Ebook 12 Practical Points To Memorizing The Quran Compressed g6qphh

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Written By
Talal Assad al-Dandash
Translation, Verification, and Moderation By
Abu Aishah Murtadha AlIwoowee
Published by:
Dakwah Corner Bookstore (M) Sdn. Bhd.
No. 7, Jalan Dato Abdul Aziz, Section 14,
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T: +603-7956 4664

1st Published: ISBN: Cover Design & Typesetting:

2022 978-967-5699-91-7 Nawal Hakim

Title: Translation, Printed by:

12 Practical Points to Verification & Firdaus Press Sdn. Bhd.
Memorizing the Qur'an Moderation by:
Abu Aishah For suggestions and
Author: Murtadha comments:
Talal Assad Al-Dandash Allwoowee dakwahcornerpublications

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The 1st Guides:

The Listening Process 1

The 2nd Guides:

The Memorization Stage 5

The 3rd Guides:

The Revision and Retention Stage 8

The 4th Guides:

The Repetition Stage 10

The 5th Guides:

The Stage Of Uniting The Memorization 12

The 6th Guides:

Listening To The New Chapter 14
The 7th Guides:
Following-Up The Memorization
of The Second Chapter 16

The 8th Guides:

Offering The Prayers (As-Salah)
with The Memorized Portions 18

The 9th Guides:

Strengthening The Memorization 20

The 10th Guides:

Memorizing Each Part
Of The Qur’an Separately 22

The 11th Guides:

Strengthening The Memorization
With More Salah 24

The 12th Guides:

Revising The Whole Qur’an 26


A ll thanks and praises be to Allah, the Lord
of the worlds, the Creator of man from a
despised fluid of the combination of the male
and female discharges; kept in a safe lodge.

Thanks and praises be to Him, the Creator

of everything that exists. He rolls up the night
over the day and the day over the night.

I bear witness that none is worthy of been

worshipped sincerely but Him. He is the Lord
of the lords.

I also bear witness that prophet Muhammad

, a sincere and true witness till the day of

To proceed;

Verily, the best speech is Allah’s speech

and the best guidance is that of the messenger
of Allah, Muhammad , and the worst affairs
are those innovated into the religion; and
every innovation in the religion is considered
heresy, and all forms of heresy are aberration,
and every aberration leads to Hell.

O Allah! Teach us that, which will benefit

us, make us benefit from that which you
endow us of the knowledge, and increase us
in knowledge.

Indeed, the best kind of the speeches is a

precise and concise one, and it is not wisdom
that one says whatever he knows, but to be
cognizant of whatever he says.

Consequently, this work will be a precise

and concise template that will give insights into
how one can memorize the Holy Qur’an on his
own in the face of the challenges of life and its
hurdles, such that he will need to devote not
more ten minutes for the memorization every
day. Simply put, this pamphlet is a step by
step discussion of the manners of memorizing
the Qur’an considering the present life drift.
12 Practical Guides xi

B efore diving into this discussion, let us first

consider how the Book was revealed to the
messenger of Allah .

This Book of Allah, Al-Qur’an, was revealed

upon the messenger of Allah , the best of
the mankind, through angel Jibril . However,
the first message that was revealed unto him
was “read”.

We should then ask a question!

What did this word “read” mean to the

Prophet on that revelation?

If the messenger of Allah was an

unlettered person, who could not read or write,
what then did the word “read” mean to him?

The word “read” to the prophet meant;

listen, pay attention, and repeat what is said
xii 12 Practical Guides

to you. This interpretation was evident in the

response of the prophet to Jibril : “I cannot
read”. That is, I cannot read except that it is
read to me and I then repeat. And indeed he
never read until Jibril read to him:

Iqra’h bismi Rabbikal-Ladhi khalaqa (1)

Khalaqal- Insaana min ‘alaqa (2)
Iqra’h wa Rabbukal- Akram (3)
al-Ladhi ‘allama bilqalam (4)
‘Allamal-Insaana maa lam y’alam (5).1

1 Al-Qur’an 96, verses (1-5)

12 Practical Guides xiii

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The

Most Merciful.

1 Read! In the Name of your Lord Who

created (all that exits).

2 He created man from a clot.

3 Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous.

4 Who taught (the writing) by the pen.

5 He taught man that which he knew not.

The implication of this interaction is that the

messenger of Allah memorized the Qur’an
through listening to and direct acquisition from
jibril .
xiv 12 Practical Guides

However, that was possible being that the

prophet was a human being just like the rest
of the humans. He used to eat, drink, walk
about in the markets, and enjoin all the sense
organs that mankind enjoins; the hearing, the
sight, and others, except that Allah honored
him with the revelation. Allah says about him

Say “I am only a man like you,

it has however been revealed to me
that your God is One – Allah”1

It is true that Allah guaranteed His prophet

the memorization of the Qur’an with ease,
when He says to him:

1 Al-Qur’an 18, verse 110.

12 Practical Guides xv

(16) Move not your tongue in

the course (of reciting the Qur’an for you),
making haste therewith.

(17) Verily, it is upon Us to collect it (in your

mind) and give you the ability to recite it.

(18) And when We recite it for you

(through Jibril ), then follow its recitation.

(19) It is then upon Us to make it clear.”1

That is, do not move your libs, being in haste

to acquire what is read to you and fearing
that it slips away from you; it is Our duty to
collect it into your mind. So, when Jibril recites
it you, keep silent and listen attentively to the
recitation until he finishes. It is Our duty as
well to explain its meaning and the rulings
contained in it for you.
1 Al-Qur’an 75, verses (16-19)
xvi 12 Practical Guides

But the question remains that; with that

assurance from Allah, why did the messenger
of Allah memorize the Qur’an in that manner?
Or why did Allah, the Most High, still chose for
his prophet that way of memorization? Also,
why did Jibril use to revise the Qur’an with
him once in every Ramadhan, and even twice
in the year he died?

Like it was said earlier, Allah could have

collected the Qur’an into the heart of the
prophet once and for all, but He, the Most
Wise did not. The reason being that the
messenger of Allah was a human, Allah then
wanted him to memorize the Qur’an in the
human capacity, but in a way that the Qur’an
will be firmly established in his heart, by taking
the necessary measures needed as a man.
We can also notice that, that way which Allah,
the Most Wise and the Most Knowledgeable,
12 Practical Guides xvii

preferred for His messenger; taking measures

to achieve the one’s goal, was not new. He
chose that for Dhul-Qarnayn before him as
well, when He says:

So he (Dhul-Qarnayn) followed a means”2

“Then he followed another means”3

Furthermore, the listening manner of memorizing

the Qur’an we are trying to revive in this
work was the commonest method of the
memorization among many scholars of Islam.
Many of them memorized the Qur’an and the
hadith with this listening process. Some of
those people were even blind. However, with
that disability, many of them did not only
memorize the Qur’an and the hadith, but also
dived into all forms of the Islamic knowledge
2 Al-Qur’an 18, verse 85.
3 Al-Qur’an 18, verse 89.
xviii 12 Practical Guides

only with the method. Many of those people

even took positions of authority and managed
higher functions in their nations and countries.

All these instances affirm to us, therefore,

that this listening method of memorization is
a divine way Allah chose for man for an easy
memorization, and that it is a perfect way Allah
designed for man for acquiring knowledge.

Allah legislated this way of memorization

when He says:

And when the Qur’an is recited,

listen to it attentively, and keep silent,
that you may receive mercy.”4

We can see from this verse that there is

a difference between listening and keeping
silence; listening to hear and keeping silent
4 Al-Qur’an 8, verse 204.
12 Practical Guides xix

while hearing. Listening occurs in hearing,

though can go along with silence keeping, while
a perfect state of silence is only achieved by
one’s concentration with all his senses, the
body and the mind.

The benefit of this divine manner of

learning is not limited to memorizing the
Qur’an; rather many of the scholars of Islam
have been able to preserve their memories
through this divine means. Though the Qur’an
is fast forgotten, they still preserved it firmly.

The messenger of Allah has been

reported to have warned us as regards the
loss of the Qur’an from the memory.

“On the authority of Abu Musa , he

narrated that the prophet says:
xx 12 Practical Guides

Watch over your attention to the

Qur’an, for by Whom Muhammad’s soul is
in His Hand, it is fast slipped away (from the
memory) than the slipping of the camels
from their hobbles.”5

Looking closely into the case of those scholars,

we will ask this question:

5 Reported by al-Bukharee (5033) and Muslim (791).

12 Practical Guides xxi

How would an
unlettered person,
a blind fellow, and
a child of age
five that could
not speak Arabic
language, or read
and write it, be
able to memorize
the Qur’an, and
a prudent sound
adult that enjoys
all the five sense
organs would
not be able
to memorize it?
xxii 12 Practical Guides

12 Practical Guides xxiii

T he hearing sense organ is the most

important sense of all the human senses.
This is seen from the way Allah, the Lord of
the worlds, preserved the people of the Cave.
When He intended to temporarily put them
into death He took their senses of hearing.

Allah says concerning them:

Therefore We covered up their (senses

of) hearing in the Cave for a number of

Az-Zajjaaj in the course of explaining

this verse says:

That is, Allah prevented them from

hearing, because if a sleeping person is
able to hear he becomes conscious.
Ibn Abbas explained that: the verse implies
1 Al-Qur’an 18, verse 11.
xxiv 12 Practical Guides

that Allah covered their ears with sleep.

That is, He blocked their hearing faculty
such that no sound got in.

We can find what supports this explanation

from what the prophet said regarding the
man that slept over the Fajr prayer.

He says:

That is a man whom the Shaytan

has urinated into his ears”2

The messenger of Allah here pointed to the

fact that a sleeping person rarely wakes up
except through his perception of the sounds
around him. In that the blockage of the man’s
hearing faculty by the Shaytan was to prevent
him from feeling what was going on around
2 Al-Bukharee (1144), (3270), Muslim (774) and some others.
12 Practical Guides xxv

From the facts that indicate that the

hearing sense organ is the most important
one in man is that Allah in the Qur’an usually
mentioned the hearing process before the

Among those places was where He stated:

Allah follow not that which you have no

knowledge of, verily the hearing, the sight,
and the heart, will all be questioned

And among those places as well was where He


Allah has set a seal on their hearts and

on their hearing, and as well put a covering
on their eyes.”4

3 Al-Qur’an 17, verse 36.

4 Al-Quran 2, verse 7.
xxvi 12 Practical Guides

From the things that indicate the fact that

the hearing sense organ in man is the most
important organ is that the word “hearing” –
“As-Sam’a” usually occurs in the Arabic usage
in a singular form for both the singular and
the plural expressions, while the word “sight”
– “al-Basar” usually occurs in the plural form.

The instances of this assertion are found

in many places of the Qur’an, among which is
where Allah says:

Wa ja’ala lakumu as-Sam’a wal-absaar

wal-afi’dah la’allakum tashkuruun.”

“And He gave you the hearing, the sights,

and the hearts, that you might be giving

5 Al-Qur’an 16, verse 78.

12 Practical Guides xxvii

This lexical case with “hearing” occurs in the

sense that one perceives with his ear from
all the four cardinal directions, as he hears
in both the brightness and darkness as well,
while one cannot see except in his direction
alone, and in the brightness. So, the hearing
capability is almost the same with every human
because of this uniformity in the origin of the
hearing process, different from the sight that
mankind differs in greatly.

For these reasons, in this work, we will

center much task of memorizing the Qur’an
upon the sense of hearing, such that our
brothers and sisters are generally are assisted
to learn the Qur’an by heart easily; both the
memorization and retention. And that will be
done by taking them through the following
essential guides:
The Step by Step
Guides to
the Noble
12 Practical Guides 1

The 1st Guides:

2 12 Practical Guides

1 We will begin the listening process of

these guides with the note that the
memorization of the Qur’an should start
from the beginning of the Qur’an and
not from the rare; that is, from the
second chapter of the Qur’an1 — Surah

2 The person then starts to listen to the

chapter of the Qur’an he wishes to
memorize, like the Surah al-Baqarah in
this case, through any player means;
the cassette players, the CD players, or
through the hand phone players. He will
do that for the span of two months, but
he has to choose a better reciter for
himself so far he is a perfect reciter.

1 The author mentioned that the memorization of the Qur’an should start
from the second chapter probably because almost every Muslims memorize
the first chapter of the Qur’an – Suurat al-Fatihah.
12 Practical Guides 3

The listening process at this stage neither

requires much concentration, nor does it need
to be in a perfect learning environment. It
could be at anywhere and in any form; in the
office, in the car, or at home. However, it is
better if the listener can concentrate, as that
will bring about an excellent result within a
little time. But what is most important is that
while listening, the person should record the
maximum number of times he could achieve
per day for a chapter.

1 The person should make sure that he

completes the listening process for the
span of two months, and he should not
start the memorization proper before
the span elapses.

2 While listening to the Qur’an, he should

make sure that he doesn’t fast forward
4 12 Practical Guides

or back forward the player, rather he

should allow the listening to be in a
sequential order.

Now, we have come to the end of the listening

process that forms the first stage of these

The aim of this stage is to NO
introduce the Qur’an into the
person’s memory. Therefore, if
he does not concentrate while
listening, that will not affect the
result, as earlier mentioned.

And from the signs with which

the result of this stage is determined
is the fact that after this span of
the time, the listener will be able to
recite some of the verses off-hand,
or repeat some of them with the
player as the recitations continue.
12 Practical Guides 5

The 2nd Guides:

6 12 Practical Guides

T his stage of these guides is the memorization

stage, wherein the person will start the
memorization proper. He will memorize every
day a half of the page of the Qur’an, or six to
seven lines of a page, taking the end of each
of the verses into consideration.

Because of the earlier stage he has passed

through, the memorization will be very easy for
him, such that he will memorize very fast, and
as well learn some of the simple rulings of at-
Tajweed, like the rulings of the stoppage and
the likes. He will be able to as well apprehend
some of the diacritical marks and signs of
the Qur’an, like the Dhummah, the Fatha, and
some other signs. He will also be able to learn
some words from the verses as he memorizes.
All these will be possible for him because he
will be able to recall some of what he has in
his memory since the listening process.
12 Practical Guides 7

This stage of these guides could be

referred to as the stabilization stage, as the
person is not establishing the memorization
afresh, rather trying to stabilize what he already
has in his memory. For this, the memorization
of those lines cannot take him more than ten
minutes at most.
8 12 Practical Guides

The 3rd Guides:

12 Practical Guides 9

T he best way for the person to revise what

he has memorized is to recite them in his
Salah, both the obligatory and the voluntary,
as that will help him retain his memorization
10 12 Practical Guides

The 4th Guides:

12 Practical Guides 11

T he repetition meant here is quite different

from the revision discussed earlier. Here,
the person memorizing the Holy Qur’an will
try and be repeating both what he is presently
memorizing and what he memorized earlier
numbers of time. He will do that by making
those portions the means of his remembrance
of Allah. That any time he wishes to remember
Allah, he makes the Qur’an his remembrance,
he reads it covertly and in low voice, and the
best remembrance is the word of Allah.
12 12 Practical Guides

The 5th Guides:

12 Practical Guides 13

I n this stage, the person tries to unite

the memorization of the days past with
the present. That is necessary because he
memorizes every day half of a page. He will be
uniting the memorization of two consecutive
days together first; for him to have a complete
page, and then all together.

If the person needs to hold a TE
subdivided form of the Qur’an
everywhere, he can do so for
easy and prompt recollections and
14 12 Practical Guides

The 6th Guides:

12 Practical Guides 15

T his stage is the beginning of the memorization

of the new chapter. The person starts by
listening to the chapter as well; in this case
the Surah al-Imran, such that he registers it
into his memory also. He may spend the same
span of the time he spent for the Surah al-
Baqarah, or a lesser time; a month or forty
days may be enough for the Surah al-Imran.
What is important is that the period of the
time given for listening to any chapter should
commensurate for its size. The longer chapters
should take much time than the shorter ones.
16 12 Practical Guides

The 7th Guides:

12 Practical Guides 17

T hough the person is memorizing half of

a page every day, he has much to revise
now. Therefore, on every third day of the
memorization, he should try and revise the
complete page of the previous two days before
starting the memorizing for the day. And after
the new memorization, he should also try and
unite the old and the new together. In that
way, he will be able to follow his memorization
up; which is the aim of this stage. And he
should not forget to be following the steps
earlier discussed for this new chapter as well.
18 12 Practical Guides

The 8th Guides:


12 Practical Guides 19

I n this stage, we will discuss the organized

manner of following the memorization with
the prayers; that is, the way to offer as-Salah
with the memorized portion of the Qur’an.

After the completion of the memorization

of five pages of the Qur’an, the person will start
to offer prayers (as-Salah) with his memorized
portion. He will be offering two unites (rak’ataan)
of the prayer (as-Salah) once or twice a week,
reciting in each unite of the prayer all the five
pages at a go. He may increase the number
of these unites in the same mode as he may
wish. However, it is better that the prayer is
offered at night, after the ‘Ishah prayer, or any
time in the night. He should endeavor to offer
this prayer; it will not take more than fifteen
minutes at most.
20 12 Practical Guides

The 9th Guides:


12 Practical Guides 21

H ere, after the completion of the memorization

of ten pages of the Qur’an, he will offer
two unites of the prayer as well; reciting in
each of the two unites all the ten pages, also
at a go. At the stage, he can hold a small or
subdivided version of the Qur’an with him in
order to be able to check for the correction
of his mistakes when necessary.
22 12 Practical Guides

The 10th Guides:

12 Practical Guides 23

T hough we begin the explanation of these

guides with memorizing the Qur’an in the
Surah form – memorizing the Qur’an chapter
by chapter -, it is good to note here that the
Qur’an is better memorized in the Juzu’ form
– memorizing it segmentally, taking it part by
part -. That is, following the thirty parts of the
Qur’an one after the other and not the chapters,
such that after the completion of a part, the
person starts the next one afresh, separating
the last from the present even if the two
fall into the same chapter. This arrangement
will give me the opportunity to recognize the
parts of the Qur’an as necessary and offer the
prayers with them in that manner. It will also
make the memorization easy for him.
24 12 Practical Guides

The 11th Guide:

12 Practical Guides 25

I n this stage, the person offers more prayers

with more portions of the Qur’an.

He does this in only two days of the

week, offering the night prayers in a day with
a whole part of the Qur’an, the first part
of the Qur’an for instance. In this Salah, he
only offers two unites of prayers1, dividing the
whole part into two for the two unites. He
does the same in another day as well, reciting
a different part of the Qur’an in it.

The person will feel a great joy TE
as he recites in these prayers
from his memory, particularly
the first time he offers those
prayers, and as he continues
with the memorization his mind is
connected more with the Qur’an.

1 There is no problem with this arrangement if the person can afford it.
However, if he cannot, he should offer more than two unites of prayers
dividing the part of the Qur’an he wishes to recite on them.
26 12 Practical Guides

The 12th Guide:

12 Practical Guides 27

W e will learn in this stage how to revise

the whole of the Qur’an, as this person
will complete his memorization of the Qur’an
within a short time by Allah’s Grace.

In a way of emulating the messenger of

Allah , the person should have the plan to
revise the whole Qur’an consistently in the
month of Ramadhan. When Ramadhan comes,
he will be reciting a part of the Qur’an every
day during his night prayers.

Bits of valuable TES


The Qur’an contains six hundred

and four (604) pages; with these
guides one will need only twenty (20)
minutes to memorize a page, which in
28 12 Practical Guides

turn implies that he will require only

twelve thousand and eighty minutes
(604x20 = 12080) to memorize the
whole Qur’an. These minutes are about
two hundred (200) hours, which is
equivalent to about eight days only.
This confirms what Allah, the Most High,
says about His Book:

“And indeed We have made the Qur’an

easy to understand and remember; is there
anyone that will then remember?”1

These are practical and simple guides

to memorizing the Book of Allah that
people need to have today in the face
of their engagements and pursuits of
life, such that the people could be able
to memorize the Book of Allah and
1 Al-Qur’an Chapter 54, Verses 17. It also occurs in the same chapter, verses
22, 32, and 40.
12 Practical Guides 29

learn their religion while they are that

engaged. There is a need to provide
these guides for the people because the
challenges of life have actually derailed
many of them from the path of Allah
and His religion. Hopefully, these guides
will serve as a means of closing the
gaps between them and their religion,
Allah willing.

Besides that, these guides are very

essential in the life of any Muslim, in
that the sequential and constructive
listening to the Qur’an which the whole
process is centered upon is tantamount
to acting by the commands of Allah
that compel every Muslim to read His
30 12 Practical Guides

For instance, the word of Allah that


“And recite the Qur’an in a slow and

pleasant style.”2

Also, it is as a way of implementing the

practice of prophet when he says:

“Whoever does not read the Qur’an with a

pleasant voice is not part of us.”

It is reported by Abu Dawood with a

good chain of transmission.3

2 Al-Qur’an 73, verse 4.

3 This hadith is better referenced to Saheeh Al-Bukharee, as al-Imaam al-
Bukharee recorded it from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah – may Allaah be
pleased with him -, hadith number (7527). It is regarded a big flaw by the
scholars of hadith to reference a hadith recorded by al-Bukharee and/
Muslim to other than them. However, the narration of Abu Dawood cited
by the author is reported from the hadith of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree - may
Allaah be pleased with him -..
12 Practical Guides 31

And the meaning of “at-Tagani” that

occurred in the hadith is to recite the
Qur’an with a pleasant and melodious
voice. Reciting the Qur’an with a
pleasant voice as much as one can
do helps to make the recitation easier
and faster, and assists in the retention
of the Qur’an as well. That is why one
does not easily lose the memory of the
things he heard or memorized through
chanting or singing.

Consequently, this reason of not easily

losing the memory of what is heard
through chanting or singing forms part
of the reasons why Islam prohibits the
music. It is quite difficult for one to
lose the memory of the music, in spite
of the fact that its presence in the
memory has assiduous impacts on the
mind and the body.
32 12 Practical Guides

That is why Allah warns us against all

forms of evil acts. He says for instance:

“But as for him who feared standing before

his Lord, and restrained himself from impure
evil desires and lusts.”1

As for the word of Allah, it has good

impacts on the mind and the body.

Allah says:

“Those who believed (in the Oneness

of Allah) and their hearts find rest in
the remembrance of Allah. Verily, in the
remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.”2

1 Al-Qur’an 79, verse 40.

2 Al-Qur’an 13, verse 28.
12 Practical Guides 33
34 12 Practical Guides

12 Practical Guides 35

A t this juncture, it is necessary to mention

some of the benefits one stands to have
from memorizing the Book of Allah.

However, it should be noted that these

benefits that we are going to mention as
regards learning the Qur’an are not achieved by
memorizing the Qur’an alone; rather, learning
the Qur’an involves learning its meaning and
the rulings that are contained in it as well.

This fact is established from the word of

Allah that says:

Then it is for Us to explain it (for you).”1

And His word:

1 Al-Qur’an 75, verse 19. The point here is that Allaah did not reveal His Book
to the prophet – salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam – for the recitation sake alone.
Rather, He explained it to him, such that he could explain it to the people,
for them to understand its import. And that is the purpose for which it was
revealed. So, memorizing and reciting it alone do not fulfill that purpose for
which it was revealed.
36 12 Practical Guides

Those whom We gave the Book to

recite it as it should be recited.”2

The recitation mentioned here goes beyond

reading the Book alone, it involves following
its dictates, implementing its rulings, obeying
its laws and orders, and refraining from what
it prohibits, all in the way the companions
of the prophet , whom the verse referred
to, did. And one stands to have enormous
rewards as all these acts attract great rewards
in the hereafter, as the messenger of Allah
informed us.

On the authority of Abdullah bn Amr bn

al-Aas , he says:

The messenger of Allah says:

2 Al-Qur’an 2, verse 121.

12 Practical Guides 37

(On the day of resurrection) it will be said

to the person who memorized the Qur’an:
recite the Qur’an and ascend with it, and
intone it as you used to do while you were
on the earth, for your abode is at the last
verse you read.” It is recorded by Abu
Dawood and at-Tirmidhee.1 And that in turn
establishes the benefits of memorizing the
Qur’an that we wish to talk about in the

There are many benefits to memorizing the

Qur’an, from which are:

If one is able to memorize the Qur’an he

would be counted among the people of the
Qur’an. We have the hadith below to support

1 Authentic, Abu Dawood (1464) and at-Tirmidhee (2914).

38 12 Practical Guides

On the authority of Abu Umaamah he says:

I heard the messenger of Allah saying:

“recite the Qur’an, for it will intercede
for its people on the day of resurrection.”
The hadith is reported by Muslim2

From the benefits of memorizing the Qur’an

as well is that the person that memorized the
Qur’an would likely be in the company of the
people that used to observe the night prayers;
the people whom their sides used to forsake
their beds, on the day of resurrection. That
is so because, the way of observing the night
prayers with much of the Qur’an is one of the
easiest and commonest means of revising the
Qur’an for most of the people that memorized
the Qur’an.

2 Hadith number (804).

12 Practical Guides 39

On the day of resurrection a caller will call and

say: where are those whom their sides
used to forsake their beds3, and they will all
get up, but will be small
in number. It will be said to them: enter the
paradise without any reckoning”4

And from the great benefits of memorizing the

Qur’an also is that the person that memorized
the Qur’an will be submissive in his prayers
(Salah) and offer it with all humility and
tranquility. When the Imam recites the Qur’an,
the person will be able to recall the portion
being read, even unconsciously at times, thereby
3 Wake up and leave their beds for the worship of Allaah.
4 Weak, The author neither referenced this statement to any book nor ascribe
it to the person that said it. However, the statement is reported as a hadith
and recorded in a number of books. Some of the books that recorded
it as it as the statement of the prophet (Hadithun Marfuu’) – salallaahu
‘alayhi wa sallam -; like the Musnad of Ishaq bn Rahawayhi (2305, 5/179),
al-Muntakhab min Musnad Abdu bn Humayd (1581, 1/457), Mustadhrakh
of al-Hakim (3508, 2/432), Musnad al-Harith (1122, 2/1001), and Hilyatul-
Awliyaah (2/9) and some others. But the chains of all the narrations are
extremely weak, and cannot strengthen one another. It is also reported as
the statement of some of the companions (Hadithun Mawquuf), the like of
Ibn Abass, and it is weak as well.
40 12 Practical Guides

follow the recitation, which brings about the

submissiveness and humility into him.

Allah says:

1- Successful indeed are the believers.”

2-Those who offer their Salahs (prayers)

with all solemnity and full submissiveness.”5

The matter of inability to offer the Salah with

submissiveness and humility is that which
many people suffer from, and that is because
it is quite difficult to attain the level of the
submissiveness and solemnity required in the
Salah. And that is because attaining that level
of submissiveness requires passing through
series of tedious stages. So, it is impossible
for someone to suddenly attain the solemnity
and humility required in the Salah.
5 Al-Qur’an 23, verse 1-2.
12 Practical Guides 41

Yes! It is possible that someone feels the

solemnity and submissiveness in only a prayer
out of the five daily prayers, however, what is
required of him is that he achieves that level
of tranquility in all his prayers as stated in the
verses above, being one of the attributes of a
pious believer.

It is no doubt therefore, that attaining this

position requires a long time work together with
the continuous struggling and efforts making
to have the required changes.

However, imaging you being able to

achieve this great goal only by following those
guides! And your prayers (Salahs) become the
real worships that prevent you from indulging
in the illicit acts and all sorts of evil deeds,
and you no more performing the Salah that
42 12 Practical Guides

is not better than the customary services; the

case with the Salah of many people who pray.

Allah says:

Verily, the Salah (prayer) prevents from the

illicit acts and evil deeds”6

Another benefit is the fact that the person’s

prayers will become those that bring about
tranquility, as the messenger of Allah used
to say to Bilal :

O Bilal! Give us comfort with it (calling to

the prayer)”7 And not as it is with many
people today, their slogan is “O Bilal!
Relief us of its burden”

6 Al-Qur’an 29, verse 45.

7 Good, Abu Dawood (4985 and 4986), Musnad Ahmad (23088).
12 Practical Guides 43

However, it should be noted, as mentioned

earlier, that the process of attaining such level
of submissiveness and comfort in the prayers
takes a long time. It cannot come in a day,
so, one has to be patient.

We can see the example of such patience

in the life of the messenger of Allah while
calling into Islam. He spent twenty three (23)
years all calling the people into Islam, but only
a few of them accepted with him, particularly
at the onset of his calls. That informs us that
making corrections and creating changes take

Another benefit of memorizing the Qur’an

is that the person will become a good servant
of Allah; having fear of Him and remembering
Him at all times. He will also become someone
who performs the night prayers, and one that
44 12 Practical Guides

understands the Book of his Lord, acquainted

with the rulings contained therein and well
informed of its meanings.

To establish the significance of this position

the person will be able to attain, especially the
fact that he will have the understanding of the
Qur’an and be well informed of its meaning, we
should consider how Allah favored His prophet,
Sulayman , with the perfect understanding.

Allah says:

And We made Sulayman to

understand the case”8

8 This is actually a great favor from Allaah to His prophet Sulayman –

salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam –, in that the case which Allaah mentioned of
him here was between him and his father, who was also a prophet, and
whom Allaah described as being endowed with knowledge and wisdom and
made a successor on the earth to judge between people.
12 Practical Guides 45

From these benefits as well is that the person

will achieve excellence dignity; someone
aspiring to please Allah with all his utterances,
actions, and dispositions, and someone trying
to move away from all forms of atrocities
and illicit acts, like the adultery, intoxications,
eating forbidden things, or unlawful killings.

He will be able to achieve that level of

dignity because the dispositions of anyone are
the results of his ideology and thoughts, which
are primarily based upon the information, the
values, and the fundamental concepts upon
which the person acts. There is no doubt
therefore that the person will achieve such
dignity because the best basis one can ever
have as his fundamental values and concepts
is the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His
messenger .
46 12 Practical Guides

In the same vein, the terrorism is a result

of the erroneous thoughts and devastated
ideologies that have been implanted into
anyone found having the traces of terrorism.

That on the individual basis, but at the

family level, the ignorance and nonchalant
attitudes of the people towards the matters
of the religion are the causes of many family
issues, and which in most cases lead to the
divorce and separations in the family.

So, by memorizing the Book of Allah and

leaning what it contains of the values and
concepts, the husband in the house will be
able to recognize his duties and stands up
to them. So also the wife, she will know her
rights and responsibilities towards the house;
the husband and the children, likewise the
children and every members of the family.
Therefore, the learning process will bring the
12 Practical Guides 47

lost virtues of many families into the light of

the today again.

At the societal level, learning the Qur’an

and the religion as a whole will bring about
lots of benefits as well. Security and honesty
will see the light of the day again, thereby
reducing the level of the crimes around, like
the killings, lootings, robberies, and taking
others’ rights and properties. And that in turn
will make the people in such society to be
devoted to the religion better. They will as well
be busy, thereby washing away many of the
societal problems that are born out idleness.

One other benefit of those guides is that

unlike some other methods that are adopted
by some parents and teachers alike; like the
imposition method, this method will give the
48 12 Practical Guides

person the opportunity to memorize the Qur’an

on his will and pace without any force.

Moreover, if the case with these guides is

as such, and the benefits are that great, why
don’t we start training our little children with
this listening way of memorizing the Qur’an
from their birth, and they start the memorization
proper at age five or six when they might have
learnt the reading and writing? And they can
on their own start the memorization of the
Qur’an from the Surah al-Baqarah downwards
and not from the rare, as commonly applied by
many of the parents and Qur’anic instructors
in teaching the pupils the Qur’an.

With this method, we can help introduce

the Qur’an into the child’s memory at this little
stage, since the child at this stage is like a
new computer system that nothing has been
inputted into it.
12 Practical Guides 49

50 12 Practical Guides

I n the conclusion of this prospection, it is

necessary that we talk about the virtues of
reciting and memorizing the Qur’an as different
from the benefits we discussed above. We
are going to do that by citing some of the
verses of the Qur’an and the narrations of the
messenger of Allah on that.

Allah, the Most High, says:

Verily, those who recite the Book

of Allah and establish the prayers (Salah),
and spend from that which We have
provided for them, secretly and openly,
wishing for a trade that will never perish
(29) That He may give them their rewards
in full measures and increase them from
His bounties, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most

1 Al-Qur’an 35, verses 29-30.

12 Practical Guides 51

On the authority of Uthman bn Affan , he


The messenger of Allah says: “The best

person amongst you is he who learnt the
Qur’an and taught it to others” It is reported
by Imam al-Bukharee in his Saheeh, the next
book to the Qur’an in the authenticity.2

And on the authority of Aishah , she


The messenger of Allah says:

“He who recites the Qur’an and he is
perfect in his recitation will be in the
company of the trip of the honorable and
obedient angles, and he who recites it
and he is upset in his recitation and finds
it burdensome, will have double rewards.”
It is reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.3
2 Al-Bukharee (5027).
3 Al-Bukharee (4937) and Muslim (798).
52 12 Practical Guides

Also on the authority of Abu Umamah al-

Bahilee , he says:

I heard the messenger of Allah

saying: “Read the Qur’an, for it will
intercede for its people on the day of
resurrection.” It is reported by Muslim.4

And on the authority of Abdullah bn Umar

, he reported that the prophet says:
“Jealousy is not permissible except on two
occasions, to jealous a man whom Allah
blessed with the Qur’an and he is reciting it
day and night, and a man whom Allah blessed
with the wealth and spending it day and night.”
It is reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.5

Also, on the authority of Abu Sa’eed al-

Khudree , he reported that the prophet

4 Muslim (804).
5 Al-Bukharee (7529) and Muslim (815).
12 Practical Guides 53

says: “Allah, the Most Glorified and the Most

High, says: “Whoever his engagement with
the Qur’an and My remembrance prevent
from supplicating for his needs, I will give
him the provision better than what is given
to those who supplicate for their needs”, and
the greatness of the Word of Allah , the Most
Glorified and the Most Exalted, over all other
words is like His Greatness over His creations.”
It is reported by at-Tirmidhee.6

Ibn Abbas also reported that the

messenger of Allah says: “He who does not
have anything of the Qur’an in his memory is
like a dilapidated house.” It is reported by at-
Tirmidhee as well.7

6 Weak, it is reported by at-Tirmidhee (2926).

7 Weak, it is reported in the Musnad of al-Imaam Ahmad (1947) and at-
Tirmidhee (2913).
54 12 Practical Guides

Also, on the authority of Abdullah bn Amr

bn al-Aas , he reported that the prophet
says: “(On the day of resurrection) it will
be said to the person that memorized the
Qur’an: recite the Qur’an and ascend with it,
and intone it as you used to do while you
were on the earth, for your abode is at the
last verse you read.” It is recorded by Abu
Dawood, at-Tirmidhee, an-Nasai.8

Thanks and praises be to Allah, the

Lord of the worlds, and may the peace and
blessings of Allah be upon the noble prophet;
Muhammad, his households, his companions,
and the generality of the Muslims. Amin.

8 Authentic, it is reported by Abu Dawood (1464) and at-Tirmidhi (2914), and

referencing to an­-Nasai is an error, he did not record it.
The Holy Qur'an was revealed upon the Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬through the Archangel Jibril . The
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬responded by saying,
“I cannot read.” Thereupon, Jibril  embraced the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬until he uttered “Iqra bismirabbikal-ladhi

For every Muslim, it is a must to learn and memorize

the Holy Qur'an, for its significance involves directly
in a believer's faith, daily actions and conduct. This
QUR'AN, serves as a starting point in which readers
can begin their journey to better memorizes the
Holy Qur'an.

Through these quick and practical steps, biiznillah,

memorization will no longer be troublesome and
tedious. May Allah  reward every one of us that
strived toward learning the word of Allah by heart.


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