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What are the inadequacies that people have that can lead to unsafe acts and unsafe

conditions? [25]

The employees are the most important asset in any organisation. The health and safety of

individuals not only affects the quality of life while at work, but also the lives, and standard

of living of the family and community. There is, thus, a need to safeguard the health and

safety of the individual in respect of possible exposure to any occupational hazards.

Management has a moral responsibility concerning their employees, their families and the

public at large. Frank Bird refers to the immediate causes of accidents as being, “Unsafe Acts

and Unsafe Conditions” which he further defines as follows:

“The unsafe act is a violation of an accepted safe procedure which could

permit the occurrence of an accident”

“The unsafe condition is a hazardous physical condition or circumstance

which could directly permit the occurrence of an accident”

Workplace safety is of paramount importance for safeguarding employees and fostering a

productive environment. To achieve this, it is crucial to promote a safe working environment.

Unsafe acts occur due to actions or behaviours that deviate from established safety protocols.

These actions can range from disregarding safety guidelines to failing to use Personal

Protective Equipment correctly. Such acts do not only jeopardize the individual involved but

also pose risks to the entire workforce. It can also be defined as any activity by workers that

is not in accordance with the established safety standard or practice and that can or is likely to

create accidents, risk to oneself or others at work, damage equipment, and cause reputational

and financial losses to the employer.

Unsafe conditions encompass physical elements within the workplace that have the potential

to cause harm. These may include poor housekeeping, inadequate lighting or ventilation,

malfunctioning equipment, or improper handling of hazardous materials. Identifying and

rectifying these conditions is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of employees.

By distinguishing between unsafe acts and unsafe conditions, employers and employees can

better comprehend the risks present in their workplace. A study attributes 20% of all injuries

on duty to unsafe working conditions and 80% of all injuries on duty are the result of unsafe

Acts by people. It is therefore the duty of the employers and Employees to minimise the or

totally eradicate the inadequacies that lead to unsafe act an unsafe condition as their end

result might be fatal.

Below are the inadequacies that people do and they lead to unsafe acts in the working


1. Inadequate or non-use of personal protective equipment

Most mining operations around the world have compulsory eye protection programmes

which require the miner to wear safety spectacles, goggles, face shields or a full facepiece

respirator, depending on the operations being performed and the combination of hazards to

which the miner is exposed. Neglecting to wear safety goggles, helmets, gloves, or other

necessary protective gear is very dangerous in such an environment as breakages might

fall on your head and the result would not be pleasing. Wearing of personal protective

equipment should be done as it averts potential risks such as eye injuries, head trauma,

burns, cuts, exposure to harmful substances. Improperly worn PPE also poses danger as its

purpose would not be fully served. PPE is important because it protects an employee

against health and safety risks and gives them extra protection in the event of an accident

or against the elements.

2. Disregarding safety procedures and protocols

Ignoring established safety protocols, such as lockout/tagout procedures or confined space

entry requirements. People should always adhere to the written procedure of the use of the

machinery. Failure to do so leads to equipment malfunction, electrocution, falls,

asphyxiation and chemical exposure.

3. Inadequate Induction Training (avoid engaging in horseplay or reckless behaviour)

Safety inductions can be a major resource for helping prevent an injury or accident from

happening in the workplace. It is the direct tool for bringing awareness of safety issues and

procedures to all types of workers. Inadequate induction training may result in improper

use of machines, failing to follow the laid down procedure resulting on injuries and

fatalities. When using the machines concentration is highly encouraged and the use of

shortcuts is discouraged as it is an unsafe act that may cause harm and it amounts to not

following proper procedure. Employees need to be further lectured on the disadvantages of

engaging in rough or playful activities that distract or endanger oneself and others. Playful

activities or rough play especially where there is some equipment on the floor may lead to

trips, falls, collisions, equipment damage, and severe injuries.

Under reckless behaviour, employees who despite noticing that the surface or floors are

oily/contaminated the worker walks through such a place exposing himself to danger as he

is likely to fall. And suffer head injuries.

4. Inadequate Job Training and Re-training of Established Employees

Inadequate training in the workplace can not only lead to the risk of accidents and

incidents in the workplace, but it can also lead to employees who feel undervalued by an

employer who is not prepared to invest time and resources into ensuring that they are

adequately trained. Over confidence can also lead to employees embarking on short cuts,

re- training and discourage us of shortcuts. Failure to report faults on time is also an

inadequate that employees should be reminded not to do at all.

5. Improper use of machinery

Improper use of machinery include:

 Inadequate information and training on the use of machinery

 Working at an unsafe speed and using equipment in an unsafe manner

 Using unsafe or defective equipment and tools

 Working on or around moving equipment

 Working on dangerous equipment without authority

 Over feeding & speeding the machines/vehicle.

All the above improper use of machinery pose a danger to the user and the entire


6. Ignoring ergonomic guidelines:

Ignoring ergonomic guidelines also falls under lack of proper training. Typists are taught

the correct sitting position when doing their work. Sitting in a wrong position result in

back pains and stiffness of the neck. Failing to follow ergonomic principles while

performing tasks, such as lifting heavy objects incorrectly or maintaining poor posture.
Assuming an unsafe position or posture especially when lifting heavy objects or

performing a repetitive motion. This unsafe act will result in musculoskeletal disorders,

back injuries, strains, sprains, and chronic pain.

7. Improper storage or handling of hazardous materials:

Failure to follow proper procedures for storing and handling hazardous materials can lead

to accidents and exposure risks. Potential hazards - chemical spills, fires, explosions, skin

irritation, respiratory problems, and long-term health issues.

In addition to inadequacies that can lead to unsafe acts, there are various inadequacies that

people have that are likely to lead to unsafe conditions that can compromise workplace


1. Inadequate Environment Standards (workspaces and Poor housekeeping)

Cluttered workspaces, obstructed walkways, or spilled liquids can increase the risk of

slips, trips, and falls. Poor housekeeping leaving objects, materials, tools and equipment

not properly stored leads to slips, trips, and falls. Trips and falls are dangerous as they

may lead to sprained or broken bones, head injuries, back injuries, and bruises.

2. Inadequate lighting or ventilation

Inadequate lighting can make it difficult to identify potential hazards or see warning

signs, while poor ventilation can lead to non-control over toxic materials or substances,

airborne, fusion of gasses, vapours and fumes. Inadequate lighting and ventilation may

increase likelihood of accidents due to reduced visibility, respiratory problems, eye strain,

and fatigue.

3. Defective or malfunctioning equipment

Equipment that is not properly maintained or repaired can pose significant risks to

employees. Continued use of a malfunctioning machine may result in electrical shocks,

burns, and injuries caused by faulty machinery.

Deadlines, stress, poor attitudes and lack of skill can all result in unsafe actions on worksites

that lead to accidents and injuries. A few careless moments may have long-term

consequences for those involved, so it is important to recognize these hazards before

something goes wrong. Employers should make an effort to minimise unsafe acts and unsafe

conditions by providing adequate management control. With adequate management

programmes and standards in place unsafe act should be minimised. Regular inspections need

to be conducted to identify the unsafe conditions and repairs prioritised and then

implemented. This will show the employees that the company is serious about their well-

being while they are at work. Accidents can happen due to unsafe acts or unsafe conditions,

which can lead to injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. Employees should be

lectured on the consequences unsafe act or an unsafe condition, and taking steps to prevent

them, doing so companies can create a safer workplace for everyone.


1. IPMZ, Safety Health and Wellness Module, 2010








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