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12/26/21, 11:47 PM Learning Management System : 2101 SDSB Organizations and Leadership (ORSC 5301 S1-Lecture) : Tests &

Tests & Quizzes

Tests & Quizzes

Quiz 4
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Part 1 of 1 - 8.0 / 10.0 Points

Question 1 of 10 1.0 1.0 Points

Which of the following should not be a part of interaction in giving and receiving feedback?

 A. Biasness

 B. Diplomacy

 C. Patience

 D. Restraint

Answer Key: A

Question 2 of 10 1.0 1.0 Points

What is desired outcome of coaching?

 A. Recommendations

 B. A framework

 C. Sustaining professional effectiveness

 D. Task Proficiency

Answer Key: D

Question 3 of 10 1.0 1.0 Points

How large should be the group to be divided into sub-groups while managing task forces?

 A. More than 3-4 members

 B. More than 11-13 members

 C. More than 8-10 members 1/4
12/26/21, 11:47 PM Learning Management System : 2101 SDSB Organizations and Leadership (ORSC 5301 S1-Lecture) : Tests & Quizzes

 D. More than 5-7 members

Answer Key: D

Question 4 of 10 0.0 1.0 Points

What is the most important role of leader while managing a task force?

 A. 360-degree communication

 B. Keeping the team motivated

 C. Assessing the stress level of the team

 D. Keeping yourself non-attached to the task force

Answer Key: A

Question 5 of 10 1.0 1.0 Points

What you should know about your boss all the time?

 A. Goals and pressures

 B. Targets and KPIs

 C. Motivation to work

 D. His/Her personal life challenges

Answer Key: A

Question 6 of 10 1.0 1.0 Points

Burden of not knowing the boss’s expectations falls on ______?

 A. Team

 B. Boss himself/herself

 C. Subordinate

 D. Peers

Answer Key: C 2/4
12/26/21, 11:47 PM Learning Management System : 2101 SDSB Organizations and Leadership (ORSC 5301 S1-Lecture) : Tests & Quizzes

Question 7 of 10 1.0 1.0 Points

What is the reason of establishing a task force?

 A. To speed up a slow-moving task or the project

 B. To increase the motivation to work within the organization

 C. To solve problems that can’t be handled by regular functions

 D. To bring in people from different functional areas closer

Answer Key: C

Question 8 of 10 0.0 1.0 Points

Who is line manager of Valerie Merz in case MediSys Corp?

 A. Jack Fogel

 B. Art Beaumont

 C. Peter Fisher

 D. Aaron Gerson

Answer Key: C

Question 9 of 10 1.0 1.0 Points

When was the task force to develop IntenseCare was formed? (Case: Medisys Corp)

 A. August 2008

 B. May 2009

 C. October 2008

 D. January 2009

Answer Key: A

Question 10 of 10 1.0 1.0 Points

What was Valerie’s role in the task force? (Case: Medisys Corp)

 A. To make a marketing plan for the new product underdevelopment 3/4
12/26/21, 11:47 PM Learning Management System : 2101 SDSB Organizations and Leadership (ORSC 5301 S1-Lecture) : Tests & Quizzes

 B. To oversee the product launch and manage the P&L

 C. To make sure that all the teams are working together coherently and seamlessly

 D. To oversee the product development and making sure that it meets regulatory standards

Answer Key: B 4/4

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