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ittle bit more and, you know, internalize move on then it's completely forgotten.

That's, that's another thing too. When I make those kinds of errors, or I have a, a
quote unquote, blowout, or a fuckup I make it you know, it's just re internalized
and immediately forgotten. I can't remember ever having been blown out, which is
weird, and I know that that sounds like some sort of like, hyperbolic weird
statement or something like yeah, he's just like, I literally can't remember now. I
don't know if that's a consequence of me like having smoke too much pot or what but
I don't think it's that even though I have systematically tried to make myself as
stupid as possible over the past 10 years. It's not quite that like, I can't
remember what happened last spoken week. I can't remember what happened two days
ago. And the thing is a lot of these guys who are really devoted to this lifestyle,
they kind of have that. That's similar quality, and I'm not really entirely certain
what that stems from yet, but I think it's kind of like look, this information is
useless. This like dwelling over this like emotional information is useless how I
felt bad when I messed up. It's useless. So it's just deleted. It's like, reach the
pathway a little bit Delete. I cannot remember ever having been blown out ever now.
Have I been blown out? Yes. I've probably been blown out more than like everyone in
this front row combined over their entire lives, and I probably will be blown out
more than probably by the end of that by the end of this year more than everyone in
the second row, you know, so it's not that I'm not getting bonus I simply don't
remember because doesn't fucking matter. It's not that I don't care. It's that it
does not matter. Okay, so having said all of that. What am I concerned with? Right?
At this point, I'm not trying to get my my game from like a 9.1 to a 9.2. That's
that's not the concern. At this point. I'm only concerned with three specific
variables. There are three specific variables which will make a visible difference
in my day to day game as it were, okay. And those three are as follows. Number one,
how high is my sense of entitlement at any given time. Now, are you guys familiar
with this concept? Anyone here familiar with this concept? What is entitlement? You
deserve it? You deserve what you want. Okay. When we're when we're talking about
entitlement, this kind of buzzword what this is pointing at? It's like just what
you said how how hot of a girl do you feel you deserve? Okay, now look, man. I am
from San Francisco, California. That is where I came up. And that's where I learn
game now. As everyone you have you been to San Francisco? Yeah. So then you know,
it's not exactly the mecca for a cocktail dress wearing turbos out there. It's more
kind of like a green piece and granola with bitches that don't shave their fucking
armpits and have like ironic haircuts.
I'm not really want to talk when it comes down to I cut my own hair when I'm drunk,
but But regardless, it's like look, so if I spent a lot of time in SF, I might come
out here and for the first couple of days, I might be a little bit like whoa, damn,
these chicks are really fucking hot like, and I'll step when I stepped to them.
I'll have outcome dependence where snsf And it's like, I was ridiculous in my
career. You know, however, after about, you know, say two, three days of just
fucking going out beasting hard forcing myself to step to that caliber. It'll come
into alignment. Because the thing is, it's like a continuum. It can go up and it
can go down. It's like it's like working out. You know, you don't just go to the
gym and then you're like, Yeah, okay, now I'm ripped. Now I can stop and I'll make
I'll remain exactly like this forever. No, it must be maintained. So I'm here for
two weeks. Okay. I've been getting in I got it in fucking twice last night. As if
my man back there as well. Cheers. And, you know, so when I go back when I go back
home, I'm gonna go to my venues. I'm just gonna this is fucking retarded. What is
going on here? Like just step straight step that was fuck off faggot like shoving
him to the floor grabbing their girls and I'm serious. I will be doing this. Right.
And who knows? And and the point being how long you think that'll last? Probably
about three or four days. And then I'll come back in line two to the environment.
So I number one, I'm concerned. With how high my sense of entitlement is at any
given time. That is going to make a difference in how good my game is. Okay. Number
two. Actually, let me make sure I said everything I wanted to on that. Yeah. Number
two, how much momentum have I built up? Okay. Now, are you guys familiar with the
concept of social momentum? Yeah. Who said yeah, you you I spoke with John, John.
You want you come from work or something? Yeah. Cool. You want to explain how just
kind of your understanding that
oh well these for momentum for me is when I go up to a girl or whenever and I talk
to her and I start to build up the social momentum you feel more comfortable in
your environment. It's almost like it's almost like everything that you're doing
just becomes natural as opposed to being forced you feel like you can just like you
have all the energy to go anywhere. Like,
I don't know, why do you think that that was the reason I asked. You just came from
work, right? So, so my boy Tyler out over here. He for example, during the week he
runs the company. Okay, so what do you think he does during the week? Well, the
company Yeah. And so yeah. So what do you guys do during the week? Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, I eat tacos. Play a game with a string with my cat and construct suits of
armor and crowns for them. I Yeah. fuckos. Basically what you see on the weekend is
kind of pretty much the exact same thing. Like I don't have to really I don't need
to get as much momentum as a tolerance because we have different personalities,
right? We have different personalities that serve us in different realms. At work.
You might be more of a conservative personality out of the club, you might have a
more adventurous personality, or more narcissistic personality, more irreverent
personality. However, if you've been working 16 hour days for the past five days,
and you hit the club, you're like, now it's time to be Mr. Or reverend. Awesome.
You know, it's not gonna happen just like that. You really kind of need to coax
that to the surface. So you know, we always have you guys seen the blueprint? Yeah,
yeah. Blueprint. Awesome. Great program. One of my favorite parts of that has been
Tyler talks about how he starts the, you know, starts out his beginning this night.
He's not wanting to approach I when I go out in the beginning of the night, I don't
want to approach and for some of you guys, especially kind of like dads who haven't
been in it as long you might say, dude, like, you've been doing this for eight
fucking years. You're you do it professionally. And you don't want to approach you
have approach anxiety. The thing is, it's not anxiety. It's not like a fear. It's
simply that I'm not in that headspace yet, and we'll be in there will be like, we
don't want to approach I don't want to approach because we're not in that headspace
yet. However, we'll force ourselves to do it. We did an exercise on boot camp the
other night. You know, because for the first couple of days, we just, you know, get
right in there. Students go, go, go, go go. And then we were talking about this and
I said, Tyler said, you know, would it help you? Guys to see us getting the state
first? Like, yeah, that's great. So when at the beginning of the night, we're like,
say for example, the other night where a Delano and we're like, standing there like
fucking fuck tards. Girls coming up, we're like, hey, hey, and the girls stop and
at first because we're like, hey, and they're like, and they're like, oh, and then
they're like, Oh, he's a fucking idiot like he's a fucking pussy and then like you
can see them literally go from attracted to like, oh fucking showed in a second
blowout. So the thing is, it's like this in blueprint tire talks about this. It's
like, it's like imagine you and your ego are walking along, like an airstrip. And
there's like a plane there. And your and your ego has like the manual to fly a
plane. If it were that easy to fly plane. You're just gonna read the manual. And
you're like, Yo, I want to go over here fly this plane. The school gave me the
fucking manual. Like, no, I'm not gonna give that to you. That's dangerous. We
could get hurt. And like, Okay, let's go. You climb over the shit. And for some
reason he's tethered to you or something. So you climb over you get into the plane.
So what are you doing? This is dangerous. They're giving the manual we're flying.
It's like fuck, you know? You start it up. What are you doing? Give me the manual.
No. You begin taxiing down the runway. What are you doing? Stop keeping the manual
No, stop this immediately. Now you're up in the air. Give me the manual or we're
dead. It's like fine asshole here. So like when we're doing that will step two
girls and we know we don't care. We don't care that we're gonna get blown out and
critical blown out. So we'll step really fucking hard. Boom, boom, boom, boom,
blah, blah. It's like this. I'll see you the hot girl and I would my mind is
reeling in horror. Look what happened. It's like this as many times as you have
jumped into a cold pool. I don't care if you're Michael fucking Phelps. You would
if you're dry and toasty warm on the side of the fucking cold pool. You don't want
to jump in there. But how do you do it? You dip your toe in and then dip you're
staying in and then oh, my balls that Whoa. And then oh man, you know, you jump the
fuck in. You're like, Oh, it's cold. And then you acclimate? And you're like, oh,
having fun. Yay. So basically we'll I'll see the girl be like, Oh, feet start
moving. Like once like what are you doing? Back? I don't know what I'm going to
say. Well, I guess this is gonna suck. Hey.
Hey, hey. And then eventually your mind is kind of like, well, it looks like he's
not going to stop doing it. I might as well let him have the access to the
charismatic side of his personality. Right? So the thing is usually for me it
doesn't you know, for Tyler, it takes a lot longer like Like we said, because he's,
you know, kind of this workaholic guy during the week. He's very analytical, very
logical. Me. I'm kind of like a fucking retard all the time. So when I go out, it's
not that much of a stretch to like change into that mode. So it takes like, you
know, a couple one or two. right for me to remember that. I'm awesome. That's the
best way I could characterize it as like, I remember I'm awesome. You know what I
mean? Like, I go in there and I'm like, Hey, and I'm like, Oh, yeah. Right. And it
starts flowing. And I'm like, Oh, yeah. Right. I'm fucking awesome. What? What the
hell was I thinking? And that's something that boggles me to this day. It's like,
why do we forget that we're awesome. Look, there's kind of like three stages to
ignite. All right. The first stage is what we call social mingling time. And what
that is, is where you go into the venue. It's early. There's probably not a lot of
people there. At least not a lot of hot chicks here. I noticed when you go to the
venue early for some odd reason. There's a lot of like elders. You know what I'm
talking about, like these old like, 50 year old men on steroids, with like, the
fucking really thin skin from doing too much steroids. And then in their affliction
shirts. And then there's like, the really old ladies with the fake tits. And then,
and then, you know, so we'll talk to these people. And that's the thing. We don't
care. We'll talk to the dudes. We'll talk to a lady will talk to a fat chick, we
might talk to like an old fat chick, dude hybrid or something like and in San
Francisco. That's very, very possible. And it's happening on bootcamp. It's like
we're not going to close these people. Right? necessarily, but but the point is,
you're just it's carrying you towards that place of social momentum. Because you
know, a lot of guys will say, you know, all this approaching without, you know,
outcome. This is this is great and all but you know, Jeff, I want to get laid. What
is this doing for me? The thing is, it's we realize it's simply carrying you
towards a place of social momentum. Every approach you do on a given evening, or
day, as the case may be, is carrying you towards a place of social momentum. So
that's the first stage is social mingling time. Second stage tonight, is kind of
what we call trench time. And that's from I guess from here that would probably be
too late from like, midnight or 1230 to like, you know, 230 or something. Maybe
three and that's where you're just in there fucking like just just bang and you
know, you're in their fucking trading the blow is like going hard. Now you're
starting to escalate super hard. Well, we escalate so apart from the beginning on
the all day statutes and duties, but, but you start like really trying to you start
making an active effort to pull and then the third stage of the night is what we
call the Twilight Zone. And that's kind of like where the clubs started to clear
out. Everyone's shit faced and kind of the scores are getting settled. You might be
doing a lot of street game, and that's when we just go otter just fucking
completely aggressive. You know, there's very little finesse for me at that point,
at least like when Twilight Zone hits. This is my opener. Oh my God. You are
amazing. I love you. Hug, go for media makeout. And I will do this like 50 times in
a row like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, because their face most likely wants to be
like let's go boom. Okay, so those are kind of the three stages of night The great
thing about social momentum is this. And the concept of it is this, the more that
you attain this state of social momentum, and this is kind of a more towards the
newer guys. The more you attain the state of social momentum, the more comfortable
you will feel at the beginning of the night when you don't have it. Why do you
think this is?
Because we know you'll get it. Yeah, cuz
you simply know that it's, it's a simple matter of doing the approaches. It's not
like it's not some unknown variable, you know, Oh, yeah. I just have to go through
and, you know, perform the right actions. Okay. And it'll happen. Now, the thing
is, dude, you know, I have this saying that I've it's brilliant saying, action is
always the answer. Okay? If I'm sitting in the club, and I'm feeling like shit,
what's the answer? Action is always the answer. Because I'll get guys on bootcamp
who come up and they're like, Jeff, I'm having a state crash. What do I do dirt,
the dirt. I just feel like this, man. I just feel, dude. I'm like, I'll just look
at him. I'll be like, Why are you trying to like analyze the state crash? You think
that's going to help you like sitting there and analyzing it? In fact, I won't even
say this to them. You know what I'll say to him. Jeff. I'm having to take a step
back. Oh, ha, ha suck my dick. Ha. Like start jumping around with a machete just
like rip some girls over and throw them out. Because that again, analyzing it will
simply dig you deeper into the whole thing as you take action. And the thing is
instructors will have state crash all the time. At various points through the
night. What's the difference? What's the difference? The thing is student won't
even notice is having the state crash. Why do you think that is? Because we don't
sit there and analyze it. We take action. It's kind of like the difference between
a novice pilot and a veteran pilot hitting turbulence. Say for example, novice
pilot hits the turbulence. Oh shit. What? Like panics freaks out probably makes it
worse. Like, you know, okay, veteran pilot will be like, oh, yeah, turbulence.
Okay. Yeah, what do I do? Yep. Yep. Okay, good. handled. Right. So we understand we
have accepted that we might have state crashes. We understand that the night is not
a sprint. The night is a marathon and we treat it as such I do. Let me try to give
you an example. I've many of these
Okay, okay. Yeah, this is the other night. This is like a few maybe a month and a
half ago. Well, as some of you guys might know, I was in a relationship for like
three and a half years. Okay. Where I was monogamous, or at least a Jeffie
approximation thereof. So I broke we broke up in June. Okay. So the first time I
saw her out, she was with her new boyfriend who was basically the polar opposite of
me. A lawyer with a knife shortly cropped hair cut who the friends will approve of
because he's not a fucking scumbag. And you know, I understand that. But she came
to my bar. Anyway, it was some disaster. I'm the second time I just ignored her.
And then the third time was this month and a half ago. I see her in there with her
girls. Okay, and I'm like, yo, I'm sick of this fucking shit like, I'm sick of this
like drama. Every time I see the iceberg. Let's just squash it. You know, I'll just
go up. I'll be like, Hey, how's it going? Yeah, you look good. Okay, cool. All
right. See ya. Right? So that's like normalized, you know what I mean? So I kind of
steel myself up to do it. Like yet, you know, alright, let's go. So I go up to her.
And as I doing it, they just leave for you know that I guess they've just decided
to leave at that precise moment. So they go out. And now I'm kind of faced with
this dilemma. Like, do I follow through I'd be like the weird follow guide that
goes out. But I'm like, You know what? Yeah, you're gonna you're gonna do it. So I
tell Minotaur I'm like, yo, handle the street. I'm going out. So I go out. And the
funny thing is, I go I start to like walk up to her and as I do the friends she's
like, What like eight of her girlfriends they don't look at me. But I guess they
like sense me out of the peripheral vision. And so they like form up they like form
up like some kind of like phalanx. Like, like a Roman military unit. It's like, it
was weird. It was creepy as fuck dude. And I'm like, Whoa, I was taken aback and I
was like, shit. And you know, I could have been like, hey, but I was like, I was I
was kind of, I'm not gonna lie. I was shook. I was a little bit shook. So I Fox
too. So I'm like, Well, that was weird. That was really weird. So I'm like, I'm
already outside. I'm like, fuck, I might as well go to the van and I'm kind of
tripping in the van. And I'm like, Alright, time to go back. You know, chill there
for a while. I kind of collect my myself. So I just step out of the van and as I'm
stepping out the van some girl rolls up like she's walking by as I'm like walking
past and she's wearing the same kind of like retarded obviously fake fucking blings
I am. She's carrying like a Tallboy of Pabst Blue Ribbon. And she looks at me she's
like, who and she's like, who are you? I go, I'm Jeff Allen. She's like, Oh, she's
like she's like, look at me like some kind of like rotisserie chicken or something
that and she goes, she goes What do you do in that van? Like, like, just like that
all coins. It's like, what do you do in that? Can I go well, allow me to show you.
Like boom, and I start dragging her off. I'm gonna drag her back to that as I'm
dragging her back then I look at her like, wow, this is actually hot. So my makeup
makeup we get to the van. I'm like, literally like unlocking it. This other chick
rolls up, like dressed similarly, also carrying a Tallboy PVR is like Wait, what
the fuck are you doing dirty to her? And she's like, I made a new friend. This is
my friend Jeff. And she's like, she looks at me. She's like looked at the bedside.
Oh, hell no. She's like, No get away for like, come here. She's like, get away from
this motherfucking van and like, drags the chick off and I'm sitting there like,
like, just laughing. And that to me illustrates the game. It's like from having
some weird emotional freakout to making out and about to fuck, and then dragged off
all in a span of like, five minutes. Okay, I know I've all other situations where
I'd like had, you know, got super butthurt and then I went back and I got laid. The
thing is, you never know which set you're gonna pull. It could be the set at 215.
If you're living in San Francisco, it could be the set. It's you know, 630 in the
morning walking down columns. You never know. So it's a sprint. It's a marathon. I
remember on New Year's Eve. Recently we're at this party. And dude, me and my buddy
evil Stiffler he's called Evil Stiffler my my attorneys younger brother and he this
guy is fucked like 600 Girls. He's just an He's a natural he's just a complete
scumbag. Like his game. His game is very simple. He's just you guys need to scum
scum is hard. And he's just like, right? So it's like, Hey, girl like this is
approach Hey girl, love your coat Love Your face isn't their girl and you're just
like our fingering like am I like this guy. But the thing is, he's so he's so
comfortable with it. Right? Like it's funny. I might show you a little video later
on this 13 inch screen because we have a projector but we're just cool that it's a
little bit intimate.
And you and when you see us like beasting on these hoes the middle of the day and
he's like doing this fingering shit. I'm like escalating, but I'm kind of trying to
be more smooth. And I've been doing this deep right you know, a long time. And I
think my escalation is pretty good but compared to his it looks stiff and robotic.
It looks he's just like when when I see him get a little girl or creep hard on the
girl. It's like watching like a mouse dropped into like the tarantula tank or
something or like the snake aquarium is like, like, immediately just like fluid.
Anyway, that's neither here nor there. So we're at this New Year's party, and you
know it goes to like 6am So my four so we start up. You are amazing. I love you.
You are amazing. I love you make out you are amazing. And they will make
outstripped the new like runaway giggling right? So after about like, 30 of these
blowouts. I'm like dude, this is getting a little disheartening, man. I like turned
to him. And he turns to me, he's like, Hey, he's like, what's that shit? You say?
Be in the get the present. Because he hates all this shit. Like it he hates self
actualization. This guy's a scumbag he he didn't want to hear about fucking being a
better person. He don't want to hear about making money. He doesn't wanna hear
about shit. All he wants to hear about is getting laid this guy his entire life is
structure. I'm fucking that's it. He's mad. He's not successful. He is not respect.
He just want to be respected in the community. He doesn't want people to like him.
He does not give a fuck he just wants to fuck as much as humanly possible and I'm
not saying that this is to be emulated. But there are lessons to be learned from
this guy. And and one of those lessons is social momentum. This kid he came out of
the womb beasting and he and he's been beasting everyday sense for the past
consecutive 27 years. And I know that sounds like a joke everyone laughs when I say
that? It ain't a joke dude that like he's a B's or C's are legitimate B's like and
he just goes and so you know, he goes to sleep. He wakes up first thing. Base
mounts on what the fuck were you at like 30 I'm like, What the fuck? I gotta go to
the gym man. Like I got a tan I got to do. It's like yeah, whatever solo brought to
you by James like any aid. He's like, and he's like, you just be it's like
everywhere, everywhere the kids beasts. But so again, that's the lesson of this guy
is just massive, massive social mental. This guy would be asleep if he could. And
I've actually seen him beast in his sleep. Because his brother I remember one time
we're at like the after hours diner and his brother comes and all and then James.
That's his. That's his name. He he comes in. And he's he's fucked. Like he's so
drunk. That he's like, blacked out on his feet. You know, we've all seen this
before. We probably some of us have been it before. You know he's like he's not
quite unconscious. But He's big enough that he's not there. It's like a Four Loko
drunk. Right? And he's like, right, and then these girls come in and he's like,
like, like, he starts like he starts like he starts gibbering at them like
gibbering nonsense at them. It makes no sense at all. It's a credit card. It's like
the it looks like it's like him. Do you ask and you can you can clearly tell that
he thinks he's saying awesome shit. But he's unconscious. And there's like fuck
off, like do this. So um, you know, we like to go like a little beast blast we call
it you know, because look, I understand most people have a life. You don't want to
be like this guy. He's like a sex addict. Okay, and you know, most people don't
want to have lives outside of getting laid. So but the thing is, I can afford like,
I can do like two weeks at a time. You know, I'll go two weeks every night and
every day. You know, we'll walk around but the thing is, it's funny. Tyler alluded
to this not too long ago one of his one of his feature videos I think is like when
you when you go out for like, like recently I did something. I call it the 12 days
of beasting. And that was like during Christmas where I wanted every night and we
like wrote a song about it. Yeah, anyway, so I mean, you get tired but I will say
this after about like day seven today. 10. You just kind of become the ultimate
man. That's what we call it like, what is okay, let's kind of address this right
quick. Like, this is a term that gets tossed around a lot BEAST MODE beasting and
all this shit and a lot of guys they hear this name missing.

was elected in the community. He doesn't want people to like him, he does not give
a fuck, he just wants to fuck as much as humanly possible. And I'm not saying that
this is to be emulated. But there are lessons to be learned from this guy. And and
one of those lessons is social momentum. This kid he came out of the womb beasting
and he and he has been piecing everyday sense for the past consecutive 27 years.
And I know that sounds like a joke everyone laughs when I say that, it ain't a joke
dude that like he's a he's a he's a legitimate BS. Like and he just goes and so,
you know, he goes to sleep. He wakes up first thing base mounts on what the fuck
were you at like dirt? I'm like, What the fuck? I gotta go to the gym man. Like I
got a tent I can do it's like yeah, whatever solo brought to you by James like any
it is like and he's like, you just be it's like everywhere, everywhere the kids
beasts. But so again, that's the lesson of this guy is this massive, massive social
mountain this guy would be asleep if he could. And I've actually seen him beast in
his sleep. Because his brother I remember one time we're at like the after hours
diner and his brother comes and all and then James That's his. That's his name. He
he comes in and he's he's fucked. Like he's so drunk. That he's like, blacked out
on his feet. You know, we've all seen this before. We probably maybe some of us
have been it before. You know, he's like, he's not quite unconscious. But he's been
he ain't there. He's not there. It's like a Four Loko drunk. Right? And he's like,
right, and then these girls come in and he's like, like, he starts like he starts
like he starts gibbering at them like gibbering nonsense at them. It makes no sense
at all. It's like the it looks like it's like heaven
and you can you can clearly tell that he thinks he's saying awesome shit. But he's
unconscious. And there's like fuck off like do this. So um, you know we like to go
like a little beasts blast. We call it you know, because look, I understand most
people have a life. You don't want to be like this guy. He's like a sex addict.
Okay. And, you know, most people don't want to have lives outside of getting laid.
So but the thing is, I can afford like I can do like two weeks at a time. You know,
I'll go two weeks every night and every day. You know, we'll walk around but the
thing is, it's funny. Tyler alluded to this not too long ago one of his one of his
feature videos. I think he's like, when you when you go out for like, like recently
I did something. I call it the 12 days of beasting. And it was like during
Christmas where I went out every night and we like wrote a song about it and yeah,
anyway, so I mean, you get tired but I will say this after about like day seven to
day 10 You just kind of become the ultimate man is what we call it like, what is
okay, let's kind of address this right quick. Like, this is a term that gets tossed
around a lot BEAST MODE beasting and all this shit. And a lot of guys they hear
this they misinterpreted to mean like your dislike sex zombie. It goes up like Fox
Fox and you're like assaulting these girls and like just like rubbing your dog on
them. Okay, now I'm not gonna lie there is an element of it. That's to it for sure.
But, but to me, the the essential definition of beasting is this one, taking action
immediately and without thought. Right. So again, after about like 10 days, you'll
see the girl and you'll you'll like be wherever you're at you might just be like
getting your tires changed at the thing and you'll see somebody was like, Oh, hey,
like there's there is no thought because what typically happens when you see the
hot girl, what's the first thing that happens? It's like no, it's like, right? It's
like alright, then what's the what happens like a nanosecond later? Rationalization
like oh, well you know those people are there so I'll wait for them to leave. Who's
to say they're gonna leave more could come. It could get worse illiteracy get
worse. Will you know I'm, I'm in a hurry. They're like Dude, how long have you
been? I'm not here to like debate rationalizations. But this is one thing I learned
from Tim many years ago. Tim's another instructor from Australia with RSD and he
you know, I remember I was speaking with Tim at the club at bungalow eight in
Sydney, and I'm just talking about his DJing or something. He's like, Yeah, and
they were kind of deep in the conversation where it's like, oh, yeah, you know,
I've got I've got this gig with me. And then this girl walks by, and like mid
sentence. He's like, he's like, Oh, who are you? I'm Tim. I'm sad. I need a kiss.
Like what how about and he starts making out there. There's a hot chick and I'd
seen her blow up dudes before in the club. You know, but she responded to him like
this like giggly little girl. Now, I've thought about that a lot. And Tim and I
talked about it subsequently and he's like, he's like, it's all about, like
reducing that reaction time between seeing the girl feeling the attraction and
taking action. Now you guys have heard of like, three second rule, I'm sure right.
For Tim. It's like three millisecond rule. Like it's, it's for him. It's all about
closing the gap between seeing and taking action. So if I'm investing super hard, I
remember the other day where like, be some real hard and we'd been based on like,
you know, seven days straight. And we're like walking down the street and we walk
past this like laundromat and we see these girls in there are like, I'm not even
thinking I'm sorry. Excuse me, ladies. I'm here with the laundry inspection force
city of San Francisco. Take up my wallet. Like laundry inspection for us. I think I
showed her like my marijuana card or something. And like she's like, yes. I'm like,
what is here to make sure that you've had a good experience tonight. At the
laundry. Were the facilities all in order with machines working well, right? Yes.
Did the clothes get clean? She's like, Yeah, I'm like, okay. If possible. I'd love
to see some of those. I start like digging through. They're like, Yeah, I'd like to
like hold your bras and shit. You have any undergarments. I could look at what the
book turned on my app. And it was just on like, I didn't plan that I didn't think
it it happened unconsciously from gaining a massive amount of social momentum. So
again, we're talking about the three variables that make a day to day difference in
my quote unquote level of game as it were. Number one, how high is my entitlement?
Number two, how high is my sense of how high is my level of social momentum? Like
how much of a head of steam do I have built up at any given time? Now there's
like basically three, it or not three, but there's like, several kinds of social
momentum. There's like the macro momentum. And the micro momentum because you can
build up momentum overnight. You're gonna build it up over a week, over a month,
over a year over a decade over a lifetime. Okay? But again, you still gotta
understand, a lot of times you still gonna have to build that up at the beginning
of the night because we're not in that headspace. Right now. So one, how high is my
level of entitlement to how high is my social momentum and three, how horny mi at
any given time. Right? And that's a big one too. So and to be honest, that really
doesn't need a lot of explanation. Right? How horny Are you? It's like, stop
punching the clown. Stop now. Now Tyler. On the other hand, he believes that
whacking off increases his level of horniness. Now it's weird because yeah, it's
kind of odd because I find whacking off will decrease it. However, I also find if
I'm fucking a lot, I want to fuck more. If that makes sense, I don't know. It's
weird. I don't really consider myself an expert in that area. Whether or not it
helps or hurts, so I'm not really gonna delve into that too much. Now on bootcamp,
um, like I said, there's only like a couple of different principle like maybe seven
to 10 different principles that I'm trying to hammer home. And bootcamp is really
about like, just like drilling fundamentals. To me, it's about drilling
fundamentals. Okay, so we'll go out and a lot of times you know, guys will say it's
such to me like the bust out of the set in two minutes like I wasn't attracted, I'm
like, Well, I'd prefer it if you approach girls are attracted to you because you
know that is the fuel. Karate No, come from here karate. No, come from here. Karate
come from here. Okay, because if we're stepping to girls that like personally, me
and Tyler if I step two girls that I'm not really attracted to adult, they'll start
to say things like you're an actor. Are you an actor and shit like that? Because
even though we're going through the motions, they can tell that we're not feeling
it. However, for a newer guy. I think that there is value to go through the
motions, even if you're not actually feeling it, right. So I'm like, What the fuck,
Paul? I'm not saying you have to fuck him. But Paul drill the fundamentals. So um,
but what are these fundamentals? Let's kind of go through them. Now, you may have
heard these concepts before, but I you know, I am going to reiterate them. And
there's basically four pillars, what we call pillars of a strong reality. If you
guys heard of these before, okay. Like I said, people can't remember even for
things so we went ahead and made like, a little, you know, YMCA, Abba or that's on
Abbott's village people like our village people style dance to help you remember
these things. Okay, and we can all do it together. Now. One party has chat. Number
one, number one core confidence said bringing value value three being assertive and
unreactive. And see right, so what was the first what does this mean to you guys?
Anyone just throw it out? You know, let's keep it organic. In couple of who you
are. Yeah, yeah, exactly. You know, I think people have really understand this on a
pretty intrinsic level at this point, because it's been, you know, we've been
beating this drum for a long time. Now, core competence. core competence, to me,
means a couple of things. Number one, you're not drawing your state from the
environment. You're drawing your state from within. Okay? In other words, the way
Tyler puts it, he put it this weekend. I hadn't heard this one before. It's like,
yeah, it's your movie, not theirs. If the girls leave, you're not like, you don't
give a fuck. Okay? If the music sucks, you don't give a fuck. If the venue is too
loud for your liking you don't give a fuck you make it work now but core competence
me it's like it's I look. There are various ways to put this but I'd say the most
important ones. are this. coming to grips with the idea that it's okay. If some
people don't like you. Does that make sense? I think a lot of the game back in like
the day when we were doing kind of like the more DHV based stuff was geared towards
making every girl appear that she's into you, even if she's not. Does that make
sense? Because we would go up and you could I could say my awesome rote
memorization routines. And they were good. And I could get pretty much any girl
like laughing and giggling at my shit. But it wasn't. She wasn't actually into me.
It would just like look that way to my friends. Right I was actually fucking a lot
of these girls. I did fuck a lot. But you know, it was more of like
it would look like they're in you but they're not actually attracted you um, it's
funny these days. You know one of the other instructors Ryan. Longo. He said this
to me. He's like Jeff, your game when I was training him up, he's like, Jeff, it's
interesting. Your game is kind of weird, but I'm not accustomed to it. It's like
most guys, they'll go up to five girls. And four of the interactions will go okay.
And then maybe they'll hook up with one of the girls. It's like you go up to the
those same five girls, and three of them will immediately despise you. And think
you're a fucking idiot. But you'll hook up with both of the other two. Okay, so I'm
not afraid to be polarizing. I say what the fuck I want. I do what the fuck I want
and I really don't care if they like it or not, because if they don't like it, it
probably wasn't gonna happen anyway. That's kind of my mentality. It probably
wasn't going to happen anyway. Um I had an incident the other night. This is this
is kind of weird. It's like It's like this like what happens when you try to make
everyone like you. You fail. I don't think you fail. I think most people will. No
one will dislike a lot of people won't dislike you. They won't hate it but they
won't love it either. Right? You've become kind of this homogenized like drone.
Like it's like a drone. Right? So people aren't gonna hate on it, but people aren't
gonna like, like, really love it either. It's like Starbucks. You become Starbucks.
You know, everyone will drink it, but no one's wearing the t shirt. Right? I'd
rather be like the kind of boutique coffee house that some people swear by. And
others fucking fucking hate on like, I'll still pretend somebody fucking hipsters.
I hate that shit.
Right, but the people who do love it really really really enjoy it like and then
they really love it so it's like more of an authentic more of a powerful a powerful
attraction. For me, what comes out of this this and this is something that our
Treasurer I think coined which was expression not impression if you guys heard that
phrase before expression on impression. What that means is this, don't attempt to
impress people. When you're when you're interacting, like feeling your body or you
were your words coming from Are they coming from a place of wanting them to stay
and keep talking to me? Like I hope they stay and keep talking to me. How about if
I say this? Do you like me? Now? What if I do this? Do you like me now? Do you like
me now? Like trying to impress versus just simply expressing yourself and letting
the chips fall where they may? Right now again? One thing I always say on boot camp
is this. The first rule is I don't give a fuck what people think of me. But what's
the second rule? I am keenly concerned with how I'm making them feel. This is not
carte blanche to be a fucking dick. Okay. You still have to be cognizant of how
you're of the emotional tenor of the interaction higher man. We'll talk about that
a second. But for now, it's like it's like the first stage if I get a total noob I
just want him to stop caring what people think. And I can always tell like when
they get this is like I can push them to it, but they have to like step off the
ledge. Right? So I can always tell them somebody's like, where's Bill and I like
come around the corner and he's like, he's like up on the table like, like doing
some bizarre fucking like dance or something. And I'm like, okay, like, looks like
he's got it right. He doesn't care what he thinks. But now oftentimes these guys
are like, they're going in like a sledgehammer now, and there's like, yeah, girls.
And it's like, it's like blowing the girl's hair back. Right thing is I'm still
susceptible to this from time to time, right? Because I'm kind of like, you know,
I'll still like especially in the beginning of the night, when I haven't calibrated
quote unquote yet. The girls will say things like wow, you're you're too much bro.
Like, you're too much, dude. And I understand that. So the second step like because
there's a lot of power that comes from not caring what people think about you. It's
like a freedom. It's a power. But then the second step, phase, if you will, it
comes with now learning to wield that power with more of like a finesse and that's
where you start to be aware of how you're making them feel like kind of balancing
on that emotional wave. Anyway, we'll talk about that in a little bit. But
ultimately comes down to expressing yourself as opposed to trying to impress Alex
as be the music. Like if you're in the club, the music's coming out. Does the music
give a shit what you think? about it? No, it doesn't. It just comes out. Yeah, it's
gonna be a gay night. Like, right? It just comes out. So be the music. core
confidence. So what was the second one bring value? Right? What does that mean to
you guys? Bring value. It used to be giving value but I didn't like that. Because
giving implies that it can be rejected. I have given them shit. The thing the way I
see it is this. I have my own value and I'm like generating my own value in the
club. Like another thing one thing you will not see is us us in the club going like
this. Or like the standard. Why? Because we know you know, it's an old Tony
Robbins. The Motion creates emotion. So you'll see it's like this. We're always at
least kind of like bopping around the music. Like probably like it's pumping the
night away. i e Jersey Shore. I'm fucking yelling gibberish like singing nonsense.
Yelling, we have a game we play. It's called Five. And what five is is we just talk
gibberish to one another. In fact, the medieval Stiffler came up with this. It's
like, in fact, your fingering let's fight let's play five. I'll deal with
fingerman. Your stand up to see you getting the sick, okay. I'm thinking. i Yeah.
All right. So like we'll be talking. It started because we would be in the club.
And we just be kind of scoping it out. Right? And we're kind of like this. Now what
do we look like? Couple of shows like leering around, right? So we didn't want a
look like chose to standing there. So we would turn and we'd be like, dude, fucking
Obama do Purple Monkey, the Dodgers. You remember when he had that thing with the
fucking the trauma case with the head and you know how he is there and right fuck
five man Purple Crayon. Purple Monkey five. Fucking five. Right so we were just
like, talk gibberish like competitor gibberish to each other.
Now to anyone standing over here because it's allowed. It looks like we're having
some like awesome conversation. Now originally we did it. So we wouldn't look like
returns but then we found that had an interesting side effect. While having this
nonsense talk. We actually started to feel as though we were having an awesome
conversation. So we'll be like Yeah, dude, fucking five. Monkey the tree. That tree
one time seven times. Eight times. Dude six 710 Right, right. And then girls come
back with like, hey, oh, right. So we'll play five and so look for me bringing
value is this like, Thank you for coming. You're welcome. Yeah, so for me bringing
value is this looking at the interactions through the lens of a Am I trying to
weasel into their party? You know what I mean? Like, Hey, girls, can I join the
fun? What are you doing over here versus already having the party and then just
like bringing it to them? Right? Like my value kind of extends in like a five foot
radius around me and if I step near you, you are now exposed to my awesomeness. And
if you do not like it, you had best GET THE FUCK from around me. Right? That's how
I bring value. Get the fuck away from you if you don't like it in fact, that's an
opener I use now these days too. I go. I go Yeah, I go Excuse me. Oh, hi. Yeah, I
feel you appear attractive, and consequently would love the opportunity to enhance
your life by means of exposure to my awesomeness. Like that's my fucking opener
now, or I'll say hi my name is Jeff and I'm a complete fucking scumbag. Or Hi. Have
you ever met somebody with an extraordinarily bad haircut before? Now you have I
find that the more like deep I get into the game, the more honest my shit gets.
Like I'll even tell girls. Like What's your last name? Like Alan I'm like, please
don't google it. It'll just turn up like a litany of horrors about what a fucking
asshole I am. And that's just the sites that we write. You know, the thing is with
bringing value one of the sort of underpinning concepts involved with that is the
idea of these at least his idea of the law of state transfer and you have you guys
heard about this? Whatever you feel they feel. Now what does that mean to you?
Anyone? It's pretty self explanatory. Right? But in terms of like practical and
practical infield experience, what are the most when you're having fun? Yeah,
exactly. It's like a lot. It gets misinterpreted to mean like, Oh, if I am feeling
fun, she will know that and then want me to be there. It's like, no, no, it's more
visceral than that. It's like even it's even like it whatever you are feeling they
will begin to experience that emotion as well. Okay, how does this happen? Look,
man, I don't want to get into some of this Egghead chicks. I'm fucking retarded.
But basically, I've read a lot about this, this mirror neuron effect. You guys know
what that is? It's basically structures in the brain which fire when you see
another person experiencing an emotion performing an action, which kind of generate
an equivalent experience in your consciousness. Okay, so for example, you watch a
skateboarder and he like boom, like hits his nuts on a rail. What do you do? Oh,
right. You watch a sad movie. It's poignant. You're like oh, this point. You know,
your team wins. Yeah. Okay. Now why would this be useful from an evolutionary
biology standpoint? If you feel if you feel what other people feel, so you learn
from learning exactly. learning, learning, very important. Also, flexible survival
in a lot of cases. Like let's say we're cave shows. And I see a tiger creeping up
on you and I go, Oh, like you don't even have to look to notice GTFO okay, you're
not going to be like, Oh, grok appears frightened. I wonder what is causing this
thing? I shall turn my head to discover what your head's already been chewed off,
you're dead. You know, even today, walking down the street. Let's say we're walking
on the street. And then you hear like, boom, and I go, Oh, my God, like, what are
you gonna do? You're just gonna fucking run, you're probably not going to look
you're just going to run so in other words, it allows us to make it quick and
fitting response without having to engage the forebrain because that takes too much
time. Okay, now, look. Do you guys know what autism is? What does that what is what
characterizes the the clinical condition autism.
We can't see the social cues. Right? Basically, it's an inability, there's
something wrong with that wiring, where you're you haven't you're unable to
experience or to discern other people's subjective experience. Okay, so they're
stuck in their own head. They can't tell what other people are feeling. Now. Look,
we talked about this before. Whatever you feel they feel why is this important?
Because once you stop getting a fuck what they think now you need to start being
aware of how you're making them feel not making them feel necessarily but how they
are feeling. And you know, it's an interplay. Okay, so the thing is look, you guys
know a report is right. Report is commonly needed to to pull a check, so she
doesn't think you're a fucking psychopath. That's going to cut her head off with a
hacksaw. So, report, there's a couple of things that are needed for report but most
importantly, is what we call me you communication. What is me you communication?
Well, I'll tell you what the opposite of mutual communication is, is it
communication, and this is where you are not speaking to her as a person, but
rather as some manner of a agentic means to an end. In this case, sex right? So,
you know, what we'll see practically when this happens is the guy will be going out
and looking like this. Let me give an example. It's like this. Let's say you're
talking on the phone of your friend about something that's like, upsetting to you.
Like something happened, you're upset. Okay? You're like Damn, dude, fucking shit.
Man to do to do. And then your friends your friends like this. Your friends like?
Yeah. Yeah, right. What? Oh, yeah. And then you hear like, and he's not even
listening to you. He's like, kind of fucking internet. Like looking at Facebook or
something. He's just saying, yeah, yeah. How does that make you feel? Yeah,
ignored. You're pissed. You're like, why am I even talking to you? Okay, and watch
him. That's how the girl will feel. When the guy is not present. He's up in his
head trying to think of what to say next to make her think he's cool. Et cetera, et
cetera, et cetera. And the practice like this. It's like the guy will be like this.
He's like, Game. Game good. Game. Why isn't it working? It's It's game. It's game,
whereas the guy who has an attunement to what she's found will be like his game.
Oh, shit. Okay. Right. So be able to change it up dynamically. Now, let's talk
about this from a practical standpoint. Okay. What the fuck am I talking about
here? It's pretty Egghead shit. So what the fuck am I talking about your How can
this practically help us in the field? Let's say for example, I say or do something
that the chick thinks she's gonna think is funny. Or I think it's funny and then so
naturally, I think she'll find funny. And then she but she takes a she takes it the
wrong way or something. Like let's say I tell her I want to choke fuck her. And a
lot of girls will think that's funny. Like, dammit, I'm gonna choke fuck you in the
restroom after I get a Red Bull and vodka. And it's just like, what? I'll see her
go like, like right now look. There's gonna be a lag time between the time where
the woman feels upset, and then logically realizes, hmm, I feel upset. Therefore, I
should behave in a manner that indicates I am upset. Fuck you How long do you think
that takes? A second, like a second. Probably a fraction of a second. Like, I'm
like I go like five seconds. I'm like, How drunk is this chair? Fuck you. And yes,
it's like
Nah, dude. Like, like, it's gonna be like, hey, right now the thing is since I have
such a high attunement to the dude, okay, I have a very high attunement to the
shit. Look. I will be able to sense it that she's sensitive. And again, it's not a
cognitive process. I'll feel the shift in the energy of like, oh shit, and I will
fix it before she can realize okay, now how do I fix it? I might plow over with
good emotions like Ha yeah, so anyway, but a little bit in the play The Tetris
game, where there's like more blocks did he just say fuck me in the ass? Did the
there's more coming? She can't focus on it. Okay. There's that I may narrate which
she's about to think before she can think it so fucking nasty. Okay, please leave
immediately creepy fuck. And she'll be like, Ah, why? Why does she Why did she do
that? Like, oh, because she's like, Okay, this guy gets it. This guy isn't just
blindly spouting this shit with no regard to how I'm feeling. He's here with me.
He's me. It's me. You It's not me it. Okay. So the thing is, Look, man, there's a
test you can take for autism. One of many I'm sure on the internet. It's called the
reading the mind in the eyes test and what it is it's a it's a series of like 36
photographs of the eye area with like a multiple choice. What does this person
feeling like angry cocky, flirtatious or, you know, sad, whatever. And you have to
go through and select now, autistic will on average get a 17 out of 36 normal
clinical male will get about a 24 I believe a woman gets like 2627 when I took it a
couple years ago, I got a 34 and a 36. And this is really high obviously. Now why
do I tell you this to say Oh, I'm so fucking awesome. Well, yeah, but also, the
point being if I would have taken that shit 10 years ago, probably would have been
close to the fucking autistic score. Okay, so the point is, this is trainable. You
can train this. You want to train it into the ground. Okay. But understand, like,
how do you train this right? How do you train it? Are they Is there a shortcut to
training this? No, you have 1000s of fucking interactions while being cognizant of
it. It's like it remember, it's not a it's not like a logical thing. You're like,
what is the field? Like? Let's say the skill that I would most equate it to would
be the skill of balance. Because you know how you can develop balance right? If
you're a gymnast, you can develop bad you're a surfer you can develop balance. A
snowboarding if you requires balance, you develop it. How do you develop it through
experience? What if you're on like the surfboard and you're like, my weight is
shifting to the right this means that I must shift my way to see by by the time
you've thought halfway through it. You're on the fucking you're in the drink.

Okay, it is a feeling. So understand there's like, it's like a balanced feeling. So

understand it. So again, number one was what got us to bring value number three
cert dominance to me. For many guys when I see in my program, this is the one that
they have the most difficulty with. Okay. Why? Well, oftentimes, you know it's the
masculine polarity, it's the masculine dominant polarity it is simply not something
that they are familiar with. And so therefore, they have difficulty acting in that
paradigm. Right. So look what does that mean to you like being, you know, being
dominant, asserting dominance, what does that mean to you in terms of pickup? Like,
what do you think that we're trying to point out with that leading, leading,
leading leading leading leading League? You always have to be leading the girl if
you're not leading the girl, you know, nature abhors a vacuum, right? What's gonna
happen? She's gonna start leading you. And if you're in a situation where some
chick is leaving around the fucking club, that is a sorry situation indeed sir. And
you do not want to be there because nothing good can come of it. You will end up
looking at pictures of her ex boyfriend crying and she's you're gonna tell her
psychotic fatty. Okay. And then you're not gonna be late. So I'm like I said, you
know, look, the beast mode. beasting is two things to me. One, it is acting without
thought immediately upon your desire. And two, it's playing to win. What's the
opposite of playing a win? Playing to not lose trying to get out without looking
bad? Right now, many guys in here do this. I fucking do it from time to time. What
does the guy want when he approaches the girl? What does he want to go? He wants to
attraction he wants to get out. He wants her to become attracted. What else does he
want, though simultaneously to avoid being rejected? So what manifests? The one he
wants more? The one he wants more will manifest. Okay, if he wants to avoid getting
rejected more than he wants to get attraction? What's he going to do? He's going to
hedge his bets. He's going to play it safe. He's not going to fucking try to push
it as hard as he probably should. And so in other words, he is going to be
communicating to her as a what we call a friend to a friend. Okay, like and what
does this look like? Hello, my name is Bob. How are you tonight? Or maybe it'll go
up strong initially like Hey, girl, and it goes like oh, and then he'll be like, so
anyway. What do you do? Where do you live? Oh, do you like that? Is Oh yeah, the
weather. Oh, it's cool. Yeah. Oh, I'd like this little thing harder to do to do.
I'm your new gay friend and you're gonna go shopping for fucking cardigans with.
Hey, you can't talk dude. You cannot talk your way and getting laid. Dude. That
girl is not going to be like, Oh, wow, he's such an urbane conversationalist. I
should follow at least not as quickly as we're looking to do maybe after a period
of months in middle date, romantic times and the date, you know, dude, that shit.
It's not a winning. It's not a winning situation. Now again, when you play a win,
what's gonna happen? You're gonna communicate as a man to a woman. What does that
look like? Now? A lot of times guys think you know it's communicated on a verbal
level. Not necessarily a lot of it's just in the subtext. How do you square up with
them? Like I see a lot of guys talking. They don't they're standing like four feet
away. Like it's the fucking junior high dance. Okay, they're not like facing them.
When we talked to the earlier Santa fingerman Your hair's kind of long. She can
look like a girl. Yeah, so it's I guess like, like okay, let's do friend a friend
first. You did on me. Actually.
I'll be the girl. You do front frame. Hello. How's your night? Oh, it's good. We're
having good time. I'm having a good night to my friends over there. I drink beer.
Oh, cool. I gotta go the bathroom. Or no, no, you know what happens? They'll talk
for like 10 minutes and it's like this. Okay, well, cool. Well, nice to meet you.
You get a fucking nice to meet you at a patronizing slap on the arm if you're
lucky. Dude, that shit Nice to meet you. What? It was nice to meet me. It's not
anymore. Fuck off. Like look dude. If I hear Nice to meet you, that means I failed
to me. That's a personal failure. I those are the worst words in the English
language for me to hear I don't wanna hear that shit. Okay, it's actually like
maybe you're being indicted or audited or something like I don't want to hear that
shit. Okay, that was to man to a woman. I'm doing okay, all right. What's up, girl?
Hey, what's up, girl? Hey, Baba, blah blah Damn, girl. I'd like to code like your
face. Dirt. Dirt, dirt, right? It's like gold. You're up in their fucking shit.
You're all up in their fucking shit. Tyler has the analogy of like the serving the
volleyball. Couple ways to serve a volleyball. One is the underhand right and this
is probably likely to land in bounds. However, it's also very easy to return IE,
it's me to you. Okay, what's the other poem that you know kind of the overhand
strike now with this. You could fly off into the stands, it could hit the net. It
could suck it you could miss completely it hits you in the head you look at fucking
idiot people like haha fucking idiot. Now, especially if you haven't done it a lot
before. However, it's a lot more effective and much more likely to score when it
actually does go and so we want to train ourselves on the on the smash on the
overhand Smash. man to woman man or woman man or woman another thing I see is like
bullshit Keno and on the lower back and it stays there for fucking two hours or
Oh yeah. Oh yeah, what the fuck is this supposed to do? Oh, boom time to fog like
dude, like Dude, the thing is look, we either saying it's boners not Keno.
I don't want to do Keno I want to get a boner. Okay, any woman that I speak to for
longer than five minutes I will have a boner for at least a semi. And she will be
distinctly aware of this fact not only by virtue of the fact that I'm likely
rubbing it on her fucking leg. But because of you know, the whatever you feel they
feel. You know, Tim had a saying and natural and flawless natural. He said, whew
plus intent, right? What's woo like the fun you know, the fun kind of party vibe
like you're like yeah, you're bringing bringing the party and what's intent you
know, the sexual intent because not sexual intent. It's nothing if you don't
actually have a fucking boner or at least some movement in this area. What what is
what are you doing? Right, I call it party dog. Okay, party dog. It's like party
and dog. It's like party Dong. Party dog. Come here. Girl is just fun. If they
bring it on. Like it's just fun. It's definitely attitude. It's like it's just fun.
Okay, um, party dawn. Okay, now, what happens? You just have party. Yeah, you're
the new friend. You're shopping for cardigans with? What happens is you just have
Dong. Creepy fuck. Okay. And I've been both many times. So you want to have that
nice blend of party. Darn right? Guys will say well, you know, I don't want to like
escalate until I get the signal that was like kind of the old mentality. And again,
I'm saying this totally coming from a place of having done this myself for many,
many years. Like I'm looking for I'm trying to generate attraction before I you
know, escalate I'm looking for the signal the IOI before I escalate. What I've come
to kind of understand more now, the escalation itself is what is causing the
attraction. It's not like wait to the attraction and then that's good. It's like
the escalation is causing the attraction. Why? Whatever you feel they feel. If I
roll up fun and horny. She's gonna start feeling fun. And horny. And when a couple
things is gonna happen. She's either gonna be like, Get with the program, or she's
gonna be like, Oh, this is not good. What about Bobby at home playing Playstation?
Fuck off. Okay, and she was leave. So the thing is, though, again, understand. I'll
do a little verbal flirtation, there's there's a lot of stuff I do but a lot of it
is just pure physical. Okay. Are you guys familiar with the concept of yellow
light? So you go for the makeout let's say you go for the makeout you got to kiss
the girl and she gives you the cheek. What are many guys do? There'll be like this.
They'll go for it. There'll be like, one. My sad trombone. Okay. Do I guess it
didn't work? Okay. What do you think we do? Grab your face. No, it's okay look dry
dragging the van. Okay, what Okay, let's say what would green light be? She makes
out with you. What would red light be? She fucking leaves. She leaves out of my
fucking field of vision and perception. She's gone. She runs away. What is yellow
light? She goes haha no and then stays there. If he fucking stand is still standing
in front of me listening to my bullshit. It's on. It is on. So what do we do? It's
like I go for the makeout just like hey, no, I go. We call it the giggly push away
like someone's like Oh, no. Or they give you the check. I'd be like, creamier Oh,
no. Yeah, cool. So anyway, well, we'll talk some more. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so anyway,
that I like just laugh it off and say yeah, so anyway, and then do it again like 30
seconds later, a minute later, whatever. Okay. Sometimes we might make out with the
girl we're trying to make out with her 1520 times before she actually does it. We
might try to pull the girl 1520 times before she leaves. But I'm not quitting until
until it's done. We persist. That is the distinction. I remember Look, man, you got
to ask for the clothes even if you're not getting getting signal. I remember once.
I think it was like in 2008 or 2009. In the summer I had gone down to do a boot
camp. With Owen, aka Tyler with social dynamics. And I and I and we we had like a
journalist with us. And so we went to the standard and there's like it's some
elevator up and the elevator up. Girl in there first set of the night some of the
first some numbers the first set of the night that hooks right so my phone. She's
like a new age. She's like I'm here with my my friend's birthday. I'm like, yo,
introduce me. I love birthday. Now, by the way, that's a thing we call constructive
possession. Have you ever heard of that? We talked about that on your bootcamp
Adam. Law student Adam
It's like if she says anything. Like, I need to go to the bathroom. I want to go
dance. I gotta go find my friends. You act as if it was your idea. And then you
just leave her there. Like I gotta go find the friends. Fuck yeah, let's go find
the friends. Right. I gotta get a drink. Drink time. I gotta go dance dance time
like 10 years later. Then you got to go to the bathroom. This time. Like, you
leader there as though it was your idea. Right? So anyway, the friends think, you
know, they don't, they don't love me. They don't hate me. They're just, they're
just tacitly allowing me to be there. So about five minutes pass. I'm kind of like
I'm gonna grow but it's not like I'm not getting the signal. And then Tyler comes I
was like, dude, journalist is watching make out now. And I'm like, Well, I'm making
the signal about Tyler told me to so I'm like, and she starts making out with me.
I'm like, Oh, cool. Look, look over and the journalist is like, like, it's real.
It's real. Yeah, so my mother Okay, whatever. Another five minutes pass. Tyler
comes up again. Dude, cameraman got kicked out. We gotta go. Because we get kicked
out all the fucking time for this filming shit, right like it's just so much it's
like it's like a joke like right cameraman got kicked out. Surprise surprise. So
now I'm faced with this dilemma. What do I say to this girl? A let me get your
phone number and maybe I'll hook up with you when the two days I'm in the greater
Los Angeles area not gonna fucking happen and you and I both know and how about
that? Right? Or I can try to pull her now. What is the likelihood this girl's gonna
leave me she's here with a friend's birthday party. She's known me for fucking 12
minutes. Likelihood would would it be fair to say Lo? Yeah. So I go yo, we're
leaving. She's like, ah go look. Can you give me a ride? She goes, Okay, let me
just tell him I'm going. I'm like, What the fuck? Okay, so she gives him a ride
over we'd like drop the student off that Edison. And then I'm like, okay, Dude,
fuck this, you know? I'm gonna pull. So y'all let's get something to eat. She's
like, where I'm like, I'm fucking live here. I know. No, I'm like, Well, this is go
back to your place. She goes, That's not happening. And my wife's like, I live with
my parents. It's like 21 or something. She's like, I'm break from uni. I'm like,
oh, like, well, that would be pretty weird, huh? She's like, Yeah, I'm like well,
you know, we could just go there and hang out. She's okay, but what the fuck,
right? So we go to her parents house. And we like we literally have to sneak in the
back like in through the backyard like little brothers up watching fucking TV and
shit. And she's like, tell them you're my coworker. You got to turn them on
whatever. Like you're not getting lucky. You're not getting on Emma. Yeah. So we go
into a room. Like yeah, of course, of course. And I get our bed. I'm like, Yo, come
here. I'm like, lie down here. It's like you're not going to like him like Yeah,
cool. Cool. So she lays down start making out like within seconds. I'm like, Damn,
it's fucking hot in here with sockets fucking hot. I just take my shirt off. Boom.
So what the fuck are you doing like to Ty's very high? She's like, Yeah, she's
like, okay, so I'm like grinding on like, fucking high school. I go, I could take
this bucket shit off. She's like, I told you I'm not getting like I'm like, Look,
I'm just I'm just very self conscious about my body. You know? I have minarets.
Yeah. Like my my friends are always telling me to lose five pounds. I just, you
know, you're not wearing clothes. You're wearing clothes. I'm not. I would just
feel a lot better if you were kind of like now we're in close to like about myself.
And she goes, she's like, Okay, I'll meet you halfway. So she like takes her shirt
and bra off and like, Okay. Sir, I'm grinding on her hard, like high school. That's
like, that's like my only Ella martagon that was grind on them like high school.
dry humping, and then so but it's like hurting my balls. Because she's got like
jeans on. So I'm like, take the shit off. It's hurting my balls. And she's like,
Oh, okay, so I checked it off nicely got her panties on right so my spine that
total? I go take this shit off as well. This hurts my balls as well. She's like,
No, it doesn't. You can't fool me. I'm like you can't feel it like yeah, I'm like,
Yeah, I'm like, Look. I go look. I just want to lick it. Okay. Very good at it. You
will like it. And she's like, fine, but just put a condom on in case it
accidentally slips in. I'm like, what? Like, like, you see the level of
rationalizations taking place here. And again, we're talking about this adventurous
self conservative self. Oftentimes, you're dealing with this like these two
different people when you're having these interactions. So you need to know which
one you're dealing with and kind of you know, try to submerge that conservative
self and bring the adventurous self up to the surface. Okay, now
I'll tell you what, you know what this is a good point to show like a couple of
like, really brief videos. Just like to Silent videos of two approaches, one being
like a man to woman approach and one being well, the file is entitled faggot open
in each word.
So okay, look, I approach this chick Hi, how are you handshake now look, you see
I'm like holding the drink like a foreign student. This is way too far. I know for
what he doesn't like, Oh, she's standing relatively close. No this is way too far
away, dude. And look at this. I'm like holding like the drink in front of me.
Look, she's laughing right? Oh, a nice hug. The thing is, this isn't like a sexual
hug. That's like a fucking friend. Hug. Obviously the shit I'm saying is quite
hilarious. She finds it quite amusing, doesn't she? Oh, look. Oh, how cute a pinkie
shake. What a nice man that I'm going to forget about in five minutes because I'm
gonna go find my friends. And find a guy who actually has a dick I mean, again, it
continues in the same in a similar vein. Okay, so this is just idiocy, like, and
then you know as as you probably expect, what do you think happens? She goes, Well,
my friends over there. It was nice to meet you. Now let me show you the
like the more sort of man to woman opener. Again, this is another so I there's two
girls right? So talk to him. Boom.
I'm saying some stupid bullshit. Hey, my name is Jeff have a bad haircut dirty
dirty bear. Hug now I'm a lot more aggressive why this is this is the same night as
that. Other one I showed you. However, it's later in the night where I have more
momentum. Okay. Boom. Now again, this is probably about again, you know, a minute
and a half in. hands on the waist hands like on the ass like it's just you can just
tell it's just a more man to woman dynamic. Right is bringing them in. I'm not
saying the exact same shit I was saying and the other girl probably the exact same
fucking shit does not matter. All that matters. Again, it's on the level of sub
communication. Largely it's how you look at them. It's the look in the eye that
says I'm here to fuck the shit out of you. Now, you might not be saying that and
hopefully you're maybe you are but you're probably likely not. I mean, my verbal
game. It's kind of a mixture of a ridiculous cartoon pimp mixed with the Urbane
articulate conversation was so it sounds like Damn girl like arm comes off right
back out. That's another move. I love putting the arm over your shoulder it's just
a lot different. Okay, so that so again, you want to be leading. Leading leading,
leading leading if you're not leading what's gonna happen they're gonna lead and
then what's going to happen?
You're going to go home and masturbate with your own tears is lubricated. Okay,
anyway, what was the last one? By the way, I mean, look Ozzy has a saying the gun
is always loaded. What does that mean?
means every time you approach a girl, she has the potential to become attracted to
you. So the thing is, sometimes the girl will you be talking to them and you'll see
her pop. What do I mean by this? Go see her pop. What do you think that means?
Like, like so? It's like the window opens. Okay, and she does it again. It's weird.
This is something especially for the newer guys. It's kind of difficult to
comprehend because it's not a tangible thing. It's not like a thing. That you can
grab onto like, Oh, there's the window. It's open. It's kind of like a mirage. It's
like, like trying to watch like a heat come off a road or something in the
distance. You can perceive it. But a lot of times guys will then second guess
themselves. The way Alex puts it is that the girl will become like quiet and
attentive. Like she'll just be kind of like like it Tim has a good bottle of love
like it does. You'll just get this sense that she's, she's attracted. And it's up
to you at that point to either to quickly decide if you want to have sex with this
person. And if you do, you need to fucking make out with her immediately. Look. I
think basically if you don't make out with the girl and again, this is a rule of
thumb. It's a generalization and it is never wise to adult generalizations, but
they can be useful. If you if you haven't made out with the girl within 20 minutes.
It's pretty you're probably spinning the wheels. Okay, if I've made out with a girl
20 minutes I'm going to try and see and see what happens and see if she fucks off.
So again, core competence, bringing value asserting dominance. And what was the
last one? Being unreactive No, look, this perplexes me I think unreactive is one of
the worst. If not the worst. It's just it's just unfortunate that this is what this
term, this became the term that's pointing at the fucking concept. I think a better
term because what's unreactive it's like don't do this. Don't be reactive. So
people like say, I'm not going to react to things. I think a better thing to say
would be be proactive. It would be better if it was be proactive or what was what
did you say? You got to be the cause not the effect, right? It's like Look, man, I
think my favorite way of putting it I have to quote a great philosopher from the
20th century. Who happens to be painted on the side of my van Tupac Shakur. Players
do what they want bitches do what they can like and bitch in this instance not
referring necessarily to a female but rather a weak willed individual. Right? The
player will act and like whatever happens he'll deal with that after after, right?
Whereas the bitch is like, Can I do this? Do I have permission? Will there be a
negative consequence if I do this? Oh, like so he needs everything to be okay
before taking action. Another great philosopher who was on the inside of my van,
Little Wayne, I believe he said, I do what I do and you do what you can about it.
So in other words, like he said, he's at the cause end of things in the
environment. He's causing shit to happen. He's not like React. He's not at the
effect end. Does that make sense? Does it does that are you following us? So okay,
so look, man. The main thing though with being unreactive is this it's like look
when you go up to the girl you want her to be attracted, right? Hopefully, that's
why you're here. But isn't it ironic, that caring about the attraction often ends
up damaging it? Like if you care about the outcome, it fucks it up. So So isn't
that weird? That's like one of the main paradoxes. of game I think, like, how do
you reconcile this this apparent paradox of striving for an outcome while
simultaneously being divorced from it? One way that we have developed to deal with
this rather than caring about the outcome of the girl becoming attracted, we are
developing an entirely new outcome that is independent of whether or not she
becomes attracted. Okay, so our criteria for success is reengineered to be
independent of their reaction, okay, so what is our criteria for success one route
number one approach, if I approach it successful, Easy enough, right, too. I
communicate as a man to a woman as opposed to what a friend and three I express
myself as opposed to what attempting to impress. So I approach
express myself as a man or a woman, express myself as opposed to trying to impress
if I do all three of those things in every set, I do I consider it a success. Now,
you might say, well, that's great, Jeff, but I actually want to get laid. And I
understand that. What does that take us back to Texas back to the concept of social
momentum. Every approach you do is carrying you towards a place of social momentum.
There's not a guy on this planet that doesn't get rejected. Okay. If you are
talking about a guy who does not get rejected, either he does not approach enough
or he's not approaching challenging enough sets by the way, right now, like kind of
simultaneously boosting on OKCupid so hope you don't mind. I broke my like sprained
my ankle really bad in Tahoe. In January, so I was like, laid up for two weeks. So
my book I can't beast. Well. OkCupid beast, so we can talk about online in bit. I'm
very, very good at that. A lot of people a shoe that right but I draw from all
sources man, I draw water from all sources, the freedom from outcome, the new
criteria for success you approach. What was the second one? Express yourself as a
man to a woman and the third? Express express on press? See, this is why we keep a
minimalist who can't remember I can't remember half the time right so and I've been
having saying this over and over for like a year. So interesting thing is this.
When you approach in this manner, and we're assuming that you're doing all of these
things, generally how it's going to shake out is like this like about a third are
going to tell you to fuck off. They'll be disinterested right they'll be like fuck
off they're the second third will be will think you're cool but for whatever reason
not be down. Maybe it's a logistical issue and maybe they're on their period and
maybe they're just crazy, whatever. So they'll be like haha, but no, I got that.
Haha, but no. All right. And then the third will be very interested will be like
Yeah, right. So to me, a big part of like the fun of the night is going through and
finding those girls you have the chemistry with okay, because to me, Look, we've
reframed it and completely like this isn't even like a reframe. It's a belief. It's
a reality for us. Now, there is no such thing as rejection. There is only lack of
chemistry. Okay. And again, this is assuming that you're you have your your game
mechanic style. Remember I talked about getting the game mechanics, my game
mechanics are dialed i still I still make errors from time to time, but generally I
know the play I know the correct play in the situation. And also if I'm approaching
man or woman and express especially depression, generally it's going to be now for
me. Once you get better you can shake it even more in your favor. I'd say for me,
it's about 2525 50. And then after that, it's just like, what are the logistics,
the screen the screen for logistics and then actually handling the poll and that's
the tricky part. Then, you know, when you get all the shit out of logistics kind of
becomes the great equalizer. There is no rejection. There's only what lack of lack
of chemistry because again, the old model of game was to make every chick look like
she's in you even if she's not so with this shit, it's like look, I might get more
quote unquote rejections, but I assume this lack of chemistry that she wouldn't
have been down to fuck anyway. Now why am I doing this this like more like
aggressive style? Do you think we're doing this just for fucking fun? Just to
change it up. So we have a new marketing angle? No, the reason we're doing is
because more fucking efficient. Efficiency is the bottom line here. Okay, I don't
want to be dicking around for two hours and bullshit when it's not going anywhere.
Right and the one you got to watch out for the fuck you I'd like to fuck you. Okay,
because I'm not going to waste time with that. The one you got to watch out for is
haha but no. Because what she's got a boyfriend. Think about it. She's out there
with a girl or her girlfriends right? She's probably not enjoying herself she got
dragged out boyfriends at home watching playing the PlayStation or watching TiVo or
Top Chef or whatever the fuck they do. And you know she's like oh, when am I gonna
go home this is boring all of a sudden. Here comes some awesome high value dude any
you guys executing this your properly you know? And it's entertaining. She's being
sexually validated their sexual tension that she puts you may have not felt in
years. You know, fingerman the girly Bang was an aberration for 12 fucking years.
You know, what did she say? The next day? She's like, just like I've been I was
shaking all day and bullshit, right? Like ridiculous, right? So again, naturally
she's gonna want to do that rather than sit there and like be bored with the
fucking frets. So she will you know it's haha but no, she will wait for the but no,
for as long as she can. You'll be like Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. But now how do you get but no. How do you generate but no, very
quickly. Like right she's a boyfriend. You're like fuck off your boyfriend bag will
kill them.

She's probably not enjoying herself she got dragged out boyfriends at home watch
playing the PlayStation or watching TiVo or Top Chef or whatever the fuck they do.
And, you know, she's like, Oh, what am I gonna go home? This is boring all of a
sudden. Here comes some awesome high value dude, any you guys executing the show
properly, you know, and it's entertaining. She's being sexually validated their
sexual tension. She puts you may have not felt in years. You know, fingerman the
girly Bang was an aberration for 12 fucking years. You know, what did she say? The
next thing is like just like I've been I was shaking all day and all this bullshit
right? Like ridiculous right so again naturally she's gonna want to do that rather
than sit there and like be bored with the fucking frets so she will you know it's
haha but no, she will wait for the but no for as long as you can Okay haha ha ha ha
ha But how do you get but no. How do you generate but no very quickly. Like right
she's a boyfriend. You're like fuck off report bag will kill them off 50 cent his
assets. And that will that will again you will cut to the chase rather quickly
right now. You don't have to be a dick about it. But you know, I'm kind of a dick.
I'm sort of complete dick anymore. It was kind of a dick. So you know, move on. One
of the most important lessons I've learned in the past couple of years is there's
no rejection. There's just lack of chemistry and find the ones you have chemistry
with. You know, because I don't want to grow. Look, dude, you know, I don't want to
be out there trying to fucking cajole some chicken to fucking me. Why? Look? Dude,
I fucked like 100 Something girls now which isn't a lot, my buddy evil sticklers?
Fuck, like, 600 girls. And funny because when he like, Vegas, and he like asked
Tyler he's like, so how many girls have you factoids? Like, oh, like, you know, 150
and he's like, fucking retire like, loser. He looked at us like we're scum. Like
we're just like, like charlatans like losers. Like Sorry, bro. I'm not disgusting.
Like you. You don't he said. He's like, he's like this year by New Year's
resolution. I want to fuck 400 Girls and the kid could probably do it if you really
put his mind to it. You know, but uh, you know what I said to him was like, that's
gross. Like Ms came from I thought it was gross. It just sounds gross, dude. We
call it the pickup pension. You know, because once you fuck like, you know, over
100 Girls, you're basically going to be able to fuck for life. You know? Like,
they'll crawl out of the woodwork like you'll get girls i i know some of you guys
here know what I'm talking about? Like, like three years down. The road. Like
you'll get some weird like text message like, Hey, I'm in town. Remember me? I'm
horny. You're like what? Okay, right. And so that's it. We'll just keep we caught
the pickup tension. So I can say you're tired. Yeah. And you'll still and you'll
still get like so it's like, um, it's not really even about more sexual. I do love
it. And there will dude it is an awesome rush that first time you peel off the
panties, you know? And I'll never be that hot again. It's like, Yeah, I'm the
fucking man. You know that dude, I'm not gonna deny that. But uh as Christoph says,
you know my old when Chris was like, the time you have sex once again, this is the
best time because the first time when you know it is the first time the second time
you'll get you don't have better and you're able to you know, enjoy the sex a
little bit more. And the third time is the best because the third time is goodbye.
So yeah
man All right, well, um Okay, so what were those four, those four things. Remember,
I'm studying core competence, bringing value, asserting dominance. I can mess with
clarity and being proactive or unreactive now, I'm gonna show another quick video.
This video is actually a video of me and a student. Okay. And the student agreed to
in fingerman was actually filming and thinking that it ended up fucking the best
friend for me. Because fingerman is it's like it's a good way like I'm gonna jump
on the grenade. So, what I want you to watch is this when you're watching this, I
really kind of want you to look at two things like where is um, which guy like
think of it in cotton, the context of the for those four kind of pillars of the
strong reality we just talked about? Which guy is expressing himself versus which
guy is trying to impress? Which guy is bringing the party as opposed to trying to
weasel in which guy is leading as opposed to letting the girl lead in which guy is
being proactive as opposed to reacting? Okay. So he's gonna approach these girls of
two girls one standing up on a high ledge. And, and so he approaches like, you're
taller than me, okay? And I'm gonna come in, and you'll see I'm like, I'm like
walking with a fucking beer on my head. Because that's one of the things that I
have learned to do on bootcamp when I was bored watching the students, I trained
myself to walk around and even do rudimentary moves with beer on my head. And also
when I go to take a piss, I don't want to set my beer down on those surfaces. So
I've learned and so I wanted to traverse the length of the bar. So I'm practicing
that. That's why you'll see
here the only person in this entire club that's taller than me you're six foot kind
of intimidating. Intimidating title The name is your middle name, my middle name
fine, intimidating.
Is that why she's standing below you looking up? She doesn't know how to look me in
the eye.
That's because her eyes are completely covered. Looking for a friend actually,
really? Beer or beer or a friend or a beer? That's good. That's my friend and his
beer. Friend and a friend and a beer. Talking about I
really really small, standing up on the steps he walked up the steps and so that
makes him tall. You're just tall wondering, and you had noticed
that's like a really,
really fast line right now.
Found them in the band. I don't know where they belong to.
You see right there like, she's like, are you legally blind with the sunglasses on
now? Have you heard of the concept of conversational leading versus cleaning? Okay,
what a lot of has to do with that. They'd be like, Yes, I'm blind. I'm like fucking
Ray Charles. And they would like go down that, but I immediately want to take it to
the next level. So I'm like, I found them in the van. Why do I do that? So they
asked about the van. Yes. Like what's the van I want to know what the van is.
Right. Oh, you running into the man. You want to sit? I want to know what the band
is like oh, you want to go to the van. I got misinterpreted means you want to go to
it immediately. She's like
I've been central effects in the missionary position for the soul for reproduction.
That's a mouthful again,
she's like I like that's the only kind of interrupt from my damn looking. You look
also ducted and shit. What's your name? Okay, it's like it's like immediately
taking it man to woman I'm not some little fucking showed here to beat around the
bush right? I'm like, I'm looking at you. Right? So there's a fatty little friend
out here and then the hot girls up here. Who the fuck are you? What's your name?
Your name for me. I said I'm drunk up my own awesomeness right now. Let's get
loaded off rollin awesome. You know what? I said that I saw the pop. I saw it
happening right she's like, thanks. She just again like very quiet very attentive.
So when I saw that I knew what it what do you what happens when you see the pop? I
know I have to make out relatively quickly or the window will close. Okay? So I'm
like shit. I'm like okay, let's start. escalating. So you'll see me I'll do like
what I do. I'll be like, I'll open her code. I'll be like, let's have a look at
you. Let me get a look at what I'm working with here. I'll do a show like that. And
then I'll start what we call the physical escalation stack. At this point. She's
like, totally fucking enthralled. I'm like, I'm like, what do you do? I'm like, I'm
an author. So like, what did you write? I'm like I wrote a book to the bottom like,
it's about my years as a degenerate slut and whole bag. She's like, what? And I
show her like a picture of it. And she reads like what the fuck it is. So she
starts a player ship test. Like you're this player. You're this asshole. I go look,
bitch. You think I know you think I give a fuck about your little pussy on 35 bucks
and yours? Oh, I can barely even get my dick hard anymore. Okay, I don't give a
fuck. But you make my nostrils flare. So bro yours my goodness. I will come here I
throw up on the Will Smith game. And I'm like, Oh my god. mega mega mega. Like I
just want to lick it. I want to lick it. Like I guess I'm gonna fuck you. I just
have to accept you for who you are. Let's go to the van with back 20 Just like only
a fingerman bucks, my friend. So I go find my favorite. fat chick is like it's a
done deal, bro. That sort of bone straight to the fucking band to get in there. And
dairy had like left his pizza in there. So we eat the pizza. I'm secular. And I
have like a lot of like, performance anxiety because it was like a kraken like
leering right outside the fucking band. The windows were all on tissue but there's
like a crack at so I fucker come out of the van. And I'm like, I'm like to this.
The crackheads like that van was moving. Yeah, so so I'm like, Yo, look like look,
here's this here's the deal. You know that kid? That is weird. That's my boy. I'm
trying to get away. We gotta get this guy legs like okay, let's do it. So she came
back and actually help on boot camp. This is the making out of two people who've
had just had sex in a van. The 1984 to kind of line that gets three miles per
gallon. And then we replaced the sparklers and it's five kind of the ultimate
lesson I got from being in a relationship and having it kind of dissolved like
that. I mean, look, it was it was really good. And you know, we had a lot of good
times and everything but you can't be half a gangster. Do you know what I mean? You
cannot be half a fucking gangster. Like, you can't if you're going to be in
relationship, you be in the fucking relationship. If you want to get out of the
ratio, you get the fuck out of the relationship. I guess I just wasn't there yet.
For whatever reason, but rather than be a man, and break it off, I fucking didn't
do it. Now conversely, if you're the player, you got to be the player to the core.
Do you know what I mean? You can't try to be this fucking like player with a heart
of gold bullshit. Like fucking the player with the heart of gold. No, you're just a
fucking whore with a regular horse heart. Okay, definitely you gotta be okay. So
the thing is because like if you're trying to like look, I have fuck buddies and my
little my fuck buddies. I treat very well. I treat them very well and I'm
respectful of them. But the thing is until they get to that point they're just
there's no feeling at all man that you can't you cannot be concerned with. Oh, how
do I What do I do when they call and I don't want to talk to you. You don't fucking
answer the phone. Do you know what I mean? That I Oh, but I feel bad. Then maybe
this game is not for you. Write and maybe this game isn't for you. You cannot be
half a gangster. It's all or nothing. I want to talk about some real practical
stuff. I want to finish up with some very, very practical stuff. The first is what
I call the beast cycle. B cycle is this it's about a four to six week cycle of bee
seeing activity.
So like I said, if you guys ever who in here has ever done like a 30 day challenge
or something of that nature, but they decided to go out for like a extended period
of time they committed to go out every night for an extended period of time. Show
hands. Okay. I think that this can be very, very valuable. Okay, it can be quite
valuable because why you build it, it builds up your momentum, it pumps up your
sense of entitlement, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So and there's a lot in it.
And it also like helps really like again, just drill those grooves in the neural
pathways of the mechanics of the nuts and bolts mechanics of the game. So as long
as you're pushing yourself, right, you know, so what I will do when I do a B cycle,
it starts out with a what I call like a little beast blast, where I'll either go
out like a week straight, or maybe 14 days straight. And I will go every single
night during that time. Now, what do you think happens during that time? Well,
first off, I'll get laid a couple times or several times. And I'll also collect a
shit ton of numbers. So now we're two weeks deep. I've got some lays under my belt.
I got a shit ton of numbers. So now what I'm going to do for the ensuing weeks, is
I'm going to have sex with the girls that I fucked a couple more times and see how
they shake out. You know what I mean by that? See how they shake out. Are they
going to become a you know, a long term thing? Like a regular fuck buddy, or are
they going to blow out? Okay. And a lot of times a blowout you know why usually
it's because of some sort of like asshole behavior on my part. So there's that now
so though some of law now generally I feel if you've had sex with a girl like three
times they'll kind of after that, it's kind of like cement. It's talking about the
B cycle though. So anyway, these will shake out okay, meanwhile, you're working
your numbers hard to and then you'll shake all of these out. Now those numbers that
you got in those that week to two weeks. All of this After the shaking out and the
fucking, it generally takes about like four to six weeks. So you know, about a
month and a half after you started. You'll probably have a net gain of like several
ways. And you might get I'd say one point, I've fucked buddies out of it. Okay,
like legit fuck buddies. And then it starts again. Why does it start again? Why
must it start again? No, because these hoes be blown out all the time. There's
dude. There's a saying in like pimp culture. It's called the name of the game is
cop and blow like you can cop a hole and hoes can blow out and they can blow out
all the time for any reason. Like it might not have anything to do with you at all.
And those blowout they'll fucking ditch you and it might be your best girl. It
might be your favorite girl. But the thing is, it's gonna happen and cop and blow
means it's like the act of losing girls with grace. And that is why beast mode is
the fucking foundation for all of this shit. It's the foundation. You can't rest on
the laurels. You can never rest on the losses are always going to be blown out
there. You know, I'd love it to be a perfect world with a fairytale ending, but
unless you are willing to commit to the girl, unless you're willing to say okay,
you know, unless you're willing to put a ring on it as Beyonce says that shit is
they're gonna blow out they're going to blah. There are some girls who will fucking
forever. These are called a horse Okay, and the thing is, that is the terrible
price of a good woman though she wants her soul. A good woman will take your soul
eventually she'll want it or she'll just leave you know that's why I'm glad my girl
left because I you know she deserved the fucking little attorney nerd fucking
friends approval. She deserved them. In any case. You know, they're always in a
blood so that's why you have to constantly be beasting if you're going to be the
player, you can't be half the gangster here's a condom you're gonna minimize your
risk. However guys take a condom will save them. And then what do they do? They
take that condom off, they throw it off and then they go to bed. Okay, great. It
protected your dick. But now you got fucking this weird juice all over your nuts.
And guess what? When your darling hits that it's gonna suck that up like a sponge.
It's gonna suck that herb juice up like a sponge sir. So you know what we do is
this. Fuck, I will hop up we want to take the condom off straight to the shower.
With the condom on, wash that shit off. Then roll it off, toss it dry off, back
back in and I'm back there at a minute and a half. Okay, I'm off there Swiss. So if
you really want to be thorough, that would be a way to go about it. Okay, but
realistically, I think that you're looking at more of a danger from physical
damage. Okay, and that's no one talks about that physical damage exam. Check. Boing
Boing Boing Blanchett slips out. Oh, next thing you know Dick fucked up this guy's
a doctor. What happens when that happens? You talk loud, you get something
called penile fracture. Which is like, essentially like a really urgent surgery and
so you need to have surgery within six hours or costera
and that shit is real man. And you know, and I've also had shit where like, I'm you
know, I'm fucking I remember one day that we was like a festival student pulled in
the van steel stiffer me pulled to the band were like so the students fucking the
van and we're like me and Steph are like yeah, dude, we're gonna fucking dance we
have opened the door and students in their life.
Like like oh like oh shit like oh, sorry, bro like close. The door. Like so.
So then we're like waiting in line to us. It's like broad daylight. It's like
literally like, three in the afternoon. This just like shaking. We're all in there,
dude. So So finally I get in there and then this chick for some reason. She's She's
given me like head. It's the worst. It's like so weird. Like, she's like doing this
like what are you doing? Like now? It's good. I'm like, okay, okay, like, like,
whatever. And it's, like, you know, the next day I look at my dick and the heads
up, bro, like bro, it's got like a bruise on it. It doesn't hurt but it's got a
bruise. I'm like yo, I gotta I gotta take a couple days off so then so then stiffer
calls up. He's like, he's like Tommy go bass, bro. I'm like, I can't I gotta take a
day off. I have I have physical damage, sir. And he's and he goes he's like, who
cares? It's gone anyway. And then it actually you know, he came over and he's he's
standing there. He's like, let's go out anyway. And then you see him like, catch
himself and he like he's thinking about this and he goes beasting without fucking
and we kind of look at each other. We're like, Yeah, let's do it. It's like, it's
like, almost like we don't even care about the fight. The fucking is like
secondary. We just love the Beastie. We love going out. We love doing this shit.
You know, it's funny because a friend of mine, he said to me recently I was telling
him about some of these escapades yada yada yada a civilian friend, as I call them.
And he's like, damn, Jeff. He's like this shit sounds like a lot of work. And that
I couldn't even comprehend what he was saying. It would be like he said to me
snowboarding sounds like a lot of work. You have to get the equipment. You got to
drag it up to the mountain. You got to put it on you got to put on this all this
shit. You got to go up the lift you got to thing thing and then after all that now
you got to do physical exertion. It sounds horrible. Right? To me. It's just like,
Dude, it's my hobby. It's fucking rad. I fucking love it. And I'll be doing this
shit until I'm old as Charlie Sheen older. So I'm like a fucking FA teen I will
deploy my ordinance to the ground. But you want to structure guys say well, you
know this is all very esoteric art. Yes. One of the Christians RCA like frequently
not all the time. But you know, a lot of the time you hear like it's kind of
esoteric. You want to structure it here's your fucking structure. Okay, approach
number one approach to you vibe. AKA non goal oriented conversation designed to
pump both you're in her state self amuse. Okay, three. What's number three? You
fucking put yourself in the state you want her? To be in? What's that? Two things
party Dong, party Dong. One approach to vibe. Three put yourself in the state you
want her to be in for dynamically escalate. And when I say dynamically escalate,
what's the opposite of dynamic static what static the purposeless hand of doom the
creepy hand on the lower back the fucking petting the touch. Nah, man. It's gotta
be it's like fun. Yay. Yay, yay. Dong, okay. Dynamically escalate, make out
establish man or woman vibe as opposed to friendzone within 20 minutes. From there.
Walk the fucking dog screen for logistics. See the pole. All right. What's number
six pole. How do you Paul says go by the way, the way that I pull to when you're
going for the poll. You really have to have a knowledge of every single step. If at
any point, you seem like you're kind of like hemming and hawing. You're like out on
the street? Like, where do you wanna go see you're like, Well, you know, how about
Dirt? Dirt, like the chick, you're risking her blowing out and leaving. Now
sometimes the girl will like you enough that she'll give you that leeway. But a lot
of the time it's like the second that you're fucking like Dirt. Dirt. She's she's
gone. Right? So how do you do it? Ryan? He does baby steps. Okay, he does baby
steps. He's not trying to get her if he's making out with her in the back of the
club. And he wants to get her to his hotel which is across town. What is the very
first step you have to do? The club? No get her to the front of the club. What's
the next step? Out of the club? What's the next step? about a block away from the
club? I don't try to get a cab ride from the club. Why? My
friends can come out. Fucking vultures could come a million. There's too much shit
going on there. I need to get it a little away from that. Okay, what's next into
the cab? What's next? out of the cab? What's next into the lobby? What's next to
the elevator? What's next into the elevator? What's next? out of the elevator?
What's next? To your door what's next into the room you're only focused on the very
very very next step is get her does baby steps it just baby steps this will serve
you quite well and use any any ridiculous excuse that you have to like my friend to
get into the cab. He's like, he's like yeah, let's go Let's step outside. Let's get
ice cream. And the cat was like there it is. A yellow ice cream with wheels boom.
So Paul, and then once you get out there, what do you do? Deploy outer game, AKA
your dick so ultimately I'd say you know keep it very simple. You know, what are
the basic 10 principles there this you know, and again this basically constitutes
my game as it were right now. It's like, look man expression on impression bringing
the party and being cognizant of their emotional state and kind of writing that
like a wave. So that's what enables you to push it and not forget totally blown
out. And even if I do get blown out, I kind of prefer that than wasting the time.
Three lead, lead, lead, lead lead and I'd say even now that's the one I struggle
with most. Even now that is the one I struggle with most not leading enough you
know like it most of the time when I fuck up a set it's like it's because I didn't
beast hard enough. Different people have different personalities. I can't do what
fingerman does. I can't do what Minotaur does but I can learn from them and I can
internalize like certain aspects of their personality, right and so you know what
minute What fingerman taught me is less is often more and what minutes are taught
me is is fucking beast mode, you know, like straight up fucking beast mode. So
that's where I struggle with that, you know, and it's not even a struggle. It's
just like a constant continuum. Like I said, it's like you don't work out and say
now I'm done. There's always more to learn. And that's one thing that really
astonishes me about this kind of field. There's always you can always go deeper.
And there's something that Tyler says to guys on bootcamp, he says at the end of
boot camp is like, you know, the best approach to you weekend. If you consistently
go out in six months, that weekend, that will be your average approach. And if you
consistently go out six months after that, the best approach you did that weekend
will become your average approach and we've held that to be true for over 10 years.
Now for us, it's not like you know, we're getting again we're we're we're not going
from 9.1 to 9.2. We went from like 9.1 to like 9.115 or something right? But still
it's continuing to improve and refine and refine and refine and refine and along
the way the thing is got you know, guys along the way you're gonna have massive
amounts of fucking fun to and that's the thing for me, it's like the game is
massively fun to me. I will Beast Forever. I will be Syntel I am an old decrepit
man with a pharmaceutically enhanced Boehner dawn that people make fun of in the
club and I will not give a fuck because they suck and I'm a winner. Anyway guys,
um, yeah, thanks for thanks for coming. Basically it goodnight. Cheers.

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