Linear-Algebra 2021

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RvZxq wek¦we`¨vj‡qi cÖkœcÎ - 2021 1 2 †hvMvkªqx exRMwYZ

4 3 3
4| A   1 0 1 Gi wecixZ g¨vwUª· wbY©q Ki| [Find the inverse

1| (K) A‡f` g¨vwUª‡·i msÁv `vI| [Define identity matrix.]   4  4  3
[Ch-1A: Quiz-17] 4 3 3
(L) w¯‹D-cÖwZmvg¨ wbY©vq‡Ki GKwU D`vniY `vI| [Give an example of a
matrix of the matrix A   1 0 1 .]
 [Ch-1C: Prob-7]
skew-symmetric determinant.] [Ch-1B: Quiz-17]
(M) g¨vwUª‡·i i¨vsK Kx? [What is rank of a matrix?] [Ch-1C: Quiz-9]   4  4  3
(N) u  (3  7i, 2i,  1  i ) I v  (4  i, 3  2i, 8) n‡j u  v  KZ? [If 1 3 2 0 2 0
u  (3  7i, 2i,  1  i ) and v  (4  i, 3  2i, 8) then find u  v .] 2 6 5  2 4  3
[Ch-2: Quiz-19 Gi Abyiƒc] 5| A g¨vwUª‡·i i¨vsK wbY©q Ki| [Find the
8 0 5 10 0 15 
(O)  -G `ywU †f±‡ii ga¨eZ©x `~iZ¡ wbY©‡qi m~ÎwU †jL| [Write down the
n  
2 6 0 8 4 18 
formula to find the distance between two vectors in n .]
[Ch-2: Art-2.26] 1 3 2 0 2 0
2 6 5  2 4  3
(P) n -G mgvš—ivj †f±i Kv‡K e‡j? [What is called parallel vectors
rank of the matrix A   .]
in n ?] [Ch-2: Art-2.15 Gi Abyiƒc] 8 0 5 10 0 15 
(Q) AmsMZ •iwLK mgxKiY †RvU ej‡Z Kx eySvq? [What is meant by the  
2 6 0 8 4 18 
inconsistent system of linear equations?] [Ch-3A: Quiz-19]
(R) KLb •iwLK mgxKiY †Rv‡Ui GKvwaK mgvavb _v‡K? [When a system [Ch-1C: Prob-35(ii)]
of linear equations has more than one solution?] [Ch-3A: Quiz-26]  1 2
6| A  g¨vwUª·wUi Rb¨ †KBjx-n¨vwgëb Dccv‡`¨i mZ¨Zv hvPvB Ki|
(S) †hvMvkªqx wbf©ikxj †f±‡ii msÁv `vI| [Define linear dependent  1 1 
vectors.] [Ch-4B: Quiz-2]
(T) †f±i RM‡Zi wfwË ej‡Z Kx eyS? [What do you mean by basis of a  1 2
[Verify the Caley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix A    .]
vector space?] [Ch-4C: Quiz-2]  1 1 
(U) †hvMvkªqx iƒcvš—‡ii bvwjwU Kv‡K e‡j? [What is called nullity of
[Ch-6: Prob-22]
linear transformation?] [Ch-5A: Quiz-5]
(V) ¯^fvex g¨vwUª‡·i msÁv `vI| [Define characteristic matrix.] 7| †`LvI †h, †mU S  {(a, b, c, d )  4 : 2a  3b  5c  d  0} GKwU 4
[Ch-6: Quiz-1] Gi DcRMZ| [Show that, the set
L-wefvM S  {(a, b, c, d )  4 : 2a  3b  5c  d  0} is a subspace of 4 .]
2| cÖgvY Ki †h, eM©vKvi g¨vwUª·‡K GKwU nviwgwmqvb Ges GKwU w¯‹D-
nviwgwmqvb g¨vwUª‡·i †hvMdjiƒ‡c cÖKvk Kiv hvq| [Prove that, every [Ch-4A: Prob-7]
square matrix can be expressed as the sum of a Hermitian matrix 8| {(1, 2, 3), (2, 0,  1), (7, 6,  11)} †mUwU †hvMvkªqx wbf©ikxj A_ev
and a Skew-Hermitian matrix.] [Ch-1A: Th-5]
Awbf©ikxj wKbv hvPvB Ki| [Test whether the set
3| u  (2i, 1  i,  3  i ) Ges v  (4, 3  i,  i ) n‡j || u  v || wbY©q Ki|
[If u  (2i, 1  i,  3  i ) and v  (4, 3  i,  i ) then find || u  v || .] {(1, 2, 3), (2, 0,  1), (7, 6,  11)} is linearly dependent or
[Ch-2: Prob-20(i) Gi Abyiƒc] independent.] [Ch-4B: Prob-12(i) Gi Abyiƒc]

RvZxq wek¦we`¨vj‡qi cÖkœcÎ - 2021 3 4 †hvMvkªqx exRMwYZ
9| V ( F ) ‡f±i RM‡Zi S  {u 1 , u 2 , , u n } GKwU wfwË n‡j †`LvI †h, 14| {(1,  2, 5,  3), (2, 3, 1,  4), (3, 8,  3,  5)} †mUwU‡K ewa©Z K‡i 4 Gi
V ( F ) Gi cÖ‡Z¨KwU Dcv`vb‡K Abb¨iƒ‡c S Gi Dcv`vbmg~‡ni †hvMvkªqx GKwU wfwˇZ cwiYZ Ki| [Extend the set
mgv‡ekiƒ‡c cÖKvk Kiv hvq| [If S  {u 1 , u 2 , , u n } be a basis of {(1,  2, 5,  3), (2, 3, 1,  4), (3, 8,  3,  5)} to a basis of 4 .]
V ( F ) then show that each of the elements of V ( F ) can be [Ch-4C: Prob-7(ii)]
expressed as a linear combination of the elements of S uniquely.] 15| hw` 5 Gi `ywU DcRMZ U Ges W h_vµ‡g
[Ch-4C: Th-2] {(1, 3,  3,  1,  4), (1, 4,  1,  2,  2), (2, 9, 0,  5,  2)} Ges
{(1, 6, 2,  2, 3), (2, 8,  1,  6,  5), (1, 3,  1,  5,  6)} Øviv m„wRZ nq,
M-wefvM Z‡e (U  W ) Ges (U  W ) Gi gvÎv wbY©q Ki| [If U and W are
10| j¨vc­v‡mi c×wZ e¨envi K‡i cÖgvY Ki †h [Using Laplace method prove two subspace of 5 where U and W are generated by
that], {(1, 3,  3,  1,  4), (1, 4,  1,  2,  2), (2, 9, 0,  5,  2)} and
a2   ab ac ad {(1, 6, 2,  2, 3), (2, 8,  1,  6,  5), (1, 3,  1,  5,  6)} respectively,
ab b 
bc bd then find the dimension of (U  W ) and (U  W ) .]
  3 (a 2  b 2  c 2  d 2   )
ac bc c 
cd [Ch-4C: Prob-13]
16| awi, T :  3 3
GKwU †hvMvkªqx iƒcvš—i; †hLv‡b
ad bd cd d2  
T ( x, y, z )  ( x  2 y  z , y  z , x  y  2 z ) ; ImT Ges KerT wbY©q
[Ch-1B: Prob-16]
11|  Gi Giƒc gvb wbY©q Ki hvi Rb¨ wbgœwjwLZ GKNvZwewkó mgxKiY †Rv‡Ui Ki| [Let T :  3   3 be the linear transformation defined by
(i) mgvavb †bB, (ii) GKvwaK mgvavb _v‡K, (iii) GKK mgvavb _v‡K| T ( x, y, z )  ( x  2 y  z , y  z , x  y  2 z ) . Find ImT and KerT .]
[Determine the values of  such that the following system of linear [Ch-5A: Prob-19]
equations has (i) no solution, (ii) more than one solution, (iii) a  1 1 2
unique solution.] 17| A   0 2 2  g¨vwUª·wUi mKj AvB‡Mb gvb I mswk­ó AvB‡Mb †f±img~n
x  y  z 1   1 1 3 

2 x  3 y   z  3 [Ch-3A: Prob-34] wbY©q Ki| [Find all the eigen values and associated eigen vectors of
x   y  3z  2  
 1 1 2
12| wgbKIqvw¯‹ AmgZvwU eY©bv I cÖgvY Ki| [State and prove Minkowskiss the matrix A   0 2 2  .] [Ch-6: Prob-12(i)]
 1 1 3 
inequality.] [Ch-2: Th-6]
13| (K) (3, 9,  4,  2) †f±iwU‡K (1,  2, 0, 3), (2, 3,  1, 0) Ges
(2,  1, 2, 1) †f±i¸‡jvi †hvMvkªqx mgv‡ekiƒ‡c cÖKvk Ki| [Express the ----------
vector (3, 9,  4,  2) is a linear combination of the vectors
(1,  2, 0, 3), (2, 3,  1, 0) and (2,  1, 2, 1) .] [Ch-4B: Prob-3]
(L) v1 , v2 , v3 †f±img~n †hvMvkªqx Awbf©ikxj n‡j †`LvI †h,
v1  v2  2v3 , v1  v2  v3 , v1  v3 †f±img~n †hvMvkªqx Awbf©ikxj n‡e| [If
the vectors v1 , v2 , v3 are linearly independent, then show that
vectors v1  v2  2v3 , v1  v2  v3 , v1  v3 are also linearly
independent.] [Ch-4B: Prob-11(i)]

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