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FIRST QUIZ - ENGLISH LEVEL II Name: _________________________________________ Group: ______

Teacher: Wilman Ordóñez. Contents: Unit 1.

I. Daily Routines. Read carefully each paragraph and answer the given questions.
My name is Nuria and I'm going to describe a normal day in my work life. I usually get up at nine o'clock in the morning and I
don't have any problems with the traffic in the town because my company is based near my home in an industrial area. The first
thing I do when I arrive is open my e-mails and look at several things like: the balance of bank accounts, requests for quotations
from any customers, replies from any suppliers to my requests for purchase orders, delivery times of the materials ordered, etc. At
ten o'clock, I go to have breakfast with my colleague and my brother to a nearby café. My colleague and I try to speak in English
all day, but sometimes it is very difficult due to all the telephone calls and the main administrative problems that must be solved
just in time. The morning goes by very fast because we have to work very quickly. It seems that the work is endless. Could it be
that the papers reproduce themselves every day? When I finish (the time we leave depends on the amount of work), I go home and
change my clothes to go skating or play tennis. Playing any sport helps me to relax. Next, I go back home and take the dog for a
walk. Finally, I watch TV for an hour more or less because I can't stay awake any longer.

1. Is Nuria’s company close to her house?

a. That’s right.
b. No.
c. No, it’s located in an industrial area.
d. None above mentioned.
2. Where does Nuria take breakfast?
a. In a café.
b. Anywhere.
c. At home.
d. In her office.
3. Nuria’s English practice at work is usually interrupted due to:
a. Some situations related to money.
b. Personal issues.
c. All the phone calls she gets.
d. All her duties.
4. What time does she leave work?
a. She leaves work at 5:30.
b. She leaves work in the evening.
c. She leaves work at night.
d. None above mentioned.
5. Does she play any sport?
a. Sure!
b. No.
c. This information is not given.
d. None above mentioned.

II. Clock Time. Choose the best answer for the question “What time is it?”

6. It’s 12:00 A.M.

1. It’s midday.
2. It’s noon.
3. It’s midnight.
7. It’s 7:00 P.M.
1. It’s seven o’clock in the evening.
2. It’s seven in the evening.
3. All above mentioned.
8. It’s 10:00 P.M.
1. It’s ten o’clock at night.
2. It’s ten o’clock in the evening.
3. It’s ten o’ clock in the morning.

III. Read every message carefully and determine the simple present tense uses in each case.


A Jason usually kills people at Crystal Lake. 1–2-3-4

B Shirley and Joshua make love every night. 1–2-3-4
C The president comes tomorrow. 1 – 2 -3 - 4
D That bar opens in 30 minutes. 1–2-3-4
E Humans are mortal creatures. 1–2-3-4
F Spanish is the first language in Colombia. 1–2-3-4
G Time is conventional. 1–2-3-4
H Katie feels good now. 1–2-3-4
I I hate poverty. 1–2-3-4
J I love my doggy. 1–2-3-4
FIRST QUIZ - ENGLISH LEVEL II Name: _________________________________________ Group: ______
Teacher: Wilman Ordóñez. Contents: Unit 1.

I. Daily Routines. Read carefully each paragraph and answer the given questions.
On a normal day, I, (Victoria) get up in the morning at 8:15, which is too late since I have to take my four-year old son to school
and he has to be there at l 9:00 o’clock. This means that I start the timed run. My son and I get dressed and have breakfast. Then we
go out to meet his two friends and their mothers and we all walk together to school. After leaving him at school I go to buy bread
and whatever is necessary for that day and I come back to my house. I make the beds, clean and cook for the day. In between these
tasks I have to be doing several things like paperwork for my husband’s job, study (I am trying to pass a state exam for a
government position), make telephone calls to solve different administrative problems, and so on. At 12:15 I have to go back to
pick up my son at school. We come back, have lunch and go back to school at 14:15. At 16:00 I do the last back and forth trip to
school. We get home and have an afternoon snack, then we go out to the park for my son to play with his friends and later I give
him a bath, we have dinner, and I put him to bed. At last I have a little spare time to watch a movie with my husband and then go to

1. Is it too late for Victoria to wake up at 8:15? Why?

a. Sure it is. She’ a very busy person. She works for a multinational company.
b. Of course, she’s in charge of the chores, works at home and, additionally, studies Commerce.
c. No way, she’s a house wife.
d. None above mentioned.
2. Who goes grocery shopping?
a. Victoria’s husband.
b. Victoria’s son.
c. Two friends and their mothers.
d. Victoria
3. When does Victoria’s son study?
a. He does it in the morning and in the afternoon.
b. He’s a lazy boy.
c. He studies in the morning.
d. The child does it in the morning.
4. What do Victoria and her son have for snack?
a. They have bread.
b. They have anything.
c. That information is not given.
d. None above mentioned.
5. How does Victoria spend her spare time?
a. She goes out with her husband.
b. She and her husband make love.
c. She and her husband watch films.
d. She and her husband talk about administrative problems.

II. Clock Time. Choose the best answer for the question “What time is it?”

6. It’s 12:00 A.M.

4. It’s midnight
5. It’s noon.
6. All above mentioned.
7. It’s 7:00 P.M.
4. It’s seven oh three.
5. It’s seven and a half in the evening.
6. None above mentioned.
8. It’s 10:00 P.M.
4. It’s ten o’clock at night.
5. It’s ten o’clock in the evening.
6. It’s ten o’ clock in the morning.

III. Read every message carefully and determine the present continuous tense uses in each case.


A You’re taking an English test 1–2-3

B S2AN is taking a computer maintenance course this semester 1–2-3
C We’re drinking next Friday after work 1–2-3
D You’re reading some sentences 1–2-3
E You’re translating mentally 1–2-3
F Jerry’s meeting Ella tomorrow night 1–2-3
G My daughter’ s coming tonight 1–2-3
H Jeffrey and Holmes are selling CDs on weekends 1–2-3
I Nowadays film directors are promoting more new actors 1–2-3
J We’re signing the contract in about a week 1–2-3

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