Bio, Nov1423

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a tissue i a group of physically linked cells and associated intercellular

substances that is specialized for particular functions.

the cells making up a tissue is simply dependent on where that cell was when the
oragnism was being developed
in other words, the cells of a tissue generally share oriin in the embryo
tissues allow the body to function more
tissue is not the highest level or oraganisayion as in organisms, escpecialy aomals
A. a number of tissues work together as one functional unit to form an organ eg
stomach heart
B. several organs work together to carry out on eparticular role
This occurs only in animals

Tissues in plants
1.the one type of cell;parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma
2.more than one type of cells: including xylem and phloem

Types of tissues in Animals

1. Epithelial
2. Connective (fibrous, cartilage)

1Connective tissue
-helps provide sturcture, support, defense, tranpsort materials and binds things
-cel fibers( colagen) and elastic fibres
cell is separated by a ground substabce (protein, matrix)
-types of connective
-loose connective - collagen and elastic fibres
found in and around blood velles and orgsn
-fibrous connective- large amounts of collagen, found in tenodnds and ligamnets
-cartilage is connective, bones noses aeras
-adipose conective( body fat) insualtiona and stores engery
blood is special connective tissue, cells separated by fluid
bones are also connective tissues
summary:help attach bone to bone, muscle to bonse, move materials around int he
form of blood, store smooth fat

2.epithelial tissues- line cavities and cover surfaces

protection from sunlight and pathogens, secretion of sweat and hormones and mucucs,
abosrptiona nd exhnage, eg O2 and CO2 arexchanged hhru epithelial, important in
sensation in how we touch and feel

divided into these types: classified bys hape and number

squamos- width greateet han height, bones and blood vessels
cuboidal- widtha nd height are like a cube, found in important plants
columnar- heligh greatet han width, digestive tract
simple tubiodaland strate tuboidal

Nerve tussue9 brian, spinal cord, priheral

made up of neurone tranpsmit electrical signals thru body
neuron- cell boby( has nucleus and mito, robosomes), dendrites( receives eectrical
singal), axon( nerve signal passed down signal, has insulation- mylein sheath. -
axpn termhla( communicates with dendreites of other vells)

muscuel tissue( movemets inside and outside the body)

helps with psture, provides heat, can contracta nd get shorter, relax and return to
original size
smooth, cariac and skeletal msucles
cardiana d skel are stripes?/
smooth does not have miroflamnets( digestive tract, veins, arteries)
- involuntary ( dont have to thunk for them to work, moevemnt of food, waste)

skeletal( voluntary, worjks with bones)

- attatched ot bones by tendons

cardiac( striated) found in heart, mixture btwn smooth and skletal

helps heart pump blood

parencyham (stores starch, oil, water0
helps to heal wpunds
think, felxible walls
unsepecialsed and acts as papckingtissue between more specilaised tissues like in
central pith of stem and outer cortex of stem and roots
1. forms a large part of bulk of younf plants
2. support- they suport then oragns in which they are found by beocming turgud
wjhere they are tightly packed
eg, in stem of herbaceous plants wher ehey form emans of siiuport
these palnts iwll wilt when water is short as a results og water loss hence
turgidity disapperra
althougj unspe

4. has air spcaes which runs btwn cells hence failiattaing gas exchange- eg in
spongy mesophyll
5. allows storgae of foom majinly in storage oragns like potato tubers where starch
is tored int he parenchyma cortex. alos int hickened clle walls. eg in the seed
endosperm where sotarge occurs int eh hemicellulose
6. cells walls of parenchyacreates passage for water anf mnaerals, even may moev
thru plasmodesmadta btwnneighouring cells
7. may be modified and beocmespeiclaisewd invariious parts of the pklant
epidermis is a modifed parenchyma

epidermal cells
one cell thick
main role id to [rpoetct the plant from dessication and infection
they make a waxy cuticle substance was cutin which forms a laywer called the
cuticle wjich is located within on theother surface of the cellw all
prevetn pathogens from entering the plany and cut down wayer loss by evaporation-
the spceliased epidermial cells called guard cells which are located n pairs at
regular intervals twn the normal epridemral cells
gaurd cell-m adjsut the size of the stoma which os found bwteen the pair and allows
gases o neter and eave the plant

guard cells are more numerous on the lower and upper epidermis
some epidermal cells have unicellular or mulitdcellualr hair like extensions whcihc
play variuos roles
eda. root hair0 here unicellulr hairs grow form a region just belwo ethe root tip
hooked hairs

epidemrl ahairs
1. trapping ayer of mpist air next tot he plant and reflect radiation, assist
curile inr eeucing water loss
mechanical proetctive fnctions- the hair oor stinging nettle ar ehard with bulbous
tips. as they knowck against an animal body their fragile tips break off and te
jagerred ends pierce the skin
the cell contents as thier base then enter ge wound as aact as an aiiritant
hairs form barriers aorund nectars and some flowers prventing access ny crawling
inselcs and hence allwoing flying insects inside therby promoting cross

colencyma cells provie support to a growing plant

they are srtrong and flexible
celery strings are strands of colecyma
they have an unevenly

schelrenchyma cells are the strongest of the plant cell type

- second cellwall hardened by lignin

- diw ehen they reach maturity
used by hmasn to make linen and rope

plant oragns are made of 3 tissue sstems

dermal tissues( proetct sthe plant. secrete cuticle of leaves, forms bark on trees0
ground tissue( provies support, made of parencyma,
vasuclar ticcues( xylema and phloem)

peliferous layer
the outermsot layer of the dicot root is one cell thick and is called the
peliferous layyer
these epidermal cells have out gowths called root hair ce which project

as the root grows down, the other roots no longer contain an epidemris but and
exodemris whichc an absorb water bt nto ass efficent as the epidemirs

the cortex
made of parenchyma- metaboicallua ctiev
packing tissues
thisis a one cell thikc barrier whichc surrojds teh central vascular bundle of the
root. int h ecase of the stem teh vascular bundle is peripheral
are alive and have en elongated shape
substance caled suberin which is laid down in a part of the cell wall of the
endodemral cell
this helps to form the casparina strip hich prebts movement fo wtare acros the cell
this causes wtar to follwo a specific route to go the xylem

foun inside endodemis
layer of parnecyma cells and facilitates frowth of lateral rots
aids int ransport of materials in plants

bio cambridge

primary growth
elonagtion ythe plant
cell diviison. enlagrment, differentiato
apical meritems
increase in dimater
occurs in xyelma nd phloem
cell diviison in lateral meristem
occurs in camboum of stem- secondary
cambium dviides and steem width increases

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