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class 9th Test session (T3) Paper: Physics

Total Marks: 30 Total Time: 1h 30 m

Name: Date:

Q1: Choose the correct option: (1*10=10)

1. Which of the following is the unit of momentum?

(a) Ns (b) Ns-1
(c) kgms-2 (d) Nm

2. When a horse pulls a card, the action is on the:

(a) card (b) horse (c) earth (d) earth and card
3. When a force of 8 newton is applied on a body of mass 2 kg then acceleration produced will be?
(a) 16ms-2 (b) 4ms-2 (c) 160 ms-2 (d) 0.4 ms-2
4. The weight of a body of mass 10 kg on earth, its weight is balanced by:
(a) 1 N (b) 100 N (c) 1000 N (d) 10 N

5. Newton's 1st law of motion is valid only in the absence of which of the following?
(a) Force (b) Momentum (c) Friction (d) Net Force

6. The force required to move the bicycle in a curved path:

(a) Centripetal (b) Gravitational (c) Tension (d) Centrifugal

7. 1 N______?
(a) kgms-2 (b) kgms-2 (c) kgm2s-1 (d) kgm2s-2

8. ____ of a body remain same everywhere?

(a) Weight (b) Acceleration (c) Mass (d) Velocity

9. Mass is a _____ quantity?

(a) Vector (b) Scalar (c) Derived (d) Negative

10. If mass of the body is double while keeping the force constant, then
acceleration will be:
(a) One half (b) Double (c) One fourth (d) Four-time
Q2. Write Short Answers to the following questions: (any 6) (6*2=12)
1. How much time is required to change the 22 Ns momentum by a force of 20 N?
2. Differentiate between mass and weight?
3. Find a centripetal force needed to move a body of mass 0.5 kg in a circle of radius 50 cm with a
speed of 3 ms-1 ?
4. Why is the outer edge of the road kept higher than the inner edge (banking of road)?

6. Why is rolling friction less than sliding friction?

7. Action and reaction are always equal and opposite than how does a body move?

Q2. Write Long Answers to the following questions: (any 1) (1*8=8)

Q1. Define momentum and prove that rate of change of momentum of body is equal to applied force?
Q2. State and explain law of conservation of momentum?

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