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Unik -5 ica Vel eucicons sel compules CCN ne haere Rise pais charnstertaies: The rise has the abcil*ty fnstaucl ton ak the ih of one “AS: advantaye of Rise oy CASC Less mo.of Clock cule. cise: . ) “The complex indlauclton, set Compuller requires dwo Ox more cycles Nee eicade an inabruc Yon. Ap execidle Whe’ clock per cycle is th mses Parallel Puoceiking > Parallel procgesian is agent “ko provide cimultaneow ly, dala protessing Lask for “Lhe purpose of increasing Ane computabion al speed of a computer system - AS parallel procening System 78 able to pergowrn Concerent dala processing “sto! achieve fatter exertion time, “Through pt: , Trowgh pa SE Abe ampoist of todvuctions exeouted per second o ' eo The povallel “prbeecsin wotth voulbiple function’ units % shen 5 im nthe vals figure. hire athe dete te dtctotbuted among aoulkiple function Le Scanned with CamScanner pee ie [arheger multiply Flodiing point add - sub tractor Flynn's classification worth, ornalbiple devide ‘Compukex in cto 4 vo ros } WS Single tactavcetion dream, ingle data Stream’ Cerep) y Single inskvuction stream , multiple data strearn Csimo) ay Muligle ‘nstruelion abstam, shygle, data slreaos (Mit) ay Mulliple Anstanction dream , multiple, faa cfrearo (hthy) y SISD DW repre sents im Single compres containing a Control writ, proceior unit and “ar memory omni ts Weve > fotsuct —foné rave exécrited sequentially... ad whe system | | may mot shaver’ Porallel, processing Pn ay Ynao a represesh many Protesting ustlt under Super Vision af sinqle control unit All procescons aeeetver He same instruction from carbvel, swath ound operate ae Add fereok stems | ‘Scanned with CamScanner Ss MISD> misp structure ts only “theosidi cof tut no ayilern As constaucted up te now: ay mana: MIMD org eataalion wefers Capalele: of processing Seveval proyraromes Some lime most cmulhiple processors Mea orl cornprttens can be -chassifted nity, these cabeqories - to comput “ syiten Pipe ing + Prpe Lining %3\m Aecherque of decomposing » Sequential process tn Yo sub process worth each Sub Process beta eeu da Concurrently woith att ather proteuor A shalemert wheve we wart to pes f plication and addilion tad altme. be : fe 4,48, ered a roti Dit Bt where Rye nee, RB, Re Ree) Rye’ Re Rat Ry nt ae ‘Scanned with CamScanner Poe 7 4 Clock pulse Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment Dumber (i171) Ry Ry Rs, Ry Re * Ajeet fe - a hy a Aly By AKB, Ze - 3 Pais hs eARSin- pO ARB tC, 4 OG, Beart oye cg’ AgtBy 5 . a | 6 t x G , & <7 : “3 8st GM a He } . errknery, Pen a’ Byte A, 8 Af be Cy pa e 5 Batt, Ee - ate ¢ at | 4 1 at eBtq @ a = Sag eta Byte, BD Athis we study about Wy instauckion pipe Line “hy Arithmetic pipe tine “iy Rise Pipe line ) avy Nectow Processing instr uction Pipeline , = steps: The wet wuction Pipeline donstst of “the -follos TY Feleh —the anata nclien from memory j 7 WY Decode the snetruction ay Sn lenetal the effective Shere =e : ivy felch the opevants from memory vf : vy Eyecite the tnstouction ” t viy Store the result ~the proper place. Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner fl DA fo &% FI pA Fo €x fl pALFD ES . Fr ‘pn fo £X fr DA FO EX , ra & at SRISC PIPE Line Te Rise pipe Vine totkruction cys le Aevided 2, to 3 cubs operations. DZ: Crebruclion Feteh A> Aw oper actions b= execute intkanetion, Now Conttruck Following, foun ancbouckion, load R, We lead e, Add R4R, : Srore Ry 4 “oN allyes El esere aliag sam shows pipeline é Siri dats conflick: : Glock eucke. 9, G2 ' Crys: GS Load, e agg Ane oe on eens Add Rt, a ae ea ae ‘Scanned with CamScanner clock ogee ’ Load a vad QR no Operedion add RARE Stoves Ra ' een o 2 Daithaebie Pipeline, Tie Avithmebic sCompare “the Alliqn he Add oy sub mantiscas vs Nowmalixe the pipeline i eX ponenste v Man Lissas we mm antiscas. Vector Posh Mabe malt feston by by ©. >| 61 ns, of : 3 ba, i au Aa, Aw Aig Aro Aggy Aa) M3. Ads 1 ba. o33 oa arta a Beret a bay ru i ‘Scanned with CamScanner constct of 4 Sen i Mx Bxakon neg = 0-45 04 x04 = 0-%200 X [pt ye 0: 0820 X Jo3 2 tos B26q —__ ae i ea aeshal Pg |___ Processow ees el Whe 3 Ara processow ee ace Los pores Neclor processing for comple sctentific seta t Orta Cae nection shrnclaves, ! : Time shared common bus as Multipart! memory S Cost bar sgwiteh 4 multistage Saat ching me 5) Heyper cube systero work a. Time shared Common but Memor Unit j Tee eeded cdaymeruibus System a sing Py used conmect” bewobud Svein s” Dpreceuuml ancl memory wi AL a Mme, only one CPU, ie Can C ook fee : ti anh Comm art Ram O Ty memory Unite Singles Common bus sytem se Wdlytdeel Geena Avansfer AL a time Scanned with CamScanner a) rowlliport meron Syste Uses Separate buses bw each merpry and each CPUs The fig alors “consist of 4 memory smo dubes iam] and 4 Cpu's The. nA vars: « of roulti post roman Organise Wah eal] cata transfer tale can be achieved because mou iple paths exist thw vremory “and cro. a eros “bar sivitch ‘Scanned with CamScanner —— dich Ouse of dust ches 4 © Cross bar Swit oz ah Ga modus . Eee a : ‘feo CPU and and memo BO \oart; a eden. AWane fe7 oy mod ule - Madlistege ileal, i) eect Ee | etmek t = Acometel 6 conmetted —-B Commedtd mae 'o"| 1 apne too 1 4to dl » i] Above fy shows 2x2 swtlth ie two Sp ui ae a gb eT a “outputs ° and a ts edt dj Be 8 Cox) a Similarly ae ne to 0 8X8 Omega — 4) ee Scanned with CamScanner ay Aye Cube Etta alll saben: Commection?, oy o a 4 a {4 ) oo LK io | on- cabe © it ty z: ‘Scanned with CamScanner ae 1 eee shandard 716 wullthui Styrale. Da | ol a Signal mame 4 Data and addrese Data Lines C16 os) DATA Bat «| Ades Lines (oy Ves) BORE O- ADRSAB Seta Hanefens on Memory read! Moe Memo wortte Me To wead Lowe tp wette | Freer ale ace Tnlernupl Conbral Interrupt vreqtert Ce linea) INT o- INT Lnterrupt eknorcled ae INTA Miscellaneous control f Macter chockeet eck Syplem wttaltabion Ivy” Byte high enable BHEN Memory inbr bit CaVenes) UNH = tnt 2 Bur lock Lock Buc arkthabton Bue veq wert ” BREQ Common but reaywert - CBRQ Bue bury ’ uBusy’ Bus clock BeLk Bus prtovity a, BPRN Bur piovity ont pepo Pane Bed. groand (aslines), Scanned with CamScanner Abit akfon Protdlluce > Arbitration procedure service Alt processor Ts on the bate of tababliched prrovilies Nehet ‘d Patovity fo asbiters oer. above fy shows the daisy chain connection ol four onbilers Tt 1 assumed that each proces thas Ts own bus arbiter Loaté with patortty -in Frank priontly-out Vines. “The priowtly “owt Cro) of | arbiter is connected! te the priovtly to (PL) of the next -lowes— provity arbiter. the Pr ‘of Wigthest - protly wa f maintained” a logic 1 : alienate: htqheck - “prfowthy unit tn the ¢ ten, will absoaye receives accest “to “the Syebern bout ae ay requests ie: The Po ouk- pul: for aabiter ts equel Mo's 1h te PL tapi hs oa A and ~Vhe Protessor associated with Whe ack ata net fe Logic % mot requesting on an arte fee = Ae oars hat provity i passed Ao the next An -the chain vas the procerscor veauests, ¢ of -the lout ond) cthe corres poncling ota biti : als tL tpt equal toa, it eats the p07 Kuvidtlaok 2 eotlet) bower Bis arbiters veretve a O a poott cl ‘Scanned with CamScanner gererake a0 im PO. Thus the provessor bap ‘ arbiters hat a PLe% and Por is the one that s_ given contvol of the Systems bus. aq Parallel Arbthvalton Logie Bus Bur onliter 4 < arbiter 3 entoder 7 fom and Syrchvontcadion Trlerprocessor “Communic The Sending processor skruckuses are sy a message oY a sores tee and Places tn Wee iy memory mailbox. staturbite residing th common memory “axe generally uced Ao tdicate -the condition of te: mail box, whether TH hac smeantagidul | tndormakion, and. for, which protessor. ih te ‘tended The receiving provestor iCan check the mail bor gevtodically “1s, debcimingJit ther, ere umanie rags fenittt shedhor salvgagid iF ta Scanned with CamScanner salditten tp ghared memor tery may ave othe shaied sesourtes , For Pa mull fprocesce 7 ple , a magnetic Bele rade: Huitl eh BoP nay be available to afl crOn . Th ex a facitthy fv shoring of sytten roms stpred 75 the, disk- ames P sai. me Aealebidclave’| eae weer. processors, Namatedt athe omasker always, ge cuter th waking Susters -fisnelfont The remaining proce Nest * Breve as Elavesff cto at performs | operating ee ] oe | By the seperate Operating” system Orvgantzedio cette sit” Oqe ach processor Can texe cute, athe: oper atin s oy orkinees tt needs. Sn the Aichibated “ope ating nythen orgrrixckion, “the | Oper systen a ane dwlributed among tthe available processors. i Ake protessor Syn chrontxabien " Se Anskruction set of oo multi baste ‘instructions that ove used Yo PORES Ota ah ; fo ore cela aplen ones Xion and Synchronization , betwe eopes aking processes . Coron % exchange ef Aika beween adion 7 oe yes at Multi processes Syphon cally Se Vehath ard Mts Radke cel, Baaet of resowscer. A mumber of hardware Ley wtdval vecchinte son byes , One of the most popular Y ‘Scanned with CamScanner usedo tae’ Binaxy Semaphore. Mitual Exclusion with » Sernaphore Py PoE fun ckiontn wnullt process ah will guarantee Orclesby access to shared memory | and other shared to protect data from re te necessary sysker mous provide a mechanttm th resources: ~ Whi being changed simultaneously ae methani¢m hac be boy “woo oF mere Protescors. en refe muduel exclusion. “Mutual eee lustan manutt be provided to % roulliprocessor sytten to enable Xo extlude. ior Lock ont acess to a Bevis Vesouste by other processovt vohen TW TS Tae aw catia iseclion. A crtdteal seclton te 4 produans Sequence thak, once begun, mutk complete exeardion before another “ protesor accesses whe roluerrent vesource. + A) Vinay vostatle cabled « Sermaphore % a often used to todterte whether nibh obewleneeddtng © ol Ot eteal seckfon. a. processor ! ; camwolled A. lag Abt A semaphore % a solkwore te shed fo a memory helgaltan, gtvat, ald Can acess. clathen, the Semaphore te tL meant that a processor % eee perc. program: egethat ae, shaved acne) Re wot avatlable other Processors. llhen the Semaphore ue taual Yo oO one prrcessor Same foocessovs | Canal be 4) ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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