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June 2022
Current Affairs

Yousuf Jalal
(Board of Revenue, Punjab) 0316-0786636
WhatsApp Only

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1. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) appointed …………………… as its
“National Goodwill Ambassador” in Islamabad on June 1, 2022.
a. Ali Zafar b. Faisal Qureshi
c. Fawad Khan d. Iqrar Ul Hassan
2. Retired Justice Javeed Iqbal relinquished the charge as National Accountability Bureau
Chairman on ………………
a. June 01, 2022 b. June 02, 2022
c. June 03, 2022 d. June 04, 2022
3. According to Economic Survey of Pakistan 2021-2021 only ……………… per cent of GDP was
spent on education sector.
a. 1.22 b. 1.77
c. 2.25 d. 2.89
4. Ammar Liaqat Hussain passed away on ……………..
a. June 07, 2022 b. June 09, 2022
c. June 11, 2022 d. June 13, 2022
5. The World Bank has approved $300 Million for the upgradation of rural roads in ……………..
in June 2022.
a. Punjab b. Baluchistan
c. KPK d. Sindh
6. Pakistan raked ……………… among countries holding natural gas reserves in 2022.
a. 25th b. 27th
c. 29th d. 31st
7. International Travel and Tourism Index 2022 Pakistan ranked ………………. Out of 117.
a. 80th b. 81st
c. 83rd d. 87th
8. Annalena Baerbock visited Pakistan on 07 June 2022. She is Foreign Minister of …………….
a. United Kingdom b. Italy
c. Germany d. France
9. Environmental Performance Index 2022. Pakistan was at 176 out of 180 while India ranked
…………… country.
a. 150th b. 160th
c. 170th d. 180th

Join E-Learning Platform for PPSC/FPSC and all other one Paper Exams with Yousuf Jalal 0316-0786636 WhatsApp only
10. Federal Budget presented by Miftah Ismail on ………….
a. June 08 2022 b. June 10 2022
c. June 12 2022 d. June 14 2022
11. Manisha Ropeta becomes the First Female Hindu DSP in ……………..
a. Punjab b. Sindh
c. Baluchistan d. KPK
12. The European Intelligence Unit (EUI) recently released the Global Liveability Index 2022.
Vienna at the top while Karachi at ………….. out of 173.
a. 165 b. 168
c. 170 d. 173
13. ………………………. a Pakistani origin became the first Muslim Federal Judge in US (New
Jersey) on 19 June 2022.
a. Aman Ullah b. Zahid Qureshi
c. Qaim Ali d. Ibtisar Muhammad

Join E-Learning Platform for PPSC/FPSC and all other one Paper Exams with Yousuf Jalal 0316-0786636 WhatsApp only
1. Nabih Berri re-elected as speaker for 7th term in ……………..
a. Qatar b. Lebanon
c. Haiti d. Iraq
2. According to World Bank report …………………… people globally have no access to electricity.
a. 555 Million b. 652 Million
c. 733 Million d. 803 Million
3. Turkey changed her name to ………………….
a. Torkey b. Turkiye
c. Tarkey d. Torkiye
4. Kenichi Horie, an 83 year-old watchman make a non-stop trip across the Pacific, becomes
world’s oldest man to sail solo across pacific. He belongs to …………….
a. Hong Kong b. Taiwan
c. Japan d. South Korea
5. ……………… , the BJP’s congress woman accused of Blasphemous statement in a debate.
a. Napur Sharma b. Preet Kaur
c. Harman Sidhu d. None of these
6. …………………… (city) named as the best destination for business events in 2021.
a. Paris b. Dubai
c. London d. Vienna
7. ……………………. a US Official submitted resolution to designate India as “Country of
Particular Concerns” for violation of Human Rights & Religious Freedom.
a. Kemala Harris b. Jill Biden

c. Ilhan Omar d. None of these

8. World Environmental Day 2022 observed on 5 June 2022. Its Theme was:
a. Only One Planer b. Only One Life
c. Only One Earth d. Only One Universe
9. According to World Bank Global Growth rate for 2022:
a. 1.8% b. 2.9%
c. 3.6% d. 4.5%

Join E-Learning Platform for PPSC/FPSC and all other one Paper Exams with Yousuf Jalal 0316-0786636 WhatsApp only
10. ……………………. is the first mission to study Venus using both spacecraft flybys and a descent
probe by NASA in June 2022.
a. Davinci b. Lost Habitate
c. Discovery d. Explorer
11. World Food Safety Day 2022 Theme was “Safe Food, Better Health”. It was observed on
a. June 03 b. June 05
c. June 07 d. June 09
12. According to ILO How many children are in Child Labor in 2022?
a. 107 Million b. 138 Million
c. 152 Million d. 185 Million
13. The Strawberry moon aka supermom illuminated the sky on ………………….
a. 12 June 2022 b. 14 June 2022
c. 16 June 2022 d. 18 June 2022
14. On June 17 2022……………….. set a world record of highest scores in history of ODIs 498.
a. Australia b. West Indies
c. England d. South Africa
15. First MetaVerse Academy opened in ………………
a. USA b. UK
c. France d. Germany
16. Internet Explorer has retired and officially out of support on ……………. 2022.
a. June 10 b. June 15
c. June 20 d. June 25
17. Choe Son Hui becomes the First Female Foreign Minister of ……………..
a. China b. South Korea
c. North Korea d. Hong Kong
18. Most detailed Moon Map launched by ……………… on June 14 2022.
a. NASA b. USA
c. China d. Russia
19. Droupadi Murmu is nominated as first tribal woman as 15th president of India? She will become
……………. Woman President of India.
a. 1st b. 2nd
c. 3rd d. None of these
20. Global Peace Index 2022. Denmark at the top Pakistan ranked …………. Out of 163.
a. 101 b. 121
c. 135 d. 147
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21. Ex Khan Quest 2022 – a military exercise - conducted in …………. from 06 June to 20 June
a. Russia b. Pakistan
c. Magnolia d. India
22. Fuijan an Aircraft carrier of Type 003 belongs to ……………
a. Russia b. China
c. USA d. UK
23. Neptune Missile System is associated with ……………..
a. Russia b. Ukraine
c. China d. NATO
24. …………………. the 20th country to join Euro Zone.
a. Chile b. Croatia
c. Gabon d. Norway
25. Frontier, a U.S.-built supercomputer, has dethroned ……………'s Fugaku, developed by the
Riken Institute and Fujitsu, as the world's fastest such device.
a. China b. Russia
c. Japan d. France
26. The UK start June 2022 with major celebrations to mark Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum
Jubilee and Her Majesty's …………… birthday. On 6th February 2022, Queen Elizabeth II
became the first British monarch in history to achieve Platinum Jubilee
a. 85th b. 89th
c. 93rd d. 96th
27. ………………… joined the European Union’s Defense policy named The Common Security
and Defence Policy (CSDP).
a. Barbados b. Denmark
c. Chile d. Ukraine
28. “Partners in Blue Pacific” initiative taken by ………… major countries in June 2022.
a. 4 b. 5
c. 6 d. 7
29. World Best Airport Award 2022 won by …………………..
a. Jeddah Airport b. New York Airport
c. Doha Airport d. Delhi Airport

Join E-Learning Platform for PPSC/FPSC and all other one Paper Exams with Yousuf Jalal 0316-0786636 WhatsApp only
1. UN Secretary General Antoneo Guetters announced appointment of ………………….. of
Pakistan as assistant secretary General for economic development in the Department of
Economic and Social Affairs.
a. Muneer Akram b. Navid Hanif
c. Nadeem Pracha d. Maleha Lodhi
2. BRICS 2022 summit held in ………………… from 23 June 2022 to 24 June 2022.
a. India b. China
c. Brazil d. South Africa
41% Global Population 24% Global GDP 16% Global Trade

3. Iran, …………………. apply to join BRICS bloc after 2022 summit.

a. Chile b. Argentina
c. Pakistan d. France
4. NATO summit held from June 22-30 2022 in ……………..
a. Paris b. Madrid
c. Kiev d. Rome
5. Which institution released the “2022 Global Trends Report”?
a. WB b. IMF
6. 48th G-7 summit held in …………….. on June 26-28 2022.
a. Italy b. France
c. Germany d. UK
7. Gabon and Togo officially admitted to the Commonwealth organization on ……………
a. 20 June 2022 b. 22 June 2022
c. 24 June 2022 d. 26 June 2022
8. According to OCED plastic Waste will be tripled by ……………
a. 2030 b. 2040
c. 2050 d. 2060
9. IX Summit of Americans held 6-10 June 2022 in ……………….. with a focus on “Building a
Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future”
a. Los Angles b. New York
c. Washington D.C. d. None of these
Join E-Learning Platform for PPSC/FPSC and all other one Paper Exams with Yousuf Jalal 0316-0786636 WhatsApp only
10. ………………….. attended NATO Summit first time in 2022.
a. China b. Japan
c. South Korea d. North Korea
11. 26th Commonwealth Head of Government meeting held in ………….. on 24-25 June 2022.
a. Chile b. Rwanda
c. Gabon d. UK
12. 12th World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference …………. From 12 June 2022 to 17
June 2022.
a. Madrid b. Geneva
c. France d. New York
13. 8th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarian 15-16 June 2022 held in……….
a. UK b. France
c. Switzerland d. Egypt
14. G-200 2023 meeting will be held in ……………….
a. Kerala b. Jamma & Kashmir
c. Indian Punjab d. Uttar Pardesh
15. United Nations Ocean Conference 2022 hosted by ……………. In June 2022.
a. Portugal b. Kenya
c. Both of these d. None of these
16. 118th Bilateral meeting on Indus Water Treaty Organization held in ………….. on 30-31 May
a. Lahore b. Islamabad
c. Ahmad Abad d. Delhi

Join E-Learning Platform for PPSC/FPSC and all other one Paper Exams with Yousuf Jalal 0316-0786636 WhatsApp only
1. Rafael Nedal won 14th French Open and record-extending ……………… Grand Slam on June
05, 2022.
a. 20th b. 21st
c. 22nd d. 25th
2. Rafael Nedal, a renowned Tennis Player belongs to …………….
a. France b. North Korea
c. Spain d. Italy
3. ………………….. becomes first Pakistani cricketer to win ICC Women’s player of the Month
award in for the Month of May 2022.
a. Bisma Maroof b. Sana Mir
c. Tuba Hassan d. None of these
4. 2022 Men’s Hockey Cup Hosted by ………………. from 23 May 2022 to 01 June 2022.
a. Pakistan b. India
c. Indonesia d. Malaysia
5. 2022 Men’s Hockey Cup Won by South Korea for …………………
a. 2nd time b. 5th time
c. 7th time d. 10th time
6. Joe Roots is first …………………batter who completed 17000 runs in International Cricket.
a. South African b. England
c. Australian d. None of these
7. Pakistan's first female MMA fighter Anita Karim knocks out Aussie opponent in Thailand on
June 13, 2022. She belongs to …………

a. Lahore b. Karachi
c. Hunza d. Muzaffarabad
8. ………………….. attended NATO Summit first time in 2022.
a. China b. Japan
c. Australia d. None of these

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