For Thesis Writing 11

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Respondent School & Enrollment of Grade 5 students in all Elementary

School in Villareal 1 District

Schools in Villareal 1 District
Name of School No. of Teachers Enrollment
teaching English 5
1. Bangon ES 1
2. Binoongan ES 1 9
3. Cambaguio ES 1 16
4. Canmucat ES 1
5. Canmucat 1 14
Extension ES
6. Conant ES 1 7
7. Igot ES 1 29
8. Inasudlan ES 1 3
9. Lam-awan ES 1
10.Macopa ES 1
11.Mahayag ES 1
12.Malonoy ES 1
13.Nagcaduha ES 1
14.Pacoyoy ES 1 15
15.Pangpang ES 1
16.Patag ES 1 3
17.Polangi ES 1
18.San Fernando ES 1 7
19.San Lorenzo – 1 7
Lawaan ES
20.San Rafael ES 1 20
21.Sta. Rosa ES 1
22.Sto. Nińo ES 1 24
23.Tomabe ES 1
24.Ulayan ES 1
25.Villareal 1 CES 2
1st to 4th Quarter Least Learned Competencies in English 5
(S.Y. 2022-2023) in Villareal 1 District
Quarter Least Learned Skills
1st Compose clear and coherent sentences using
appropriate grammatical structures: subject- verb
agreement, kinds of adjectives; subordinate and
coordinate conjunctions; and adverb of intensity
and frequency
2nd Compose clear and coherent sentences using
appropriate grammatical structures: aspects of
verbs, modals and conjunction

3rd Summarize various text types based on elements

4th Write a feature article
Table of Specifications in English 5
No Competencies Number Percent Number Taxonomy
of of of Items
Hours Time

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzin Evaluating Creating Total



1. Compose
clear and
structures: 3 30% 14 (11-12) (1-10) (13-14) 14
subject-verb 2 10 2
kinds of
; and adverbs
of intensity
2. Compose
clear and
2 20% 9 (15-23) 9
aspects of 9
modals and

3. Summarize
various text
types based 3 30% 13 (26-31) (24) (25) (32-36) 13
on elements 6 1 1 5
4. Write a
article 2 20% 9 (37-40) (41-45) 9
4 5
TOTAL 10 100 45
Test Questions
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and understand each statement. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. Under the table __________ our cat.
a. are b. is c. was d. were
2. Loose and faded _____________ the pants that Maggy is wearing.
a. are b. is c. was d. were
3. Up to the crest of the high wave ____________ the mighty surfer.
a. paddle b.paddled c. paddles d. none of the above
4. A shrimp-catching expedition with bamboos and nets, followed by a
dinner of the cooked catch is alsp available when one visits Donsol. What
kind of adjective is the underlined word?
a. subordinate b. predicate c. proper d.compound
5. The Tubbataha Reef is popular as a diving site in the Philippines because
of its coral walls. What kind of adjective is the underlined word?
a. subordinate b. predicate c. proper d.compound
6. Aside from the carvings on its wooden doors, San Agustin Church has a
Mexican interior that everyone should see. What kind of adjective is the
underlined word?
a. subordinate b. predicate c. proper d.compound
7. I already prepared my modules _______ my notebooks and pens to
make note-taking easier during my classes.
a. as well as b. because c. unless d. even though
8. He felt exhausted today,______ he still found the time to visit his sick
friend in the hospital.
a. or b. but c. and d. so
9. We can give Father a new polo shirt, _______ or we can give him a nice
towel for his birthday.
a. or b. but c. and d. so
10. The mother could not reach his son by phone,______ she dialed the
police to ask for help.
a. or b. but c. and d. so
11. What subordinating conjunction used to express a cause and effect
a. as well as b. because c. unless d. even though
12. Which of the following are the two types of conjunctions.
a. coordinating and investigating
b.classifying and subordinating
c. coordinating and subordinating
d. grouping and subordinating

Directions: Put words in the correct order to make a sentence. You may add
more details to your sentences to make it clear and more coherent.
13. arm, Alita’s, broken, completely, was

14. fight, alone, the, never, Avengers

15. ________ we go? (suggestion)

a. shall b. can c. may d. should
16. _______ you lend me your books? (polite request)
a. shall b. may c. would d. should
17. Connie ________ write her life storty to inspire many. (advise)
a. shall b. can c. may d. should
18. ________ I borrow your books? (permission)
a. shall b. can c. may d. should
19. I ________ visit you more often since my place is just nearby. ( ability)
a. shall b. can c. may d. should
20. Maria _________ on London next year.
a. will be traveling
b. are traveling
c. am traveling
d. was traveling
21. Misagh __________ her favorite you tube video all night long.
a. was watching
b. are watching
c. am watching
d. is watching
22. 59. Samuel ___________ the ball around the court.
a. are dribbling
b. was dribbling
c. am dribbling
d. is dribbling
23. I ____________ about the clouds.
a. is reading b. are reading c. am reading d. was reading
24. What is the significance of summarizing various literary texts?
a. to make the text shorter
b. to make the text difficult to understand
c. to elaborate irrelevant texts
d. to give us the condensed version with complete thought of the text
25. These are the steps in summarizing literary text EXCEPT
a. Read and comprehend the text
b. Identify the main ideas and key points
c. Take down notes the irrelevant ideas
d. Summarize information in your own words
26. It has facts that can be checked and proven.
a. literary/fictional text type
b. factual/non-fictional text type
c. setting
d. mood
27..It is usually a made-up story with characters who maybe like real people
or imagery.
a. literary/fictional text type
b. factual/non-fictional text type
c. setting
d. mood
28. Tells the sequence of events from the beginning, middle, and ending. It
is made up of the problem, important events, and the resolution.
a. characters b. plot c. conflict d. theme
29. Refers to the people, animals, or creature that take part in the action of
the story.
a. characters b. plot c. conflict d. theme
30. The author’s message or central concept about life or human nature
conveyed though the story. It refers to the lesson or moral of the story.
a. characters b. plot c. conflict d. theme
31. The main problem to be solved in the story. The struggle that the
characters are involved.
a. characters b. plot c. conflict d. theme

Directions: Analyze the story given below. Identify the elements of the
literary text. Write your answer on the space provided.
One Moment at Recess
By Grace S. Ponce
It was 10:00 in the morning at Mabuhay Elementary School. It’s time to
take a snack, it was recess time. Pupils are line up in waiting for their turns
to go inside the canteen. Out of the crowed, Joselito seems down at the
bench just looking around the kids eating and some are playing. He had no
money to buy something because his father did not receive his salary yet.
His mother told him to have a heavy breakfast for him to be full until
lunchtime. While waiting for the time to pass by, he suddenly saw fifty
pesos on the ground. He said to himself, “If I spend this money, I will be
able to have lots to eat for recess. “But he knows that it is not the right thing
to do. So, he goes to their classroom and asks for help from his adviser to
find the owner of that money. It’s so happens that one of his classmates was
crying at the corner of their classroom because she lost her money. Joselito
asks Irene how much she lost. “ It’s fifty pesos”, Said Irene. Joselito gives
the fifty pesos that he saw to Irene and said,” I think it’s yours.” Irene was so
thankful to Joselito. As a form of her appreciation, she told Joselito to go to
the canteen with her and they shared snacks for recess. Joselito was grateful
that because of his honesty, he was able to enjoy his recess time.

32. Characters:
33. Setting:
34. Conflict:
35. Resolution:
36. Theme:

37. It draws summarizes your article and helps the reader remember the
story. Make sure that you end your article the way you started and not just as
if you just quickly stopped writing.
a. title b. byline c. body or nub head d. conclusion
38. This shows the author’s name and sometimes his/her affiliation (if
he/She is an in-house writer or a contributor. This appears below the
headline or at the end of the article.
a. title b. byline c. body or nub head d. conclusion
39. It must cover the whole idea of your article and must catch the attention
of your target readers. This is also known as the headline or the head of the
a. title b. byline c. body or nub head d. conclusion
40. This is the presentation of details. This is the part where your target
readers get what they want tobread in your article.
a. title b. byline c. body or nub head d. conclusion
41-45. Directions: Compose a 2-paragraph feature article on this topic. Write
your article on the box provided.

Topic: Climate Change

Scanned Map of Villareal, Samar

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