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little money or few money

“A little money” is correct, but “few” is not. Money is a collective

noun (like sand, dirt, sugar) as opposed to “dollars” or coins” or
25-cent pieces” or “grains of sand”; the adjective “few” is only used
when the noun modified can be specifically enumerated (e.g., two
dollars, 73 dollars, 541 dollars, etc.).18 may. 2021

Which one is correct, “I need a few money” or “I need a little ...

stand your ground meaning

stand one's ground

1. 1.
not retreat or lose one's advantage in the face of opposition.
"you will be able to hold your ground and resist the enemy's attack"
Similar: stand firm, be firm, make a stand, be resolute, insist, be determined, show determination,
hold on, hold out, be emphatic, not take no for an answer, brook no refusal, stick to one's guns
Antónimo: give up
2. 2.
denoting a law or legal principle that permits a person to use deadly force in self-
defense without first trying to retreat.

low-hanging fruit meaning

1. a thing or person that can be won, obtained, or persuaded with little effort.
"we know mining our own customer base is low-hanging fruit"
something that is easy to obtain, achieve, or take advantage of.
low-hanging fruit
something that is easy to obtain, achieve, or take advantage of:

The easy changes have all been made. All the low-hanging fruit has
been picked.

When cutting costs, many companies start with the low-

hanging fruit: their ad budgets.
Fewer examples

 For the beauty-care industry, the teen demographic is a new category for
them - low-hanging fruit.
 I'm a great believer in picking low-hanging fruit. Start with what's easy,
and go higher later.
 This legislation is some of the low-hanging fruit - the issues that we
can agree upon across parties and regions.
low-hanging fruit | BUSINESS ENGLISH

low-hanging fruit
noun [ U ]



something that can be achieved very easily:

At a time when companies all want to seem green, packaging is a low-

hanging fruit that shouldn't be underestimated.




low-hanging fruit




low-involvement product

put something on
phrasal verb with put verb


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to make a device operate, or to cause a device to play something, such as a CD or DVD, by pressing a switch:

Could you put the light on?

Do you mind if I put the television/some music on?

Don't forget to put the brake on.

Fewer examples

 I put the radio on while I prepared the meal.

 I put the oven on to heat up while I prepared the mixture.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases


to cover part of the body with clothes, shoes, make-up, or something similar:

Put your shoes on - we're going out.

He put on his jacket.

She puts face cream on every night.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases


to pretend to have a particular feeling or way of behaving that is not real or natural to you:

Why are you putting on that silly voice?

There's no need to put on that injured expression - you know you're in the wrong.

I can't tell whether he's really upset, or if he's just putting it on.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases


mainly UK

to produce or provide something, especially for the good of other people or for a special purpose:

She put on a wonderful meal for us.

They've put on a late-night bus service for students.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases



If people or animals put weight on, they become heavier:

I'd expected to put weight on when I gave up smoking, but I didn't.

He's put on ten pounds in the last month.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

put someone on
phrasal verb with put verb


/pʊt/ US

present participle putting | past tense and past participle put

mainly US informal (UK usually have sb on)

to try to persuade someone that something is true when it is not, usually as a joke:

She said she was planning to give her house to a charity for the homeless but I thought she was putting me on.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

put someone on something

phrasal verb with put verb


/pʊt/ US


present participle putting | past tense and past participle put

to tell someone to start taking a particular medicine or eating particular foods:

Doctors put her on antibiotics after discovering an infection.

My coach put me on a high-protein diet.

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases


noun [ C ]

US informal


/ˈpʊt.ɒn/ US


an attempt to deceive someone into believing something that is not true:

She's not really angry - it's just a put-on.



SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

(Definition of put something on from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge

University Press)

put someone on | AMERICAN DICTIONARY

put someone on


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to joke with someone by saying something that is hard for the person to believe:

"I hear Joe’s quit his job." "You’re putting me on!"

put someone on something

phrasal verb with put verb



present participle putting | past tense and past participle put


to order that someone start taking a particular medicine or eating or avoiding certain foods:

Doctors put her on antibiotics after discovering an infection.

He’s putting me on a liquid protein diet.

put on something
phrasal verb with put verb



present participle putting | past tense and past participle put


to move something you wear onto your body:

Put your shoes on.

She put on too much makeup.

put on something
phrasal verb with put verb



present participle putting | past tense and past participle put


to add or increase an amount or action:

I put on weight when I went away to college.

The school puts a lot of emphasis on music and art.

put on something
phrasal verb with put verb



present participle putting | past tense and past participle put


to start a piece of equipment, or to place a recording in a device that will play it:

I put on the brakes too fast, and the car skidded.

I put the heat on, but it will take a minute for the car to warm up.

Put on that Ella Fitzgerald CD.

put on something
phrasal verb with put verb



present participle putting | past tense and past participle put


to do an activity, esp. one that others can watch:

The second graders want to put a play on.

The experience of putting on a campaign was exciting.

put on something/someone
phrasal verb with put verb



present participle putting | past tense and past participle put


to appear to have a feeling or way of behaving that is not real or not natural for you:

I can’t tell whether he’s really upset or if he’s just putting it on.

If you put someone on, you deceive someone, often in a joking way:

He said they wanted me to do a show for the president, and I thought he was putting me on.

(Definition of put someone on from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)


put something on

Where, for example, was the motive for an elaborate scholarly put-on?



The response sparked part two of the put-on: the album itself.



However, the fashion journalist was not favorable of the oft-times not-so-judicious choice of guest judges, the put-
on cattiness of certain contestants, and the lame attempts at "colegiala" accents.



/ˈʌn.də.dɒɡ/ US

the underdog [ S ]
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a person or group of people with less power, money, etc. than

the rest of society

los desamparados, los grupos menos favorecidos

As a politician, her sympathy was always for the underdog in society.Como

política, sus simpatías estaban siempre con los desfavorecidos en la

[ C usually singular ]

in a competition, the person or team considered to be

the weakest and the least likely to win

el que tiene menos posibilidades

(Translation of underdog from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge
University Press)





a weak person who is dominated by someone else, or who is

the loser in a struggle

desfavorecido; desvalido; desamparado

He always likes to help the underdog.

(Translation of underdog from the PASSWORD English–Spanish Dictionary © 2014 K
Dictionaries Ltd)

Linfield were massive underdogs for the tie.



They had been considered underdogs from the start of the season but ended the season
with 105 points, the best in franchise history.



The underdogs performed admirably in group stages.



The greatest number of strikes are among the higher-paid workers and, as always, it is
the underdog, the lower-paid worker, the pensioner, who suffers most of all.

From the

Hansard archive

Though the underdogs, the team scores a series of victories that endear them to the
media, and new fans.



After being the perpetual underdogs of the season, the couple rallied at the end to win and
take home the million dollar grand prize.



Secondly, we need to be speaking on behalf of the underdog, to be using privilege to

defend the under-privileged.

From the

Hansard archive

He is clearly the underdog.


faceted adj (having flat surfaces) facetado adj

-faceted adj as suffix (having the stated number of surfaces) -facético sufijo

Note: Used in combination: e.g., multi-faceted

-faceted adj as suffix, figurative (having the stated number -facético sufijo
of aspects)

Note: Used in combination: e.g., multi-faceted

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations

Inglés Español

facet n (surface of a gemstone) cara nf

faceta nf

The light gleamed through the diamond's facets.

La luz brillaba a través de las caras del diamante.

facet n figurative (aspect of [sth]) faceta nf

aspecto nm

The problem has many facets that need to be addressed individually.

El problema tiene muchas facetas que requieren atención individual.

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Compound Forms:
faceted | facet

Inglés Español

multifaceted, (having many sides) multifacético adj

also UK: multi-faceted adj

polifacético/a adj

The multifaceted gem sparkled in the sunlight.

La gema multifacética brilló en la luz del sol.

multifaceted, figurative (having many aspects) polifacético/a adj

also UK: multi-faceted adj

This is a multifaceted issue with no simple solution.

Este es un asunto polifacético sin una solución simple.

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Compound Forms:
faceted | facet

Inglés Español

multifaceted, (having many sides) multifacético adj

also UK: multi-faceted adj

polifacético/a adj

The multifaceted gem sparkled in the sunlight.

La gema multifacética brilló en la luz del sol.

multifaceted, figurative (having many aspects) polifacético/a adj

also UK: multi-faceted adj

This is a multifaceted issue with no simple solution.

Este es un asunto polifacético sin una solución simple.

polish n (substance for polishing) abrillantador nm

pulidor nm

Max applies polish to his shoes.

polish [sth]⇒ vtr (make shine) pulir⇒, abrillantar⇒ vtr

bruñir⇒ vtr

sacarle brillo a loc verb + prep

Lisa is polishing the table.

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Principal Translations

Inglés Español

Polish adj (of Poland) polaco/a adj

There are some very good Polish breads.

Hay muy buenos panes polacos.

Polish adj (in or of the Polish language) polaco/a adj

The student looked up the word in his Polish dictionary.

El estudiante busco la palabra en el diccionario polaco.

Polish n (language of Poland) polaco nm

Monica is learning Polish.

Mónica está aprendiendo polaco.

the Polish npl (people of Poland) polacos nmpl

The Polish celebrate with a feast on 24th December.

Los polacos celebran el 24 de diciembre con un banquete.

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Locuciones verbales
polish | Polish

Inglés Español

polish [sth] off, informal, figurative (eat all of, liquidarse⇒ v prnl
polish off [sth] vtr phrasal consume) (coloquial)

ventilarse⇒ v prnl

He polished off the whole cake without offering a slice to anyone else.

Se liquidó el pastel completo sin ofrecerle una rebanada a nadie.

(ES, coloquial) ventilarse⇒ v prnl

ventilarse⇒ v prnl

Se ventiló el pastel completo sin ofrecerle una rebanada a nadie.

polish [sth/sb] off, slang (dispose of, completely kill) liquidar⇒ vtr
polish off [sth/sb] vtr
phrasal sep

liquidar a vtr + prep

ⓘ El cambio climático nos liquidará a todos.

exterminar⇒ vtr

exterminar a vtr + prep

ⓘ El cambio climático nos exterminará a todos.

aniquilar⇒ vtr

aniquilar a vtr + prep

ⓘ El cambio climático nos aniquilará a todos.

(AR, coloquial) limpiar⇒ vtr

limpiar a vtr + prep

ⓘ El cambio climático nos limpiará a todos.

polish [sth] up, (clean to a shine) lustrar⇒ vtr

polish up [sth] vtr phrasal

pulir⇒ vtr

sacar brillo loc verb

I'm going to polish my headlights up so they'll look sleek.

Voy a lustrar los faros de mi coche para que se vean brillantes.

polish up [sth], figurative (improve) (figurado) pulir⇒ vtr

polish [sth] up vtr phrasal

He handed his essay to the teacher for him to polish it up.

Le entregó el ensayo a su maestro para que lo puliera.

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Compound Forms:
polish | Polish

Inglés Español

French polish [sth] vtr (treat furniture with French polish) barnizar⇒ vtr

pulir⇒ vtr

furniture polish n (product: shines wood) lustramuebles nm inv

Modern furniture polishes contain silicon, and should not be used on antique furniture.

Los lustramuebles modernos contienen silicona y no deberían usarse en muebles antiguos.

cera para madera nf + loc prep

Las ceras para madera modernas contienen silicona y no deberían usarse en muebles
nail polish, (cosmetics: lacquer for nails) esmalte nm
UK: nail varnish n

pintaúñas nm inv

esmalte de uñas nm + loc adj

pintura de uñas nf + loc adj

My sister has at least ten different colors of nail polish.

Mi hermana tiene, al menos, diez colores diferentes de esmalte.

nail polish remover, (solvent for removing nail polish) acetona nf

also UK: nail varnish
remover n

quitaesmalte nm

quitaesmaltes nm inv

(CO) removedor nm

shoe polish n (wax for making footwear shiny) betún nm

My shoes are dirty and I don't have any shoe polish.

Mis zapatos están sucios y no tengo betún.

crema de zapatos grupo nom

Mis zapatos están sucios y no tengo crema de zapatos.

(calzado) pomada nf

Mis zapatos están sucios y no tengo pomada.

(MX, coloquial) grasa nf

Note: Grasa es de uso popular.

Mis zapatos están sucios y no tengo grasa.

spit and polish n informal (grooming) limpieza nf

The young recruit was required to give his uniform a spit and polish daily.

Al recluta le exigían hacerle una limpieza a su uniforme todos los días.

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Locuciones verbales
polish | Polish

Inglés Español

polish [sth] off, informal, figurative (eat all of, liquidarse⇒ v prnl
polish off [sth] vtr phrasal consume) (coloquial)

ventilarse⇒ v prnl

He polished off the whole cake without offering a slice to anyone else.

Se liquidó el pastel completo sin ofrecerle una rebanada a nadie.

(ES, coloquial) ventilarse⇒ v prnl

ventilarse⇒ v prnl

Se ventiló el pastel completo sin ofrecerle una rebanada a nadie.

polish [sth/sb] off, slang (dispose of, completely kill) liquidar⇒ vtr
polish off [sth/sb] vtr
phrasal sep

liquidar a vtr + prep

ⓘ El cambio climático nos liquidará a todos.

exterminar⇒ vtr

exterminar a vtr + prep

ⓘ El cambio climático nos exterminará a todos.

aniquilar⇒ vtr

aniquilar a vtr + prep

ⓘ El cambio climático nos aniquilará a todos.

(AR, coloquial) limpiar⇒ vtr

limpiar a vtr + prep

ⓘ El cambio climático nos limpiará a todos.

polish [sth] up, (clean to a shine) lustrar⇒ vtr

polish up [sth] vtr phrasal

pulir⇒ vtr

sacar brillo loc verb

I'm going to polish my headlights up so they'll look sleek.

Voy a lustrar los faros de mi coche para que se vean brillantes.

polish up [sth], figurative (improve) (figurado) pulir⇒ vtr

polish [sth] up vtr phrasal

He handed his essay to the teacher for him to polish it up.

Le entregó el ensayo a su maestro para que lo puliera.

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Compound Forms:
polish | Polish

Inglés Español

French polish [sth] vtr (treat furniture with French polish) barnizar⇒ vtr

pulir⇒ vtr

furniture polish n (product: shines wood) lustramuebles nm inv

Modern furniture polishes contain silicon, and should not be used on antique furniture.

Los lustramuebles modernos contienen silicona y no deberían usarse en muebles antiguos.

cera para madera nf + loc prep

Las ceras para madera modernas contienen silicona y no deberían usarse en muebles
nail polish, (cosmetics: lacquer for nails) esmalte nm
UK: nail varnish n

pintaúñas nm inv

esmalte de uñas nm + loc adj

pintura de uñas nf + loc adj

My sister has at least ten different colors of nail polish.

Mi hermana tiene, al menos, diez colores diferentes de esmalte.

nail polish remover, (solvent for removing nail polish) acetona nf

also UK: nail varnish
remover n

quitaesmalte nm

quitaesmaltes nm inv

(CO) removedor nm

shoe polish n (wax for making footwear shiny) betún nm

My shoes are dirty and I don't have any shoe polish.

Mis zapatos están sucios y no tengo betún.

crema de zapatos grupo nom

Mis zapatos están sucios y no tengo crema de zapatos.

(calzado) pomada nf

Mis zapatos están sucios y no tengo pomada.

(MX, coloquial) grasa nf

Note: Grasa es de uso popular.

Mis zapatos están sucios y no tengo grasa.

spit and polish n informal (grooming) limpieza nf

The young recruit was required to give his uniform a spit and polish daily.

Al recluta le exigían hacerle una limpieza a su uniforme todos los días.
slope n (ground with an incline) cuesta nf

pendiente nf

inclinación nf

The ball rolled away, down the slope.

La bola se fue rodando por la cuesta.

slope n (incline) ladera nf

The slope of this hill is steep.

La ladera de esta colina es empinada.

slope n (skiing: piste) pista de esquí nf + loc adj

Janet strapped on her skis and set off down the slope.

Janet se puso los esquíes y se deslizó por la pista de esquí.

slope⇒ vi (incline, go up or down) (hacia subir⇒, ascender⇒ vi


(hacia abajo) bajar⇒, descender⇒ vi

The land sloped gently away from the house.

El terreno subía levemente lejos de la casa.

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Additional Translations

Inglés Español

slope n (maths: graph line inclination) pendiente nf

The graph shows a steep slope.

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Locuciones verbales

Inglés Español

slope off vi UK, informal (sneak away, leave escabullirse⇒ v prnl

phrasal furtively)

ⓘ Voy a distraerlos para que ustedes puedan escabullirse por la


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Compound Forms:

Inglés Español

downslope, (relating to a downward slope) en bajada loc adj

down-slope adj

downslope, (at, toward the lower part of a en bajada loc adv

down-slope adv slope)

gentle slope n (gradual incline) pendiente suave nf

With the arthritis in my knee, walking down even a very gentle slope
is painful.

ⓘ La colina es de pendiente suave por la cara norte.

glide slope, (aircraft's landing path) senda de planeo nf + loc adj
glide path n

nursery slope n (ski piste for learners) (esquí) pista para principiantes nf + loc

scree slope n (hillside with loose rocks) cuesta con rocas sueltas grupo

ski slope n (snow-covered hill at ski resort) pista de esquí nf + loc adj

The steepest ski slope in the world is thought to be in Switzerland.

Dicen que la pista de esquí más empinada del mundo está en Suiza.

ski slope, (artificial hill for skiing) pista de esquí artificial nf + loc
dry ski slope n adj

Synthetic matting is used for the surface of these ski slopes.

Usan un suelo sintético para esta pista de esquí artificial.

slippery slope n figurative, informal ([sth] that will callejón sin salida loc nom m
inevitably end badly) (figurado)

(figurado) suelo resbaladizo, terreno

resbaladizo nm + adj

ⓘ Estamos frente a un callejón sin salida, hagamos lo que hagamos

esto va a terminar mal.

slope away vi + (slant down from a place) descender desde loc verb

tener una pendiente

descendente desde loc verb

slope down vi + (have a downhill slant) tener una cuesta loc verb

De este lado tiene una cuesta muy empinada, mejor bajemos por el
otro lado.

slope up vi + (incline upwards) inclinarse hacia arriba loc verb


(pendiente) ir hacia arriba loc verb

steep slope n (sharp incline) (de cerro o montaña) pendiente nf

cuesta inclinada nf + adj

ladera inclinada, ladera

empinada nf + adj

cuesta empinada nf + adj

shrink⇒ vi (become smaller) encogerse⇒ v prnl

reducirse⇒ v prnl

contraerse⇒ v prnl

achicarse⇒ v prnl

My jumper has shrunk in the wash.

El suéter se encogió en la lavadora.

shrink [sth]⇒ vtr (make smaller) encoger

reducir⇒ vtr

contraer⇒ vtr

achicar⇒ vtr

The washing machine shrank my jumper.

La lavadora encogió mi suéter.

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Additional Translations

Inglés Español

shrink n slang (psychiatrist) psiquiatra, siquiatra n común

(coloquial, peyorativo) loquero, loquera nm, nf

Sarah is working through some personal problems and sees a shrink

once a week.

Sarah está teniendo problemas personales y ve a un psiquiatra una

vez por semana.

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Locuciones verbales

Inglés Español

shrink away figurative (be reluctant to face) evitar⇒ vtr

from [sth/sb] vi
phrasal + prep

alejarse de v prnl + prep

retroceder ante vi + prep

Note: Ante complemento directo de persona debe usarse la preposición «a».

Paul always shrinks away from confrontation.

shrink back vi (back away) retroceder⇒ vi


recular⇒ vi
The cat shrank back when Ian tried to approach it.

shrink (avoid, retreat from) (informal) achicarse ante v prnl + prep

from [sth] vtr
phrasal insep

(informal) arrugar ante vi + prep

retraerse de v prnl + prep

rehuir⇒ vtr

A good leader never shrinks from a challenging situation.

Un buen líder nunca se achica ante una situación difícil.

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Compound Forms:

Inglés Español

not shrink (face bravely) no acobardarse ante loc verb +

from [sth] v expr prep

no amilanarse ante loc verb +


(AmL) no achicarse ante loc verb +


(deber, responsabilidad...) no rehuir loc verb

Soldiers need to not shrink from their duties even in the heat of

ⓘ Un buen emprendedor no se acobarda ante los grandes desafíos.

Los soldados no deben rehuir sus deberes incluso al calor del


shrink away from figurative (be reluctant to face evitar hacer algo vtr
doing [sth] v expr doing)

negarse a hacer algo v prnl +


no atreverse a hacer algo loc

verb + prep

Amanda shrank away from giving Oliver the bad news.

shrink wrap n (transparent film for wrapping film transparente nm


(Argentina) papel film nm

Usa mucho el papel film para la conservación de los alimentos.

shrink-wrap [sth (food: wrap in transparent foil de polietileno loc nom m

]⇒ vtr film) (Argentina)

(España) film transparente loc nom m

Note: Es anglicismo.

Ponele un foil de polietileno a las presas que sobraron antes de

guardarlas en la heladera.

shrink-wrapped a (packaged in tight plastic) envuelto en plástico loc adj


shrink-wrapped a (software package: ready-made) en caja loc adj


empaquetado adj
plot n (story: of a novel, film, etc.) argumento nm

trama nf

The plot of this film is predictable.

El argumento de esta película es predecible.

plot n (conspiracy) complot nm

conspiración nf

Don fears that he is the victim of a plot.

Don teme ser víctima de un complot.

plot n (secret plan) plan nm

Their plot to surprise him for his birthday was ruined when he
overheard them planning the party.

Su plan para sorprenderle por su cumpleaños se arruinó cuando él

les escuchó organizar la fiesta.

plot n (area of land: patch) solar nm

terreno nm

parcela nf

There's a nice plot at the bottom of the garden that I plan to turn
into a vegetable patch.

ⓘ Los Smith están comprando un solar para su nueva casa.

plot, (piece of land: lot) terreno, lote nm

plot of land n

parcela nf
The developer owned five plots on which he planned to build new

El promotor era propietario de cinco terrenos en los cuales planeaba

construir nuevas casas.

plot [sth]⇒ vtr (plan) conspirar⇒ vtr

tramar⇒ vtr

planear⇒ vtr

The opposition is plotting a takeover.

La oposición conspira para tomar el poder.

La oposición trama algo para tomar el poder.

La oposición planea tomar el poder.

plot to do [sth] v (conspire) conspirar para vi + prep


He plotted to get his boss sacked.

Conspiró para que despidiesen a su jefe.

plot [sth] vtr (mark out, measure) trazar⇒ vtr

marcar⇒ vtr

The captain plotted the ship's course on the map.

El capitán trazó el rumbo del barco en el mapa.

El capitán marcó el rumbo del barco en el mapa.

plot [sth] vtr (mark results on graph) trazar⇒ vtr

marcar⇒ vtr

Bonnie plotted the points on a graph.

Bonnie trazó los puntos en el gráfico.

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Additional Translations

Inglés Español

plot n (grave) (cementerio) parcela nf

lote nm

lote nm

Grandpa was buried in the family plot.

El abuelo fue enterrado en la parcela familiar.

El abuelo fue enterrado en el lote familiar.

El abuelo fue enterrado en el terreno familiar.

plot n (graph) gráfico nm

gráfica nf

The plot showed where supply and demand converged.

El gráfico mostraba como la oferta y la demanda convergían.

La gráfica mostraba como la oferta y la demanda convergían.

plot n (floor plan) plano de la planta grupo


planta nf

We will need a plot of the building to calculate the useful area.

Necesitamos un plano de la planta del edificio para calcular el

área útil.
Necesitamos una planta del edificio para calcular el área útil.

plot n (graphic array) trama nf

The salesman showed his managers a colorful plot of the past

quarter's sales.

El vendedor mostró sus gerentes una colorida trama con las

ventas del trimestre anterior.

plot n (chart for ship or plane's course) plano nm

The captain studied the plot carefully and decided to alter the

El capitán estudió el plano cuidadosamente y decidió alterar el


plot [sth], (mark curve on a graph) trazar⇒ vtr

plot [sth] on [sth]⇒ vt

trazar algo en loc verb

marcar⇒ vtr

marcar algo en loc verb

Plot the line on the graph.

Traza la línea en el gráfico.

Marca la línea en el gráfico.

plot [sth], (make graph of an equation) dibujar⇒ vtr

plot [sth] on [sth] vtr

dibujar algo en loc verb

marcar⇒ vtr

marcar algo en loc verb

Plot the solution on the graph.

Dibuja la solución en el gráfico.

Marca la solución en el gráfico.

plot [sth]⇒ vtr (devise the story for: a novel, idear⇒ vtr

The writer plotted his first novel when he was 16.

El escritor ideó su novela cuando tenía 16 años.

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:

Inglés Español

contour plot n (drawing: curves indicate land) líneas de nivel loc nom fpl

Contour plots are used on maps to show the elevation of the land.

the Gunpowder historical (assassination attempt on la Conspiración de la

Plot n James I in 1605) pólvora loc nom f

lose the plot v UK, informal, figurative (go insane) (AR, zafarse un tornillo expr
expr CO, coloquial)

(AR, coloquial) chiflarle el moño expr

(ES, coloquial) perder un tornillo expr

Bill lost the plot when he saw the scratch along the side of his new

A Bill se le zafó un tornillo cuando vio la rayadura en su auto.

plot line n (literature, art, film) trama nf

argumento nm

plot out [sth], (data: put in a graph) dibujar en una gráfica loc
plot [sth] out vtr verb
+ adv

plot out [sth], (map out: a route) trazar una ruta loc verb
plot [sth] out vtr
+ adv

plot out [sth], (outline, draft: a plan, story) trazar un plan loc verb
plot [sth] out vtr
+ adv

plot twist n (fiction: [sth] unexpected) giro inesperado nm + adj

The movie had a very interesting plot twist at the end.

(figurado) otra vuelta de tuerca loc

nom f

ⓘ Cuando ya parece todo resuelto, el autor nos sorprende en el

último capítulo con otra vuelta de tuerca.

scatter plot, (graph showing values as diagrama de dispersión loc

scatter graph n points) (estadística) nom m

The scatter plot shows the highest and lowest temperatures for each
day of the week.

the plot figurative (plot: become more complicarse⇒ v prnl

thickens expr complex)

embrollarse⇒ v prnl

Now there are two claimants to the estate and the plot thickens.

Ahora hay dos personas que reclaman la finca y la trama se


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