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Gnt-4 — Aaph- Otpd Teteface Avol AI | Nevsface| [Tike face] [onkeaface | Aiepla dev eT qsotated Ve memang mapped Yo Ee: of Ifo twheaface : fat A | Lo data wearer fot B | Cy data Fegister Control | Bonen 5 Unwiede é status CStithRSA: LHRSO 23 Reaiskes wceletel ee o x0! a : P None: dala bus tn high frope PR lytue wl ad Pork 1A Beatsbly Sunt A. 0 4 Pork iB vregitbon” Laie A 4 0 Control aeqvster: 4 re 4 status register, ‘Scanned with CamScanner When chip select. %% equal to zewo., RE, and Rs, | A are eq nal Ao don’t case bits then the cixcurt athe wehaves Uke high ‘impedence sh ate. ; on When “Cs; ts Tequal 3 Tand Rey RS ¥s equal’, | Keo then port A register will bel gelecked as -4 3 When Cs) és equal’ to 2 and RGy is equal to zero ond RE gts. eqvah ab A then port & reaittey Rolloemecelce bel aman + |. palgath A When Ce) We and Rs, % equal to -A and Rs 1s equal 40 xzexo then. Control register will be Selected. When CSy and Rs, RSo are equal bo a Xhen status wegeles will Ge Selected. Asynchs onous Data tydntden wit Strobe moit ; pets Evaid de Ele Asypcbronms late transfer betoren two,indenpeal sat untls aequires that Control Stanale B transmitted between the Communitaling tanith Yo tadicatia the time ; tnwohich tadt data is bein) Jronsmitted . one woot of achieving this. 4s boy means of a Shrobe pus Suppled by ane of the woitt Ao tndicate ' ather skoils rollen the tn t eras Vermce to occur: Scanned with CamScanner | _Arother method Commonly used to transfer data hoop she dala bus. The Tecetving untch “wegpon Ces with i andlner control stqnal ay ocknowledge Ahe secepient of | are ActN THE Ape Of ggvement belwein 2 deze | dent events | TS knw ae hand shaking shoobe signal: We strobe 1S a Single line {hat indicakes al destination unit that jrwohen sec” Malta oleate availatle Source inthtated Transfer vuitna handehaken Data bus : sounce penton Unit unit f ( Block Ata gran, ¢ _ (b) Tiring diagrams . ‘Scanned with CamScanner Source “Unit Declinadfor. ntt + Ay Plane data on dalatus Enable date valid J, Accept ante ron bur we enable data accepted Disable data valid oo stl: Cf pissable data accepted , ieee Shows the data Hepes; procedube whens tnvtialised by the source the a handshaking lines data valid qua ed : by SouTcUmcn cca ave accepted quooated & deelinalion, Siq-b shows Lining dia gran to indicate othe exchanw | of sianals etweenne a Unite s® aa Shows -' The Sequence oft eventer ave ferok A place. data on databus enable datarild thes accept romictata from databus enable data accepted. Now Ats able aaa Pala ac dtssable data ace pled Scanned with CamScanner Me gination tobited Transfer using bnod elaletn Des! q a (0 Block diac am. peta bus oad otal oer rs { vali valid data Ce) Tring ciagaarn. Source Uoit Destinakfon Unth . Ready to accept cal enable meady for dita Ne Accept data from Gus a Enable data actepted Disable datavalid Hace deta on data burl Enable dada valid ‘Scanned with CamScanner Modes of Arvans fer Bese are 3 modes of Transfer v Programmed Jo." a> Inteupk initiated Ih 3 DMA f Divect memo7 | access) 7 Proparmmed BYo Data bus Tyo write > vThe programme Yo operations ore the veculle of To Tnstruckfons telurn in Computer preaqrarnday each def, iter transfer is witiaked by ao gostauction In the Propamme “uswally Ahi Abansfer of data ts -hom CPU 46 pene. feel chevices are, CPL to memory Ib has an example of data transfer fom Do deve ) Barmah an interface 40> the ceo! ts «shows: tn! the above fraure when a byte of data te anailah Abe dete plage in the To bus and enables its late alidn\ne mclse whevinte! accepts Ane data % Ae the data vegister aod enabler’ dala acceptel ine. The terface sete bik ty cbatus regiskey Took we will ache as Lag uh *F A Programme eos Ecce Computes Ho check the flay bit of equal Ae one cry vent the data from ata creatcker “The flay tak is set Tig Ol onl alld 1 ‘Scanned with CamScanner i | ze The Aransfes of eacl, W read the status vearcter | check the status of the flag tt ond brancli to! | | Sep-a \af mot to skep-s At ® Read Ube “ataka register swequires 3 inctrueltons e iy Intesupted Initiated Up» | Ao alternative to “the Cro Conan | % monitoring Abe flag Ys to Vet the ante fate inform “the cpu Re ei Ge aeady fo trancfer | dete. TIKt's wmode Ot) Wranitorn wacenrn tems vaple : Factlity while the cpu rs wumming A Ptoqtamme % decent cheek flag bit - horees “then the BES s ek “the ther {nce cn eee OU eMatS . Oe PSS Sh iL ba So That tt can be executed “ry when intevupt Process 75 called sekenupt ed Triiated fo 4 iy Direct nem om lace OMA Controller anes Bus teqmect cebu eas, wh Advess Gut Deuce high tape ABUS +> Data bus Dee ashy RO lame Be a NR Wit Seine : erable Read wovike register Gus wrequte Bur yet ONT WR BR Dotergt Daka bus buffers Ff control tegic Internal bus data request, Address ous buffers Address, eagister 4 | word Conn) register Control, reas stey oma aénoulecd gement to Xo deve) | — ‘Scanned with CamScanner Taher 8a BR cru Mdvess Date JomA oS OS ack nowled ge Rs Data memory | BR acces Comm) aq Controller Trhevwpt The Anansfer of data belies Yop devices stand mmemon ts often Limtted by Une ‘speed of cpu. Removin the Cpu fiom the path and makin Lo. devices ateally x ee LO. mMeMTY Could Yn prove whe Lranifer | Aechnique Sheed of “We deancfer! se cated “pean Correct nena “Dwrfng the pma tan cfér Ane cru te 3 Wmpedence Laie “Acces iden er higb “The cru AE be placed rs Real late BR diferent seg »THOMP the bancfers ate contrell ad) bop Biinmconantes ah sequett (eR), snp te “sed by the BMP controller Ao “request CPU, a Make ahs Ping or buses fn high Propellence Sl ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘ Yy Owe per TOF he cevriactfrates Bus Guat (crv) ee yi i hak oak ts in bigh “mm peclence slate: emo. 7 evices roi have Agreck access do mem! ‘4 : The Ley fo FOMP Can’ be a bunt Loon which % a Mock sequent® ' conststing of ro. of words transferred! vin 4 contineous busst [to MEMO Y. + An alternative Lechntque called éycle Skeobin | lows to daans fer one data oka me. “| fons ‘conbuolley’ | « he alah | The DMA controller? Communicales with Yh) Lievtces! body CEO. an addition ‘of pmA controle has ect wegrster \tke , addaess” register St wed do ebore the addwess, vor Cousot weqicker ‘sed | |, to count The number of words and control | register Bee ican cima ‘addweu bus Buffer When Ba-o, the data doanefer Lakes place Soon a S/o devices to crv 40 neo | ludhen ep, he deta Anmnafer ' kakes, pla Srom ‘20 devices 0 memory « ‘Scanned with CamScanner — 5 | ty ptovtty toterupt patey _cheicing_prfortty Processov data bus Device a FU acs Device A Pl Po Trtenuagt Vequert cpu INT UNTACT Gnterupt acknowledgement , Irtoatly Foterupl % a sutem thal celablishen amm priovty ovx the rortous gources to determine whith “condi ion te to be serviced fivet whentwo — eitmone. req west anive Simultancoubsly, highest priovtly trterruple, care sewed firct ) poll procedure ts wsed to dently i the Ighest priority interrupt - ‘soparg H Fiq above ‘ghoivs’ “the Daisy chats prtovity tnleanupt at “consist of 3° devices’ with ‘prostty t fer and PRT owt] RL also has a vector address whit) awe Convected Yo the cPu- “The interupt request Sows from Ahe device CPL and Soterrupt Acknowledgement in the Vick of devices ithe device wilh Pua yom oclVesa having the higher prionty and Abt device is Saved fret. | ; : ‘Scanned with CamScanner a a em —_ Input Jowkput Processor A bet the do ve rag geek - : : é cad TL the atove one Consist of Computer wt and processors The smemory venit occupies centval posit, in and Comm with te each processor by m tant 6f | ae DMA, Hi | mer “The: cPu %s wespon stble fos protesting ali, meedead a the solution of © Com pucatfonal dark iu he for poder a» path fo transfer Laka bo | 7 Peripheral alevtee an anon mntt. Te Ceu is why msuallly asstgnecl the task © triattating the so i” i Pro qrarame from them. on Ae . Top operates fadepe - dent, of cpu and Continues to sbansfex data foom | ca ; external device and memory: d ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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