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Instructions: Use object pronouns to replace the words in italics.

1. I love vampires and werewolves.

2. Chavez hates Uribe.

3. Some people don’t believe in capitalism.

4. Charles needs to buy some video games.

5. I will support your daughter.

6. Sarah is going to marry your son.

7. We hope to see some ghosts tonight.

8. Who wants to be with Monique?

9. How often have you tried drugs?

10. Karen was about to kill her husband.

1 his my her them

2 us he him his

3 its them us it

4 us it them its

5 me she hers her

6 you my him me

7 your my their them

8 she it her our

9 our they theirs them

10 me her him he

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