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The informative easy to read introduction to world news

25th June 2015

British English edition
Issue Number 252
In this issue
Another mass extinction?
The Confederate flag
Electric scooters for hire in
Flash flood in Georgia
Magna Carta at 800
Okinawa anniversary
Tuna crab mass stranding
Denmark’s general election
Bilderberg Group meeting
Month of Ramadan
Pepper robot on sale
Refugees reach record
Naming an octopus
Men dressed as Wellington’s soldiers at the site of the Battle of Waterloo, in Belgium
Philae reawakes
Left-handed kangaroos
The Ancient One returns
On 18th June 1815, two large armies Many historians believe that Napo- Copying owl wings
faced each other not far from the city leon was one of the best military com- First International Yoga Day
of Brussels. At about 11 o’clock in the manders ever to have lived. He led his Glossary Crossword and
morning, large guns began to fire. The armies to unlikely victories in several Wordsearch Puzzle
Battle of Waterloo had begun. European countries. In 1812 Napoleon
Thousands of people visited the Wa- invaded Russia. At first he was success-
terloo battlefield, in Belgium, on 17th ful. Yet after occupying Moscow, the
and 18th June. There, they watched, or Russian capital city, Napoleon and his Learning
took part in, special events. All were or- soldiers were forced to withdraw. English as a
ganised to mark the bicentenary of one of The following year armies from
history’s most famous battles. Russia, Prussia (a German kingdom in foreign
Two hundred years ago, contemporar- northern Europe), Sweden, and several language?
ies led the two armies. Napoleon Bona- German states defeated Napoleon at the
parte and Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Battle of Leipzig (also known as the Bat-
Wellington, were both 45 years of age. tle of Nations). In 1814 Napoleon was
They had never met in battle before. forced to stand down as leader of France.
Napoleon (1769 – 1821) was a mili- He was sent to live on a small island in Recommended
tary and political leader. He ruled France the Mediterranean Sea, called Elba.
from 1804 to 1814, and again for around However, within 12 months Napo- reading
three months in 1815. When he took over leon had escaped and returned to France. for
in 1804, Napoleon crowned himself Em- He immediately raised a new powerful
peror of France. army. On hearing the news, the leaders of
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 2

Austria, Prussia, Russia, and the Another part of the French army, led thousands of men and horses were
United Kingdom, declared Napo- by Grouchy, attacked the Prussians killed. By this time, Grouchy had
leon to be an outlaw. Each of these at Ligny. Napoleon was therefore reached Wavre. Part of the Prus-
countries agreed to raise an army of fighting two battles at the same time. sian army stayed in the town to fight
150,000 men to defeat him. The Prussians were defeated. Yet, against the French. The remainder,
Wellington (1769 – 1852) joined instead of withdrawing to the east, or under Blücher, set off towards the
the army as a young man. He took where they had come from, the Prus- sound of the guns at Waterloo.
part in battles in the Netherlands sian army moved northwards to the Napoleon believed that Welling-
and India. Wellington became a town of Wavre. This meant that they ton’s army was weakening. He or-
general during the Peninsular War remained close to Wellington’s army. dered his best soldiers, the Imperial
(1807 – 1814). This conflict was Brussels
Guard, to attack. As they reached
between France and Spain on one the top of the hill, Wellington or-
side, and the UK and Portugal on Waterloo dered hundreds of soldiers who had
the other. Most of the fighting took been told to lie down, so they could
place in Portugal and Spain. In 1813 not be seen, to stand up and fight.
Wellington defeated a French army Ligny
The Imperial Guard stopped. Some
at the Battle of Vitoria, in Spain. began to turn back. Once the Guard
Napoleon’s older brother, Joseph started to withdraw other French
Bonaparte, jointly led this army. soldiers followed. Around the same
Allied Army French Prussians
Because of his success in Portu- Retreat Battle, French win Retreat
time, Blücher and his Prussian sol-
Battle, Allied win
gal and Spain, Wellington was made diers arrived.
the commander of an allied army. Wellington decided to withdraw The French army was beaten. Its
This was the army that he would from Quatre-Bras. He ordered his retreat became disorganised. The
lead at Waterloo. It was made up soldiers to moved north, back to- outcome of the battle finally ended
of soldiers from the UK, the Neth- wards Brussels. Wellington then Europe’s Napoleonic wars. They
erlands and parts of Germany. By set out a defensive position along lasted for 25 years.
the beginning of June 1815, Wel- the top of a ridge, close to a village About three weeks later, Napo-
lington’s army had assembled in called Waterloo. That night there leon surrendered to the captain of a
Belgium (then, this was part of the was a very heavy thunderstorm. British navy ship. As punishment,
Netherlands). A Prussian army, led The soldiers had little sleep and the he was exiled to Saint Helena. This
by Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher ground became very muddy. small, remote island is in the Atlan-
(1742 – 1819), was on its way to Grouchy, with 30,000 men, was tic Ocean, off the west coast of Af-
meet him. Austria and Russia were ordered to follow the Prussians. rica. Napoleon died on Saint Helena
slow to arrange their forces. At first, he moved eastwards. This in 1821, aged 51. Wellington retired
Napoleon decided to attack. He was because he did not realise that from the army. Later, he became the
wanted to separate the armies of the Prussians were at Wavre. Na- UK’s prime minister.
Wellington and Blücher. He be- poleon then ordered the rest of his As part of the bicentenary,
lieved he could defeat both, but one soldiers to face Wellington’s allied three men, who did not know each
at a time. Napoleon thought that if he army. Wellington sent a message to other, met on the battlefield. They
beat these two armies the Austrians Blücher. He said that he would let were Prince Blücher (the Prussian
and Russians would be willing to the French attack him, but Blücher army commander’s great-great-
make peace. Napoleon’s army was must bring his army to the battle- great-grandson), Charles Bonaparte
about 100,000 strong. He ordered it field as soon as possible. (Napoleon’s great-great-great neph-
to march to Charleroi. Napoleon’s The Battle of Waterloo began with ew) and the 9th Duke of Wellington.
two senior commanders were Mar- the firing of the French guns. For the Today, people use the phrase ‘to
shal Ney and Marshal Grouchy. next eight hours the French soldiers meet your Waterloo’. It does not
Napoleon ordered part of his tried to break through Wellington’s mean being successful. Those who
army, under Ney, to attack Wel- line. In many parts of the battlefield ‘have met their Waterloo’ have been
lington’s soldiers at Quatre-Bras. the fighting was very fierce. Tens of well beaten and humiliated. 
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 3

SIXTH MASS EXTINCTION? called the ‘Great Dying’. It occurred Over the last 500 years at least
about 252 million years ago. During 140 types of bird, 34 amphibians
The Earth is believed to be 4.5 the Great Dying, 96% of all life in and 77 mammal species have died
billion years old. Throughout the the sea and 70% of life on the land out. The birds include the dodo.
planet’s long history there have died out. Even the insects disap- This flightless bird lived on the
been at least five mass extinctions, peared. This is the only extinction island of Mauritius, in the Indian
or extinction events. A group of re- event that affected insects. Ocean. The dodo had a large body
searchers from universities in the and beak, small wings and short
USA and Mexico believe that hu- legs. The birds fed on fruit that fell
man activity is now causing a sixth to the ground. Europeans first ar-
extinction event. rived on Mauritius in the late 1500s.
Scientists say that extinctions Then, the island was uninhabited.
happen all the time. Some species As the dodo had no predators, it was
will always die out naturally. This not scared of humans. In less than
is known as the ‘background rate’ 100 years all the dodos had gone.
or ‘background rate of extinctions’. In their study the researchers did
The researchers believe that the not mention invasive species as a
background rate for mammal ex- cause of extinctions. This is when
tinctions is about two species per animals are taken (by humans) to
10,000 years. places where they are not native.
If there are no natural predators,
Model of what a dodo may have looked like
these animals can multiply very
quickly. This can easily happen on
The fourth mass extinction hap- islands. The dodo extinction is an
pened around 200 million years example. Dodos laid their eggs on
ago. Then, around 50% of all spe- the ground. They died out because
cies were wiped out. Perhaps the dogs, cats and monkeys, which
best-known extinction took place were taken to Mauritius, ate the
66 million years ago. This was birds’ eggs.
Artist’s impression of dinosaur species
when the dinosaurs died out. Even The researchers believe that a
An extinction event is when though the dinosaurs died off, other sixth mass extinction could be pre-
there is a sudden, or rapid, decrease species such as mammals and birds vented. Yet to do this, they say, gov-
in the amount of life on the Earth. managed to survive. After an ex- ernments must work together to re-
This can happen over thousands or tinction event, it can be many mil- duce pollution, halt climate change
even millions of years. Scientists lions of years before the diversity of and stop further habitat loss. 
suspect that volcanic activity, or life recovers.
large asteroids or comets hitting The researchers believe that ani-
the Earth, caused the five previous mals are now dying out 100 times CONFEDERATE FLAG
mass extinctions. quicker than the background rate.
The first took place about 443 They say this is the biggest species On the evening of 17th June
million years ago. Then, about 83% loss since the dinosaurs disappeared. a 21-year-old man named Dy-
of all sea life died out. (The first The researchers claim that 26% of lann Roof entered a church in
land animals did not appear until all mammal species are now in dan- Charleston. This American city is
370 million years ago.) The next ger of dying out. They believe that in the state of South Carolina.
extinction event occurred roughly this sixth mass extinction is being Roof pulled out a gun and start-
360 million years ago. At that time, caused by pollution, loss of habitat ed shooting. Nine people were
about 75% of all life became ex- and climate change. Humans, the killed. All were black or African
tinct. The next one is known as the researchers say, are the cause of all Americans. The murders shocked
Permian mass extinction. It is also these problems. many people.
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 4

Police officers arrested Roof the plantations. Crops such as sugar, this monument. On 22nd June, Nikki
following day. Reports say that he cotton and tobacco were grown on Haley, the governor of South Caroli-
shouted racist slogans as he fired his these plantations. na, made an announcement. She said
gun. After his arrest, Roof admitted Fighting then broke out between that the flag near the State House
that he had carried out the shoot- the northern and southern states. would be removed. Governors of
ing. He said that he wanted to start a At that time, the USA was made up other southern states are expected to
‘race war’. Roof had set up several of 34 states. (Today there are 50.) make similar decisions.
websites. One displayed a picture of The 11 that seceded were: Ala- Since the shooting, some flag
him with a handgun and a Confeder- bama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, companies in America have decided
ate flag. Roof’s car also had a Con- Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, to stop making Confederate flags.
federate badge or decoration fixed Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennes- Well-known shops, or retailers,
to the bumper. see, and Virginia. have also said that they will not sell
Many flags were used by the items that feature the flag. 
Confederacy during the war. The
design that is now usually called
the Confederate flag was one of the ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN PARIS
southern army’s battle flags. Nowa-
days, this flag is also known as the Eight years ago a bicycle-sharing
rebel flag or Dixie flag. Dixie is a rental scheme began in Paris, the
historical nickname for the southern capital of France. Several years
part of the USA. later, other big cities such as Lon-
It’s thought that around 750,000 don, the UK’s capital city, and New
South Carolina State House, in the city of soldiers died in the war. Eventually, York started similar bicycle hire op-
Colombia, with Confederate Monument in front
after many battles, the commander erations. Now Paris has launched a
The Confederate flag (or Con- of the southern army agreed to sur- new electric scooter rental scheme.
federate battle flag) dates back render. The war ended slavery in the It’s called Cityscoot.
to the American Civil War (1861 whole of the USA.
– 1865). This war began after the Today, many people believe that
southern states of Amer- the Confederate flag is a
ica declared that they racist symbol. This, they
had withdrawn, or se- say, is because it is asso-
ceded, from the ‘United ciated with slavery. The
States’. They formed the Confederate flag is flown
Confederate States of on government buildings
America (CSA). These in some southern Ameri-
Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, with one of
states were then called can states. After the the new electric scooters (
the ‘Confederacy’ or Battle flag of the Confederate shooting in Charleston,
States of America
the ‘South’. The other many people demanded Anne Hidalgo is the mayor of
American states became known as that these flags be taken down. Paris. She helped to set up the
the ‘Union’ or the ‘North’. Some argue that the Confederate new scooter hire operation. A pri-
One of the main arguments be- flag should be banned. Others disa- vate company is running the rental
tween the North and South was gree. They say the flag is part of the scheme. So the government or city
about slavery. President Abraham culture and heritage of the American officials are not in charge. The or-
Lincoln (1809 – 1865) and his southern states. ganisers of Cityscoot now have 70
supporters in the Union wanted to South Carolina’s capital city is electric scooters in Paris. These first
make slavery unlawful. Yet the big Colombia. There is a large Confed- scooters are part of a four-month tri-
landowners in the Confederacy in- erate Monument in the city. It is close al. If successful, there will be 1,000
sisted that they needed black slaves to the State House. For many years a electric scooters for hire in Paris
to work on their large farms, or Confederate flag has flown next to next year.
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 5

A German company called from the city. These older vehicles from Tbilisi. The landslide blocked
GOVECS makes the scooters. They create more pollution. This ban the River Vere. It acted like a dam.
have a top speed of 45 miles (28 may be extended to cars made be- The river water quickly rose be-
miles) per hour. If driven slowly, fore 1997. Many people who live in hind it. Eventually, the water broke
the scooters can travel for 100 kilo- the centre of Paris do not own cars. through the mud and rock of the
metres (62 miles). Then the batter- Most approve of this vehicle ban. landslide. A flash flood, or powerful
ies need to be recharged. This takes However, those who drive into the torrent of mud and water, then raced
around five hours. city from the suburbs are unhappy towards Tbilisi. Flash floods are
Paris’ bicycle-sharing scheme is about Ms Hidalgo’s plans. when floodwaters rise very quickly.
called Vélib’. (This is short for vélo The flash flood destroyed more
libre or vélo liberté, which means free than 40 houses and several main
bicycle or bicycle freedom.) The city roads in the city. Floodwaters cov-
also has an electric car hire opera- ered large parts of the zoo. Many
tion. This is known as Autolib’. Peo- animals were killed but others
ple who use the electric cars have to escaped. They included a hippo-
pay an annual €120 (£85) fee. They potamus, a crocodile, tigers, lions,
then pay €5.50 (£4) per 30 minutes jackals, jaguars, wolves, bears, and
when driving one of the cars. There hyenas. Many of these animals are
Autolib’ charging station in Paris (Mario Ortiz)
are over 2,500 Autolib’ cars in Paris. dangerous. People were told to stay
The cars have their own charging The Cityscoot organisers plan in their homes.
points, or stations. These can now to talk with officials from other big Police officers were sent to
be used to recharge the new electric cities, such as London. If their Paris search for the missing animals.
scooters as well. trial is successful, they believe that Some were marksmen, or expert
Cityscoot scooters have no keys. these cities will want similar electric shots. Others flew above the city in
People who want to use them down- scooter operations.  helicopters. The hippopotamus was
load an app to their mobile phones. found walking along a street. A tran-
This tells them where the nearest quilliser dart was fired into the back
free, or available, scooters are. It TBILISI FLOOD of its head. These darts can knock
also shows for how much longer an animal out, or make it sleepy and
their batteries will last. Users are A serious flood hit part of Tbilisi on less aggressive. After the dart hit the
sent a code via a text message. This the night of 13th June and early the hippo, several people led the animal
code is used to start the scooter. A following day. Tbilisi is the capital back to the zoo. The crocodile was
helmet is stored under the seat, or of Georgia. The city and surround- also captured and returned.
saddle. The cost for using the scoot- ing area is home to 1.5 million
ers is €3 (£2) for every 15 minutes. people. Tbilisi’s zoo was badly af-
The scooter hire ends when the hel- fected. The floodwaters poured into
met is put back under the saddle. many of its buildings and enclo-
In recent years there has been sures. About half of the zoo’s 600
bad air pollution in Paris. Much of animals died.
this is caused by emissions from The River Mtkvari flows through
cars, trucks, coaches, and buses. Ms Tbilisi. (This river is also known
Hidalgo wants to reduce the amount as the Kura.) One of its tributar-
River Vere in Tbilisi after the flood
of traffic in the city. In future she ies is called the River Vere. This
plans to ban vehicles that use petrol river joins the Mtkvari in Tbilisi. The police shot many of the ani-
or diesel from some areas of Paris. The River Vere flows down from mals that escaped. Six wolves were
Only electric vehicles will be al- the mountains. It is fed by melting killed near a children’s hospital. The
lowed in these places. snow, rain and underground water. lions and tigers were also shot dead.
This summer trucks and coaches Heavy rainfall caused a landslide One of the zoo’s bosses was angry
made before 2001 will be banned about 20 kilometres (12.5 miles) about what happened. He said the
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 6

police were wrong to kill so many governed the country and decided Magna Carta was written in
of the animals. The animals, he on new laws. King John (1166 – Medieval Latin. Once it had been
complained, should only have been 1216) ruled England in a way that agreed, scribes hand-wrote numer-
killed if they were endangering peo- annoyed the English barons. The ous copies on parchment. This is
ple. One of the zoo animals shot by a barons were wealthy land owners. a type of paper made from animal
police marksman was a young white The king frequently demanded that skin. These copies were then sent to
lion called Shumba. This lion was they and other people in the coun- different parts of the country. There-
very popular with the zoo’s visitors. try pay higher taxes. Much of this fore, everyone knew what the new
Soldiers, rescue workers and vol- money was then spent on fighting rules were. Only four original cop-
unteers assisted many people who wars against France. ies of Magna Carta still exist.
were trapped by the floods. They Some people say that Magna
also cleared the thick mud away Carta did not affect the ordinary
from the zoo and nearby streets. City citizens. Most of the new rules
officials said that at least 20 people were for wealthy people who
died in the flood. The Czech Repub- owned land. King John was not
lic and Israel sent teams of animal interested in Magna Carta. He
doctors, or vets, to help at the zoo. put his seal on the charter only
Giorgi Margvelashvili is Geor- to stop the barons removing him
gia’s president. He declared a na- from the throne. In later years,
tional day of mourning on 15th June. many of the charter’s rules were
This was to remember all those who updated or rewritten.
King John putting his seal on the Magna Carta
had lost their lives.  The UK’s monarch, Queen Eliz-
The barons became more and abeth the Second, is a descendant
more angry with the king. A group of of King John. She joined hun-
MAGNA CARTA 800 them decided to force him to agree dreds of other people at the com-
to certain rules. They had them writ- memoration event. David Cam-
On 15th June an important commem- ten down in a charter. Magna Carta eron, the prime minister of the
oration was held at a place called was the first docu- UK, spoke. One of
Runnymede, in the UK. It marked ment to state that eve- the country’s senior
the 800th anniversary of Magna Car- rybody, including the judges also made a
ta. This is one of the world’s most fa- king, must obey the speech. He said that
mous documents. Magna Carta is a law. It also set out a the barons would be
Latin phrase. It means ‘Great Char- proper legal system, surprised to learn
ter’. King John of England put his parts of which are still what had become of
seal on this document at Runnymede used today. their charter. Magna
on 15th June 1215. Runnymede is not Carta, the judge ex-
Many historians say the charter a town or city. It is a plained, is now a
is the basis for the modern idea of water meadow that symbol of democ-
a country’s constitution. This is the is close to the River racy, justice, human
set of rules by which a country is Thames. Runnymede rights, and the rule
governed. Magna Carta also sets out is about 32 kilometres (20 miles) of law for the whole world.
the rule of law. Runnymede is there- from the centre of London, the In later years some of Magna
fore described as ‘the birthplace of UK’s capital city. Today, the Carta’s rules, or principles, were
modern democracy’. Others say it is meadow is similar to how it used for other important docu-
where ‘the rule of law was created, looked 800 years ago. King John ments. These include: the United
or established’. agreed to meet the barons at Run- States Bill of Rights (1791),
Eight hundred years ago kings nymede. This was because it was an the Declaration of Human Rights
and queens had far more power than open area. This meant the barons (1948) and the European Conven-
they do today. Then, the monarch would not be able to imprison him. tion on Human Rights (1950). 
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 7

OKINAWA ANNIVERSARY During the next four years, Japa- and Nagasaki. A few days later, the
nese forces occupied several other Japanese government admitted de-
A special ceremony took place Asian countries such as Malaysia, feat and agreed to surrender.
on Okinawa on 23rd June. This Burma (now also known as My- In 1995 (the 50th anniversary of
island is part of Japan. The cer- anmar) and the Philippines. There the battle) a special memorial was
emony was held to remember all were several large battles between built in Itoman. This city is where the
those who died during the Battle Japanese and American navy ships. final part of the Battle of Okinawa
of Okinawa. It marked the 70th Some of the biggest land battles took place. The memorial is called
anniversary of the end of the battle took place on Pacific islands. the Cornerstone of Peace. The names
in 1945. As part of the commemo- By 1944 Japan was losing the of 240,000 people who died during
ration, Shinzō Abe, Japan’s prime war. Yet American military leaders the fighting are inscribed on it. The
minister, spoke. did not expect the country to sur- names include Japanese and Ameri-
Okinawa is about 550 kilome- render. They therefore began to plan can soldiers and all the civilians.
tres (340 miles) from the Japanese an invasion of Japan. First, they
mainland. It is one of the Ryukyu decided to capture several Japanese
Islands. These are a chain of vol- islands. These would be used as
canic islands that stretch from Japan bases for the invasion. American air
to Taiwan. In Japan they are known force planes would also be able to
as the Nansei Islands (Southwest land and take off from the islands’
Islands). Okinawa is the largest. To- airstrips, or runways. After fierce
day, the island is home to about 1.3 fighting, American forces captured
million people. Iwo Jima. This island has an area of
about 21 square kilometres (eight Shinzō Abe, Japan’s prime minister, speaking
at the memorial ceremony in Okinawa
CHINA square miles).
The Battle of Okinawa began The USA occupied Okinawa
NORTH on 1st April 1945. It lasted for until 1972. Then, the island was
KOREA officially handed back to the Japa-
83 days. Okinawa was one of the
SOUTH bloodiest battles of the Pacific war. nese government. The two coun-
Around 100,000 Japanese soldiers tries agreed that several American
died during the fighting. Rather military bases would remain on
PACIFIC than be captured, many Japanese Okinawa. Today, there are about
OCEAN soldiers decided to kill themselves. 26,000 American troops on the is-
ds n
la At least 110,000 local civilians land. Most local people want the
yu were also killed or committed American bases to close and the
uk Okinawa
Ry Iwo Jima suicide. About 14,000 American troops to move elsewhere.
soldiers, sailors and airmen died. During his speech Mr Abe spoke
In 1910 Japan seized control of Over 40,000 were wounded. about the number of people who
what is now both North and South After capturing Okinawa, died. He said it was important to
Korea. Then, in the early 1930s, it American leaders realised that an remember them, their families and
occupied the northern part of China invasion of Japan would be very what happened on Okinawa 70
(known as Manchuria). Soon after- difficult. Many American troops, years ago. 
wards, Japan’s army began to take Japanese soldiers and civilians
over other large areas of China. In would be killed. The leaders then
1941 the country’s military leaders decided to use atomic bombs. MASS STRANDING
organised a surprise attack on the These weapons had been devel-
USA’s naval base at Pearl Harbor, oped in secret. Two months after Millions of small marine creatures
in Hawaii. This attack marked the the fighting ended on Okinawa, have washed up on the beaches of
start of the Second World War in American planes dropped atomic southern California, in the USA.
the Pacific. bombs on the cities of Hiroshima When this happens it is called a
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 8

mass stranding. The creatures’ sci- crabs swim backwards. They do this warmer. Researchers who check
entific name is Pleuroncodes plan- by moving their tails up and down. sea temperatures predict that there
ipes. They are also known as tuna As they swim, the crabs streamline will be an El Niño later this year.
crabs or red crabs. Even though their legs and claws, or fold them So the tuna crab mass stranding
they are called crabs, they are a type close to their bodies. may mean it has already begun. El
of lobster. Sometimes there is a sudden in- Niños are known to have an effect
The small creatures, which are crease in the number of tuna crabs. on the weather on both sides of the
bright red, are normally found far- When this happens the crabs may Pacific Ocean.
ther to the south. The ones that swarm, or gather together in very Red crabs are a source of food
washed up on the Californian beach- large numbers. It is not known for many other creatures. Tuna fish
es are about five centimetres (two why they do this. A large swarm eat many of them. (This is why they
inches) long. The creatures’ abdo- on, or near, the ocean’s surface are called tuna crabs.) Rays, sea li-
mens, or main parts of their bodies, will make the sea look red. If the ons and sea turtles also feed on the
are much shorter than those of larger winds and tides work in a certain crabs. They are even eaten by the
lobster species. For this reason they way, the swarms can be washed up blue whale, the world’s largest ani-
are sometimes called squat lobsters. on the shore. mal. When red crabs swarm, some
Tuna crabs do not live near the sea birds eat so many they are un-
seashore. Normally, they are found able to fly. 
in the eastern Pacific off the coast of
the Baja California Peninsula. This
long peninsula is a part of Mexico. DENMARK’S ELECTION
The crabs live on the continental
shelf. This is a shallower area of People in Denmark voted for the
sea. Thousands of years ago, dur- 179 members of their country’s par-
ing ice ages, these areas were dry liament on 18th June. In Denmark,
land. There are continental shelves the prime minister can decide when
around most coasts. Many are nar- these elections for parliament are
row. Yet some extend for hundreds held. However, an election has to
of kilometres. be held within four years of the
Tuna crab mass stranding
last one.
The mass stranding in south- Denmark is a constitutional mon-
ern California was expected. Days archy. With this system of govern-
before, fishermen reported seeing ment the king or queen is the head
many millions of the crabs in the of the country. Yet they have few
sea off the coast. Some crabs on powers. The elected government,
the beach were washed back out to led by the prime minister, makes all
sea. Yet most died. Marine scientists the important decisions.
say tuna crab swarms are a sign that Denmark’s population is 5.7
Tuna crab
ocean temperatures are warmer than million. Margrethe the Second has
Tuna crabs either drift in the usual. This warm water has prob- been the country’s queen for 43
ocean or use ocean currents. They ably moved northwards. This may years. Denmark’s parliament (or the
move up and down to a depth of explain why the crabs were washed Folketing) meets in the Christians-
about 200 metres (656 feet). The up in southern California. borg Palace. This building is on a
crabs feed on plankton, or very tiny In the Pacific Ocean there is a small island, or islet, in Copenha-
sea organisms. These are caught in warm water event that on average, gen, the capital of Denmark. The is-
the hairs on the crabs’ legs. Some- happens every five years. It is called land forms part of the city’s harbour.
times the crabs go down to the sea- an El Niño. During an El Niño the There are many political parties
bed. There, they will hide in holes seawater off the north west coast in Denmark. Most are divided into
that they make in the sand. Tuna of South America becomes much two main political groups, or blocs.
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 9

The parties within these blocs agree pected to be close. Greenland and as their leader. Instead, he plans to
to work together. To have a major- the Faroe Islands are a part of get the blue bloc to accept more of
ity (or to be able to out vote all the Denmark. Even though both are the DPP’s ideas, or policies. Mr Ras-
other parties) a group needs to have self-governing, they are a part of mussen has been Denmark’s prime
at least 90 seats in the parliament. the Danish Realm, or Kingdom of minister before. He led the country
Denmark. Each elects two people between 2009 and 2011.
to the country’s parliament. Ms Thorning-Schmidt’s Social
Some people predicted that Ms Democrats party increased its num-
Thorning-Schmidt would lose the ber of seats. Yet other members
election in Denmark. Yet, if most of the red bloc did not do so well.
people in Greenland and the Far- After the election results were an-
oe Islands voted for her bloc, she nounced, Ms Thorning-Schmidt de-
could still win. After all the votes clared that she would stand down as
had been counted, it was announced her party’s leader. 
Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Denmark’s prime minister
that the centre right bloc won 90
Politicians and political parties seats. Ms Thorning-Schmidt’s cen-
are often described as being from tre left group got 89. These seats BILDERBERG MEETING
the left, right or centre. Left, or left included the four from Greenland
wing, politicians believe that the and the Faroe Islands. Each year the Bilderberg Group or-
government is responsible for pub- ganises a three-day meeting, or con-
lic welfare. They also want every- ference. This year the group’s an-
one to have a more equal share of nual meeting was held between 11th
their country’s wealth. Right wing and 14th June. It took place at the
politicians, or those from the right, Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol, in Austria.
think that it’s not the government’s In the past the names of people
job to make sure there is equality. invited to Bilderberg meetings, and
They believe people are responsible what they talked about, was kept
for creating their own wealth and Christiansborg Palace, in Copenhagen
secret. This has changed in recent
spending their own money. Politi- years. Yet, because of its secrecy,
cians in the ‘centre’ believe in a mix Within the blue bloc, the Dan- some people are suspicious of what
of both ‘left’ and ‘right’ ideas. ish People’s Party (DPP) got the happens at Bilderberg meetings.
The two political groups in Den- most seats. It won 37. This is 15 Several political and business
mark are often called the ‘red bloc’ more than four years ago. Kristian leaders from Western Europe set
and the ‘blue bloc’. The red bloc Thulesen Dahl leads the DPP. His up the Bilderberg Group in 1954.
is described as ‘centre left’ and the party is more ‘right wing’ than the Then, they were worried that the
blue bloc ‘centre right’. blue bloc’s other parties. The DPP countries of Western Europe and
The last election was held in wants to reduce the number of im- North America (or the USA and
September 2011. Then, the red migrants coming to Denmark. Last Canada) were beginning to distrust
bloc won the most seats. With 44 year 15,000 refugees were given each other. They believed that there
seats, the Social Democrats party permission to live in the country. should be more cooperation be-
was the largest in this group. Its Most came from countries in the tween nations in these two parts of
leader, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Middle East and Africa. the world.
then became Denmark’s first wom- Of the blue bloc, the Venstre Today, this idea, or philosophy,
an prime minister. party was second. It got 34 seats. of cooperation between these coun-
The next election did not have This is 13 fewer than four years ago. tries is often called Atlanticism. This
to take place until September this However, its leader, Lars Løkke name comes from the Atlantic, or the
year. Yet, Ms Thorning-Schmidt Rasmussen, is expected to become ocean that separates North America
decided that it should be held three the prime minister. Other blue bloc and Western Europe. The group gets
months early. The result was ex- members would not accept Mr Dahl its name from the Bilderberg Hotel,
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 10

in the Netherlands. This is where its No interviews are given to news re- beginning and end of Ramadan de-
first meeting was held in 1954. porters about what was said. pend on the sighting of a crescent
Between 120 and 140 people The Bilderberg Group has led moon. This marks the end of one
attend the annual meetings. Only to many conspiracy theories. When lunar month and the start of the
a few people run the organisa- someone comes up with a conspira- next. During the month of Ramadan
tion. They decide who to invite. cy theory, he or she tries to convince Muslims fast, or do not eat or drink,
People who receive invitations are others that a current or historical during daylight hours.
mainly senior politicians, govern- event is part of a secret plan. One
ment advisers and important busi- conspiracy theory about the Bilder-
ness, banking and military leaders berg Group says it’s organised by
from Europe and North America. very wealthy bankers. They want
Sometimes the guest list includes to gain power and ‘take over the
members of royal families. For world’. Another says it is a secret
example, Prince Charles, the heir organisation that makes important
to the UK throne, Queen Sofia of decisions about how many countries
Spain, Queen Beatrix, the former are governed.
Iftar meal
monarch of the Netherlands, are Nowadays, a list of what is to be
all known to have been to previous discussed at the meeting is posted Nowadays, most countries use
Bilderberg meetings. on the Bilderberg Group’s website. the Gregorian calendar. (This is also
Some topics that were talked about known as the international calen-
at the latest meeting were: terror- dar.) Lunar calendars also have 12
ism, the Middle East, cybersecu- months. However, the lunar year is
rity, and chemical weapons threats. about 11 days shorter than the inter-
Those invited to the meeting are national calendar year. So (in the in-
also listed on the website. This year ternational calendar) the beginning
they included: the former American and end of Ramadan changes from
secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, one year to the next. For example,
the head of NATO (North Atlan- in 2014 Ramadan was between 29th
Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol, in Austria
tic Treaty Organization), the prime June and 27th July.
Recently the group’s organisers minister of the Netherlands, a past The Five Pillars of Islam are
have agreed to talk about the meet- leader of the CIA (Central Intel- beliefs or acts that Muslims are
ings. They explain that they are a ligence Agency), and the bosses of supposed to follow. Muslims are
place where world leaders and im- the Google and Shell companies.  expected to believe in one God, to
portant people can have informal pray and to give to charity. They
conversations and discussions. The are also expected to make a pil-
annual meetings, the organisers RAMADAN FAST BEGINS grimage to Mecca at least once
claim, can help to solve some of the in their lifetime. This should be
world’s problems. People who follow the Islamic faith done if they have good health and
The people who attend Bilderberg marked the beginning of Ramadan enough money. Mecca is in Saudi
meetings agree to what’s known as on 18th June. Ramadan lasts for Arabia. It is the holiest city in the
‘the Chatham House Rule’. This rule 29 or 30 days. For most Muslims, Islamic religion. Mecca was the
was invented in the UK about 90 Ramadan is a very important time birthplace of the Prophet Muham-
years ago. The rule means that peo- of the year. The world’s population mad. Muslims believe that he was
ple can talk about what was said in a is just over seven billion. About 1.5 God’s messenger. The Fifth Pillar
meeting. Yet they must not say who billion are Muslims. of Islam is to fast during the month
said it. This rule is meant to encour- Ramadan is the Islamic calen- of Ramadan.
age more open talks. Written, sound, dar’s ninth month. This is a lunar Muslims who are healthy do
or film recordings are not made of calendar. It is based on the cycles not eat or drink from sunrise to
Bilderberg meeting discussions. of the Moon. Traditionally, the sunset during Ramadan. They also
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 11

say prayers five times a day. These Barack Obama, the president of has human-like arms but no legs. It
things are meant to give Muslims the the USA, hosted an ‘Iftar dinner’ on has a triangular-shaped base with
time to think about their faith and 22nd June. Held at the White House, wheels. So Pepper can move, but it
to practise discipline and patience. this has become an annual tradition. does not walk like a person.
Muslims believe that the Koran, the The White House, in Washington
holy book of Islam, was revealed to DC, is the home of the American
Muhammad in the month of Rama- president. About 150 people were
dan. For this reason, many read the invited. Many were senior diplo-
Koran during the month of fasting. mats from Muslim countries who
Some people can eat and drink work in the USA. 
during the day if their health might be
affected by not doing so. Examples
are: young children, the elderly, peo- PEPPER ROBOT
ple who are ill, pregnant women, and Pepper robot
women who are breastfeeding a baby. A company in Japan has started
People who don’t fast use the month selling humanoid, or human-like, The robot has a flat, tablet-like,
of Ramadan as a time to think of those robots. On 21st June company of- screen on its chest. It has many in-
who do not have enough to eat. ficials announced that 1,000 robots built sensors. These are in its hands,
There are two main daily meals would be available. Later the same on its head and in the base. The
during Ramadan. These are usually day, the officials said that they sold ones in the base stop the robot from
eaten with other family members. out within the first few minutes. bumping into other objects. Pepper
One, called ‘suhoor’, is served just has 20 separate motors. Many are
before dawn. The other, which is used to move the robot’s arms and
eaten just after sunset, is known hands. The head contains two cam-
as ‘iftar’. Many types of food are eras and four microphones. Pepper
eaten, but as part of iftar dates are can also connect to the internet.
very popular. The robot is able to dance and tell
At the end of Ramadan there is jokes. It contains specially designed
a celebration called Eid-ul-Fitr. This software. This helps Pepper to work
means the ‘Festival of Breaking the out people’s emotions. It does this
SoftBank’s boss, Masayoshi Son speaking
Fast’. At this time, a big meal, or with one of his company’s Pepper robots by recognising the sound of a per-
feast, is organised to which family son’s voice and the expressions on
members and friends are invited. The SoftBank Company has de- their face. Pepper therefore knows
During a Muslim’s lifetime the veloped the robots. They are called if people are happy or sad. Mr Son
month of Ramadan will occur in ‘Pepper’. SoftBank is a large and says the robot has been programmed
both winter and summer. This is be- successful international mobile to make people happy. Pepper can
cause Ramadan ‘moves’ by roughly phone and internet firm. The com- also remember people’s faces.
11 days each year. In parts of the pany owns 80% of Sprint, one of The robot costs ¥198,000
world far from the Equator, winter the largest wireless operators in the (£1,000) plus a monthly payment
days are much shorter than summer USA. Masayoshi Son set up Soft- of ¥24,600 (£126). This is for data
days. In these places Muslims must Bank in 1981. He is now one of the downloads, software updates and
fast for longer in summer months. richest people in Japan. In the past, insurance. Those who buy a robot
This year’s Ramadan included 21st Mr Son has said that his dream was have to agree to a three-year con-
June. This is the longest day in the to create a business that sells hu- tract. SoftBank plans to sell 1,000
northern hemisphere and the short- man-like robots. robots each month in Japan. They
est day in the southern hemisphere. Pepper is 120 centimetres (47 are being sold at a loss. This means
Many Muslims live in the UK, inches) tall. It weighs 29 kilograms it costs SoftBank more to make each
where, in June, there are only about (64 pounds). The robot has no hair robot than the price they sell for. The
six hours of darkness. and looks like a large doll. Pepper company hopes to make extra money
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 12

by selling ‘Pepper apps’. Currently, up in 1944. Its job was to take care that no one should be forced to re-
there are about 200 apps. Pepper can of the millions of people in Europe turn until it is safe to do so.
speak English, French, Japanese, who were displaced during the Sec- People often become refugees
and Spanish. More language apps ond World War (1939 – 1945). After when they try to get away from
are now being developed. the war, this organisation became fighting near their homes. Many
Some people claim that Pep- part of the UN. This then became cross borders and move to nearby
per is a toy and not a robot. This the UNHCR (United Nations High countries. Most then have to live in
is because it is not able to do any Commissioner for Refugees) a few tents in large camps. Many of these
physical tasks. For example, Pep- years later. camps are organised and run by the
per is not able to clean the floor or UNHCR. Other refugees are people
do other household chores. Mr Son who are forced to move to different
says that Pepper has been designed parts of their country. These refu-
to be a friend. Japan’s population gees are known as ‘internally dis-
is now ageing quickly. Today, 25% placed’ people.
of the 128 million people who live Asylum-seekers are another
in Japan are over 65 years of age. type of refugee. These are people
This number is expected to increase. who have applied to go and live in
Many worry that older people in Ja- a different country. Another type
Syrian refugee camp in northern Iraq (UNHCR)
pan, who live on their own, are be- of asylum-seeker is someone who
coming lonely. In future Pepper-like Nowadays, the UNHCR oper- tries to enter another country ille-
robots could be used as companions. ates in most countries where there gally. Many do this because they
Mr Son says SoftBank will start are large numbers of refugees. It are seeking a better life in a more
to sell the robots in other parts of the helps by providing shelter (mainly wealthy, or developed, country.
world, such as the USA, next year. tents), food, water, and medical These refugees are also called ‘eco-
Within the next few months the treatment. In the past, the UNHCR nomic migrants’. Many of the peo-
company plans to launch a ‘Pepper has been awarded the Nobel Peace ple who are now trying to get from
for Biz’. (Biz stands for ‘business’.) Prize twice. The first time was North Africa to Southern Europe,
Companies, such as restaurants and in 1954 and the second in 1981. by crossing the Mediterranean Sea,
hotels, could use the robots to attract Currently, the UNHCR is led by are economic migrants.
extra customers. In Japan, Pepper António Guterres. He is a former On 20th June Mr Guterres was
robots have already been used to prime minister of Portugal. The in Turkey. This was because Turkey
sell a type of coffee machine in sev- UNHCR’s headquarters now has more refugees
eral of Japan’s larger shops.  is in the city of Geneva, than any other country.
in Switzerland. Now there are 1.7 mil-
Refugees are people lion Syrian refugees in
REFUGEE RECORD who have had to leave Turkey. They live in
their homes because it camps not far from Tur-
World Refugee Day is on 20th June. is too dangerous to stay. key’s border with Syria.
The United Nations (UN) first des- They may be in danger of All have travelled to
ignated this date as World Refugee persecution or physical harm. This Turkey to get away from the fight-
Day in 2000. Each year, as part of could be for several reasons. Exam- ing in Syria. This conflict began
World Refugee Day, the UNHCR ples are: race, nationality, religion, over four years ago. Other countries
publishes a report. It contains infor- or for being part of a particular so- with high numbers of refugees are
mation about refugees such as total cial or political group. Today, the Pakistan and Lebanon.
numbers and which countries they main reasons for people becoming The UNHCR’s World at War
come from. The title of this year’s refugees are wars and violence. The report says the number of people
UNCHR report is ‘World at War’. UNHCR says that, eventually, refu- who have been forced to flee from
An international organisation gees should be able to return to their violence, war and persecution has
that helped refugees was first set homes. Yet the organisation believes reached 60 million. This is a record.
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 13

About 20 million are refugees, 38.2 closely. Once this work has been some of the octopuses have been
million are internally displaced and done, the researcher will be able kept in a large tank, or aquarium.
1.8 million are asylum-seekers. to suggest a name for the octopus. After studying the octopuses more
Half of all these people are children. She says she is thinking of using the closely, the researcher realised that
The fighting in Syria and Iraq has word ‘adorable’ in its name. This, they were a different species.
forced 15 million people to leave she explains, is because the octopus Scientists classify living things.
their homes. looks so cute. All are put into large groups called
The report says that one out of phyla, then classes, orders, and
every 122 people in the world is now families. Next comes the genus, and
a refugee, an internally displaced within that the species. When a new
person or someone seeking asylum. species is named it means that sci-
If these 60 million people all lived entists have spent time studying and
in one nation, it would be the 24th describing it. They decide which
largest country in the world.  other species it is related to and its
genus. They also study the organ-
ism’s physical characteristics and
FLAPJACK OCTOPUSES New flapjack octopus swimming in an aquarium
behaviour. This includes how and
Scientists have known about what it eats, how it reproduces and
A marine researcher in the USA has these octopuses for many years. the places in which it lives.
found a new type of octopus. It can They are found in deep sea along the Octopuses belong to the phylum
be a long time before a newly dis- coast of California. For a long time mollusca. Other creatures in this
covered species is given an official scientists thought that they were a phylum include clams, snails and
scientific name. Before this hap- species called Opisthoteuthis cali- slugs. Octopuses are in the class
pens, specimens need to be studied forniana. As part of an exhibition, Cephalopoda. This is why they are




California LIBYA


This map shows countries to which news stories refer in this issue. Visit for more detailed world maps.
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 14

often called cephalopods. Squid are often ‘hover’ just above the seabed. The figure ‘67’ is the comet’s list
in the same class. Octopuses are They seem to do this when search- number. Like the planets in our So-
found in oceans and seas all around ing for food. Flapjack octopuses lar System, comets go around the
the world. There are at least 300 oc- feed on small marine creatures. Sun. They are made of ice and dust.
topus species. They do not live for If the researcher does decide to Comets are often described as large
very long. Most octopuses have a include ‘adorable’ in the new flap- ‘dirty snowballs’.
lifespan of less than five years. jack octopus’ name, it would be
The new octopus is in the ge- called Opisthoteuthis adorabilis. 
nus Opisthoteuthis. This genus has
over ten separate species. One is
Opisthoteuthis californiana. All of PHILAE AWAKES
these species are known as flapjack
octopuses or flapjack (or pancake) Last November a small unmanned
devilfishes. This is because their spacecraft landed on a speeding
bodies can turn into a very flat, or comet. This had never been done
compressed, shape. before. Called Philae, the space-
craft, or lander, is about the size of
a washing machine. Philae sent in-
formation about the comet back to
space scientists in Germany. Then, Artist’s impression of Philae as it should have
landed on the surface of comet 67P (DLR)
as expected, it ran out of power two
and a half days later. 67P is what’s known as a pe-
On 14th June the space scien- riodic, or short-period, comet.
tists were surprised to receive a (The ‘P’ stands for periodic.) It
message from the lander. It lasted takes about six and a half years
for about 80 seconds. This was the to complete one orbit of the Sun.
first contact with the spacecraft for The comet travels at about 135,000
seven months. Another short mes- kilometres (84,000 miles) per hour.
New flapjack octopus (MBARI)
sage was picked up several days Short-period comets are thought
The new flapjack octopus’ body, later. Scientists are now hopeful to come from a part of the Solar
or mantle, is jelly-like. It measures that the lander will send back more System called the Kuiper belt. This
about 18 centimetres (seven inches) information, as the comet speeds is beyond the orbit of Neptune and
across. Like other flapjack octopus- towards the Sun. the dwarf planet Pluto.
es, its tentacles are joined together, The project to land Philae on the Comets such as 67P are very old.
or webbed. When spread out they comet is known as the Rosetta space They date back to the beginning of
resemble an open umbrella. It looks mission. Organised by the ESA (Eu- the Solar System, or around 4.6 bil-
like the octopus has ears on either ropean Space Agency), it is one of lion years ago. This was when plan-
side of its mantle. These are fins. the most complicated space mis- ets such as the Earth were just start-
For the size of its body, the octopus sions ever attempted. The Rosetta ing to form. Researchers say comets
has very large eyes. spacecraft was launched in 2004. It are like time capsules. Studying
Flapjack octopuses swim by was carrying the Philae lander. Be- them is like being able to look far
opening and closing their umbrella- fore its rendezvous with the comet, back in time.
like tentacles. Like other octopuses, Rosetta travelled more than six bil- As Rosetta got closer to 67P, it began
they can take water into their man- lion kilometres (3.73 billion miles). to send back pictures. These showed
tles. This can then be suddenly The comet’s official name is that the comet was an unusual shape.
pushed out through an opening 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Some space scientists joked that
called a funnel. This is like a type Two Russian astronomers discov- it looks like a ‘giant rubber duck’.
of jet propulsion. The octopuses ered it in 1969. The comet is about What’s more, the comet’s surface
use their fins to steer. The creatures 4.5 kilometres (2.8 miles) across. is covered in steep ‘cliffs’ and deep
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 15

hollows, or depressions. Therefore This is because the comet is mov- most things with either hand. Those
trying to find a flat place where ing closer to the Sun. If the lander who can do this are described as be-
Philae could land was difficult. had worked as originally planned it ing ambidextrous.
Eventually, Rosetta began to or- would probably have died by now. Kangaroos are only found in Aus-
bit, or circle, the comet. About three If it can make more electricity, ESA tralia. There are several different
months later it released Philae. The scientists hope to receive extra in- species. They include the red kanga-
landing on 67P didn’t go to plan. formation from Philae. roo, the eastern grey kangaroo and
The comet’s gravity is very weak. In August the comet will be the the western grey kangaroo. All kan-
As part of its design, the lander closes it gets to the Sun. It will give garoos are marsupials. A few types
had several harpoons, or spear-like off jets of gas and water vapour. of marsupials are found in North and
hooks. These were to be fired into Some expect the comet to separate South America. Yet most live in Aus-
the comet’s surface. The hooks into two or more pieces. Philae tralia. Kangaroos, possums, wom-
would make sure that Philae stayed landed next to a cliff wall. It might bats, wallabies, and koalas are other
attached to the comet. When Philae therefore be in a protected, or safe, examples of Australian marsupials.
landed, its harpoons did not work. place. If so the lander should be able
The lander ‘bounced’ several times. to send back pictures as parts of the
It finally came to rest near a cliff- comet’s surface break up.
like wall. Only two of Philae’s three Last November the scientists
legs are on the comet’s surface. said that Philae’s shutdown was dis-
appointing. Now it seems that what
happened seven months ago may
have been fortunate. 

Red kangaroos

LEFT-HANDED KANGAROOS When born, marsupials are un-

derdeveloped. They crawl from
Russian researchers working in their mother’s birth canal to a pouch
Australia have made an interest- on her stomach, or belly. Here they
ing discovery. After spending many can feed on their mother’s milk.
hours watching, or observing, kan- Baby marsupials do not come out
Comet 67P
garoos, they say that most of the of the pouch until they are fully
Rosetta has large solar panels. So animals are left-handed. Until now developed. This is the main differ-
it generates the electricity it needs it was thought that only humans ence between marsupials and most
from the Sun. Philae had enough had a preference for which hand mammal species. Red kangaroos are
power for about 64 hours. It was de- they use. the world’s largest marsupials. They
signed to do all its experiments and Preferring to use the left or right can be 1.6 metres (5.25 feet) long.
recordings very quickly. This infor- hand is known as handedness. Kangaroos have very big pow-
mation was sent to Rosetta and then Right-handedness is most com- erful back legs. They move with a
transmitted to the Earth. Philae also mon. Right-handed people are more jumping, or hopping, motion. The
has some small solar panels. It was skilful with their right hands. The animals push themselves forward
hoped that these could make about majority of people in the world are with both back legs at the same time.
one hour of power from sunlight eve- right-handed. They naturally use Kangaroos’ forelimbs are much
ry two days. Yet Philae landed in the their right hand when writing or smaller than their back legs. Their
shade. As it was not able to recharge holding a knife, racquet or bat. Sci- forelimbs end in a ‘five-fingered
its batteries, the lander shut down. entists do not know why most peo- paw’. This looks a bit like a human
As Philae has just ‘woken up’, ple are right-handers. It’s thought hand. Yet a kangaroo has long claws
some sunlight must now be shin- that between seven and ten percent instead of fingernails.
ning on its solar panels. The amount of the world’s population are left- The researchers say that all the
of sunlight is expected to increase. handed. A few people are able to do kangaroo species seem to prefer to use
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 16

their left forelimbs. Tasks that they For many years Muammar Currently Libya has two rival
nearly always do with their left paws Gaddafi (better known as Colonel groups or factions. Both claim to be
include grooming their noses, taking Gaddafi) ruled Libya. He controlled the country’s official government.
a leaf from a tree, feeding, bending the country under very strict laws One is based in Tripoli, the country’s
branches, and propping themselves for over 40 years. At the beginning capital. The other is in Tobruk, a city
up, or standing on ‘three legs’. The of 2011 anti-government protests in eastern Libya. There are large ar-
researchers do not know why the ani- began. Those taking part demanded eas of the country that are not con-
mals prefer their left to their right. that Colonel Gaddafi and his family trolled by either group. Countries
Nowadays, it is known that human leave the country. They wanted to such as the USA, France, the UK,
handedness can be associated with elect their own leaders. and Egypt support the group that is
the way in which the brain works. ITALY
based in Tobruk.
The researchers say it would be inter- GREECE Most people expect Libya to re-
esting to find out if something similar TUNISIA
Mediterranean Sea CYPRUS main a lawless country until it has
happened with a kangaroo’s brain. Tripoli
a single unified government. The
One of the researchers joked. He Ajdabiya United Nations (UN) has been try-
said that we now know we are not ALGERIA EGYPT ing to get the leaders of the two fac-
alone in the Universe. In terms of tions to speak with each other. New
handedness there are two of us: hu- talks began on 25th June. They are
mans and kangaroos.  NIGER
being held in Morocco.
The American air strike on
Anti-Gaddafi groups, or rebels, Libya was unusual. American mili-
AIR STRIKE ON LIBYA fought against the Libyan army. tary officials admitted that it had
Several other countries such as taken place. They also said that
On 15th June, in the early hours of France, the UK, Qatar, the United they had targeted Mr Belmokhtar.
the morning, two American war- Arab Emirates (UAE), and the USA Four days after the air strike an
planes attacked a house in Ajdabiya. decided to intervene. At first the al-Qaeda member said that Mr
The city is in Libya. Soon afterwards leaders of these countries said they Belmokhtar was still alive. Seven
officials from one of Libya’s govern- only wanted to protect civilians in men had been killed, the person
ments said that Mokhtar Belmokhtar Libya. However, their air strikes said, but Mr Belmokhtar was not
had been killed in the air strike. on the Libyan army’s bases and its one of them. 
Mr Belmokhtar is from Algeria. military equipment helped the re-
He is a well-known militant leader. bels. The rebels eventually captured
In the past he fought in Afghanistan. Tripoli, the country’s capital city. A THE ANCIENT ONE
He has also led Islamic militant few months later Colonel Gaddafi
groups in Algeria and Mali. In 2013 was caught and killed. In the USA there has been a lengthy
Mr Belmokhtar organised an attack Since the fall of Gaddafi, several argument about an ancient human
on a large gas plant in Algeria. The elections have been held in Libya. Yet skeleton. Native Americans claim
attackers held hundreds of local these have no solved the country’s that it is one of their ancestors. Yet a
workers and foreigners as hostages. many problems. During the war the group of scientists said that the per-
When Algerian forces arrived to res- rebels captured most of the army’s son was unlikely to have been a Na-
cue them, many were killed. weapons. Many people in the country tive American. This was because the
Mr Belmokhtar has links to al- still have guns. Armed groups now shape of the skull looked different.
Qaeda. This is the Islamic militant control different parts of Libya. In the USA there is a special law. It
group that attacked the USA in 2001. When Colonel Gaddafi was in is called the Native American Graves
Several similar militant groups are charge, Libya made a lot of money Protection and Repatriation Act
now operating in Libya. As well as from its oil. Most was sold to other (NAGPRA). The law says that any
al-Qaeda, the Islamic State (IS) has countries. Much of the oil produc- ‘cultural items’ that belonged to the
a growing number of supporters in ing equipment has been badly dam- ancestors of Native American tribes
the country. aged or destroyed. must be returned to them. Cultural
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 17

items include ancient artefacts, sa- 18,000 years ago. Very few bone However, wind farms do create
cred objects and human bones. remains of the early human arrivals a different type of problem: noise.
In 1996 two men found part of in North America have been found. Some wind farm blades are more than
a human skull. It was on the side Scientists call these people Paleo- 30 metres (100 feet) long. In a strong
of a river. Thinking it belonged to americans, or Paleoindians. wind they can rotate very quickly.
somebody who recently died, they The remains of some Paleoamer- When they do this, the blades make
gave the skull to local officials. A icans seem to suggest that they were a loud noise. People who live near
researcher saw the skull and real- different from Native Americans. wind farms often complain about
ised it was very old. He went back to For example, their skulls are longer this sound. Some even say that it has
where the men found it. Eventually, and narrower. As they looked differ- a bad effect on their health.
he managed to recover nearly all the ent, some believe these Paleoameri-
bones of the skeleton. Tests showed cans might have come to America
that it belonged to a man who was from Europe or Australia. The sci-
about 40 years old. Surprisingly, he entists claimed that Kennewick Man
lived about 9,000 years ago. This was one of these Paleoamericans.
means the bones are one of the old- While the arguments continued,
Barn owl
est (almost) complete human skel- some studies on the skeleton were
etons ever found in the USA. completed. These showed that the Sometimes companies that op-
Scientists call the skeleton Ken- man had many injuries. He had erate wind farms deliberately slow
newick Man. This name comes from broken six of his ribs. He also had the blades down. This decreases the
Kennewick, a city in Washington a five-centimetre (two inch) stone noise. Yet it also reduces the amount
state. This city is close to where the blade in his hipbone. The man must of electricity produced. Many wind
bones were found. When local Na- have been struck with a type of turbines have been built out at sea.
tive Americans heard about the dis- stone weapon. However, the bone Some scientists suspect that the
covery, they said the skeleton should had grown around the stone blade, noise of these blades affects the
be given to them. These Native so he must have survived. sonar-like hearing of dolphins and
Americans believe that their tribe In recent years getting good DNA porpoises.
has lived in this part of the world for samples from ancient bones has be- Now scientists from the UK may
over 10,000 years. They called the come easier. Tests on Kennewick have found a solution to this noise
skeleton the ‘Ancient One’. They Man were done in Denmark. The problem. They have been studying
also said that scientists should not Danish scientists said that the tests the wings of owls. These birds feed
be allowed to study the bones. showed that the Native Americans on small creatures such as mice and
are right. He is one of their ances- voles. Owls usually hunt at night.
tors. The bones will now be returned They are known to have very good
to them. They say a special ceremo- eyesight. However, unlike all other
ny will be organised to rebury the birds, they are able to fly silently. They
Ancient One.  make no sound when they flap their
wings. Owls are able to swoop down,
or descend, on their prey in silence.
SILENT WINGS Wind turbine blades and aircraft
wings have what’s known as a lead-
Reconstruction of Kennewick Man (StudioEIS)
Nowadays, the governments of ing and trailing edge. Birds’ wings
Most scientists believe that the many countries are encouraging the are the same. The leading edge is the
first humans in North America construction of wind farms. When front part of their wings and the trail-
came from Asia. They crossed from the wind blows these huge wind- ing edge the back part. The scientists
what is now the far east of Russia, mill-like structures generate ‘clean’ have discovered that the structure of
or Siberia, into Alaska. This human electricity. Unlike power stations owls’ wings is not the same as other
migration is thought to have be- that burn oil, gas or coal, wind farms birds. Their larger, or flight, feathers
gun sometime between 26,000 and do not produce any carbon dioxide. have a soft and fluffy covering. There
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 18

is a flexible line of bristles along the prime minister of India. He said that northern hemisphere. (In the south-
leading edge of their wings. The it would be a good idea to have a ern hemisphere, 21st June is the
feathers on the trailing edge contain designated International Yoga Day. shortest day.) The longest day, which
small holes. This means that air can Nobody knows exactly when or is also known as Midsummer’s day,
easily pass through them. how yoga started. It’s thought that is a special date for many people who
These different feathers all work it began in India about 5,000 years live to the north of the Equator.
together. They ‘smooth out’ the air ago. Yoga is a discipline, or a type
as it passes over the owls’ wings. of training, teaching or instruction.
This scatters, or deadens, the noise. It includes breathing control, medi-
Using a 3D (three-dimensional) tation and moving the body into
printer, the scientists copied the certain postures, or positions. Many
structure of an owl’s wing. They people use yoga as a way to relax
created a plastic coating that can and to improve their health. Some
be fixed or stuck onto wind turbine claim that it is a type of spirituality.
blades. In tests, the plastic coating Even though it is closely associated
International Yoga Day in New Delhi, in India
made the blades much quieter. Wind with Hinduism, the discipline is not
turbines with this plastic coating, a religious belief. People from many New Delhi is the capital of India.
the scientists say, could make more different faiths practice yoga. A special event was organised in the
electricity. They can turn faster but The word yoga has several mean- city for the first International Yoga
not make any extra noise. ings. It comes from a word that Day. Part of the Rajpath, or King’s
means to yoke, harness or unite. Avenue, was closed to traffic. This
Traditionally, in India oxen are used is a long straight road that leads to
to pull wagons. When two oxen the president’s palace. Part of the
pull the same wagon they are yoked Rajpath was covered in different
together. A harness is then used to coloured yoga mats.
control them. Many people believe In the early morning of 21st June,
that this is a metaphor for yoga. over 35,000 people gathered to take
Yoga, they say, is a way of uniting part in a mass yoga session. Most were
the mind, body and spirit. Today, at schoolchildren, government workers
Wind turbines least 30 million people in the world and soldiers. Earlier, government of-
The scientists believe that their regularly practice yoga. ficials had said that Mr Modi would
plastic coating could be used on Mr Modi, who is 64 years old, attend the event, make a speech, but
several other things. These include has been India’s prime minister for not do any yoga. However, the prime
fans, propellers and even the wings just over a year. He is a very popu- minister surprised everyone by join-
of large aircraft. Copying designs lar leader. Mr Modi is a vegetarian ing in with all the bending, stretching
found in the natural world like and does not drink alcohol. It’s said and breathing exercises. 
this is often called ‘biomimicry’ or that he gets up at five o’clock every
‘bioinspiration’.  morning to meditate and do yoga.
Mr Modi is a member of the BJP
(Bharatiya Janata Party, or Indian Editor: Rebecca Watson
INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY People’s Party). The BJP is often de-
scribed as a Hindu nationalist party.
People, all around the world, cel- Nationalists are people who have News story photographs by gettyimages
ebrated the first International Yoga very strong feelings for their country. For further details about Newsademic
Day on 21st June. Special yoga When speaking at the UN, Mr and subscription prices visit
events were organised in more than Modi said that 21st June would be his
190 countries. Last year the United preferred date for International Yoga

Nations (UN) agreed to a sugges- Day. This, he explained, was because

© Newsademic 2015
tion made by Narendra Modi, the it is the longest day of the year in the
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 19

ISSUE 252 INSTRUCTIONS:  Complete the crossword. The answers are

highlighted in orange in the news stories. There are 25

words highlighted and you need 20 of them to complete the
crossword.  Once you have solved the crossword go to
the word search on the next page 
1 2 3 4

6 7

9 10 11


13 14 15




4 Noun Man-made gases that cause air pollution 1 Noun Word or phrase that are not literately true but are a way of
5 Verb Plural The looks on people’s faces explaining or symbolising something
6 Adjective Distrustful or suspect that something 2 Noun A meeting at an agreed time and place
is wrong 3 Noun Plural People who are living, or lived, at the same time as
8 Noun Force that pushes or drives something one another
in a certain direction 4 Verb Set up, started or created
9 Noun A secret plot by a group of people 7 Verb Written, carved or engraved
13 Verb Given an official name, title or purpose 8 Noun Treating a group or race of people cruelly or unfairly
16 Noun Training to improve self-control 10 Noun Plural People who often spend time with one another
17 Adjective Name given to European history 11 Verb Felt ashamed or stupid
from about AD600 to 1500 12 Noun The study of the nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
18 Noun Plural Easily remembered and 14 Verb To intentionally become involved in a difficult situation to
frequently repeated phrases, often ones that stop it from getting worse
represent a set of beliefs, a group or a political 15 Noun Plural People employed by governments to speak and
party negotiate with officials of other countries
25th June 2015™ – British English edition page 20

ISSUE 252 INSTRUCTIONS:  Find 19 of the 20

crossword answers in the word search.


Words can go vertically, horizontally,
diagonally and back to front.  After
finding the 19 words write down the
20th (or missing) word under the puzzle.

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