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Serving the Counties of:


The Sensory Systems

System Location Function
Tactile (touch) Skin – Many cells respond to Provides information about the
light and deep touch all over the environment and object qualities
body. Most receptors for touch (touch, pressure, texture, hard,
are in the mouth and hands. soft, sharp, dull, heat, cold, pain).

Vestibular (balance)
Provides information about
Inner ear – Stimulated by
where our body is in space, and
head movements and input
whether or not we are moving.
from the other senses,
Tells us about speed and
especially visual.
direction of movement.

(body awareness)

Muscles & joints – activated by Provides information about

muscle contractions and where a certain body part is
movements. and how it is moving.

Visual (sight)
Provides information about
objects and persons. Helps us
Eye – Stimulated by light.
define boundaries as we move
through space and time.

Auditory (hearing)
Provides information about
Inner ear – Stimulated by sounds in the environment
air/sound waves. (loud, soft, high, low, near, far).

Gustatory (taste)
Provides information about
Tongue – Closely linked with
different types of taste (sweet,
the sense of smell. sour, bitter, salty, spicy).

Olfactory (smell)
Provides information about
Nose – Receptors line the different types of smells (musty,
inside of the nose. acrid, putrid, flowery, pungent).

Resources - OT The Sensory Systems 18/08/14 ma Page 1 of 1

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