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“1S POPULISM THREATENING THE LIBERAL WORLD ORDER? Outline Introduction a. Thesis Statement What is populism? What are the values of liberal world order? Shared culture and open borders. Free and Fair trade Free flow of Ideas Global peace and shared society . Democratic Values Factors which have instigated populism in liberal world order? a. Stagnated economic growth of the west i. Burgeoning economic inequalities in the west Rampant poverty and unfettered unemployment Growing influx of refugees and immigrants Fear of alien culture Islamophobia Decline in local industry @oaog Role of Media and Populist sentiments Persistent status quo and corruption scams The elites are profoundly disconnected from what they see as the national interest -serep aos Technological advancements and growing automation leading to fear for jobs Financial crisis of 2008 opened the floodgates of inequalities 1 The intellectual fashion i A crisis of representation, distrust of politicians, growing inequality austerity and the rise of new digital technologies have all divided 4 polarized Western societies Manifestations of rising populism in the world a. America's isolationist policies b. _Brexit and weakened European Union c. Brazil's populist inclination d India’s surging Hindutva ideology e Populist surge in Europe i Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain far right parties and Hungary's Orban . w What does a populist leader do? a. Fear-mongering ° Scapegoating an identity group for the society's ills . Lying and emotional oratory . Grandiose promises . Simplifying complex problems . Folksy posturing and attacking neutral and authentic media sources . Championing the cause against the despised elites c Use of crisis to justify their revolt or Manufacturing of new crisis d. Usage of inflammatory language How the populist forces are threatening the liberal world order: a. Restrictions on free movement of people . Border fencing by America on Mexican border . Visa restrictions on some Muslim countries by America . Curbing immigrants and refugees in Europe b. Trade constrictions and protectionism i.US-China Trade War ii.Britain shunning open trade with the European Union (BREXIT) c. Rising racialism i.White supremacy, Negrophobia and Islamophobia d. Threatens democratic values and airs authoritarianism i.Authoritarianism in Turkey ji, Modi and rise of fascist populist in India ili Jair Bolsonaro's Authoritarianism e. Weakens international institutions and organizations . Fading role of the UN . Dwindling WTO . Tottering European Union . Divided NATO iH Airs Ultra-nationalism . Rising right wing populist parties i i lutions Threatens international agreements and resol / ‘Annexation of Kashmir and violations of UN resolution by India ‘America’s withdrawal from JCPOA, Paris climate deal and INF (Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) Disrupts global peace and security Y_ .. Rise of anarchic world order and arms race. recede in the future? Will the wave of populism Conclusion

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