Mini Project 3rd Year Report Group no-M22IT309

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Movie Recommender System


Submitted by-

ASHI BHAGORIA (2000970130037)

AATIKA (2000970130001)
KUMARI ANU (2000970130059)

Under the supervision of

Dr. Javed Miya

Department of Information
Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology


Abstract 2

1. Introduction 3-4

1.1 Introduction 5

1.2 About the topic 6

1.3 Outline of project 7

2. Literature Review 8

3. Methodology 9

4. Concept/Theory 10-13

5. Details of implementation / construction 14-25

6. Application/uses 25-26

7. Conclusion 27

8 References 28

I want to give special thanks to our Mini Project coordinator Dr. Javed Miya for the timely
advice and valuable guidance during designing and implementation of this project work.

I also want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh, Head
of Department (HOD), and Information Technology Department for providing me with the
facilities and for all the encouragement and support.

Finally, I express my sincere thanks to all staff members in the department of Information
Technology branch for all the support and cooperation.

Ashi Bhagoria (2000970130037)

Aatika (2000970130001)

Kumari Anu (2000970130059)


In this hustling world, entertainment is a necessity for each one of us to refresh our mood and
energy. Entertainment regains our confidence for work and we can work more
enthusiastically. For revitalizing ourselves, we can listen to our preferred music or can watch
movies of our choice. For watching favourable movies online we can utilize movie
recommendation systems, which are more reliable, since searching of preferred movies will
require more and more time which one cannot afford to waste.

In this paper, to improve the quality of a movie recommendation system, a Hybrid approach
by combining content based filtering and collaborative filtering, using Support Vector
Machine as a classifier and genetic algorithm is presented in the proposed methodology and
comparative results have been shown which depicts that the proposed approach shows an
improvement in the accuracy, quality and scalability of the movie recommendation system
than the pure approaches in three different datasets. Hybrid approach helps to get the
advantages from both the approaches as well as tries to eliminate the drawbacks of both

Recommender systems are a representation of user choices for the purpose of

suggesting items to view or purchase. The Intelligent movie recommender
system that is proposed combines the concept of Human-Computer Interaction
and Machine Learning. It recommends movies best suited for users as per their
age, gender, as per the genres they prefer to watch, and several other categories.
The recommended movie list is created by the cumulative effect of ratings and
reviews given by previous users.

Social media is now an inseparable part of our lives. With its constant growth,
it has contributed to superfluous, heterogeneous data which can be
overwhelming due to its volume and velocity, thus limiting the availability of
relevant and required information when a particular query is to be served.
Hence, a need for a personalized, fine-grained user preference-oriented
framework for resolving this problem and also, to enhance user experience is
increasingly felt.

Collaboration has been a big buzzword for the past several years, as
organizations realize that effective team collaboration is key to innovation.
New project management methods have emerged to extend the meaning of
team collaboration from the simple act of working together to a more complex
function of inter-relating diverse project teams to achieve new ideas, innovative
practices and to yield superior results. These methods include practices and
project collaboration tools that promote communication, idea sharing and
transparency for local and remote teams.

Our paper analyzes the use of machine learning algorithms in recommender systems
and identifies new research opportunities. The goals of this study are to:

i. Identify trends in the use or research of machine learning

algorithms in recommender systems;
ii. Identify open questions in the use or research of machine
learning algorithms; and
iii. Assist new researchers to position new research activity in this
domain appropriately.
For example, if Amazon observes that a large number of customers who buy
the latest Apple Macbook also buy a USB-C-to USB Adapter, they can
recommend the Adapter to a new user who has just added a Macbook to his
cart. Due to the advances in recommender systems, users constantly expect
good recommendations. They have a low threshold for services that are not able
to make appropriate suggestions. If a music streaming app is not able to predict
and play music that the user likes, then the user will simply stop using it. This
has led to a high emphasis by tech companies on improving their
recommendation systems.
To strengthen the interactive interface design. System interface is one of the
most important factors affecting the user satisfaction. Existing recommendation
system most committed to the improvement of recommendation algorithm, paid
little attention to interface problem. Using the multidimensional information
visualization technology can make result of the recommended straightforward
graphic interpretation can help users understand the causes of recommended.

Recommended model support package. Recommendation model based on

package, we put forward concept of incremental recommendation system,
recommendation process is broken down into several successive steps, system
recommended was generated according to the user requirements in each step,
by the user decides to join the final plan of object, the user affect the choice of
the system in the subsequent steps of recommendations.

Recommender systems encompass a class of techniques and algorithms that can suggest
“relevant” items to users. They predict future behavior based on past data through a
multitude of techniques including matrix factorization.

We now live in what some call the “era of abundance”. For any given product, there are
sometimes thousands of options to choose from. Think of the examples above: streaming
videos, social networking, online shopping; the list goes on. Recommender systems help to
personalize a platform and help the user find something they like.

The easiest and simplest way to do this is to recommend the most popular items. However,
to really enhance the user experience through personalized recommendations, we need
dedicated recommender systems.

The movies are recommended based on the content of the movie you entered or selected.
The main parameters that are considered for the recommendations are the genre, director,
and top 3 casts. The details of the movies, such as title, genre, runtime, rating, poster,
casts, etc., are fetched from TMDB. The reviews of each individual movie given by the
users are "web-scraped" from the IMDB website with the help of beautifulsoup4, and the
reviews are subjected to sentiment analysis, where the model predicts whether the review
is positive or negative.

Some serious drawbacks which restrain the effectiveness of the RSs are discussed

Limited Content Analysis

The accuracy of recommendations in CBRS is determined by the amount of user
input. The performance of the recommendation will be poor if the RS does not have
adequate information about the user. If the content being analyzed does not have
enough information to distinguish between what the user likes and what the user
does not like, no CBR system can make appropriate recommendations. The limited
content analysis dilemma is the name given to this situation. To make a precise
recommendation, complete domain information is required.

The amount of user input determines the accuracy of CBRS suggestions. If the RS
does not have enough knowledge about the user, the recommendation will perform
poorly. No CBR system can produce relevant recommendations if the content being
analyzed has adequate information to distinguish between what the user likes and
what the user dislikes. This circumstance is known as the restricted content analysis

Cold start
When a new item or user is added to a RS, the system will not have any previous
records (ratings, preferences, search history, etc.) on which to base a suggestion.
This is referred to as the "cold start" issue. It's also known as the "new user" or
"new item" problem. This technique is insufficient and incorrect since consumers
with similar demographic characteristics may have differing levels of interest in a
single items.

The RSs deal with quite huge datasets in practice. As a result, the user-item matrix
utilized for CF is exceedingly sparse, negatively affecting the performance of the
CF systems' predictions or suggestions. It can also happen when a person uses a
product but does not care to rate it afterward. In certain circumstances, users do not
rank goods that they are unfamiliar with.

MOVREC is a movie recommendation system presented by D.K. Yadav et al. based on

collaborative filtering approach. Collaborative filtering makes use of information provided by
user. That information is analyzed and a movie is recommended to the users which are arranged
with the movie with highest rating first.

 Movie recommender sytem by Luis M Capos

Luis M Capos et al has analyzed two traditional recommender systems i.e. content based filtering
and collaborative filtering. As both of them have their own drawbacks he proposed a new system
which is a combination of Bayesian network and collaborative filtering. A hybrid system has been
presented by Harpreet Kaur et al. The system uses a mix of content as well as collaborative
filtering algorithm. The context of the movies is also considered while recommending.

 Movie recommender system by Urszula Kużelewska

Urszula Kużelewska et al. proposed clustering as a way to deal with recommender systems. Two
methods of computing cluster representatives were presented and evaluated. Centroid-based
solution and memory-based collaborative filtering methods were used as a basis for comparing
effectiveness of the proposed two methods. The result was a significant increase in the accuracy
of the generated recommendations when compared to just centroid-based method.

 Movie recommender system by Costin-Gabriel Chiru et al.

Costin-Gabriel Chiru et al. proposed Movie Recommender, a system which uses the information
known about the user to provide movie recommendations. This system attempts to solve the
problem of unique recommendations which results from ignoring the data specific to the user. The
psychological profile of the user, their watching history and the data involving movie scores from
other websites is collected. They are based on aggregate similarity calculation. The system is a
hybrid model which uses both content based filtering 10 and collaborative filtering.
The hybrid approach proposed an integrative method by merging fuzzy kmeans clustering
method and genetic algorithm based weighted similarity measure to construct a movie
recommendation system. The proposed movie recommendation system gives finer
similarity metrics and quality than the existing Movie recommendation system but the
computation time which is taken by the proposed recommendation system is more than
the existing recommendation system. This problem can be fixed by taking the clustered
data points as an input dataset.

The proposed approach is for improving the scalability and quality of the movie
recommendation system .We use a Hybrid approach , by unifying Content-Based Filtering
and Collaborative Filtering, so that the approaches can be profited from each other. For
computing similarity between the different movies in the given dataset efficiently and in
least time and to reduce computation time of the movie recommender engine we used
cosine similarity measure.

Agile Methodology:

Collecting the data sets:

Collecting all the required data set from Kaggle web this project we require

Data Analysis:
Make sure that that the collected data sets are correct and analysing the data in the csv
files. i.e. checking whether all the column Felds are present in the data sets.

In our project we have only two algorithms one is cosine similarity and other is single
valued decomposition are used to build the machine learning recommendation model.

Training and Testing the model:

Once the implementation of algorithm is completed . we have to train the model to get the
result. We have tested it several times the model is recommend different set of movies to
different users.

Improvements in the project:

In the later stage we can implement different algorithms and methods for better
Movie recommendation systems use a set of different filtration strategies and
algorithms to help users find the most relevant films. The most popular categories of the
ML algorithms used for movie recommendations include content-based filtering and
collaborative filtering systems.

There are 2 major approaches for building recommendation systems — content-

based and collaborative filtering.

Content-based filtering uses item features to recommend other items similar to

what the user likes, based on their previous actions or explicit feedback. To
demonstrate content-based filtering, let's hand-engineer some features for the
Google Play store.

Collaborative filtering model is to address some of the limitations of content-based

filtering, collaborative filtering uses similarities between users and items
simultaneously to provide recommendations


They offer generalized recommendations to every user, based on movie popularity

and/or genre. The System recommends the same movies to users with similar
demographic features. Since each user is different, this approach is considered to
be too simple. The basic idea behind this system is that movies that are more
popular and critically acclaimed will have a higher probability of being liked by the
average audience.

Before getting started with this -

● We need a metric to score or rate movie

● Calculate the score for every movie

● Sort the scores and recommend the best rated movie to the users.

We can use the average ratings of the movie as the score but using this won't be fair
enough since a movie with 8.9 average rating and only 3 votes cannot be considered
better than the movie with 7.8 as average rating but 40 votes. So, we’ll be using
IMDB's weighted rating (wr) which is given as:-
Fig 3.1 Demographic Filtering


Content-based filtering recommends items based on item profile and user profile
comparisons. In the form of keywords, a user profile is content that is considered
to be relevant to the user (or features). A user profile can be thought of as a
collection of assigned keywords (terms, attributes) gathered by an algorithm from
objects the user finds relevant (or interesting).
The Object profile is a list of keywords (or features) for an item. Consider the
following scenario: A person goes to a patisserie to purchase his favorite cake, 'X.'
Unfortunately, cake 'X' has been sold out, so the merchant suggests that the person
buy cake 'Y,' which is made up of comparable ingredients of ‘X’. This is an instance
of content-based filtering.

Fig 3.2 content based filtering

We are now in a good position to define our recommendation function. These are
the following steps we'll follow:-

● Get the index of the movie given its title.

● Get the list of cosine similarity scores for that particular movie with all movies.
● Convert it into a list of tuples where the first element is its position and the second
is the similarity score.
● Sort the aforementioned list of tuples based on the similarity scores; that is, the
second element.
● Get the top 10 elements of this list. Ignore the first element as it refers to self-
movie most similar to a particular movie is the movie itself

While our system has done a decent job of finding movies with similar plot
descriptions, the quality of recommendations is not that great. "The Dark Knight
Rises" returns all Batman movies while it is more likely that the people who liked
that movie are more inclined to enjoy other Christopher Nolan movies. This is
something that cannot be captured by the present system.

While our system has done a decent job of finding movies with similar plot
descriptions, the quality of recommendations is not that great. "The Dark Knight
Rises" returns all Batman movies while it is more likely that the people who liked
that movie are more inclined to enjoy other Christopher Nolan movies. This is
something that cannot be captured by the present system.

Technologies Used
 Python
 Javascript

Below is the implementation of different web pages which are the part of our web app.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import
cosine_similarity import json
import bs4 as bs import urllib.request import pickle
import requests

# load the nlp model and tfidf vectorizer from disk filename = 'nlp_model.pkl'
clf = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
vectorizer = pickle.load(open('tranform.pkl','rb'))

def create_similarity():
data = pd.read_csv('main_data.csv') # creating a count matrix
cv = CountVectorizer()
count_matrix = cv.fit_transform(data['comb']) # creating a similarity score matrix similarity =
cosine_similarity(count_matrix) return data,similarity

def rcmd(m):
m = m.lower() try:
data.head() similarity.shape
data, similarity = create_similarity() if m not in data['movie_title'].unique():
return('Sorry! The movie you requested is not in our database. Please check the spelling or try with some
other movies')
i = data.loc[data['movie_title']==m].index[0] lst = list(enumerate(similarity[i]))
lst = sorted(lst, key = lambda x:x[1] ,reverse=True)
lst = lst[1:11] # excluding first item since it is the requested movie


l = []
for i in range(len(lst)): a = lst[i][0]
l.append(data['movie_title'][a]) return l

# converting list of string to list (eg. "["abc","def"]" to ["abc","def"])

def convert_to_list(my_list): my_list = my_list.split('","')

my_list[0] = my_list[0].replace('["','')
my_list[-1] = my_list[-1].replace('"]','') return my_list

def get_suggestions():
data = pd.read_csv('main_data.csv')
return list(data['movie_title'].str.capitalize()) app = Flask( name )
@app.route("/") @app.route("/home") def home():
suggestions = get_suggestions()
return render_template('home.html',suggestions=suggestions)

@app.route("/similarity",methods=["POST"]) def similarity():

movie = request.form['name'] rc = rcmd(movie)
if type(rc)==type('string'): return rc
m_str="---".join(rc) return m_str

@app.route("/recommend",methods=["POST"]) def recommend():

# getting data from AJAX request title = request.form['title'] cast_ids = request.form['cast_ids']
cast_names = request.form['cast_names'] cast_chars = request.form['cast_chars'] cast_bdays =
request.form['cast_bdays'] cast_bios = request.form['cast_bios'] cast_places = request.form['cast_places']
cast_profiles = request.form['cast_profiles'] imdb_id = request.form['imdb_id']
poster = request.form['poster'] genres = request.form['genres'] overview = request.form['overview']
vote_average = request.form['rating']
vote_count = request.form['vote_count'] release_date = request.form['release_date'] runtime =
status = request.form['status'] rec_movies = request.form['rec_movies'] rec_posters =

# get movie suggestions for auto complete suggestions = get_suggestions()

# call the convert_to_list function for every string that needs to be converted to list
rec_movies = convert_to_list(rec_movies) rec_posters = convert_to_list(rec_posters) cast_names =
convert_to_list(cast_names) cast_chars = convert_to_list(cast_chars) cast_profiles =
convert_to_list(cast_profiles) cast_bdays = convert_to_list(cast_bdays) cast_bios =
convert_to_list(cast_bios) cast_places = convert_to_list(cast_places)

# convert string to list (eg. "[1,2,3]" to [1,2,3]) cast_ids = cast_ids.split(',')

cast_ids[0] = cast_ids[0].replace("[","")
cast_ids[-1] = cast_ids[-1].replace("]","")

# rendering the string to python string for i in range(len(cast_bios)):

cast_bios[i] = cast_bios[i].replace(r'\n', '\n').replace(r'\"','\"')

# combining multiple lists as a dictionary which can be passed to the html file so that it can be processed
easily and the order of information will be preserved
movie_cards = {rec_posters[i]: rec_movies[i] for i in range(len(rec_posters))}

casts = {cast_names[i]:[cast_ids[i], cast_chars[i], cast_profiles[i]] for i in range(len(cast_profiles))}

cast_details = {cast_names[i]:[cast_ids[i], cast_profiles[i], cast_bdays[i], cast_places[i], cast_bios[i]] for i

in range(len(cast_places))}

# web scraping to get user reviews from IMDB site sauce =

urllib.request.urlopen('{}/reviews?ref_=tt_ov_rt'. format(imdb_id)).read()
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(sauce,'lxml')
soup_result = soup.find_all("div",{"class":"text show-more control"})

reviews_list = [] # list of reviews

reviews_status = [] # list of comments (good or bad) for reviews in soup_result:
if reviews.string: reviews_list.append(reviews.string) # passing the review to our model
movie_review_list = np.array([reviews.string]) movie_vector = vectorizer.transform(movie_review_list)
pred = clf.predict(movie_vector) reviews_status.append('Good' if pred else 'Bad')

# combining reviews and comments into a dictionary

movie_reviews = {reviews_list[i]: reviews_status[i] for i in range(len(reviews_list))}

# passing all the data to the html file return



movie_cards=movie_cards,reviews=movie_reviews,casts=casts,cast_details=cast_d etails)

if name == ' main ':


$(function() {
// Button will be disabled until we type anything inside the input field const source =
const inputHandler = function(e) { if(""){
$('.movie-button').attr('disabled', true);
$('.movie-button').attr('disabled', false);
source.addEventListener('input', inputHandler);

var my_api_key = '41e6207bf2b198de81c99d4c73d9063b'; var title = $('.movie').val();
if (title=="") {

// will be invoked when clicking on the recommended movies function recommendcard(e){

var my_api_key = '41e6207bf2b198de81c99d4c73d9063b'; var title = e.getAttribute('title');

// get the basic details of the movie from the API (based on the name of the movie)
function load_details(my_api_key,title){
type: 'GET',

success: function(movie){ if(movie.results.length<1){
$('.results').delay(1000).css('display','block'); var movie_id = movie.results[0].id;
var movie_title = movie.results[0].original_title; movie_recs(movie_title,movie_id,my_api_key);
error: function(){ alert('Invalid Request');

// passing the movie name to get the similar movies from python's flask function
type:'POST', url:"/similarity", data:{'name':movie_title}, success: function(recs){
if(recs=="Sorry! The movie you requested is not in our database. Please check the spelling or try with
some other movies"){
else {
$('.results').css('display','block'); var movie_arr = recs.split('---'); var arr = [];
for(const movie in movie_arr){ arr.push(movie_arr[movie]);

error: function(){ alert("error recs");

// get all the details of the movie using the movie id.
function get_movie_details(movie_id,my_api_key,arr,movie_title) {
type:'GET', url:''+movie_id+'?api_key='+my_api_key, success:
error: function(){ alert("API Error!");

// passing all the details to python's flask for displaying and scraping the movie reviews using imdb id
function show_details(movie_details,arr,movie_title,my_api_key,movie_id){ var imdb_id =
var poster = ''+movie_details.poster_path;
var overview = movie_details.overview; var genres = movie_details.genres;
var rating = movie_details.vote_average; var vote_count = movie_details.vote_count;
var release_date = new Date(movie_details.release_date); var runtime = parseInt(movie_details.runtime);
var status = movie_details.status; var genre_list = []
for (var genre in genres){ genre_list.push(genres[genre].name);
var my_genre = genre_list.join(", "); if(runtime%60==0){
runtime = Math.floor(runtime/60)+" hour(s)"
else {
runtime = Math.floor(runtime/60)+" hour(s) "+(runtime%60)+" min(s)"
arr_poster = get_movie_posters(arr,my_api_key); movie_cast = get_movie_cast(movie_id,my_api_key);

ind_cast = get_individual_cast(movie_cast,my_api_key);

details = { 'title':movie_title,
'cast_ids':JSON.stringify(movie_cast.cast_ids), 'cast_names':JSON.stringify(movie_cast.cast_names),
'cast_bdays':JSON.stringify(ind_cast.cast_bdays), 'cast_bios':JSON.stringify(ind_cast.cast_bios),
'cast_places':JSON.stringify(ind_cast.cast_places), 'imdb_id':imdb_id,
'poster':poster, 'genres':my_genre, 'overview':overview, 'rating':rating,
'vote_count':vote_count.toLocaleString(), 'release_date':release_date.toDateString().split(' ').slice(1).join('


'runtime':runtime, 'status':status, 'rec_movies':JSON.stringify(arr),


type:'POST', data:details, url:"/recommend", dataType: 'html', complete: function(){
success: function(response) {

// get the details of individual cast

function get_individual_cast(movie_cast,my_api_key) { cast_bdays = [];
cast_bios = []; cast_places = [];
for(var cast_id in movie_cast.cast_ids){

success: function(cast_details){ cast_bdays.push((new
Date(cast_details.birthday)).toDateString().split(' ').slice(1).join(' '));
cast_bios.push(cast_details.biography); cast_places.push(cast_details.place_of_birth);

// getting the details of the cast for the requested movie function get_movie_cast(movie_id,my_api_key){
cast_ids= []; cast_names = []; cast_chars = []; cast_profiles = [];

top_10 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];

success: function(my_movie){ if(my_movie.cast.length>=10){
top_cast = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
else {
top_cast = [0,1,2,3,4];
for(var my_cast in top_cast){ cast_ids.push(my_movie.cast[my_cast].id)
cast_names.push(my_movie.cast[my_cast].name); cast_chars.push(my_movie.cast[my_cast].character);

cast_profiles.push(""+my_movie.cast[my_cas t].profile_path);
error: function(){ alert("Invalid Request!");

{cast_ids:cast_ids,cast_names:cast_names,cast_chars:cast_chars,cast_profiles: cast_profiles};

// getting posters for all the recommended movies function get_movie_posters(arr,my_api_key){

var arr_poster_list = [] for(var m in arr) {

async: false,
success: function(m_data){

arr_poster_list.push(''+m_data.results[0]. poster_path);
error: function(){ alert("Invalid Request!");
return arr_poster_list;
Autocomplete.js new autoComplete({
data: { // Data src [Array, Function, Async]
src: films,
selector: "#autoComplete", // Input field selector
| (Optional)
threshold: 2, // Min. Chars length to start Engine
| (Optional)
debounce: 100, // Post duration for engine to start
| (Optional)
searchEngine: "strict", // Search Engine type/mode
| (Optional)
resultsList: { // Rendered results list object
| (Optional)
render: true, container: source => {
source.setAttribute("id", "food_list");
destination: document.querySelector("#autoComplete"), position: "afterend",
element: "ul"
maxResults: 5, // Max. number of rendered results
| (Optional)

highlight: true, // Highlight matching results

| (Optional)
resultItem: { // Rendered result item
| (Optional)
content: (data, source) => { source.innerHTML = data.match;
element: "li"
noResults: () => { // Action script on noResults
| (Optional)
const result = document.createElement("li"); result.setAttribute("class", "no_result");
result.setAttribute("tabindex", "1"); result.innerHTML = "No Results";
onSelection: feedback => { // Action script onSelection event
| (Optional)
document.getElementById('autoComplete').value = feedback.selection.value;

' ..,.,...



(i >(I g

Almost any business can benefit from a recommendation system. There are two important
aspects that determine how much a business benefits from a recommendation system:

 Breadth of data: A business serving only a handful of customers that behave in

different ways will not receive much benefit from an automated recommendation
system. Humans are still much better than machines in the area of learning from a few
examples. In such cases, your employees will use their logic, qualitative and
quantitative understanding of customers to make accurate recommendations.
 Depth of data: Having a single data point on each customer is also not helpful to
recommendation systems. Deep data about customers online activities and if possible
offline purchases can guide accurate recommendations

With this framework, we can identify industries that stand to gain from recommendation


Is an industry where recommendation systems were first widely used. With millions of
customers and data on their online behavior, e-commerce companies are best suited to
generate accurate recommendations.


Target scared shoppers back in the 2000s when Target systems were able to predict
pregnancies even before mothers realized their own pregnancies. Shopping data is the most
valuable data as it is the most direct data point on a customer’s intent. Retailers with troves of
shopping data are at the forefront of companies making accurate recommendations.


Similar to e-commerce, media businesses are one of the first to jump into recommendations.
It is difficult to see a news site without a recommendation system.


A mass-market product that is consumed digitally by millions. Banking for masses and SMEs
are prime for recommendations. Knowing a customer’s detailed financial situation, along with
their past preferences, coupled with data of thousands of similar users is quite powerful.


It Shares similar dynamics with banking. Telcos have access to millions of customers whose
every interaction is recorded. Their product range is also rather limited compared to other
industries, making recommendations in telecom an easier problem.

Similar dynamics with telecom but utilities have an even narrower range of products,
making recommendations rather simple.

Benefits of recommendation systems

Increased sales/conversion

There are very few ways to achieve increased sales without increased marketing effort. Once
you set up an automated recommendation system, you get recurring additional sales without
any effort.

Increased user satisfaction

The shortest path to a sale is great since it reduces the effort for both you and your customer.
Recommendation systems allow you to reduce your customers’ path to a sale by
recommending them an appropriate option sometimes even before they search for it.

Increased loyalty and share of mind

By getting customers to spend more on your website, you can increase their familiarity with
your brand and user interface, increasing their probability to make future purchases from

Reduced churn

Recommendation system-powered emails are one of the best ways to re-engage customers.
Discounts or coupons are other effective yet costly ways of re-engaging customers and they
can be coupled with recommendations to increase customers’ probability of conversion.

A hybrid approach is taken between context based filtering and collaborative

filtering to implement the system. This approach overcomes drawbacks of each
individual algorithm and improves the performance of the system. Techniques
like Clustering, Similarity and Classification are used to get better
recommendations thus reducing MAE and increasing precision and accuracy.
In future we can work on hybrid recommender using clustering and similarity
for better performance. Our approach can be further extended to other domains
to recommend songs, video, venue, news, books, tourism and e-commerce sites,

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