Som 07

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Long ago he said this to me he's like Jeff your game when I was training him up

He's like Jeff. It's interesting your game is kind of weird. I'm not accustomed to
It's like most guys they'll go up to five girls
And four of the interactions will go okay
And then maybe they'll hook up with one of the girls
It's like you go up to the those same five girls and three of them will immediately
despise you
And think you're a fucking idiot
But you'll hook up with both of the other two
Okay, so i'm not afraid to be polarizing
I say what the fuck I want. I do what the fuck I want
And I really don't care if they like it or not because if they don't like it
It probably wasn't going to happen. Anyway, that's kind of my mentality. It
probably wasn't going to happen. Anyway
I had an incident the other night. This is this is kind of weird. It's like um
It's like this like what happens when you try to make everyone like you
You fail
I don't think you fail
I think most people will no one will dislike a lot of people will dislike you they
won't hate it
But they won't love it either
You become kind of this homogenized like drone like it's like a drone like
Right, so people aren't going to hate on it, but people aren't going to like like
really love it either
It's like starbucks. You become starbucks
You know, everyone will drink it but no one's wearing the t-shirt
Right. I'd rather be like the kind of boutique coffee house that some people swear
by and others fucking fucking hate on like
Oh, so pretentious so many fucking hipsters. I hate that shit
Right, but the people who do love it really really really enjoy it like and they
really love it
So it's like more of an authentic more of a powerful
a powerful uh attraction
Uh for me
What it comes down to is this and this is something that alex treasurer I think
coined which was
Uh expression not impression. Have you guys heard that that phrase before
expression not impression?
What that means is this don't attempt to impress people
When you're when you're interacting like feel in your body. Are you where are your
words coming from?
Are they coming from a place of wanting them to stay and keep talking to me?
Like I hope they stay and keep talking to me. How about if I say this do you like
me now?
What if I do this do you like me now do you like me now?
Like trying to impress versus simply expressing yourself
And letting the chips fall where they may
right now again
One thing I always say on boot camp is this the first rule is I don't give a fuck
what people think of me
But what's the second rule?
I'm keenly concerned with how I'm making them feel. This is not carte blanche to be
a fucking dick
You still have to be cognizant of how you're of the emotional tenor of the
How you're made and we'll talk about that in a second
But for now it's like it's like the first stage if I get a total noob
I just want them to stop caring what people think
And I can always tell like when they get this it's like I can push them to it
But they have to like step off the ledge, right?
So I can always tell though because i'll be like where's bill and i'll like come
around the corner
And he's like he's like up on the table like
Like doing some bizarre fucking like dance or something and i'm like, okay and like
Looks like he's got it, right? He doesn't care what he thinks
But now oftentimes these their guys are like they're going in like a sledgehammer
now and they're just like yeah girls
And it's like
It's like blowing the girl's hair back
Right. The thing is i'm still susceptible to this from time to time, right?
Because i'm kind of like, you know, i'll still like especially in the beginning of
the night
When I haven't calibrated quote unquote yet, the girls will say things like wow,
you're too much bro
Like you're too much dude, and I understand that so the second step like because
there's a lot of power
That comes from not caring what people think about you
It's like a freedom. It's a power but then the second step
Phase if you will it comes with like now learning to wield that that power with
more of like a finesse
And that's where you start to be aware of how you're making them feel and like kind
of balancing on that emotional way
Anyway, we'll talk about that in a little bit
but um
Ultimately it comes down to expressing yourself as opposed to trying to impress
Alex says be the music like if you're in the club the music's coming out
Does the music give a shit what you think about it
No, it doesn't it just comes out tonight's gonna be a good night like right it just
comes out
So be the music core confidence
So what was the second one bring value right what does that mean to you guys bring
Actually, you speak giving value, but I didn't like that because giving implies
that it can be rejected
Ain't giving them shit the thing the way I see it is this
I have my own value and i'm like generating my own value in the club like another
thing one thing you will not see
Is us us in the club going like this
Or like just standing why
Because we know, you know, it's an old tony robbins thing motion creates emotion
So you'll see it's like this. We're always at least kind of like bopping around to
the music like we're probably like
Fist pumping the night away i.e jersey shore. I'm fucking um, yelling gibberish
Like singing nonsense, um yelling we have a game we we play it's called five
And uh, what five is is we just uh talk gibberish to one another
in fact
Me and evil stifler came up with this. Uh, it's like um
In fact your fingerman. Let's five. Let's play five here. I'll do it with fingerman
Your stand up to see you getting the it's like, okay, i'm dying fingerman
Yeah, all right
So like we'll be talking it started because we would be in the club and we'd just
be kind of scoping it out
Right and we're kind of like this
Now, what do we look like?
A couple of chodes like leering around right? So we didn't want to look like chodes
are staying there
So we would turn and we'd be like dude fucking obama do purple monkey the dodgers
You remember when he had that thing with the fucking the trauma case with the head
and you know how he is dude, right?
Fuck five man purple crayon purple monkey five, bro fucking five, bro
Right, so we would just like talk gibberish to like utter gibberish to each other
now to anyone standing over here
Because it's allowed it looks like we're having some like awesome conversation
Now originally we did it so we wouldn't look like retards, but then we found it had
an interesting side effect
while having this
Nonsense talk. We actually started to feel as though we were having an awesome
So we'll like be like, yeah dude fucking five purple monkey the the tree
That tree one time seven times eight times dude six seven ten, right? Right? And
then girls come by we're like, hey boom
Right, so we'll play five
And so look for me bringing value is this like thank you

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