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Saturday kids

start the session with a warm up, talk about their free time activities. Start by giving them an
example of your free time activities. ask the students to do ex 1 page 17, check if they still make
mistakes with pronouns. if yes do a quick review and explain how to use pronouns.

ask the students to look at the photo and describe what’s in it, try to extract as much vocabulary as
they can from the photo (books- shelf- bed- lamp- posture- desk- chair- rug- camera- headset- drums
or drum kit- drawer) get the students to write the vocabulary.

ask one of the students to read the instructions, they answer the question. check if they still make
mistakes with pronouns.

ask one of the students to be the teacher for the next ex ( a student that doesn’t participate ). Aid
the student.

After they complete the letter ask them to write a letter to reply. Start the next unit with a small talk
about the food they like or they don’t like and food they want to try for the first time. After that grab
student’s attention to the photos ask each one of them to describe a photo and ask them to write
the vocabulary. Make sure they organize what they write.

The break time: give them some time to rest and start playing games with them ( make teams and
watch a challenging video )

After the break finishes take the student’s attention gradually to the book, star by asking where do
they eat? where is the best restaurant to eat food? Then ask them to read the texts and correct their
pronunciation. Ask the students to match the texts with pictures ( 2-e 3-b 4-a). After they finish ask
them to explain each word in the Ex 2 page 18 then fill the table.

Start an activity. Each one of the students stands up and describe his favourite food and activity.

End the session with a fun and educative video ( guess the animals …) to cheer them up.

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