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I.L. #3: Plant vs. Animal Cells (Part I.

Name______________________________ Date__________________Section____

● Drawing utensils such as pencil crayons
● Science notes or notebook
● Laptop with connection to the Internet
● Access to this website:

Objective: You will look at computer models of cells in order to better understand the differences and
similarities between plant and animal cells. You will also begin to gain an understanding of the parts of a

Learning Goals:
1. I can identify important structures and organelles in plant and animal cells.
2. I can compare the structure and function of plant and animal cells.
3. I understand that the various parts of a cell work together in order for the cell to do its job (or
perform its function).

Navigating the site: Cells Alive is an amazing website. It contains more information than we will
ever need to know, so feel free to explore. Tips for finding where you need to be are shown like this,

1. Go to the Cells Alive website.

2. Click on the “Plant/Animal Link”. In red in this screenshot: .

3. Next, select a plant or animal cell animation and begin following the directions found
4. This work is to be completed by hand.

Part A: Animal Cell Model

Navigation: From the main page, click on “Plant/Animal” under “Interactive Cell Models”.
Now, see that huge button that says, “Start the Animation?” Click on it! Once you have, select
“Animal Cell.” Now you are ready to complete this section.

Task: Create a section in your notes labeled, “Animal Cell”. Draw each organelle in an oval
shaped animal cell, label the organelle and briefly describe its function. Answer any other
questions in your notebook.. It is recommended that you use a different color for each

1. Sketch and label a mitochondria in your animal cell.What does the mitochondria do?
2. Sketch and label a nucleus in your cell. What is stored in the nucleus?

Unit 1: Cellular Biology SNCO8 2023-2024

I.L. #3: Plant vs. Animal Cells (Part I.)
Name______________________________ Date__________________Section____

3. The nucleus contains another, smaller organelle, called the nucleolus. Add a nucleolus to
your cell’s nucleus. What is the function of the nucleolus?
4. What is the difference between the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the rough
ER? Sketch and label a smooth and rough ER in your animal cell.
5. If you haven’t already, add ribosomes to your rough ER? What do ribosomes produce?
What organelle produces ribosomes?
6. Add a golgi body (or golgi apparatus) to the cell you are drawing. What is the main
function of the golgi body?
7. Label your cell’s cell membrane. What is the function of the cell membrane?
8. Label the cytosol and the cytoplasm.
9. Lastly, what is a lysosome’s function? Add a few lysosomes to your cell. Be sure to clearly
label them.

Part B: Plant Cell Model

Navigation: From the main page, click on “Plant/Animal” under “Interactive Cell Models”.
Now, see that huge button that says, “Start the Animation?” Click on it! Once you have, select
“Plant Cell.” Now you are ready to complete this section.

Task: Draw a large rectangular shape that will serve as your plant cell. When drawing the
following organelles in your plant cell, it is recommended that you use a different colour for
each. Your answers to the questions about each organelle should be collected in your notes.

1. Plant cells are very similar to animal cells. Draw and label the following organelles in
your plant cell: nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria, golgi body, rough and smooth
ER, ribosomes, cytoplasm, lysosome and cell membrane.
2. Add a cell wall to your cell. Why is the purpose of the cell wall?
3. Draw and label several green chloroplasts in your plant cell.What does the
chloroplast contain?
4. What important energy capturing process occurs in the chloroplast? What are the
products of this process?
5. Draw a large central vacuole in your plant cell.What is the purpose of the large
central vacuole?
6. How do plant cell vacuoles differ from animal cell vacuoles? Draw and label a vacuole in
your plant cell.

Part C: Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

1. What are the key differences between plant and animal cells?
2. What do plant and animal cells have in common?

Extension: List and describe any organelles or cell structures that are found in animal cells but
not in plant cells?

Unit 1: Cellular Biology SNCO8 2023-2024

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