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Making Contacts for the Future

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation


Part 1: Future Career

For a long time, I have been passionate about working in the healthcare field. Despite not

enrolling into a medical or surgery School, and instead focusing on healthcare management, I

have a keen interest in making an impact in the lives of people, helping people, and making sure

they get the best care. The career path I am planning to pursue is that of being a Healthcare

Manager. For the most part of my life, I have participated in charity drives for nursing homes as

well as undertaking various caregiving roles. My mother has been in the medical field and I have

learnt about helping others and developed passion with care provision. I currently work with a

social care organization that focuses on helping the vulnerable, those with disabilities, and the

old. This experience has made me understand the importance of the health sector and its impact

on the lives of people. I believe that the presence of an efficient and transparent healthcare

system ensures better healthcare outcomes and quick recoveries. I believe that achieving a

successful practice requires me to align myself to a career that focuses on; Proper management

of healthcare resources, provision of patient-centered care, ensuring empathetic and creative

service delivery, and ensuring accommodative care for all (Walshe & Smith, 2011). These will

be the key areas of focus in my career.

Witnessing the impact of a caring hand on the health and life of an individual marvels

me. My motivation towards this career choice is the fact that I have loved empowering and

supporting patients and making them know that someone cares and that they can get through

their difficulties. My experience working with hospice agencies and social care organizations has

enabled me to restore dignity for patients at the most vulnerable stages of their lives. Providing

end-of-life care, making patients comfortable, and watching families satisfied has been an honor.

A rewarding aspect of managing healthcare is the ability to connect with patients at intimate

levels and play an important role in their lives. The wider role encapsulates Ensuring the

effective range of an elder care facility, ensuring that the needs of patients and the community

are met, ensuring that the needs of patients and the community are met and that the goals of the

facilities practitioners are achieved., and that the goals of the facility’s practitioners are achieved.

I believe that my abilities are beyond just the perfection of knowing how to deal with

people and managing the provision of healthcare. I believe that my skills on how to connect with

other people is an important aspect of my career path. I believe that I have both the practical and

theoretical expertise around healthcare. My preference towards a career in healthcare

management is also as a result of my experience in nursing homes and social care facilities. In

most instances, have identified gaps in the provision of healthcare as well as management

practices. I understood that poor Healthcare management has a significant impact on recovery

times, health status, and general healthcare outcomes among patients (Hospital Administration,

n.d.). I personally vouch for patient centered care and meeting the needs of patients and their

families. This aspect motivates me to take a career path towards healthcare management. I want

to ensure that health care facilities are safe places for individuals since it is always their last

resort. I envisage a society where patients get the best healthcare outcomes in organized

healthcare systems, at the friendliest rates.

Part 2: Contacts

Having good contacts is an essential aspect for effective career growth. Having contacts

will enable me to advance my career, have access to opportunities, services, share challenges,

and develop new perspectives and ideas to help me in my roles. Some of the helpful contacts

who would be useful as I pursue my career would include health service managers, human

resource personnel, doctors, health IT experts, department heads, accountants, and quality and

standards officers. All these different contacts would be beneficial in my role as a Healthcare

manager since I will work with some of the people in the future. It is therefore important for me

to understand how they function, their involvement in my work environment, and ensure that I

can reach them whenever there is need.

Putting into context, having the contact of a health services manager would be beneficial

in my career. This is because a health service manager will provide useful insights and clarity of

nefarious aspects of healthcare delivery. I will be able to ask them questions during critical times

and even involve a health service manager as a consultant. Healthcare management is about

streamlining service delivery in healthcare institutions. An accountant will therefore be a good

contact since I will be working with them at one point in the future. I would be able to consult an

accountant in case of challenges and also learn about how they function.

An accountant would provide useful guidance in resolving stalemates between myself

and the finance department. Another important contact to pay the most attention on is a

healthcare IT expert Since effective Healthcare systems are based on an organization’s vital IT

systems, utilization of healthcare informatics, and record keeping. Such a contact will therefore

be useful. A doctor would be a helpful contact to have since they are till you work with patients

and such a professional would be in the best position to provide feedback about necessary

improvement, strategies and effective service delivery plans.

Part 3: Social Media Platforms

I would utilize various social media platforms to make personal contacts that could be

helpful in the pursuit of my career. The major platforms that I would use include Facebook,

Instagram and LinkedIn. These are currently the commonly used platforms that have various

functionalities that would suit my needs. The platforms have a number of pages as well as

personalized profiles for various businesses and individuals from the different career types that

would be useful for me. LinkedIn is perceived as a formal social media site that is mainly used

by companies, businesses and professionals. The platform is useful for professional connections

since individuals can follow each other’s profiles and pages. The site enables direct messaging as

well as tracking progress and broadcasting events.

Facebook is another popular social media site that is used by most people. Most

organizations and professionals connect with people through their pages on Facebook. The

platform is suitable because it will enable me to engage in discussions, plan video panel

meetings, and learn about job opportunities. It is also an effective learning platform where I can

get involved in conversations and ask questions regarding professional matters. It also offers

direct messaging functionalities where I can ask questions and contact professionals, I am

interested in. Instagram is also useful since it enables one to follow individual profiles and

business pages. Instagram is informative and enables the viewing of short videos. By following

various professional pages and profiles, I can effectively network, make enquiries and connect

with useful professionals who will help in furthering my career.



Hospital Administration. (n.d.). Career Paths in Healthcare Management: An Overview.


Walshe, K., & Smith, J. (Eds.). (2011). Healthcare management. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

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