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unit 8

start the class with a warm up: start about what they know about the
communities, brief definition then ask students to describe the pictures. delve
into the subject with the class. ask students individually about what their
neighborhood and what would they like to change. then ask them to work in
pairs and discuss the struggles they face in their daily life with neighbors.
do you know your neighbors? do you have a good relationship with them?
why? why not? These question will be discussed in pairs.
once I finish the discussion I’ll give students a minute or two to do the exercise
2A then ask one of them to be the teacher and correct it, I’ll choose a student
with less participation. the students discuss the sentences in exercise 2A and to
which degree they are true for them.
ask the students to write a list of things they would like to change in the whole
society. then discuss.
as a final activity students will introduce or present a skill they have or they
would like to have. they will rate each other.

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