Not of This World Cover Letter

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May 18, 2021

Dear Pastor,

This series was taught in the Adult Bible Class in Prescott April – May 20201. I have included the
notes In Word format (so you can edit them to suit), and the Power Point Presentations. These
are meant to be used in a larger church on a video screen (you have to have a computer and
video projector) so the audience can follow along even if they can’t hear the scriptures from
where they sit.


Greg Mitchell
Prescott, Arizona

To run the Power Point:

a. Connect a video projector to a computer or laptop.
b. Select Slide Show – Set Up Show – Display Show on – Select Monitor 2
c. Select Slide Show – View Show (or F5 on some computers) – then have the person
scroll down each page with the down arrow. Instruct them to not display the answer
to any question you ask until you are saying it! Have them display the scripture as
the person is reading it.

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