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(Mag —- pe + PRACTICE TEST 1 READING TEST Thea Se Yu it eas a variety of tte and anever several erent ypes of eing comprererion ssn. The ene Reng tx las 78 minute “There ae tves pais, and decions ara que foreach pat You. are encouraged '0 answer as many ae questonsaspeeseie wine Une alowed, ‘You mest mark your answers onthe separate anawer thest. Da net rte you" answers a ne eee Pants Directions: word or phase i misting in een of the sentences bol. Four fancwer chicas are given below each sentenea, Slee! the best enewer to ‘compet the sentence. Then mark the eter A, 8, Gof Don yout anawer sheet 101. «ower maintenance in the buling, sence wl be iferrupted fam 2 tos osc on Friday. (A)Notoniy” '"(B) As muchas (©) Duet (Dy Infact. 192. The Mayes Corporation pans... profs by wsing cheaper mateale Inthe Rte, (A)mereasingly (8) inceashg (C)nerbases (0) nereaso 405, Tay pon to.....the careers of thet members by proving more use rate, (AYenhance _(B)enhances _(C)enhansing_(O) enhancement 104, The dotabase for the account infomation shoud be both secure and ready... to employees, (a) pass (Byaconssing —(C)accessdie (0) accessity 108. Though he, was ven a great deal of tie, Ms. Tume’s assistant as... to send outte invtations (other (yet (©) most ()eiterent 108. Because of changes to the company’s security alle, al visors wil be... 8 IO before bain slowest ente th bung (Abreauing “(@)requred "(C) requirement (3 require {187 you wish to reschedde.....appsiniment lease contact us by pone st Issa wo days befor your sshedld vat you (@)yousar (0) your (0 yours 108, Alon held @ meetng to ciscuss the governments Ineeased.....of all franca tenescone by berks, (Arreguate (8) regustiry (0) equating (0) egulsted 409. The agrooment that was reached required Ms. he payment the company, (aay (8) inmaditety fo make 8 large (©) formery {0 Wo of he companys copia, the 44R model (oyfeety 110, The now este ws, andthe ceuxe 227500 mod (ay aaa (B)acdton ——(C) aaa (©) addon 111, The Peters, Organization has repeatedly claimed to be the ‘most ....souree atnfomaton avaiable on US exsnome pol. relate (@)impossnie(C)operable (0) dedutable 412, Jasmine Invastments, srevicusy is len ase ay S0% ths year (a) neming ‘@)wasramed TR feancial is hoping to increase (C)named (0) name 4118, The sim of tis workthop includes helping ess representatives handle usiomer mor atively, @pneea (G)resdng —(C)toneed (0) needs 14, I oaks ike te, comet forth past fw years has caused a Gesine nesles (ajinoense (@)inceases —(C)inerasing (0) oinerease 115. The software upgrade may be purchased by vsting....Kin Sofware Astor n he Park Count ae ao esa ary oan 498, Eventhough Pauts Ehetronice ells ryenue comes tom he tie of Ws, vary (Gare keds of products, mest of ts (hveious (0) variations 417, Ina of tia spacial book fa, we've etranged many bosks that have received good rvews, (Ai preparatory (8) prepare ——(C) preparation (0) prepares 418, Under tne new offee structs, rectors wi.....bein charge of assigning projects to the mombere ef thax departments and ovoreeing ther employees) ‘vera performance, (A) pamary (©) primaray 119, The conference on inimatonal markstng bing hosted by Houston, Ine wil (©)prime (©) prima ost katy bo over 5 PU una wey (O)later (O)atervars 120, The investments success wil be dependent on the....f he eal site ‘market over the net fe oth ()sabiized"(B)stabize —_(C) stable (0) stabaty 124, Please note that ‘axes and shiping ‘we ent to you yesterday (A) guicenes () rights 422. The new customer chose tine forthe upeoinghoicay, are Induded in the invice that (C)eharges (Oconee shipping to ensure that his order arrived in (expected (Blerpedte —(C)expecting__(O)expectes 423, Luly, Mr, Boone was gven the peomton....he mistake he made on the econt por. (attough—_(B)lke (C)espte (0) rogarsiess 124, Employees will be notified about any changes to the schedule at less § ays (Abeteehand —()frety (©) previousy—_(D) past 125, People... are interesteg In career opportunites are ivtod immediately to submitter resumes and cover eter ous (whose ‘Ganon (G)whomaver (0) ho 11, The manager iselstea that recabss of the signed Involces inated in ie package not be. (a behaved ‘@orersted (0) ignored 127, The exaoutve wanted to hea from someone Salnoed ofthe markoing carpalgn succeeding (ayas though) us (since (0) perma shi. Lim about the (0) omer than 428, Eventhough Janet hag werked In courting... she was sl requed to go throught warning for the new empioyees. ajanays ‘)now ‘Chpast (0) before 129, Doctors are requied © atid conferences regulary to keep up wih adie. ' (a conbions — (B)advances (©) prescriplons (0) simblaion 490, no.Mdhae Chin, Yroun for developing efecive work schedules, is ‘etring@ farewol party wil be hold next week (a Unless {e) Sime" (C)Therforo (0) Despite 424, While revening the sppeaons....10 Nim, the personnel managers mah focus wat onthe candsos' experience n sotware design. (ajsubmited"(S)ecgnated(C)alowed (0) asked 482. With he new changos, Condor Bus Lines wil oer more. San Diego to Les angeles (a) sizeable ‘@)realer oe tom (Choraaval (0) monotonous 4133. A spokesperson stated a the press conference that Tyre-Coleman plans to promote isa Fela rom ner... poston a vic posite nance next (Ghpreseni(C)eoncurent (0) si 494, Dr. Armatong Is expeted to ge @ lec on how fo... lInesses cfectvely ana easly (ayshit (respond (C)atquant ——_(0) glagrose 135, Many reporters baltve net the changes in te housing mart wil both stfet the ntsatonal economy and e.....mpoiat (ay poles (@)morepotteal”(C}potieal_(D) pltcaly of saver eafoty cose, 438. Wnen was found that he company was in the actor nado be stu down unde issues wore addressed. (Avoision— (B)undestanding (C)penaty (0) agreement 497, Eventhough ne event vas ald at amateur athistes, many. sctvaly ‘av waporience akong por nuppertavel gems (ijeompeted (Bjeanpaiton — (C)competters (0) compete 438. The board stated that ifthe company’s profs dd no.....$20 maion rom: Moly Ledbete Subject Program Director Poston Dear Ne. Laingen, We 80 weting tb... that we have receives your application fr Program Director at Save Kd 1 UALcory —()apey (conte (©) sehedule ‘Anumber of suitabie consists have shown... In the postion ‘42 (A)nterestod —(@) terest (C)terests (0) intrestng Inceed the response hes ban rather... lhough we have slated reviewing ‘eaunes il ot be posse comps tis press at wo weeks, 143. (A) overuhetming (6) dbatbie (6) presiable (O)ecuces We nope to inirviw candies by the end of the ment. This mes that you vill eceive a response to your appcaton win the ne he weeks, Regards, oly Ledboter Personnel Department ‘Save Kis! | ‘Questions 144-148 rter ta folowing ete. ‘Spencer Abranams 13 Modoc Way Moon MA 43011 ear Me Abrahams, The Chaplin Comedy The performed ts al show forthe summa season last ‘woekend. wes alo tne Ti lat perormance athe Moser ov setae You decide t puchase season Ykets wih us for our next summer season We wil (o)7en $44 (A) Even er (0) nsteas ‘rove you weh full membership tothe Vietea Performing Are Gee, whore ‘wo wil be pertorming in the future. Membership nudes upgraded sean a ‘evans fo special vent, The feciy Is much larger ang Res very goes Sours and tating equipment I ean also accommodate up to 160 pease he coe Perermance, ‘Win beter faites, we hep to offer you beter. 145.(4) magazines forthonext ean, (Grpainings (6) menus (©) perormances The... pamphlet tls you mare about the new venue as well 26 the performances wo wl hing next season, 146.A) encose —(B)ercosure —. (C) enclosed (0) neesing LEO ee ‘Questions 147-149 refer tote following adverisement New Vision Publshors is currently seeking an editor for its fcion wring | aivsion. The dors... dates wil incude working closely with writes to et their works and eversecing the tin subleaon of such works *47.(A) hited (8) mary) observant (O) promtng Sutabeconsietes wi... relevant qualoaton in language, at eat thee 148. (8) possoss (2) possessed (C) possessing (0) have postessed years’ work exserence n_pubtshing, projec! management sks, good Linlezereonal sis anda wiingnss lo Wor lng hus, We oft agesd sane To Taich exparenca ae wal BF Denes soca ‘Stowance, arian vacaton, Teaih ewrance, @ car 1 you are intrested in thi lawatters@newsionbocks ne. 148. (4) 00 (6) admission please contact Leeann Walters at (©)loan (parent ‘Questions 150.452 efecto the folowing ati { Consumers are counting down the hours to the Computer of the Future Eilon... His weekend, 450.(A) wilopen(B)opering _(G) opened (0) have opened ‘The extbtion wil provid a glimpse into th worl ofthe future. New vends in computer technology, ncloing the work's smalstnotetcok computor, wil be | en show. Computer experts wil be attnding the event t> Jemonsvate now ‘model computers which we oul be uking witin ine nex ten years. The ‘xibiton Ww be nested by tle CEO of Computer Unimites, Stephen Scahil, ino spat ab... tends computes a sofware athe cpeneg ‘eremonyfomertow ng s51.(Aytutue ——(B) recent (C)tadtional_«—_(O) store [A few hcky attendees wil algo be glen the chance to test some of the now ‘etware and hardware. This opportunity wl only De ofeed fo $0 patiszans, so intrested partes are urged t ign up ary to avoid duapocinimant Ts kn oF vents normaly wel 452.(A)maintaned (8) planned (C) deserved —_(O)attendedt “Tha exibon starts on Fay evening and wl fish on Susday at 2pm. PART? Direction: nis py you wil ead a seston of este such a8 megane an rewspagerartle, etiam, and advertsements, Esch fet is flowea by several (quasbone, Selec the ost answer for each question and mark tele’ A, 8, C FD on your answer sheet. *Gustions TESA Tar We Tlowing amouneemienl a Sorus Stars its Hing Season Again For ne second me in four yeas the Solus Company plans to exjand is work ‘ore, 2 spokesperson for Sorus, one ofthe nations largest electronic corhpaies, sit {2.2 prose conference n aston tat ke staf complement wud row by Realy 1.200 this year mais Beeatee of an exporental ereaco In hor sales and ders fom ether comparies. ‘The press pres Sorts’ Jo rls to reach 113,380 worse by the end of the yar, hien means ing more an 4500 poole oe the net fw rors ‘ema’ 500 workers are sxpsced fo be ades nthe LA, Cato, anther 1500 In Wha, Kansas cy, an he emainger fom cher reas aout cour. 45, wnat news has been anounced by Sars? (2) The peginnng of tee anual ing season {) They are hig forte festime in four years (C) They re expanding ter wor force again {D} Employes wl be transfered to oer company manufacturing faites. 454, Whathas prompted Sous to take ts actons? (a) Achange in employment au (G) New grocucts tobe manufactured quly (C}A-change in goverment psey egarang the electronic industry (6) A ramate lnsesas in ale of nar procuct ‘Questions 155-157 referto te foowng eal To: 1 ‘Subject: naret bil problem 887100) | nave jut receive a tl Inthe mal stating that | owe $23.00 for ny wireless

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