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| 4-Intyoduction} 0, 3-0 vobjeds in wall us education, stiente, ammertce , | ment. earch, vachiertising ecund “enterfain- | Components OF Computer graphics: Be Srteractive veomputex qitaphics consists oF idhwee componenis, such cas eae git memory buffer [Freme “buyer | > Video monitor [TV monitor Cisploy woriroller Update | Frame [Refr | Sisploy [ Pixel | Process | Buffer [Process "| Cantroll lingo in __ Using hese wcomponents , we wore Loble to - See Ahe output on the screen in the form Of _pivels i ct this, 4s the place vohere image or pictunes fored os van varrasy ( medriot op O cand « | where _O_Nepresents” vlarknes vang J represeris | ictus 4 pictow vame bufren is dhe Video | MCV-RAM) je usec No hold von p the age lisplayecl von the screen. She vdrounl Lep_ memory mequired Sto hold the imoge -The uteH, “eqraphics vals provicles 3 axility | ___eelledt “supelote “Velyramies Wi Sie pain | ics id Gs possible Lhe nge the shape, colon __on other properfies of objects being viewed: : = The computer “wqraphics Provides ool ealled reti= r on nomics. Wilh these tools, user Can vrove i vond Yumble objects with respect a Medical: Computer grophies is” now widely used in redial | sector Cr becames vo “powerfal foo! of iagnosis and treatmenl in the hand of doctors Computer|) Zed oxiod Tomography CCAT) is va system throw “ushich 4u00 welimensiona) images of Cross-Section of “homer: becky OM specific organs are produced? Tomogiéiphy. we Fechrique of K-Fayy p Fotegraph that allows cross 2echional views oF phys ological} ___ 8ystern jo be _clisploged “CT scein technology is aro-f thet exciumple where Cr is used- ii By Toternet | computer graphic is maximum used” Trdernet 1208] be nothing withouF grophies: Ne can Usten high | quoliky streaming ynvusic OM wodch ynavies On tha ‘web: $0, without ca on the web it Cvould be just Gke vo notep J ogile which coniains on 45 but no images: “ i} 1) Simulation: | i ——} SEE Pe ee eer — | i %X Choracteristics /Tmportarce of Computer Cpraphies ee: | TERs 7 ___ £7 Ube interactive nedure Gand preview —capebiGiy Of Computer processing ic extremely Usejul une (One wan erecde ver eclrcuning veithout resorting 1 velyowing instruments vane without Back breaking \~ ee tt physical eppont from vorious angles and in cliepe- Urent styles REG Sat only prety Grd” pressive Te Ta BOF cleo very user prienclly making iE operation odventure By With most compotor appucations, it must be) temembered that invoribly iF is nok the Computer | ——Thel mekes “isiakes, VF iS the peer enfenng HH the clata or using the command: eee 1 [2 Graphics Hotieluorte| ast ) sed for entering “text string ive ee is can .ef¢ident dewice for inpuling nen graphics lager. 9 ae oF alphanumeric keys, fondion keiys, cursor keys Mand a separate numecue key pad: These kegs wore used vreve the wcurson, to seled the | “menu items, pre clefined fonctions: ayN ouse _meved in space Lond then put alocn fl jain uithout vany uchange in the reported} _ position: Sts“ Fypes wore + mechanical vond optical zer (A Hebel fs vo weligitizen es sevice» tahuch 1s Ogee! e, een webjed, ond a bi ag get ites, eet wclinate position; hese se. pos tioks ton be ned with straight ‘Gre segments te opp Lordigina! shape of on object- Toblet _ccligit! ests ——- shit imn meatilly the fam cle bit natin doje ge Fenewlly ot vine tablet 8 elk big tate, scdoP ae ca ee eee a | von wobject wycletecting the position of movable | siylus( pencil shaped clevice) held Th user Pank A> ____ tablet isasplat surface Gnd ifs size vases qrom | GAS inches upto ag by 72 inches Gu mmare HS + \ types Ove = ' iD Electrical tablet i) Sonic tablet WY Resistive tablet Computer Nhen pressure is applied to a point ono joble a siylus, the horizontel vive and va verlicle w Wassouated with the Corresponding greid point meet each ofhex causing van electric current to Flow into each of the witte- Since ein electric vcurrent is only present _in the two wires thot meel, the UPique coordinale fox the stylus wan rievec | “Uhe coordinate refurned Gre table} woordinides which ore converted to the usex on Screen waar dinates by an imaging soflvare: aa Ty Electric tablet : i 7 Z TA arid of wires on one by fourth Ct/a)* Jo one ‘iby two ( 4/2) inch centre is embeded in the fable surface. And electromagnetic signals aenerated by ve the electric pulses isa vplied in the “sequence ie in The ghd genetiole “electrical signals 7 in| wo wire oil in the stylus Tbe strength a “E ‘Signal _genevated _ by each pulse is used to deteim- ine the po _the stylus: The 18 also used +o cletermine roughly how for the i yeni. Khe tablet 7} Sonic table ci lus Fo ee Positioned on the Periphery lef the digitizing aHea. An electic spark at the | on OF the stylus or Coordinake valwels is calcul | dted using the delay between when the sparks Voccus and when its sound Grives at each mi- [The tablet is just va piece of glass coated with } thin Tagen 0 of conducting material’ Nhen va batery _ {powered stylus is activated oF certain position , it emits big frequency radio signals , which gene- tit __ Hole Fhe vadio a the conduchng loyers- il : signal Meceived at + H A touch screen 4a a computer elisploy Stre “screen ve fo human +t touch, allowing vo user by Foue sching pikes words on the screen. Touch screen system Gccepr | _Inpuk dinectly ¢ Prrough the monitor - Jt uses sensors | Fo detect the ay - [In a typical o optical touch ee _edliades (LED) ore mounted in Vadiazent jes — 9ne verkical and one horizonted Fhe oppesife vertical ond horizontal edi es wonton LighF detectors (photo dice )- These velelectons ~Sinstonk _ ddlenffies which tus G thogoned ght bedins Tl emitied by the LEDs ave blocked by a ing on | * Slber pointing device and thereby records Fhe CK) 5oorcinates of the screen sition Fouched ~~] MS elechioy. Jia 18 law verolban Facer poet ea TAS PESTHRS Th BARR Bit CCE iH Types ore eee i: Electric Fouch Panel ete fe _ ho electric touch panel is construed with Two Has |~ _inspovent plates re _ Seporated: by a small clistarce. One of the Note IS Coated with a conducting materials when the outer plate is if is forced into contact with the i “pl Shis contact Vereokes vo vollage drop vacross Taro Fao pixels Cfiven, 4 pixel wan sre 12 bik. | Therefore, size of qrome buffer Chyrexy : = 1B10FRO IR fi é Fr B9BzR160 byte Case HM: for A560 % 2048 Total no Ft pixel vequived “jor aséox Roa $4 @Sbox204uf — SRagzgEO™ : TGrves, crea eeaeeeed 3 pixd ap Stove Ta bE [fs Sie ef Frome differ Chega) > Gaaasvo ria il z pixd “an sre 24 Bie: site of frame buzz on = BRA ARO KRG . 3 ide Lo raster system with ca resolution @ | | 10R4x (024. What is the size qa roe Coe) needed fo store a- ~bits ia pixel Hoes yuh Storage is stored: => Sobution: ‘Case T; YesoluFion loag57e pixels i ae | 4 pixel “on store 4—bits pao 7 (Dherepore , size ef Storage Chytes) i 1084 x 1024 xq. s | 524288 bole ni ' Given, oO 4 pixel con store gobifs Dheresore , Site ef shoiage Cbyter) ij = 102R4x (024xg g = (0a g ae byte: a | / | || Consider Tuo vactex systems with resolotion | 640% 480 Ond i2koK 1024 How yrony pixels cold ‘be woccessecl | er _Setond in “each of these system | dis isploug controll x thas eet the ‘sexeer) vate of 60 qremes per second” what is the time per pixel ~ sn each | te => Solution: aa Case Ti Fay 640 ¥ 440 Tofal fo. of pixel required, FOr eu or 410 Teoliten. 40K avo pe aeHee = DoF 200 pixels Which ts the ro of pixel wantsined by | yreme | pvows cortyollet EN ALLeSs 6b yremes | por second {Tefal nov ef pixels cuccessed Now, Access time per pixel ease i Forel pixel accessed per see 4 Case 1s For Ato «lone Total no of pixel requived for TAPOX TOA ‘yesowhion = (260x 1olg pixels SS Sr oFao pixels: Since, Copkroliey Lon access Go Frames per Total no. of pixels, vacce ssed= Gow Peltor AS > P¥645R200 Access time per pixel= 4 a . F 264 3.200 l How many Elo bytes oss a 4¥2%e Buffer need Gn ve Goox doo pixd 2 > Solotion, Seppose “F pixel ean store 1 Bit ae ae = AGOoad A bits = R40000h page 8 = Boe0on bytes = Boooon (oRg How much dime tg spend @ scanning Oeyoss each Yow of pixels coloring “sereeh refresh on {0 _vaster system with resolution of Jagox load | ond ve refresh vate of 60 Frames per Second Solution, Resolution = 1atox 1024 C cyivend jDhet rmeans system contsins long scan Unes ancl eeich Scan cline contains ve R40 pixel’ wwond, refresh yates 60 frame] seconds | Dhot means, 7 frame tekes 3 3e seconds “Oheretoe, ¢ ene frome - consists et Joad scan Unes herepore, load scan Gres fakes Lo conds - zo v) Ope Scan Gre toke, sy : fe “Fo tore eee +63 x10 © How: Tepq sould if Joke to lead va Gaox aa. | frame buffer with la bits pew pixels, if 08 “bits van be Fransy ered per second? How long would i butper ‘With w resoWwtion of 1Rvox 102d using [the seme transzen rete: Bape) Sew Solotion, fee eeepc et . oe) 08 at ep eRe bs sean system Cincloding elon TV) Peer _ luce +O much wsiclen Mange OF colons beam penetration method: 256 wcolors eon be pro- vdluced by Mis vnethad- at s aa mask CRT has three _phosphat colon dors © EP each pixd position 1 called triad=,.One phesph hon dot emits red Ught, another emits* va wgreen Ught ond the Phir “emits va blie _Gght Dhis ips eet has three eleehron cil one yor each ae olor Grel wo Shad | ow mask est behind 4 the phosphor Coaled sever" ret the stream op electrons produced | by tbe cet’ cathode plete, it encounters the shalows mask which is va | sheet of yell engraved with co poten + Roles: "Ohe mask is posttionedl in the glass zunnel of bthe cet eluting manupactre ancl the phosphow [is veeated on fo the sereen so that electrons [teoming jrem the fed, gyeen, bie gun position only j strikes _the appropriate phospho dot: ‘reaches the _Phesphort coated FQuto- Lelia shadows mast: he “beam of echroni re “cep latled” ana tad onto the shadow mast ahich cca eA tits “Corresponding color’ dots the shadow *& Orawhack = Uhe drawback op “this cer of holes- When eleciren bik _ phosphor they aah 1G dot Hriangle” The phesphow dels Hengle ave Orronged such haf electron beam cactivale onl tons the when if PPsses Fhrough is 40 achieve” high” puetivon ce to aGngment of Shadow mask holes Ond triads. ~ Dhe fous 1s not Sharp ov er iha- Complete Screen 7% Precision in Line: Yon guns. H eliminates the uA tried has va Une peten as vare Three ‘eleck& drawback G detta -delis |Cht As Theine is conlinvous ship prom fop te boom lof the screen yor each colon |Oftet another on screen. Bul. the “image sharpness ab the They are pbced ore is sUghiy redicey edge of the tubes. a Advantages Ss Because a inline guns, the “Convergence Sdjustment at J ! — becomes simple XK Roslen Lisploy Technology + Raster uclis 7 Comamen Loy dechnology is vdeweloy Gm Gn vaste scan clipleiy 1s swepk Gckes” Fhe |) eeree , One yow vot _ [ean when iF reaches boom, scan starts from top ond _ produce Big: 209° Une" As the electi-} On beam Moves vocross each row, the beam inter inkerty | attern of brighiani nf on Picture deginition | _iP f imnn0d Spt if is turned ON as one 2OFF as O +o Create o fresh upper Stored in va memory vorea wecdled NOH frame buffer JE holdé the set for atl scteep po Points C pixels)” “Dhe. value ane retvived mn frame bite axed Or tne —sereen operate | Zoreen point is repfered os a pixel.) In mm, _7_| 40s, based on “Pelewision sah ccalomy Fe be-f Fensity alos 000600} OUSTH — ro mar COOOL [vides eOT 1G co] | he vonchileclone ‘video controfien, €| OF Nestor vclisplag wcondils cap Pu, mefresh buppet, Ex TC Sereen), ‘Reyboard , mouse as Shown Tn [sesh pichve iedlerinifion on vclisplay image is “stored an a {| sfonm Mf OS wand ts in the vepresh buffer Om H rome _buser - The video wonftoler recaal thie display fer vor produce the vachal image on the screen [| conta ve Screen. The Loster scan Proceeds as Follows: | Slosting prom top left Coren Of the screen, He | § the operations of display Waice anchaccess The Frome Bu thevie Yebesh | elechion .gun scans horizontally rom left to raght one sean tine Cras) vat co Hime jumping fe the legt end of _the next lower row Loni the bette Hight eornert ig meached- Then ee >! 4 the top left Comer ond stowks again = one complete _represh cycle: when the beam t ine | veght if is ON vond when f if is oved from | left -- “it is moved ch OFF Positive xX-Vvalve mereases to the vight and poset yovalre | OFF: i UU eep oben —do-top—Geanime art la beliecd Fisern 0 £0 Xmas ord from Yan 6k the HOP of Screen +o Zev at me bottom. j_ technology picteres “Gnes, chorts fae jebe surface in Org any Manion sli Rosne display -owchitechwe Deploy a) Controller i" peso soe | | Displeay beeper [Gine (ao, 300, emery Tandem ai Anchitectore of _ Rardom clisplay curchitechure veonsists op vélisplaag __Qressacontroilor, clisplaug bopper memory, EPU vand ht} HOA sclisplay controller is connected to ve CPO he | Et PLES Rls, fre “Computer prodicel —tiplay Tat, Gi oa eee vommand: —cslibyind pantsy Sy a celisplany controler infewprets ommarels jon piloting points, Uines are | chasackes vane! sends veligifal veunel point coordi= __|}nate to wa vec, ugeneraio!: She vector generator | then Ceonverts the” ccligifal ctoordinale values. | Fhe Vector “generate 40 Onotog deglectian ‘Voltage. [gor beam cdleflection cireuit FhaF rnove Gan elechion | | beam vstiling on the oar pi octed | screen: Thus, beam suecpt across the soreen ‘ doesnot yotlow ong fixed potiern, the dived arbifory os igen by welisplony “com commond: > “The Une _producecl ove. and continvous Unes 2ig- 200 as the cel Os the electron values ere discrete parks: beam — wcLivedtoy jollews the Tina ~_ |p Because ERT Beair Bean foltoss phe line ne line path only } ! i BY In this case the elechio:2> Here, CRT has the ‘electron | in beam is sweapt Scio! beam clivectty on 7 the i lp I I | / eShere Or ithe Screen one Yow aa pars of of the se time qrom top to bottom: Pictore is Fo” “be if iy! as @ set of Une drawing ~~ Naboes for atl sereen pak Srarch nts or pixel ina menor: “Ores called vepreh “bap | et OH Frame burfer- Vucommands in LG Wremory Bree _ ot has les St AA t= A Resolution « aI has Wigh reselalion.

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