributes. • Both change continuously and
• Phillips (2010) notes: “essentially a creatively”.
space less and timeless reality”. • Environmental and human fields are
• The term pan dimensional provides for identified by wave patterns
an infinite domain without limit. manifesting continuous mutual change
• It best expresses the idea of a unitary •
MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS: NURSING • “The life process is homeodynamic”
• Nursing is a learned profession and is • These principles postulate the way the
both a science and an art. It is an life process is and predict the nature
empirical science and, like other of its evolving.
sciences, it lies in the phenomenon • Rogers identified the principles of
central to its focus. change as helicy, resonancy, and
• The purpose of nursing is to promote integrality.
health and well-being for all persons. • The helicy principle describes spiral
MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS: PERSON development in continuous,
• Rogers defines person as an open nonrepeating, and innovative
system in continuous process with the patterning.
open system. • According to the principle of
• She defines unitary human being as resonancy, patterning changes with
an “irreducible, indivisible, the development from lower to higher
pandimensional energy field identified frequency, that is, with varying
by pattern and manifesting degrees of intensity.
characteristics that are specific to the • Integrality, the third principle of
whole”. homeodynamics, stresses the
continuous mutual process of person patient.
and environment.  Mutual exploration of emergent
• The principles of homeodynamics patterns allows identification of
(nature, process, and context of unitary themes predominant in the
change) support and exemplify the pandimensional human-environmental
assertion that “the universe is energy field process.
that is always becoming more diverse  Mutual understanding implies knowing
through changing, continuous wave participation but does not lead to the
frequencies”. • In 1970, Rogers nurse’s prescribing change or
identified the following five predicting outcomes.
assumptions that are also theoretical
assertions supporting her model
derived from literature on human
2. Mutual Patterning
beings, physics, mathematics, and 3. Evaluation
behavioral science:

Theoretical Assertions Supporting Roger’s Model Noninvasive Patterning Modalities

1. “Man is a unified whole possessing his • Noninvasive patterning modalities used
own integrity and manifesting within Rogerian practice include, but
characteristics more than and are not limited to:
different from the sum of his parts”  Acupuncture
(energy field). 2. “Man and  Aromatherapy
environment are continuously  Dietary manipulation
exchanging matter and energy with  Guided imagery
one another” (openness).  Guided reminiscence
3. “The life process evolves irreversibly  Humor
and unidirectionally along the  Hypnosis
spacetime continuum” (helicy).  Meditation
4. “Pattern and organization identify  Music
man and reflect his innovative  Self-reflection
wholeness” (pattern and  Touch and massage
organization).  Transcendent presence
5. Man is characterized by the capacity
for abstraction and imagery, GUIDELINES FOR THE EDUCATION OF
language and thought, sensation, and NURSES
emotion” (sentient, thinking being).  Rogers discusses structuring nursing
education programs to teach nursing
THREE COMPONENTS OF CRITICAL as a science and as a learned
PRACTICE  Rogers’ model clearly articulates
• Within Rogers’ model, the critical values and beliefs about human
thinking process directing practice beings, health, nursing, and the
can be divided into three educational process.
components:  Rogers advocated separate licensure
for nurses prepared with an
1. Pattern Appraisal associate’s degree and those with a
 Meant to avoid, if not transcend, baccalaureate degree.
reductionistic categories of physical,  Recognizing that there is a difference
mental, spiritual, emotional, cultural, between the technically oriented and
and social assessment frameworks. the professional nurse.
 Through observation and participation,  In her view, the professional nurse
the nurse focuses on human must be well rounded and educated in
expressions of reflection, experience, the humanities, sciences, and nursing.
and perception to form a profile of the
1. Theory of accelerating evolution
2. Theory of rhythmical correlates of
3. Theory of paranormal phenomena

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