Computer Class 7

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Laxmipur English Secondary School QN.4. Write “True” or “False”.

Tokha, Kathmandu a. We should look into or alter other computer files or data.
b. ICT is used in keeping patient's records, web based support,
Third - Term Examination-2080
communication and research.
Subject: Computer F.M.:- 40
c. Mark – I was the first general purpose computer.
Class: 7 Time: 1.15 Hrs. P.M.:- 16
d. ICT breaks literacy barriers in communication by the use of phones
Group - A and emails.
QN.1. Answer very short questions. (10) e. ENIAC was the first stored- program computer.
a. Name the first counting or calculating device.
QN.5. Select the best answer. (5)
b. Whose invention led to the development of today's computer? a. William oughtred, an English mathematician invented slide rule in
c. Who is the first female programmer in the history of computer? ___________
d. Which generation of computer we are using in present time? i. 1623 iii. 1622
e. Write any two disadvantages of Multimedia? ii. 1621 iv. 1620
f. What is an Abacus? b. ____________ is the physical components of the ICT.
i. Software iii. Firmware
g. Define ICT.
ii. Hardware iv. None of the above
h. What stands for IC.
c. ___________was the first electronic general-purpose computer.
i. What is Intellectual Property (IP)? i. ENIAC iii. EDSAC
j. List any two cyber crimes. ii.EDVAC iv. None of the above
d. ________________ is a process of making static image look like it is
QN.2. Write the full form of the following (5)
a) ABC b) ENIAC c) EDVAC d) UNIVAC – I e) IBM i. Audio iii. Animation
QN.3. Fill in the blanks with the suitable hints given: (5) ii.Video iv. All of the above
websites Education Napier's Bones 1833 A.D. 1890 A.D. e. In 1979, the us Defense Department named a programming
language ________ in her honour.
a. The tabulating machine was invented by Herman Hollerith in i. PROLOG iii. ADA
ii. FORTAN iv. None of the above
___________ .
b. Charles Babbage made a working model of Analytical Engine in Group – B
____________. QN.6. Answer the following questions
c. The role of ICT in ____________ is to empower the technology into Long Questions. (2x5=10)
present educational activities. a. Explain five applications of ICT? (please explain all five of them in a
d. ICT has played a significant role in _____________ to made the brief.)
industry more competitive. b. Who is regarded as the father of modern computers. Describe all
e. John Napier is mainly remembered for the invention of __________ his inventions.
Best of luck!

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