Computer NW Short Answers Unit III and IV

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V Semester B.

Sc(Computer Science)
BSCCSCN 502: Computer Networks

1. What is store-and-forward packet switching?
In telecommunications, store−and−forward packet switching is a technique where the data
packets are stored in each intermediate node before they are forwarded to the next node. The
intermediate node checks whether the packet is error−free before transmitting, thus ensuring
integrity of the data packets. In general, the network layer operates in an environment that
uses store and forward packet switching.
2. Write the various services offered by the network layer to the transport layer.
 Logical Addressing − Network layer adds header to incoming packet which includes logical
address to identify sender and receiver.
 Routing − It is the mechanism provided by Network Layer for routing the packets to the final
destination in the fastest possible and efficient way.
 Flow control − This layer routes the packet to another way, If too many packets are present
at the same time preventing bottlenecks and congestion.
 Breaks Large Packets − Breaks larger packets into small packets.
 Connection Oriented service − It is a network communication mode, where a
communication session is established before any useful data can be transferred and where a
stream of data is delivered in the same order as it was sent.
 Connectionless Service − It is a data transmission method used in packet switching networks
by which each data unit is individually addressed and routed based on information carried in
each unit, rather than in the setup information of a prearranged, fixed data channel as in
connection-oriented communication.
 DataGram − A datagram is a basic transfer unit associated with a packet-switched network.
The delivery, arrival time and order of arrival need not be guaranteed by the network.
 A virtual circuit − It is a means of transporting data over a packet switched computer network
in such a way that it appears as though there is a dedicated physical layer link between the
source and destination end system of this data.
3. What is routing algorithm?
A routing algorithm is a procedure that lays down the route or path to transfer data packets
from source to the destination. They help in directing Internet traffic efficiently. After a data
packet leaves its source, it can choose among the many different paths to reach its destination.
4. Expand MPLS, CIDR.
MPLS - MultiProtocol Label Switching
CIDR - Classless Inter-Domain Routing
5. Compare between Virtual-Circuit networks and Datagram networks.
Virtual Circuits are more reliable for data transmission due to the defined path and assurance
of fixed resources. On the other hand, datagram networks are less reliable than virtual circuits
since they allocate resources dynamically and follow dynamic paths.
6. What is broadcast routing?
The routing method in which, all devices connected to the network will receive the
transmission is called broadcast routing.

7. What is multicast routing?
Multicast Routing protocols are used to distribute data to multiple recipients. Using multicast,
a source can send a single copy of data to a single multicast address, which is then distributed
to an entire group of recipients.
8. What is anycast routing?
Anycast is a method for routing network traffic where the sender distributes packets to a
destination that is adjacent to it in terms of network topology. The features of Anycasting is
that the networking approach can allow for messages to be shared to a team of receivers that
all have the similar destination address.
9. What is Congestion?
Network congestion refers to a reduction in quality of service (QOS) that causes packet loss,
queueing delay, or the blocking of new connections. Typically, network congestion occurs in
cases of traffic overloading when a link or network node is handling data in excess of its
10. List the approaches to congestion control.
 Networking provisioning
 Traffic-aware routing
 Admission control
 Traffic throttling
 Load shedding
11. List the principles of network layer in the internet.
 Make sure it works.
 Keep it simple.
 Make clear choices.
 Exploit modularity.
 Expect heterogeneity.
 Avoid static options and parameters.
 Look for a good design; it need not be perfect.
12. List the different options for Option field in IPv4 protocol.

13. What is IP address? Give example.

IP address stands for internet protocol address; it is an identifying number that is associated
with a specific computer or computer network. When connected to the internet, the IP
address allows the computers to send and receive information.
This address is just a string of numbers written in a certain format. It is generally expressed
in a set of numbers. For example Here each number in the set is from 0 to
255 range.
14. What is meant by subnetting and subnets?
Subnetting is the process of creating a subnetwork (also known as a subnet) within a network.
Network interfaces and devices within a subnet can communicate with each other directly.
Routers facilitate communication between different subnets.
A subnet, or subnetwork, is a network inside a network. Subnets make networks more
efficient. Through subnetting, network traffic can travel a shorter distance without passing
through unnecessary routers to reach its destination.
15. What is meant by route aggregation and supernet?
Combining network addresses together is called route aggregation and the combined
network is called a supernet.
16. Expand NAT, SIPP.
NAT- Network Address Translation
SIPP - Simple Internet Protocol Plus
17. List different special IP addresses.
 All Zeros Address
 All Ones Address
 Loopback Addresses
 Private Addresses
 Multicast Addresses
18. What are the major goals of IPv6?
 Support billions of hosts, even with inefficient address allocation.
 Reduce the size of the routing tables.
 Simplify the protocol, to allow routers to process packets faster.
 Provide better security (authentication and privacy).
 Pay more attention to the type of service, particularly for real-time data.
 Aid multicasting by allowing scopes to be specified.
 Make it possible for a host to roam without changing its address.
 Allow the protocol to evolve in the future.
 Permit the old and new protocols to coexist for years.
19. List different extension headers of IPv6.

20. List the Internet control protocols.

ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol
ARP- Address Resolution Protocol
DHCP- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
21. Expand ICMP, ARP, DHCP
ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol
ARP- Address Resolution Protocol
DHCP- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

22. List the different ICMP message types.

23. What is ARP?

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol that maps dynamic IP addresses to
permanent physical machine addresses in a local area network (LAN). The physical machine
address is also known as a media access control (MAC) address.
ARP translates 32-bit addresses to 48-bit addresses and vice versa, which is necessary because
IP addresses in IP version 4 (IPv4) are 32 bits but MAC addresses are 48 bits.
24. What is MultiProtocol Label Switching?
Multiprotocol Label Switching, or MPLS, is a networking technology that routes traffic
using the shortest path based on “labels,” rather than network addresses, to handle
forwarding over private wide area networks.
25. Expand OSPF, BGP.
OSPF - Open Shortest Path First
BGP - Border Gateway Protocol
26. List the different types of OSPF message.

1. Write the various services offered by the transport layer.
 The transport layer maintains the order of data.
 It receives the data from the upper layer and converts it into smaller parts known as
 One of the major tasks of the transport layer is to add the port addressing (addition of a
port number to the header of the data). The port number is added so that the data can be
sent to the respective process only.
 The transport layer on the receiver's end reassembles the segments to form the actual
 The transport layer also deals with flow control and error control.
2. Expand TSAP, NSAP.
TSAP – Transport Service Access Point
NSAP - Network Service Access Point
3. What is Port mapper?
A port mapper is the protocol that maps the number or version of an Open Network
Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC) program to a port used for networking by
that version of the program. The port mapper assigns a unique TCP/UDP protocol port
number to an RPC program. Upon starting, the Network File System uses a port map to listen
to and send data to specific ports.
4. List the two main protocols in transport layer.
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
5. Expand TCP , UDP
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
6. What is error control?
Error control is the technique of detecting and correcting blocks of data during
communication. In other words, it checks the reliability of characters both at the bit level and
packet level.
7. What is flow control?
Flow control is a technique used to regulate data transfer between computers or other nodes
in a network. Flow control ensures that the transmitting device does not send more data to the
receiving device than it can handle.
8. Draw a neat diagram of UDP header.

9. Expand RPC , RTP

RPC - Remote Procedure Call
RTP - Real-time Transport Protocol
10. What is TCP?
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is one of the main protocols of the Internet protocol
suite. It lies between the Application and Network Layers which are used in providing
reliable delivery services. It is a connection-oriented protocol for communications that
helps in the exchange of messages between different devices over a network. The Internet
Protocol (IP), which establishes the technique for sending data packets between computers,
works with TCP.
11. Expand PAWS , SACK.
PAWS - Protection Against Wrapped Sequence numbers
SACK - Selective Acknowledgment
12. List the states used in TCP connection management finite state machine.
state CLOSED.
13. Expand DNS, ICANN.
DNS - Domain Name System
ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
14. How DNS is used?
Every device that connects to the internet needs to have a unique IP address in order to have
traffic properly routed to it. DNS translates human queries into numbers using a system known
as IPv4 or IPv6. With IPv4, the numbers are 32-bit integers that are expressed in decimal
15. List the different DNS resource record types.
 Start of authority (SOA)
 Name server (NS)
 Pointer record (PTR)
 Address (A)
 IPv6 Address (AAAA)
 Mail exchange (MX)
 Canonical name (CNAME)
 Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)
16. What is Name resolution?
Name resolution is the process of associating names and IP addresses, and it's one of the most
essential services on a network. DNS servers convert URLs and domain names into IP
addresses that computers can understand and use. They translate what a user types into a
browser into something the machine can use to find a webpage.
17. Expand SMTP, MIME.
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
18. What are the two kinds of subsystems of Email system?
 User agents
 Message transfer agents.
19. What is meant by User agent?
A user agent is any software that retrieves, renders and facilitates end user interaction with
Web content, or whose user interface is implemented using Web technologies.
20. Expand IMAP, SOAP.
IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol
SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol

21. List the different header fields related to message transport in RFC 5322.

22. List the different message headers added by MIME.

23. List different SMTP extensions.

24. What is Webmail?

Webmail is a cloud-based service or Web-based email system that allows you to access
and use your email from almost anywhere through an internet connection.
25. Expand HTTP, URL.
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
26. Expand URI, URN.
URI - Uniform Resource Identifier
URN - Uniform Resource Name

27. List different IMAP commands.

28. Expand HTML, CSS.

HTML- HyperText Markup Language
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
29. Expand CGI, PHP.
CGI - Common Gateway Interface
PHP - Hypertext Processor
30. Expand JSP, AJAX
JSP - JavaServer Page
AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
31. Expand DOM, XML
DOM- Document Object Model
XML - eXtensible Markup Language
32. Expand XSLT, XHTML
XSLT - Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
XHTML - eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language

33. List the different built-in HTTP request methods.

34. List different HTTP message headers.

35. Draw a neat diagram of HTTP caching.


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