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Position paper - Karine Demers : Italy, European Union Membership Council

Topic 1 : The admittance of the Republic of Turkiye into the European Union

Italy, as a founding member of the European Union (EU), has been an advocate for
the expansion of the EU. Turkey has been a candidate for EU membership since
1987 and has made significant progress towards meeting the EU's membership
criteria. Italy and Turkey have had a long-standing relationship that dates back to the
Ottoman Empire. Despite the differences in culture, religion, and political systems,
the two countries have managed to maintain cordial relations. However, in recent
years, there have been several issues that have strained the relationship between
the two countries. One of the most significant issues is the migration crisis. Italy has
been one of the main entry points for refugees and migrants coming from Turkey and
other countries in the Middle East. This has put a significant strain on Italy's
resources, and the Italian government has called on Turkey to do more to prevent
the flow of refugees. Another issue is that Turkey has been exploring for oil and gas
in waters claimed by Greece and Cyprus, leading to tensions in the region. Italy has
supported Greece and Cyprus in this dispute, and this has created some friction
between Italy and Turkey.

To strengthen the relationship between Italy and Turkey, several steps can be taken.
The two countries need to work together to address the migration crisis. Italy should
work with Turkey to find a solution that benefits both countries, and Turkey should do
more to prevent the flow of refugees. Italy recognizes the strategic and economic
importance of Turkey and supports its accession to the EU. However, Italy's support
is conditional and guided by the considerations of respect for human rights,
economic integration, the Cypress issue, security and defence. Turkey has made
progress in improving its human rights record, but Italy remains concerned about the
treatment of minorities, the freedom of the press, and the independence of the
judiciary. Italy recognizes the economic benefits of Turkey's membership in the EU.
Turkey's large population and its geographic location make it a strategic partner for
the EU. However, Italy is cautious about the social and economic challenges that
could arise, such as labour market issues and increased competition. The issue of
Cyprus remains unresolved, and Italy believes that it must be resolved before Turkey
can join the EU. Italy supports the reunification of Cyprus and the full implementation
of the Annan Plan. Italy recognizes the strategic importance of Turkey in the region
and its contributions to NATO. However, Italy is also mindful of the potential
implications for the EU's security and defence policies.

Italy supports Turkey's membership in the EU, but only under certain conditions. Italy
believes that Turkey must meet the EU membership criteria, particularly in terms of
human rights, before it can be admitted into the EU. Italy also recognizes the
economic benefits of Turkey's membership, but is cautious about the social and
economic challenges that could arise. By admitting Turkey into the EU, Turkey will
only be able to have access to the EU’s economic benefits through reaching a
certain level of democracy, which will fix most issues.
Topic 2 : The admittance of the Republic of Kosovo into the European Union

Italy and Kosovo established diplomatic relations in 2008, shortly after Kosovo
declared independence from Serbia. Since then, Italy has been a strong supporter of
Kosovo's efforts to establish itself as an independent and sovereign state. Italy has
been a strong supporter of Kosovo since the late 1990s when the region was
embroiled in conflict with Serbia. Italy was one of the first countries to provide
humanitarian aid to Kosovo, and it played a significant role in the NATO bombing
campaign that led to the end of the conflict. Despite the strong relationship between
Italy and Kosovo, there are several challenges that have emerged in recent years.
One of the most significant issues is the lack of progress in the normalisation of
relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Italy has been a strong advocate for dialogue
and reconciliation between the two countries, but progress has been slow. Another
challenge is the issue of organised crime and corruption in Kosovo. Italy has been a
vocal critic of corruption in the country and has called for stronger measures to tackle
organised crime.

Italy supports Kosovo's integration into the EU and recognizes its strategic
importance in the Balkans. However, Italy's support is conditional and guided by the
considerations of rule of law and Democracy, dialogue with Serbia, economic
development, security and stability. Italy believes that Kosovo must uphold the EU's
fundamental values and principles, including the rule of law, democracy, and human
rights. Italy recognizes that Kosovo has made progress in these areas, but more
work needs to be done to strengthen its institutions and address corruption and
organised crime. Italy believes that Kosovo's relations with Serbia must be
normalised before it can join the EU. Italy supports the EU-facilitated dialogue
between Kosovo and Serbia, which aims to resolve outstanding disputes, such as
the status of Kosovo's Serbian minority and the recognition of Kosovo's
independence. Italy recognizes the economic potential of Kosovo and supports its
integration into the EU's single market. However, Italy also acknowledges the
challenges that Kosovo faces, such as high unemployment rates, limited
infrastructure, and weak institutions. Italy supports the EU's efforts to provide
financial and technical assistance to Kosovo to support its economic development.
Italy recognizes the importance of a stable and secure Kosovo for the wider Balkan
region. Italy supports Kosovo's efforts to strengthen its security and defence
capabilities and to work with its neighbours to promote regional stability.

Italy and Kosovo have a strong relationship that is based on mutual respect and
cooperation. Italy acknowledges the economic potential of Kosovo and supports the
EU's efforts to provide financial and technical assistance to support its economic
development. By continuing to support Kosovo's efforts to establish itself as a
sovereign state, and by working together to address the issues of corruption and
organised crime, Italy and Kosovo can strengthen their ties and ensure a prosperous
future for both countries and the European Union.

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