Discover What Is Missing From Your Dataset

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Discover what is missing from your dataset

0:01 - 5:55

I've often found that stepping away from a challenging project and taking a break helps me find new
perspectives on my work. I like to get a can of seltzer from the fridge, take a walk and reflect on what I
know and what I don't know about the project I'm working on. The EDA discovering process requires a
similar shift in perspective. After I perform an initial discovering of a data set, I've usually learned
enough about the project to make a hypothesis based on that data. A hypothesis is a theory or an
explanation based on evidence that is not yet proved true. Data professionals often use hypotheses as a
starting point for continued investigation or testing. Once I form my hypothesis, I'm in a better position
to discover more about the data and achieve my ultimate goal: telling a story. So far in this course we've
discussed how to begin the discovering practice of EDA. You learned how to examine data sources, data
formats and data types. You've considered column header information and averages and you've made
some initial visualizations to represent your data. Use Python to determine the size and scope of the
data set and learn when you need to ask the owner of the data, clarifying questions. After you've made
sense of the raw data, you're ready for the next step of the discovering process, drafting a list of
questions and forming hypothesis. In this video you'll learn how to ask meaningful questions about the
goal you've outlined in the pace workflow to better understand what is missing from your data set and
what you still need to find out. One way I like to do this is by breaking the original problem into smaller
chunks. Some questions you might ask include how can I break this data into smaller groups so I can
understand it better? How can I prove my hypothesis or, in its current form, can this data give me the
answers I need? Let's consider these questions in context. For example, imagine you work as a data
analyst for an international airline and you need to determine whether lowering the prices of tickets will
attract more customers in certain days of the week. To solve this problem, you might ask which months
have the most passenger traffic, which weeks, dates or known holidays have the highest number of
passengers? When are tickets typically purchased? Then you form your hypothesis. In this case your
hypothesis might be: I predict that Tuesdays and Wednesdays of a normal business week have the
fewest number of passengers and flights. So if the airline lowers prices for Tuesdays and Wednesdays
during or on holiday weeks then they will sell more tickets. Eventually, you would test your hypothesis
by analyzing the data to understand whether the airline would attract more customers by lowering the
prices on those specific flights. The purpose of asking questions and forming a hypothesis is to better
understand what you want to learn from the data and what the results of your testing might show. Later
when you're performing other practices of EDA, you can refer to these questions and your hypothesis to
determine whether you've supported or refuted your original theory. To answer the questions and test
the hypothesis you or your team formed you will need a plan. For instance, you might need to contact
the subject matter expert who owns the database or is more familiar with the data source or you may
need to do your own research. In other words leave no stone unturned. It's an old saying about an
ancient Greek legend and it means to search everything you can to think of to find what you're looking
for. If you discover that your search for answers only brings more questions, that's a good thing! You're
eliminating the possibility of misinterpreting or misrepresenting the data each time you learn more. At
some point you may need to decide you need to organize or alter the data to find the answers to your
questions. For example you may need to regroup entries into months or years rather than days or weeks
or you might want to group customer ages into age ranges to help you understand trends more
effectively. Sometimes combining or splitting data columns will be necessary for creating models to
answer questions. Other times changing date formats or time zones in time bound data may be all that's
required. For example in your work with the international airline you were tasked with finding days to
enact lower ticket prices. So the airline could attract new passengers. Imagine the data you were given
listed ticket prices in US dollars, but the original request was to lower ticket prices for passengers
departing from Europe. One change you would need to make immediately is to convert US dollars to
euros. Making small changes to your data, like formatting the time, changing a unit or converting the
currency is all part of the discovering process. However, with every change you make stay focused on
the problem you're assigned or the plan that you established as part of the pace framework. As we
discussed, every data set is different. Asking questions and forming a hypothesis will take time and
effort but ultimately answering questions and testing your hypotheses will be the way you find the
stories hidden in your data. If you get stuck, it might help to step away from your initial discovering work
and think through your questions and hypotheses again. Any visualization rendered, conversion made,
questions answered or hypothesis tested must be true to that data set story. Who knows? Maybe you'll
find the answer on your walk break and wouldn't that be refreshing.

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