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rocks and the rock cycle

how do sediments form?

sediments form through the processes of weathering and erosion of rocks exposed at
earth's surface

sedimentary rock con't...

sedimentary rock can also form from the chemical depositing of materials that were
once dissolved in water.

when water evaporates, minerals are left behind and form rock

sedimentary rocks

how they are made

- wind and water break down the earth

- bits of earth settle in lakes and rivers
- layers are formed and build up
- pressure and time turn the layers to rock

sedimentary rocks





types of sedimentary rocks







are usually found in sedimentary rock and are remain or imprints of plants and
animals that died long ago

fossils-life from the past

fossils provide information about life and conditions of the past

scientific evidence shows thst the earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old

metamorphic rock is...

rock that is formed when pressure and heat create changes to sedimentary or igneous

metamorphic rock

metamorphic rock:
forms when any rock type is changed into a different kind of rock

changes due to great heat and/or pressure

how does rock change?

rock are heated, squeezed, folded, or chemically changed by contact with hot fluids

metamorphic rocks

what are they?

-rocks that have changed

- they were once igneous or sedimentary
- pressure and heat changed the rocks

types of metamorphic rocks



igneous rock is..

rock that is formed when melted rock cools and hardens

igneous rocks
what are they?

- fire rocks
- formed underground by trapped, cooled magma
- formed above ground when volcanoes erupt and magma cools

igneous rocks

igneous rock:
forms when molten rock (magma) cools and hardens

classified by:
- where they form
- crystal (grain) size
intrusive igneous rock

intrusive igneous:
cooling takes places slowly beneath earth's surface

extrusive igneous rock

extrusive igneous:
cooling takes place rapidly on earth's surface

igneous rock

pumice and scoria




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types of igneous rocks





the rock cycle

- igneous rocks
- sedimentary rocks
- metamorphic rocks

the earth recycles rock

the rock cycle is an ongoing series of processes inside earth and on the surface

slowly changes rocks from one kind to another

any type of rock can change into another type

how does this relate to plate tectonics?

plate movement drives the rock cycle

- subduction (1 plate pushed under another plate)
- re-melts rock into magma
- mountain building
- folding, faulting, uplift
- exposes rock at the surface to be weathered and eroded

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