Welcome To ABM Joining Letter

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 Deactive

Distributor ID No. : AP66837911 Name : FUZAIL

Address : City :

Pincode : 0 Registration Date : 03-Jan-2024

Sponsor ID : AP89826554

Login Password : fuzail Transaction Password : fuzail

Dear Distributor,
Congratulation, On your decision to soar sky high with us.

You are now a part of the opportunity of the millennium. ABM an exciting people business. A business that has the
potential to Turn Your dreams into reality. As you build your business, you will establish lifelong friendship and
develope support system unparalleled in any other business.

ABM is here to H.E.L.P.( High Energy Level participation) you to be successful. We pledge our best e!ort to provide
the level of continuing support necessary to help make you business a total success.

The bottom line of ABM When you network with us, we all together stand to win and ensure that we e!ect many
hundreds and thousands of lives in positive manner by spreading the total success attitude.

We are confident that you will get a lot of satisfaction from your involvement with ABM and we wish you every

Keep it up! See you at the top!

Winning Regards,


This is system generated Welcome Letter.

Deactive means distributor not eligible for any kind of income or benifits.

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