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Human biology of physical activity in the growing


Lauren B. Sherar & Sean P. Cumming

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physical activity in the growing child, Annals of Human Biology, 47:4, 313-315, DOI:

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Published online: 30 Sep 2020.

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2020, VOL. 47, NO. 4, 313–315


Human biology of physical activity in the growing child

Lauren B. Sherara and Sean P. Cummingb
School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK; bSport, Health, and Exercise Research Group,
Department of Health, University of Bath, Bath, UK

It is now established, without a doubt, that physical activity maturation and development are best managed in a sporting
is essential for the physical (Poitras et al. 2016) and mental context, and the extent to which these processes may also
(Biddle and Asare 2011) health of the growing child. impact general engagement in physical activity. Thus, this
Globally, however, many youth are not reaching the min- special issue includes a diverse compilation of cross-sectional,
imum physical activity guidelines required to achieve the longitudinal, qualitative, and quantitative studies that have a
associated health benefits (Guthold et al. 2019) and there is specific focus on the impact of biology on adolescents’ par-
a well-observed steep decline in physical activity as children ticipation in physical activity and sport. We hope that it pro-
progress through adolescence (Kimm et al. 2002; Dumith vides a fuller picture of the evidence base to date, the future
et al. 2011; Corder et al. 2016). While the decline in unstruc- directions of the field, and the challenges that researchers
tured activity (e.g. active play) with age is likely an inevitable and practitioners need to overcome.
consequence of progressing to the mature state (Rowland Utilising a prospective design, Baxter-Jones and col-
1998), increasing the age of onset, and reducing the steep- leagues (Baxter-Jones et al. 2020) investigated the role of
ness of the decline is paramount for the current and future anthropometric and maturational factors upon the selection
health of adolescents. and retention of over 800 adolescents across a range of
One of the most visible forms of moderate-to-vigorous sports. The majority of adolescents who tried out for sports
physical activity in children and adolescents is organised were born within the first half of the competitive year, tall
sport, which has a host of benefits outside of physical health for their age and, in many sports, advanced in maturation.
including social (e.g. sportsmanship), psychological (increased Anthropometric and maturational factors did not, however,
self-esteem, particularly with team sports (Evans et al. 2017)), predict future selection and deselection. This suggests that
and positive leadership (Fraser-Thomas et al. 2005). While developmental differences may have greatest impact upon
youth attendance in organised sport has increased in some initial entry into the sport but have limited impact beyond
countries over the last two decades (e.g. Mathisen et al. this point. Findings support the need for strategies to coun-
2019), particularly at the younger ages, disengagement dur- ter selection biases against later born and/or later develop-
ing the adolescent years is still evident, with a common ing adolescents.
observation that girls are more susceptible to dropping out In an invited commentary, Eisenmann, Till, and Baker
at a younger age than boys (Chalabaev et al. 2013). (Eisenmann et al. 2020), further highlight the need to moni-
Over the past 20 years, we have seen a surge of evidence tor growth and maturation in youth athletes and discuss
on the correlates of physical activity (and to a lesser extent how this information can be utilised to optimise the identifi-
sport participation) in children and young people. However, cation and development of talented young athletes.
perhaps less well understood is the impact that the proc- Highlighting examples of good practice, the authors describe
esses of growth and biological maturation have upon child- how information related to maturational status and timing
ren’s physical activity behaviour. Adolescence hosts stark can be used to inform coaching decisions and the design
changes in physiology, psychology, and behaviour, but the and implementation of training programmes. Most import-
age at which children experience these changes differs antly, the authors identify the education of stakeholders (e.g.
widely (e.g. up to 5 years) leading to marked biological vari- coaches, parents, athletes) as a key strategy in optimising
ation, both between and within genders of the same age. the development of and opportunities for both early- and
Many studies in public health consider biological maturity as late-developing athletes.
a confounding influence/covariate in analyses, and within Presenting a case study from UK football (soccer), Hill and
Sport Science, there has been ample observational research colleagues (Hill et al. 2020) discuss how educational princi-
documenting maturation as an important predictor of per- ples derived from Social Development Theory and research
formance and selection in young athletes. What is less clear, conducted in mixed-age classrooms can be used to support
however, are the various mechanisms and processes through the learning and development of early- and late-maturing
which these associations occur, how individual differences in players in bio-banded (i.e. maturity matched) competitions

CONTACT Lauren B. Sherar School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

and training. Drawing heavily from the work of Vygotsky and APHV) in adolescent girls was associated with less accelerom-
Bruner (Wood et al. 1976) the authors explain how coaches eter assessed moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and this
and sports science practitioners can “scaffold” learning envi- association was partly explained (mediated by) lower percep-
ronments to optimise challenge and opportunity for devel- tions of body attractiveness and physical self-worth. These
opment. Preliminary findings from the case study suggest findings suggest that perceptions of pubertal change may be
that these strategies can be used to better prepare athletes as, if not more, important than change itself and should be
for the practice of bio-banding and optimise benefits of considered within interventions to enhance physical activity.
this strategy. In a unique paper using data from the Avon Longitudinal
Three papers in the special issue focus specially on the Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) and UK Biobank,
impact of biological maturity on physical performance. A Elhakeem and colleagues (Elhakeem et al. 2020) consider the
paper provided by Myburgh et al. 2020 illustrates how sex- impact of pubertal timing upon physical activity during ado-
specific developmental curves for sprint acceleration can be lescence and in middle-aged and older-aged adults
used in elite adolescent tennis players (n ¼ 3120). Intuitively, (40–70 years). Adjusting for age, education, and lifestyle fac-
they showed that early-maturing males and females had tors, later pubertal onset (i.e. late maturity) was associated
poorer performances when acceleration was considered rela- with greater accelerometer assessed total physical activity in
tive to biological rather than chronological age, highlighting girls at 14, but not 16 years of age. Pubertal timing was unre-
the bias inherent in traditional evaluation processes. The lated to both total and moderate-to-vigorous physical activ-
authors suggested that examining performance relative to ity in boys at both 14 and 16 years of age. Pubertal timing
developmental curves based on biological maturity (not had no significant association with physical activity in mid-
chronological age) may be a practical and more accurate older age suggesting that other factors may be more import-
method of monitoring long-term athlete development. ant to consider at these stages of life.
Second, Guimares et al. 2020 utilised 4 years of longitudinal An ongoing challenge in practice and in applied research
data on 512 boys (Canadian, Portuguese, Brazilian; is the assessment of biological maturity. Two studies in the
8–17 years) to show that peaks in performance align to age supplement, one by Parr et al. 2020 and the other by
at peak height velocity (APHV) (e.g. explosive muscular Teunissen et al. 2020, investigate the accuracy of non-intru-
strength peaks prior to APHV whereas static muscular sive prediction equations based on anthropometric measure-
strength peaks after APHV). These are important observations ments. Parr and colleagues compared the maturity offset
and need to be built upon and translated to teachers and method (Mirwald et al. 2002) to predict age at APHV and the
coaches so they can better understand the impact of timing three protocols to predict the percentage of mature adult
of biological maturity/peak statural growth on performance. height (Khamis and Roche 1994) with observed APHV (criter-
Lastly, Santos et al. 2020 examined the association between ion) in 23, 13-year-old male football (soccer) academy play-
biological maturity, growth, fitness, and gross motor coordin- ers. Results showed that the prediction methods accurately
ation in over 7000 children and adolescents residing in assigned 65%–94% of players, with the predicted percentage
Amazon and Peru. Younger age, being female, lower height of adult stature window method being the most accurate.
for age (i.e. stunting), lower overall physical fitness, and over- Teunissen et al. compared three methods to predict APHV,
weight status was related to lower gross motor coordination. the aforementioned maturity offset method (Mirwald et al.
Timing of biological maturity was, however, unrelated. Lastly, 2002), in addition to the methods by Fransen et al. (2018)
a number of school environment variables, such as play- and Moore et al. (2015) among 32 elite male youth football
ground facilities and frequency of physical education, were (soccer) players from the Netherlands. Results showed that
significant predictors of gross motor coordination. These the prediction methods did differ from attained APHV, and
findings should be used to inform intervention and policies thus the authors stressed caution when using these meth-
within these specific populations. ods. While these analyses need to be replicated in larger
In a timely contribution, Moore et al. 2020 provide a samples which include females and a wider age range, both
much-needed systematic review and narrative synthesis of contributions highlight the utility but also the challenges in
research exploring the relationship between timing of bio- accurately predicting maturity within a practical and applied
logical maturation and physical activity (including active (non-clinical) setting.
transport), sport, and sedentary behaviour. Adhering to As an entity, this special issue highlights that variation in
PRISMA guidelines, the authors concluded there was modest biological maturity likely plays a role in adolescent disen-
evidence of early maturity as a potential risk factor for disen- gagement from physical activity and certainly impacts selec-
gagement from physical activity and increase in sedentary tion and sporting performance among adolescent athletes.
behaviours in both boys and girls. The review also highlights However, the measurement of biological maturity in the field
the wide heterogeneity in measures of both physical activity settings remains a challenge and the lack of standard meas-
and biological maturity suggesting a need for measurement ures and/or harmonisation of physical activity and biological
consistency and/or data harmonisation across studies. maturity data hinders comparison across studies/populations.
A study by Cumming et al. 2020 used a biocultural We hope this special issue will stimulate a dialogue in the
approach to interrogate a large (n ¼ 1062) dataset of multi- academic field but also in practice (e.g. elite youth sport set-
ethnic girls (11–14 years) living in the Midlands of the UK. ting) about the need to truly understand, alongside psycho-
Results showed that early maturity (assessed via predicted social and behavioural factors, the human biological

influences on physical activity and sports performance/ Guimarães E, Baxter-Jones A, Pereira S, Garbeloto F, Freitas DL, Janeira
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Guthold R, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Bull FC. 2019. Global trends in insuffi-
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Adolesc Health. 4:23–35.
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Crawford PB, et al. 2002. Decline in physical activity in black girls and
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