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Heavy Waite Gaming & Twisted Goblin Armouries



Live Action Role Play Game

Rulebook Version 1.01
Forsaken Lands Rulebook V1.01

Safety 3

Setting & World 9

Character Creation 16

Artisan 20

Bard 25

Elementalist 33

Healer 41

Mystic 47

Ranger 54

Rogue 60

Warrior 65

Gameplay 69

Game Calls 77

Combat 79

Game Team 90

Changelog 92

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Forsaken Lands Rulebook V1.01

General Safety
The safety of all who attend Forsaken Lands LARP events is absolutely paramount. This includes making
sure Forsaken Lands LARP events are a comfortable, fun and inclusive environment for all attendees to role
play within. It is the responsibility of all attendees to make sure they conduct themselves in a manner that
does not cause others any distress or harm. Anyone found acting in a manner deemed unsuitable for
Forsaken Lands LARP will be dealt with by the Forsaken Lands Team.

There is a potential for scenarios at Forsaken Lands LARP to become intense, meaning emotions may be
running high, we ask all attendees to remain aware of others around them at all times and act accordingly
to make the game enjoyable for all. There is also a possibility of scenarios at Forsaken Lands LARP
becoming frightening or distressing, we ask that you keep aware of when things no longer become a game
for both yourself and others around you. Please seek assistance from the Forsaken Lands Team if you notice
in yourself, or anyone around you, things becoming unsafe.

There are specifically designed elements of the game that might provoke negative responses to a character's
race, e.g. the Skorn, if and when engaging with these elements of the game please remember that at all
times it should remain in character, and anyone found to be bringing these elements out of character will be
dealt with accordingly by the Forsaken Lands Team.

At all times please listen out for Safety Calls. These will be used at events to help make sure safety related
incidents are dealt with swiftly and as smoothly as possible;

Weapon Safety
Forsaken Lands utilises LARP safe shields and weapons to allow for fun and realistic combat. All weapons,
including bows and arrows, must undergo a safety check by a member of the Forsaken Lands Team prior to
use at an event. The Forsaken Lands Team will check every item to ensure that they are safe, as safety for all
those who attend Forsaken Lands events is paramount. There are also specific guidelines for armour that
must be adhered to, and that dictate the protection the armour provides during gameplay. If an item is
found to be unsafe, the Forsaken Lands Team will ask the item’s owner to secure it in an out of character
area and subsequently it will not be allowed to be used during the event.

Please note when purchasing items described as LARP safe or equivalent, they might not adhere to
guidelines used by specific LARP systems and therefore may not pass the required checks. If under any
doubt when purchasing items for use at a Forsaken Lands event, contact the Forsaken Lands Team and they
will advise where possible.

The Forsaken Lands Team will use the guidelines in the Weapon Guidelines, Shield Guidelines and Armour
Guidelines subsection as a general rule whether or not an item passes a safety check, but will assess each
item on a case by case basis. Remember at all times we are aiming to make Forsaken Lands LARP a safe and
fun system for all.

It is the responsibility of the individual using any item to check it for damage. Any damaged items should
be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.

In some cases the Forsaken Lands weapons check team may find that the weapon or shield can be fixed on
site and will have some materials on site to help, This will be offered on a case by case basis.

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Weapon Guidelines
Forsaken Lands uses weapon safety guidelines to ensure weapons do not cause actual damage when used.
The guidelines below will not always guarantee a weapon will pass a safety check, as they are conducted on
a case by case basis, but should do in most cases.

It is also important to make sure weapons keep to the aesthetic look of the game, with the intention of
keeping the immersive feel of the game in mind.

It is the responsibility of the individual using the weapon to check it for damage. Any damaged weapons
should be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.

General Weapon Guidelines

A minimum of one centimetre of foam from the core on any striking surface is directed throughout a
number of the guidelines, for larger or heavier weapons this may be increased to account for the potential
damage that could be caused.

Weapons that have large or bulky elements to them, such as hammers, must be in proportions appropriate
to the weapon size. It is advised that for larger weapons these elements are created using a softer foam,
such as furniture foam, or be part hollow to prevent the weapon becoming overly heavy or unwieldy.

Any weapon that is Semi Hollow should also have appropriate padding affixed to the core (ie should have
noodling to the core of the weapon with large hammers that have a hollow hammer head)

Weapon Core Specifications

The core of weapons intended for use at Forsaken Lands must be solid (fibreglass or carbon fibre cores are
recommended) and have minimal flex (it is recommended that a core does not flex more than twenty percent
of the weapon’s length). Some weapons may have an acrylic core, especially curved ones, these will be tested
for durability. Metal or wood cores are not allowed under any circumstances.

Wand Specifications

Wands can be combat or none combat safe , when using a wand that is considered non combat safe it is
important it should be considered as a non combat prop and should not come into contact with anyone
unless it is a gentle touch ie a Healing spell is being used on someone.

Combat safe wands should be constructed similar to a LARP weapon using a core of either fibreglass or
carbon fibre with a minimum of 1cm foam on a striking surface and be between 6inches and 18inches long.

It is also important that with a wand if it is constructed in this way that the striking tip also be safe and
padded and reinforced in case the core slips through the foam.

Small Weapon Specifications

Small weapons are sized between six and eighteen inches and must have a core. A minimum of one
centimetre of foam from the core must be present on any striking surface. Weighting is allowed but must be
securely attached to the core or under the handle and covered with a minimum of one centimetre of foam.
Crossguards should be made of foam or if reinforced they should be covered with a minimum of one
centimetre of foam. Handles must be secured to the weapon and not able to spin, and the pommel of the
weapon must be padded.

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Forsaken Lands Rulebook V1.01

Medium Weapon Specifications

Medium weapons are sized between eighteen and forty-two inches and must have a core. A minimum of
one centimetre of foam from the core must be present on any striking surface. Weighting is allowed but
must be securely attached to the core or under the handle and covered with a minimum of one centimetre of
foam. Crossguards should be made of foam or if reinforced they should be covered with a minimum of one
centimetre of foam. Handles must be secured to the weapon and not able to spin, and the pommel of the
weapon must be padded.

Large Weapon Specifications

Large weapons are sized between forty-two and eighty-four inches and must have a core. A minimum of
one centimetre of foam from the core must be present on any striking surface. Weighting is not allowed.
Crossguards should be made of foam or if reinforced they should be covered with a minimum of one
centimetre of foam. Handles must be secured to the weapon and not able to spin, and the pommel of the
weapon must be padded.

Flail Weapon Specifications

Flail weapons shafts should be constructed with a rigid core on the handle section ie Fibreglass rod or
carbon fibre.

The link of the flail must be constructed with a rigid non elastic material such as leather , cloth , rope or
firm rubber.

The striking surface should be made from foam ie Polyurethane foam such as Ld45 or similar and should
not be too firm as to cause damage and in the event that reinforcement is used should be covered in at least
1cm of foam.

Claw Weapon Specifications

Claws should be constructed with closed cell foam, cast latex or

similar soft material and must not have a core.

Claws should be solid enough to hold their

shape and should also be soft enough to flex when a strike is made. It is advised that when reinforcement is
used material such as
cloth, thin leather, suede or an equivalent material is used.

Each claw must be a minimum of 6 inches long and have enough padding to not feel the users finger or
reinforcement through the foam or similar material

You must not be able to

clench your fist and still have the claws in a striking position whilst wearing them.

Throwing Weapon Specifications

Throwing weapons must be constructed purely of foam, if weighting is used then materials considered
would be leather , cloth or similar material and must have a minimum of 1cm of foam around it.

Throwing Weapons must be made to be safe and never thrown towards peoples faces.

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Forsaken Lands Rulebook V1.01

It is advised that larger throwing weapons are constructed out of softer foam, or be part hollow to prevent
them from being overly heavy or unwieldy. Individuals intending on bringing / creating throwing weapons
larger than half a cubic metre to / for Forsaken Lands should contact the team in advance for guidance.

Arrow Specifications

The arrowhead / tip must not be small enough to breach an eye socket but not exceed 51m and must be
made from soft foam. The shaft must not must not exceed twenty-eight inches and must be made from
either fibreglass or carbon fibre. The fletchings must be securely attached to the shaft and be in either a set
of three or four. The nocks must be securely connected to the shaft and should hold the arrow securely
against the bow string.

Rounded arrow heads or "golf ball style arrow heads" are not allowed as they have been known to ricochet
and become unsafe when doing so.

It is the responsibility of the individual using the arrow to check it for damage such as splinters on the
shaft, fletchings bent out of place, or fragments of debris in the arrowhead. Any damaged arrows should be
secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.

Bow Specifications

Bows must not exceed thirty pounds draw weight and must be made from either wood, fibreglass or carbon
fibre. The bowstring should be in good condition and firmly attached to the bow. Compound bows are not
allowed under any circumstances.

Draw weight should not exceed 30LBS

It is the responsibility of the individual using the bow to check it for damage such as splinters or cracks.
Any damaged bows should be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.

Crossbow Specifications

Crossbows must use a prod driven design or be powered by bungee cord and use a rigid prod and the draw
weight of the crossbow should not exceed 30LBS. Prod driven crossbows are allowed but must not be used
by individuals under the age of eighteen at any point as dictated by the UK Crossbows Act 1987.

Anchors, Pillars and Totems Specifications

Anchors, pillars and totems are utilised in the Forsaken Lands game as an aesthetic and therefore should
also be considered as safe as possible.

When using a totem, pillar or anchor it should be freestanding and not have any sharp points to cause
damage to players , staff or property.

It is recommended that they are constructed and weighted with no more than two kilograms at the bottom
of the anchor, pillar or totem are no taller than forty-two inches from floor to tip. (In the game they are
moveable objects when used by the appropriate class so they need to be safe enough to be moved or
attached to a player's back In some cases.)

It is also recommended that the Totem or Anchor is created safely to ensure that if a person were to fall on
it or over it can minimize the risk of injury , so construction materials such as LD45 Foam and furniture
foam as advised and also with a rigid enough core to free stand with assisted weighting.

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Please note Totems and Anchors are judged on a case by case basis , if you have an idea for a totem that
could fall out of these general guidelines please check with a member of the Forsaken Lands Team before

Other Weapon Specifications

Individuals seeking to use other types of weapons, such as slingshots, catapults, launchers, or siege
weapons, at Forsaken Lands LARP should contact the Forsaken Lands Team for guidance.

Shield Guidelines
Forsaken Lands uses safety guidelines to ensure shields do not cause actual damage when used. The
guidelines below will not always guarantee a shield will pass a safety check, as they are conducted on a case
by case basis, but should do in most cases. In the interests of safety Shield barging is not allowed in the
Forsaken lands larp system.

It is also important to make sure shields keep to the aesthetic look of the game, with the intention of
keeping the immersive feel of the game in mind.

It is the responsibility of the individual using the shield to check it for damage. Any damaged shields
should be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.

General Shield Specifications

Shields are sized between twelve and forty inches and must have a minimum of one centimetre of foam on
any surface. Any decorations on the shield must be made from foam, latex or silicon, and any that exceed an
inch must be flexible. There must be no sharp or metal objects within the construction of the shield. Any
reinforcements, such as reinforcements to the handle, must be covered by a minimum of one centimetre of

Tower Shields

Tower shields can be constructed to a maximum of sixty inches tall by thirty inches wide and must adhere
to the same safety standards as mentioned above.

Pavise / Freestanding Shields

Pavise or freestanding shields must be constructed to the same specifications as tower shields with the
addition of a prod or leg behind the shield, also when the shield is picked up to be carried the prod or leg
should be secure with either a strap or popper loop.

The Prod or leg must be safe enough that if an individual were to fall on them that they would not be
impaled or injured. With this in mind the leg should be constructed in a safe manner and made with a
non-solid material such as a rigid foam, Dowel or conduit covered in a minimum of 2cm of foam.

Other Shield Specifications

Individuals seeking to use other types of shield, at a Forsaken Lands event should contact the Forsaken
Lands Team for guidance.

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Armour Guidelines
Forsaken Lands uses safety guidelines to ensure armour does not cause actual damage when worn. The
guidelines below will not always guarantee armour will pass a safety check, as they are conducted on a case
by case basis, but should do in most cases.

It is also important to make sure armour keeps to the aesthetic look of the game, with the intention of
keeping the immersive feel of the game in mind.

It is the responsibility of the individual using armour to check it for damage. Any damaged armour should
be secured in an out of character area and not used during the event.

Light Armour Specifications

Light armour must be constructed from flexible / semi-flexible materials such as leather or quilted heavy
fabric. The armour must not have any sharp burs, edges or protrusions of any kind. Any studs and rivets on
the armour must be secure.

Heavy Armour Specifications

Heavy armour must be constructed from rigid / reinforced semi-flexible material such as chain or plate or
materials that imitate such properties ie Foam or Poly plastic materials. The armour must not have any
sharp burs, edges or protrusions of any kind. Any studs and rivets on the armour must be secure.

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Forsaken Lands Rulebook V1.01

Setting & World

It has long been believed that in ancient times the Forsaken Lands went by a different name, a name now
lost to the winds. It was said to have once been a place of spectacular beauty and wonder.

What is known however, is that at some point long ago a power hungry sorcerer ravaged the lands, wielding
magic gifted from a creature hidden in the void. Intent on rising above any who would stand in their way,
no matter who they were or where they were from. Even the Gods feared this new found power. They fled,
leaving behind a massacre as the darkness rippled across the lands. The lands became forsaken.

No one knows what became of the sorcerer but as time passed great nations began to form under blood
soaked banners, birthed in the fires of war. The battles were brutal, with celestials scorching the earth,
demons ravaging the land, and the undead howling in the shadows all around.

Many years later, and only several hundred years ago from the present, a champion rose to unite the nations
against the darkness that plagued them. Under the champion's banner the nations began to fight the
darkness back into the void, forming an alliance to bring about peace to the Forsaken Lands. Eventually the
champion was crowned ruler, and the nations ceased their fighting.

But that was several hundred years ago… and the darkness is spreading once again.

Nation Overview
The Forsaken Lands are inhabited by six nations that sit beneath one ruling state;

The Amperitus State

People: Amperiti
Language: Common
Lands: Khaldera

The ruling state of the Forsaken Lands. A bastion of faith, strength, magic, creation and knowledge. It is
within Khaldera that the Khaldras reside, casting their eye over all. It is here that the kinds of decisions are
made that can both raise nations up, and damn them down.

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If by the blessings of the Amperitus Senate a person is allowed to walk the streets of Khaleth, the City of
Light, they will shed a tear in the presence of its overwhelming awe. Every structure is a work of
magnificence, every decoration filled with the light of the Khaldras.

To those that claim to have laid eyes upon the city, many have said it is the paradise they seek at life's end.
No nation holds rank within the Amperitus State, the word of the Khaldras is undeniable. Many tales across
the six nations speak of the end of days and they all vary except for one thing…

The Khaldras will stand with them and face the Forsaken.

The Iblitas Nation

People: Iblitasi
Language: Iblitasi
Lands: Ibi’sul

A nation of spice and sand, the Iblitasi are born under the harsh unforgiving sun in the South West of the
Forsaken Lands. The Iblitasi stalk behind an orange banner of the twin suns. Stories claim that Iblitas is the
richest of the nations, hoarding oceans of gold and sun-kissed treasures. However, those who truly know
the Iblitasi know they do not see wealth when they look upon such things. And, as much as the tales tell of
riches, they also speak of life upon the dunes, surviving the scorching desert sands.

Cities are few and far between in Ibi’sul, but what jewels they are. Towering pillars of sandstone stretching
skyward over brightly coloured bizzares that brim with both opportunity and possibility.

For those who have the nerve, there is life beyond the cities. A nomadic life of risk and splendour. A
mystical place said to be full of creatures of magic and wishes, who’ll offer travellers their wildest dreams
for blood and souls. That and beasts unwilling to share their hunting grounds stalking the dunes and oases.

The Iblitas Nation are led by Shabanu Evalisia T’vas III, Queen of the Sands. Her High Vizir, Nazor keeps a
watchful eye over the goings on across Ibi’sul.

The Iblistasi people hold the following five principles sacred;

Wealth means more than just the coins in your hand.

Chosen family surpasses even that of blood, there is no greater loyalty to be found.

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The gods are beyond our influence, they cannot be bargained with and should be left to their own will.

Honour your own hospitality, and that of others.

The Jormuu Nation

People: Jormuun
Language: Jormuun
Lands: Fjordlands

A nation of hardy people, forged in the cold reaches of the frost bitten mountains in the north east. The
Jormuu respond to the call of the Horn behind a green banner of the neverending serpent. Death is closer to
the Jormuun than any other, for the very landscape they call home is harsh and unforgiving. The Fjordlands
are also fragmented, with the Bleed encroaching each day.

Every icy sunset and frozen sunrise is a blessing from the Serpent for the Jormuun. Defending the
homestead and pushing back the dangers they face has simply become a way of life. The mountains give
birth to the strength of the Jormuun and they harness it within their very souls.

Whether child or elder, all know the threat, all fight it, all die to it, but never will they bow to it. To be
Jormuun is to be the power of stone and storm. Bearing not only your might but those of your kith and kin
beside you.

A typically first into fray nation, there is little regard for lengthy politics among them. As much as they
won't shy away from scrapping with each other, the Jormuun will stand side by side until their last breath if
called upon.

The Jormuu are led by the High Jarl Arne Jotnarson and the High Shaman Ylva Ulfsdottir. Together
providing physical and spiritual prowess.

The Jormuun people hold the following five principles sacred;

Mercy is given once, never twice.

Our shoulders carry the mountains, the mountains carry us.

All are equal in the mouth of the serpent.

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We shall not falter, we shall not tremble, we shall not break.

Hiding is for those who fear the sight of their own blood.

The Minorath Nation

People: Minorathian
Language: Mino
Lands: Myrmora

A strong nation in the South taught from a young age to withstand whatever punishment the Forsaken
Lands may throw at them. The Minorathians form behind a blue banner of the horned bull.

It is not enough to simply face the dangers of the Bleed. One must do so with glory in their hearts, forging
songs of heroism as they go. Inspiring ballads are told and told again at every fire the Minorathians find
themselves at. Whether travelling across Mymora or simply in the presence of a Minorathian, there is
always celebration nearby. Victory against their enemies, no matter how minor or great, is worth the raising
of a glass.

To take steps in the cities of the Minorathian’s is as walking each word of the greatest tales. In the home, in
the markets and in battle they will always find those moments worth telling. From their youngest to the
eldest, the Minorathians know how to live well, bathed in the light of the sun.

A typically brash nation, with a head first mentality often placing them at the spearhead of action. Despite
some divides between individual families, the Minorathian people stand strong together against any who
would threaten their nation.

The Minorathians are led by the mighty King Perdicas II. He is known for both his might and mind.

The Minorathian people hold the following five principles sacred;

Celebrate life at every opportunity, it is for living after all.

Educate your mind and strengthen your body, we will be the last to fade.

History is our beginning, remember it, expand it.

Attack and defend with both weapon and word, but most importantly with your heart.

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Strive for glory! Always!

The Olgari Nation

People: Olgari Striders

Language: Olgaran
Lands: Olgari Plains

A nation of fierce striders whose roars echo across the eastern plains. The Olgari ride behind a purple
banner of the horse. The spirits of great steeds hammer the ground beneath, bringing the thunder of the
spirit realm with them.

No walls are built upon the Olgari Plains, for nothing out paces an Olgarian’s steeds. They would never
gamble the souls of their families on walls and gates. That, and their souls are not made to be caged.

Tradition is everything to the Olgari. Break bread with someone and you are considered their friend, betray
them and there is no archon in any realm that will stop them seeking blood.

When you have travelled the plains, living off the land, aiding those that need it you may be visited by the
spirits of the great steeds. Show them respect and they will lead you to the sprawling tent cities, here you
will see the true hearts of the Olgari Striders

The Olgarian people hold the following five principles sacred;

Pride first.

All who contribute are welcome.

Do not become useless.

The ride across the grey fields should be embraced.

Mourn a Khan's passing without weapons drawn until the rising of the next sun, then crimson shall pour.

The Wyveris Nation

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People: Wyver
Language: Wyvarian
Lands: Wyveria

A proud and stalwart nation found in the north west, seeking to bring order to the chaos that is the
Forsaken Lands. The Wyver stand behind a gold banner of the amphithere. When your heart is tested in the
shadow of the Bleed there are no better people to have at your side.

They will not yield in the face of threat, they will not dishonour their Monarchy. Nor will they allow those
weaker than them to face darkness alone. Strong castles of dark stone and iron clad defenders make sure
their people take another breath each dawn. Nobility is earned and kept through deed and action. The
Wyverns stand side by side as stalwart knights, in life and battle.

The Wyvaran people hold the following five principles sacred;

Prowess is a gift, do not use it sparingly.

Your blood for the Wyvern, the monarch and the nation.

Develop those less able, the Wyveris will thrive.

Bare no second thought for those not worthy.

Hold the Wyvern close and rise again.

The Yo’kiri Nation

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People: Yokan
Language: Yokan
Lands: Yo’kann Uzu

Of all the nations Yo’kiri is often seen as the most peaceful, but when provoked the Yokan have a ferocious
side to them not to be trifled with. The Yokan wait patiently behind a red banner of the blossom. Death is
precious throughout Yo’kann Uzu. It is the eternal reward for a life given by the many petals of the elder

Mentor and student in all manner of living. Pass on what one has learnt. To harbour skillful knowledge is a
sin against the Yokan people. Only death has the power to halt the passing of it. Every blossom is sacred,
prophetic some say. With each falling of the bloom the Yokan are a step closer to the final death. When the
dams of the Bleed burst and oceans of blood flow.

The Yokan people hold the following five principles sacred;

Death has the final say, respect it always.

Respect those who have walked the lands longer than you, honour those who have used the steps wisely.

Prepare for the last blossom, when the petals fall, you will be ready.

Make ready your soul, when steel is needed, forge it from within.

Your weapon is an extension of your soul, treat it as such.

The Bleed

The space between, beyond the boundaries of what is considered civilised society. In the Forsaken Lands
borders shift and change on a daily basis with incursions from the void, land disputes and political trade
offs all playing their part in reshaping them. The bleed is the areas where rule fails to extend, and where
those who do not want to be ruled call home. Some areas become bleed only briefly, perhaps after a
demonic attack in which a spot of land is left barren, and the opportunistic scoundrels who swept in are
cleared out soon after. Other areas have become more renowned for being places that are not so easily
cleared out, and not the kind of place to be finding yourself without good reason.

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Character Creation
All characters start with a base of two total body hit points.

All characters can use any weapons and wear any armour.

Individuals must pick one story skill from the story skill options.

Individuals must pick a class from the Starting Class options. Each class starts with three skills for free.
Each individual starts with ten skill points to spend on their chosen class’ skills.

Story Skills
When creating a character for Forsaken Lands, individuals must pick one story skill to start with. An
individual with a specific idea as to how they envisage their background may speak to the Game Team to
potentially generate a custom background skill.

Skill Description

An individual with this skill must immediately return to life with one body hit point
the first time they die. This can only ever be done once.

Dark Fate Once this has been enacted, they must immediately seek a Referee (Seer) or a member
of the Forsaken Lands Team and inform them they have used this skill.

The individual will then be subject to a dark fate.

Drakar are humans whose lineage has at some point mixed with that of a, or been
interfered with by a, dragon. Drakar can usually be identified by abnormalities such
as markings on their skin, unusual colouring to their eyes, or strange bone structures.
Drakar tend to go one way or the other in society, they are either hailed as individuals
of great power, or shunned as strange folk who should not be trusted. The populous
are often fickle, and are quick to use such abnormalities as an excuse to slander an
individual if they slip up.

The type of dragon the individual is connected to is determined by the Game Team
upon the individual taking this skill.

Drakar An individual with this skill may once a day appropriately role play for ten seconds to
call forth minor draconic powers. For the next minute they are considered to have the

Ten second regeneration.

Immunity to normal effects except for normal obliterate and assassinate.

May add their dragon type to any of their mass, point or strike actions they use.

Unless stated otherwise an individual with this skill loses the ability to call forth
draconic powers if they have any level of Soul Taint.

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Over time an individual with this skill may start to discover more about their lineage.
Faeral are humans whose lineage has at some point mixed with that of a, or been
interfered with by a, creature of the spirit realm. The Faeral can usually be identified
by abnormalities such as markings on their skin, unusual colouring to their eyes, or
strange bone structures. Although not completely shunned, the Faeral often find
themselves having a more difficult time of things, especially those with more
noticeable abnormalities. The Faeral can find it difficult to integrate with anyone but
their own kind, and have rarely been known to hold rank. Many of the Faeral find
themselves pushed out to the edges of society, or to the bleed, but there are still a
number who manage to hold on to jobs within more populated areas, even if those
jobs are not the most sought after or appealing.

An individual with this skill gains two Spirit Links to use when entering the Spirit
Realm. An individual with this skill cannot use these two Spirit Links if they have any
level of Soul Taint.

Over time an individual with this skill may start to discover more about their lineage.
An individual with this skill is haunted by something from their past. When taking
this skill the individual can have a conversation with the Game Team as to what is
haunting them, or leave it to the Game Team. This may manifest in various different
Haunted ways both in play and during downtime, with positive and negative results.

If an individual with this skill is the successful target of an action with a fear effect,
they may immediately point and fear someone within ten feet of them.
An individual with this skill starts with rank level two. The individual is considered
to be a Lord / Lady (of Noble Family).

Noble Lineage Unless stated otherwise an individual with this skill loses all rank if they finish an
event with any level of Soul Taint.

An individual with this skill may find themselves having an easier time gaining rank.
Mythri are humans whose lineage has at some point mixed with that of a, or been
interfered with by a, creature of the celestial realm. Mythri can usually be identified
by abnormalities such as markings on their skin, unusual colouring to their eyes, or
strange bone structures. Although not completely shunned, the Mythri often find
themselves having a more difficult time of things, especially those with more
noticeable abnormalities. The Mythri can find it difficult to integrate with anyone but
their own kind, and have rarely been known to hold rank. Many of the Mythri find
themselves pushed out to the edges of society, or to the bleed, but there are still a
Mythri number who manage to hold on to jobs within more populated areas, even if those
jobs are not the most sought after or appealing.

Once an hour an individual with this skill may ignore a single point of damage that
would be caused by an action with the celestial type. If they do so, they instead take a
normal celestial full cure wounds.

Once an hour an individual with this skill may add the celestial type to one of their

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An individual with this skill is more susceptible to soul taint. An individual with this
skill is more likely to sway towards being celestial if their soul taint becomes high

Over time an individual with this skill may start to discover more about their lineage.
Those of a lowly upbringing find it difficult to gain rank within the Forsaken Lands.
They often struggle to conduct themselves in a manner many of nobility expect.
Although skillful in their own right, they often avoid the higher echelons of society.
This has led them to have a knack for interacting with the lower echelons of society
however. And as many know, the lower echelons have access to far more than meets
the eye.

An individual with this skill is considered to have a contact within one of the major
cities within the Forsaken Lands. This contact may have various uses both in play and
during downtime.

An individual with this skill starts with the following item;

Lowly Upbringing Notebook of the Whispering Streets

Power Rating: Minor
Bound to <Individual>

An individual who is bound to this item may once a day write sixteen words in it. These
sixteen words can be seen by anyone and everyone else who has this item and is bound to it.

Once bound this item can never be unbound, and the individual cannot bind to another of the
same item. If the individual who this item is bound to dies, this item becomes a mundane
blank book.

A bound item may be summoned back to the individual it is bound to with one minute of
appropriate role play.

Skorn are humans whose lineage has at some point mixed with that of a, or been
interfered with by a, creature of the demonic realm. Skorn can usually be identified by
abnormalities such as markings on their skin, unusual colouring to their eyes, or
strange bone structures. Although not completely shunned, the Skorn often find
themselves having a more difficult time of things, especially those with more
noticeable abnormalities. The Skorn can find it difficult to integrate with anyone but
their own kind, and have rarely been known to hold rank. Many of the Skorn find
themselves pushed out to the edges of society, or to the bleed, but there are still a
number who manage to hold on to jobs within more populated areas, even if those
jobs are not the most sought after or appealing.

Once an hour an individual with this skill may ignore a single point of damage that
would be caused by an action with the demonic type. If they do so, they instead take a
normal demonic full cure wounds.

Once an hour an individual with this skill may add the demonic type to one of their

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An individual with this skill is more susceptible to soul taint. An individual with this
skill is more likely to sway towards being demonic if their soul taint becomes high

Over time an individual with this skill may start to discover more about their lineage.

Starting Classes
When creating a character for Forsaken Lands, individuals must pick a starting class. There are eight
starting classes that individuals may pick from;


Each of these classes comes with three free skills as well as a table of skills from which the individual can
purchase further skills from using their initial skill points, and any subsequent skill points they acquire
from attending events.

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Artisan Starting Skills
Artisans automatically receive the following skills;

Trade Roots

An Artisan may select one of the following skills for free;

Apothecary, Arcane Crafter, Chef, Leatherworker, Smith, Tailor or Woodworker.

Professional Focus

At the start of each day, an Artisan may choose one of the professions below (as long as they have the
associated skill) and receive the benefits listed for that day. If the Artisan has three or more of the
associated skills, they may choose two of the professions and receive the benefits listed for that day. If the
Artisan has all seven of the associated skills, they may choose three of the professions and receive the
benefits listed for that day.

Apothecary (Experimental Cocktail)

Once a day an individual with this skill can appropriately role play for one minute to experiment with their
apothecary skills. By doing so the apothecary combines spare supplies, the result of which is random. To
use this skill the individual must speak to a Referee (Seer) and then roll a dice for one of a possible
one-hundred outcomes.

In using this skill the apothecary is committing to being the target of any outcomes that require an
immediate target.

Arcane Crafter (Arcane Conduit)

Once an hour an individual with this skill may appropriately roleplay for thirty seconds whilst focusing on
an arcane item or rune within five feet of them. At the end of the thirty seconds the individual may enact
the effect of the arcane item or rune without expending any duration or charges it has. This skill can only be
used on arcane items or runes with the ‘Conduit’ tag, of up to minor power rating.

Chef (At the Table)

An individual with this skill may discern the level or aura or soul taint of any individuals they have spent at
least two minutes in the presence of whilst both of them are eating. They may do so by saying 'discern aura'
or 'discern soul taint'. The target must be within thirty feet of them, or in the same room as them if indoors,
for the duration. If the individual with this skill wants to do this discreetly, they should seek a Referee

Leatherworker (Eye for the Cut)

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may strike for normal through. Once per day an
individual with this skill may spend thirty seconds of appropriate role play observing a target. Once they
have observed the target, the individual may strike for normal through against them for the next thirty
seconds with a small or medium weapon.

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Smith (Forged Bolstered)

Whenever the individual with this skill spends more than five minutes within thirty feet of a forge, they
gain two temporary body hits points. These temporary body hit points do not stack if the skill is used
multiple times.

If an individual has a temporary body hit point from this skill remaining they may strike for strike down
with a medium or large weapon, or stun with any weapon. If they do so, they immediately lose one
temporary body hit point.

Tailor (Threading the Needle)

The individual gains Sleight of Hand I. An individual with this skill may interact with anything that
requires Sleight of Hand I. An individual with this skill is considered to be very good at sleight of hand.

Woodworker (Hefty Swing)

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may strike for strike down or stun with a medium or
large weapon. Once every thirty minutes an individual with this skill may strike for normal rend with a
medium or large weapon.

Favoured Client

An individual with this skill may declare themselves or a target individual as a favoured client. To do so
they must speak to a Referee (Seer). Unless stated otherwise, the individual with this skill may only have one
favoured client, and swapping this must be declared as part of downtime.

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately roleplay for three second within ten
feet of their chosen favoured client to grant them the one of the following benefits;

Gain one temporary body hit point for the next thirty seconds.

Point for normal blast up to three times within the next thirty seconds. The favoured client must have either
the Spiritually Awakened or Elemental Attunement skill to do this.

Point and normal cure wounds up to two targets within thirty feet of them within the next thirty seconds.
The favoured client must be able to Channel Life in order to do this.

Resist one normal effect of an action taken against them in the next thirty seconds, except for obliterate or

Strike for normal through for the next ten seconds.

Strike for normal strike down with a large weapon up to twice in the next thirty seconds.

Strike for normal stun or rend with a large weapon once in the next thirty seconds.

This is as though the individual with this skill has worked with their favoured client, or on themselves,
numerous times, and knows how to improve their performance. For example whilst smithing for their
favoured client, they have picked up knowledge of how they move in their armour.

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The individual with this skill may gain additional benefits if seeking to create something for their favoured

Artisan Skills
Artisans have the option to purchase the following skills with their skill points, the skill point cost of each
of these skills can be seen at the top of the table;

One Skill Point Two Skill Points Three Skill Points


Arcane Crafter

Basic First Aid First Aid (Replaces Basic First Aid)


Creative Assistance

Efficient Professional Practices



Merchants Guild

Patchwork Repairer Resourceful Repairer (Requires Patchwork Repairer)



Stocked Up Well Supplied (Replaces Stocked Up)




An individual with this skill gains the apothecary skill sheet.

Arcane Crafter

An individual with this skill gains the arcane crafter skill sheet.

Basic First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. Using this skill expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make three first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

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First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for two minutes to restore one body hit
point to a target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has zero body hit points
remaining. Using this skill in either way expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.


An individual with this skill gains the chef skill sheet.

Creative Assistance

Twice a day an individual with this skill may seek assistance whilst working on a petty or minor creation at
their relevant profession station. The individual who assists them must remain within ten feet of them for
the required duration of appropriate role play to make the creation. If they do, there is a one in ten chance
that two creations are made instead of one. If the individual assisting also has the profession that is being
used to create something, the chance is one in eight. To use this skill the individual must speak to a Referee
(Seer) and then roll a dice.

Efficient Professional Practices

An individual with this skill may use their downtime to perform one profession related thing, and one
non-profession related thing that is not overly taxing (speak to the Forsaken Lands Team for advice). For
example, they may create a weapon using their smithing profession, as well as use their knowledge to find
out more about a particular demon.

Once an event an individual with this skill may attempt to enhance the results of something they are
crafting. To do so they must be at their relevant profession station, and speak to a Referee (Seer). There is a
one in ten chance the result of their crafting will be enhanced somehow.


An individual with this skill has a basic knowledge in a specific chosen subject or area. Purchasing this skill
requires a discussion with the Forsaken Lands Team as to which specific subjects or areas can be chosen.
This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.


An individual with this skill gains the leatherworker skill sheet.

Merchants Guild

An individual with this skill is considered to have contacts in the Merchants Guild. This can benefit the
individual in a number of ways. These include things such as maybe being able to borrow items from them,
perhaps having first refusal on an item they are selling, or possibly having them seek out a particular item.

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The Merchants Guild can offer various different things, and will barter for anything from items to favours.

Patchwork Repairer

An individual with this skill may spend one minute of uninterrupted appropriate roleplay to restore a single
armour hit point to non-natural or magical armour or repair a destroyed shield. Using this skill expends a
single repair patch.

An individual with this skill can make five repair patches a day. Each repair patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. Repair patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Resourceful Repairer

An individual with this skill may spend one minutes of uninterrupted appropriate roleplay to restore a
single armour hit point to non-natural or magical armour or repair a destroyed shield. This skill may only
be used once every ten minutes.


An individual with this skill may speak to a Referee (Seer) at the end of a day to receive a minimum of one,
but potentially more, items as though they have scavenged them from the local area. The individual may
state that they are searching for a particular type of item, increasing their chances of finding that type of
item but reducing the potential to find more than one item. An individual with this skill also has a chance
to gain items during downtime.


An individual with this skill gains the smith skill sheet.

Stocked Up

An individual with this skill is considered to have brought enough supplies with them to craft three
additional petty creations and one additional minor creation across all of their professions.

For example if the individual is both an apothecary and a smith, they could create one additional petty
smith creation, one additional petty apothecary creation and one additional minor smith creation. The
individual could instead choose to create two additional petty smith creations and one additional minor
smith creation.

Well Supplied

An individual with this skill is considered to have brought enough supplies with them to craft three
additional petty creations and one additional minor creation across each of their professions.


An individual with this skill gains the tailor skill sheet.


An individual with this skill gains the woodworker skill sheet.

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Bard Starting Skills
Bards automatically receive the following skills;


Five times a day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for at least one minute to give up
to three targets a benefit from a Story. The targets must be within thirty feet of them, and focusing on them,
for the duration. The appropriate role play must be related to the Story that the individual is using.

An individual with this skill starts with the following Stories;

Account of the Spiralling Mage

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

Three times within the next hour of gaining this benefit, the target may point and normal blast up to three
separate targets in a ten second period. These targets must be within thirty feet of them. During this ten
second period they cannot take any other actions except for those with the deflect / dodge effect.

Act of the Protector

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

Three times within the next hour of gaining this benefit, the target may point and redirect a normal action
taken against a target within ten feet of them.

Tale of the Brave

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

The target is considered to be immune to fear for the next hour after gaining this benefit.

Tale of the Mender

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

Four times within the next hour of gaining this benefit, the target may point and normal cure wound a
target. They may instead choose to use two of these charges to a normal full cure wounds.

Bardic Flare

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may do one of the following;

Bore to Sleep

Appropriately role play for three seconds and then point and normal sleep a target within ten feet of them.

Quickly Captivate

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Appropriately role play for three seconds and then point and normal enthral a target within thirty feet of

Reaffirm the Horror

Point and normal fear an individual who has been under a normal fear effect that has ended within the last
ten seconds. The individual must appropriately role play for the three seconds following. During which time
they cannot move more than thirty feet away from where they used the action, nor use any actions other
than those with the deflect / dodge effect.


Appropriately role play for three seconds and then point and normal mute a target within thirty feet of

Bardic Flourish

Three times a day an individual with this skill may do one of the following;

Talk Into

Appropriately role play for five minutes and then point and normal control a target who has been within ten
feet of them for the duration. Use of this requires the individual to be able to talk throughout the duration
of the appropriate role play.

Play Dead

Appropriately role play playing dead for up to one minute. During which time, any interaction that would
discern or assess their condition receives the response 'dead'.

Unstoppable Words

Make themselves immune to normal mute for the remainder of the day.

Grab Their Attention

Appropriately role play for three seconds and then mass normal enthral. They may continue to mass normal
enthral every thirty seconds up to three more times. If they choose to use the mass enthral more than once,
at the end of their last enthral, the individual takes a self normal stun.

Bard Skills
Bards have the option to purchase the following skills with their skill points, the skill point cost of each of
these skills can be seen at the top of the table;

One Skill Point Two Skill Points

Act of Resilience Act of Defiance (Requires Act of Resilience)

Act of Virtue Act of Grace (Requires Act of Virtue)

Basic First Aid First Aid (Replaces Basic First Aid)

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Captive Audience Stunning Performance (Requires Captive Audience)

Countering Display

Deceitful Smile

Embellish Presence Eye for Embellishment (Requires Embellish Presence)

Fate Reader

Instil Courage Inspire Courage (Requires Instil Courage)

Knowledge Scholar (Requires Knowledge)

Quick Imitation

Solidarity in Struggle

Stage Fright

Tale of Hardship

Tale of the Lowly Craftsman

Witty Retort Simple Rhetoric Reversal (Replaces Witty Retort)

Act of Resilience

This skill is considered to be a Story.

An individual with this skill is considered to be able to add an ‘Act of Resilience’ to the stories they tell via
the Storyteller skill.

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

Three times within the next hour of gaining this benefit, the target may resist the effect of a normal action
taken against them. This cannot be used against obliterate or assassinate.

Act of Defiance

This skill is considered to be a Story.

An individual with this skill is considered to be able to add an ‘Act of Defiance’ to the stories they tell via
the Storyteller skill.

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

Once within the next hour of gaining this benefit, the target may appropriately role play for three seconds,
after those three seconds they are immune to normal damage and effects for ten seconds. This cannot be
used against obliterate or assassinate.

Act of Virtue

This skill is considered to be a Story.

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An individual with this skill is considered to be able to add an ‘Act of Virtue’ to the stories they tell via the
Storyteller skill.

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

The first time they enter their grace period within the next hour after gaining this benefit, the target
receives a self normal cure wound.

Act of Grace

This skill is considered to be a Story.

An individual with this skill is considered to be able to add an ‘Act of Grace’ to the stories they tell via the
Storyteller skill.

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

The individual’s grace period is extended by two minutes for the next hour. At the end of the hour, the
individual is considered to still have this in place if they are still in their grace period.

Basic First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. Using this skill expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make three first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for two minutes to restore one body hit
point to a target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has zero body hit points
remaining. Using this skill in either way expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Captive Audience

Once an hour an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then mass normal
snare. For the ten seconds following, the individual cannot move more than thirty feet away from where
they used the action. The individual must continue to appropriately role play, and cannot use any actions
other than those with the deflect / dodge effect.

Stunning Performance

Once an hour an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then mass normal
stun. For the ten seconds following, the individual cannot move more than thirty feet away from where they

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used the action. The individual must continue to appropriately role play, and cannot take use actions other
than those with the deflect / dodge effect.

Countering Display

Once every minute an individual with this skill may point and counter a normal point action within thirty
feet of them. The individual must appropriately role play for the three seconds following. During which
time they cannot move more than thirty feet away from where they used the action, nor use any actions
other than those with the deflect / dodge effect.

Deceitful Smile

An individual with this skill may display themselves as a rank above what they actually are, up to level four.
This can also impact downtime results. If this takes the target to rank one or two, the target is considered to
be under a minor effect for purposes of anyone or anything discerning false ranks. If this takes the target to
rank three or four, the target is considered to be under a moderate effect for purposes of anyone or anything
discerning false ranks.

If targeted by a skill that discerns false rank that meets the required power rating, the individual must
respond 'ping' followed by the power rating, then the level of their false rank and real rank. For example,
'Ping. Moderate effect. False rank three. Real rank two.'.

If the false rank is removed in any way, unless stated otherwise it is removed for the remainder of the day.

Once an hour an individual with this skill may point and normal enthral a target within ten feet of them.
Whilst enthralling the target, the individual must appropriately role play deceitfully talking the target into
following them.

Embellish Presence

Twice per day an individual with this skill may spend a minimum of one minute of appropriate role play
embellishing details of themself, or a target individual within thirty feet of them, for the duration. At the
end of the minute, the target individual gains a false aura level up to a maximum of exceptional for the
remainder of the day. This effect can stack with other skills that increase aura levels, or if targeted by this
skill multiple times.

If the target’s aura is increased by this effect to remarkable or exceptional, the target is considered to be
under a minor effect for purposes of anyone or anything discerning false auras. If the target is subject to a
discern minor false aura / auras whilst under this effect, they must respond 'ping' followed by the power
rating, then the level of their original aura and then the level of their false aura. For example, 'Ping. Minor
effect. Originally I had no aura, now I have an exceptional aura.'

Eye for Embellishment

After one minute of meaningful conversation with a target or multiple targets, an individual with this skill
may state 'discern minor false aura and rank'. Any target or targets have any sort of minor false aura or
rank, they must respond appropriately, staying 'ping'followed by the level of their original aura or rank and
then the level of their false aura or rank. For example, 'Ping. Minor effect. Originally I had no aura, now I
have an exceptional aura.'

An individual with this skill may also spend one minute observing a target from a distance of up to thirty
feet, and then seek a Referee (Seer), to learn the same knowledge as above from a distance.

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Individuals targeted by this skill do not know it has been used against them unless stated otherwise.

After discerning a minor false aura, an individual with this skill may spend one minute of appropriate role
play for each level of aura increase, to lower the aura back to its original state. This appropriate role play
should be along the lines of telling other individuals present that the target is a 'charlatan', or calling the
individual out on directly. The individual using this skill may notify a Referee (Seer) in order to attempt to
do this covertly.

Fate Reader

An individual who acquires this skill must have a conversation with the Forsaken Lands Team. This will
determine the possible outcomes of each of the fates they could read based on how they perceive the sixteen

The sixteen fates are as follows;

Beast Bird Blood Book Chalice Chest Eye Feast

Fortress Heart Jester Primordial Reaper Rift Wanderer Wings

Three times a day, an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for at least one minute to read
the fate cards of a willing target, including themselves. The target must be within five feet of them for the
duration of the role play. For the rest of the day the target is then subject to the outcome of the fate which
has been deemed as theirs. This reading must be done in the presence of a Referee (Seer).

Instil Courage

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may point and normal remove fear at a target within
thirty feet of them. The individual must appropriately role play for the three seconds following. During
which time they cannot move more than thirty feet away from where they used the action, nor use any
actions other than those with the deflect / dodge effect.

Inspire Courage

Once every hour an individual with this skill may mass normal remove fear. The individual must
appropriately role play for the three seconds following. During which time they cannot move more than
thirty feet away from where they used the action, nor use any actions other than those with the deflect /
dodge effect.


An individual with this skill has a basic knowledge in a specific chosen subject or area. Purchasing this skill
requires a discussion with the Forsaken Lands Team as to which specific subjects or areas can be chosen.
This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.


An individual with this skill has an advanced knowledge in a specific chosen subject or area. Purchasing
this skill requires a discussion with the Forsaken Lands Team as to which specific subjects or areas can be
chosen. This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.

Quick Imitation

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Once an hour an individual with this skill may copy a single normal point or strike delivered action taken by
an individual within thirty feet of them. The action must be used within the following three seconds of the
original individual using it. This cannot be used to copy the obliterate or assassinate effects.

Solidarity in Struggle

Three times a day, whilst debilitated, an individual with this skill may point and normal resolve a target
within ten feet of them. If they do so, the individual takes a self normal resolve.

Stage Fright

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may point and normal fear at a target within thirty feet
of them. The individual must appropriately role play for the three seconds following. During which time
they cannot move more than thirty feet away from where they used the action, nor use any actions other
than those with the deflect / dodge effect.

Once a day an individual with this skill may mass normal fear. The individual must appropriately role play
for the ten seconds following. During which time they cannot move more than thirty feet away from where
they used the action, nor use any actions other than those with the deflect / dodge effect.

Tale of Hardship

This skill is considered to be a Story.

An individual with this skill is considered to be able to add a ‘Tale of Hardship’ to the stories they tell via
the Storyteller skill.

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

The target takes a normal fortify body. If they are subject to any other actions that have the fortify body
effect, this is removed instantly.

Tale of the Lowly Craftsman

This skill is considered to be a Story.

An individual with this skill is considered to be able to add an ‘Act of Resilience’ to the stories they tell via
the Storyteller skill.

The dictated audience, as per the Storyteller skill, receives the following benefit;

Once within the next hour of gaining this benefit, the target may craft one additional petty creation from
any of their profession skills.

Witty Retort

An individual with this skill may resist a normal enthral once every ten minutes.

Simple Rhetoric Reversal

An individual with this skill may resist a normal enthral once every ten minutes. If they do so, they may
immediately point and normal enthral the individual who tried to enthral them. If the original action they
resisted had no type, they may instead eldritch enthral the individual who tried to enthral them.

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Elementalist Starting Skills
Elementalists automatically receive the following skills;

Elemental Alignment I

When an individual selects this skill they may choose from one of four elemental options. They are then
considered to be aligned to the element they choose, and receive the relevant skill as detailed below;

Elemental Alignment I (Air)

An individual with this skill may add the air type to any action they take that has a blast, repel, strike down
or stun effect.

Three times per day an individual with this skill may propel themselves through the air. Whilst doing so,
they may hold up a yellow displacement tag for up to three seconds. During these three seconds the
individual is considered to be ‘displaced’. Displaced individuals can only be interacted with using skills that
interact with displaced individuals. The individual can move and is considered to be able to see and hear
everything that is going on around them, however cannot interact or be interacted with in any other way. If
displaced in this way, the individual must move at least ten feet. If unable to safely do so, the individual
must end the displacement immediately.

Once per day an individual may command the air around them for thirty seconds. Whilst commanding the
air, they gain two magical armour hit points (stacks with Protective Energy). Also, every three seconds, they
may choose to either strike for normal air through or call mass normal air repel.

Elemental Alignment I (Earth)

An individual with this skill may add the earth type to any action they take that has a blast, repel, strike
down or stun effect.

Three times per day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for three seconds and then
mass normal earth strike down. Within the following ten seconds, the individual with this skill may point
and normal earth blast three times. The three blasts must target an individual who has, or individuals who
have, taken the strikedown effect.

Once per day an individual with this skill may form earth around them for thirty seconds. Whilst the earth
is formed around them, they gain two magical armour hit points (stacks with Protective Energy). Also, every
three seconds, they may choose to either point and normal earth strike down a target within ten feet of
them, or earth deflect a normal action taken against them. This skill does not work against obliterate or
assassinate effects.

Elemental Alignment I (Fire)

An individual with this skill may add the fire type to any action they take that has a blast, repel, strike down
or stun effect.

Three times per day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for three seconds swirling fire
around them. At the end of the three seconds they may mass normal fire blast. For the ten seconds

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following, as long as they remain within five feet of where they appropriately role played, they may point
and normal fire blast three times

Once per day an individual with this skill can wrap themselves in fire for thirty seconds. Whilst wrapped in
fire, they gain two magical armour hit points (stacks with Protective Energy). Also, every three seconds, they
may point and normal fire blast a target within ten feet of them. Up to three times during the thirty seconds
they may mass normal fire blast.

Elemental Alignment I (Water)

An individual with this skill may add the water type to any action they take that has a blast, repel, strike
down or stun effect.

Three times per day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for three seconds calling forth
crashing waves. At the end of the three seconds they may call mass normal water strike down or mass
normal water stun.

Once per day an individual with this skill may call forth the waves around them for thirty seconds. Whilst
the waves are around them, they gain two magical armour hit points (stacks with Protective Energy). Also,
every three seconds, they may mass normal water repel. They may replace repel with stun three times
during the thirty seconds.

Elemental Energy

An individual with this skill may point and normally blast a target within thirty feet of them once every
minute. The type of this action must be an element they are aligned with via the Elemental Alignment skill.

Once a day an individual with this skill may point and normal blast targets within thirty feet of them once
every three seconds for thirty seconds. Whilst doing so they must remain within five feet of where they first
used this feature. The type of this action must be an element they are aligned with via the Elemental
Alignment skill.

Discern Elemental Power I

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds whilst interacting with objects or
areas in order to discern if there is any connection to the elements of up to minor power rating. If there is,
they may gain some insight into what the connection entails.

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for thirty seconds whilst observing a target. If the
target is considered to be a creature from an elemental realm of minor or lower power rating, the individual
may then learn what the creature is called as well as a number of details about the target (seek a Referee
(Seer)). The details the individual learns may be things such as typical immunities, habits, or abilities of the

Elementalist Skills
Elementalists have the option to purchase the following skills with their skill points, the skill point cost of
each of these skills can be seen at the top of the table;

One Skill Point Two Skill Points

Attract Minor Elemental Creature Summon Minor Elemental Creature (Requires Attract Minor Elemental Creature)

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Banish Minor Elemental Creature

Basic First Aid First Aid (Replaces Basic First Aid)

Buff Elemental Creature

Control Minor Elemental Creature

Dampen Elements Absorb Elements (Replaces Dampen Elements)

Draw Forth the Elements

Energise Individual Further Energise Individual (Replaces Energise Individual)

Elemental Totem Bearer Empower Elemental Totem (Required Elemental Totem Bearer)


Message Elemental Realm Primordial Tongue (Required Message Elemental Realm)

Portal Stone Invoker

Protective Energy Protective Elemental Energy (Replaces Protective Energy)

Redirect Elemental Energy

Realm Treader

Thwart and Reflect Elements Negate and Reflect Elements (Replaces Thwart and Reflect Elements)

Attract Minor Elemental Creature

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may point at and normal enthral a target they know to
be an elemental creature of minor power rating or less. If they have the Elemental Alignment relating to the
creature they may continue to point at and normal enthral this creature up to three more times . They must
do so within three seconds of the last enthral ending.

For example an individual with this skill may point and normal enthral a target they know to be a minor fire
elemental. If the individual has the Elemental Alignment (Fire) skill, they may continue to enthral the
creature up to three more times.

There are a variety of ways for an individual with this skill to identify a viable target, or they can be
informed by another individual who is able to discern a viable target.

Summon Minor Elemental Creature

Once a day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for five minutes in order to attempt to
summon a minor elemental creature of a type they are elementally aligned to. The Referee (Seer) will inform
the individual at the time as to if they think the attempt will be successful, and how long it will likely take
before the creature is summoned. The summoned creature, if minor rating or lower, will be under the
control of the individual for a period of time before disappearing back to their relevant realm. More than
one elemental or elementals of a higher power rating may sometimes be summoned instead.

Banish Minor Elemental Creature

Once every hour an individual with this skill may point and normal minor banish a target they know to be
elemental. The type of this action must be an elemental they are aligned to.

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There are a variety of ways for an individual with this skill to identify a viable target, or they can be
informed by another individual who is able to discern a viable target.

Control Minor Elemental Creature

Once every hour an individual with this skill may point and normal minor control a target they know to be
elemental. The type of this action must be an elemental they are aligned to.

There are a variety of ways for an individual with this skill to identify a viable target, or they can be
informed by another individual who is able to discern a viable target.

Basic First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. Using this skill expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make three first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for two minutes to restore one body hit
point to a target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has zero body hit points
remaining. Using this skill in either way expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Buff Elemental Creature

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then
point and normal endurance a target they know to be elemental. If the target is an elemental of a type in
which they are aligned to, they may continue the appropriate role play for another ten seconds and then
point and normal endurance the same target a second time. The type of the endurance / endurances
provided by this skill must be an elemental they are aligned to. The target must be within ten feet of them
for the duration of the appropriate role play.

Dampen Elements

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may resist the effects of a normal action that’s type is
an element they are aligned with via the Elemental Alignment skill.

For example if they are struck with normal fire rend, they can resist the rend effect and just take one point
of fire damage from the strike. This skill does not work against obliterate or assassinate effects.

If an individual with this skill uses a once per day feature of an Elemental Alignment skill, they are immune
to any normal actions with the associated type during its duration.

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For example if an individual with Elemental Alignment (Fire) wraps themselves in fire for thirty seconds,
they are immune to normal fire actions for the duration.

Draw Forth the Elements

Three times per day an individual may use one of the following as long as they have the associated
elemental alignment;

Whirlwind Dash (Requires Elemental Alignment (Air))

The individual may appropriately role play for three seconds and then propel themselves through the air.
Whilst doing so, they may hold up a yellow displacement tag for up to ten seconds. During these ten
seconds the individual is considered to be ‘displaced’. Displaced individuals can only be interacted with
using skills that interact with displaced individuals. The individual can move and is considered to be able to
see and hear everything that is going on around them, however cannot interact or be interacted with in any
other way. If displaced in this way, the individual must move at least thirty feet. If unable to safely do so, the
individual must end the displacement immediately.

Spreading Roots (Requires Elemental Alignment (Earth))

The individual may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then mass normal earth snare. If the
individual remains within five feet of where they originally used this action, and takes no further actions,
they can continue to mass normal snare once every ten seconds for the next minute.

Flaring Embers (Requires Elemental Alignment (Fire))

The individual may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then mass normal fire blast. For the
following minute, the individual may point and normal fire blast any target within thirty feet that has
visibly not moved more than five feet in the last ten seconds. These blasts may only be used every three
seconds. The individual must remain within ten feet of where they originally used the mass normal fire
blast in order to continue using the blasts.

Rushing Stream (Requires Elemental Alignment (Water))

The individual may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then either mass normal water repel or
strike down. The individual may continue to either mass normal water repel or strike down once every three
seconds for the following thirty seconds. The individual must continue to move in a straight line whilst
doing so, if they do not move at least ten feet in a straight line every three seconds, they must immediately
stop using the actions.

Absorb Elements

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may resist the effects of a normal action that’s type is
an element they are aligned with via the Elemental Alignment skill. Immediately after doing so, the
individual takes a normal cure wound with the type being the same as the element they resisted.

For example if they are struck with normal fire rend, they can resist the rend effect and just take one point
of fire damage from the strike. They then immediately take a normal fire cure wound. If they are the target
of a normal fire blast, they can resist the blast, taking no damage and then immediately take a normal fire
cure wound. This skill does not work against obliterate or assassinate effects.

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If an individual with this skill uses a once per day feature of an Elemental Alignment skill, they are immune
to any normal actions with the associated type during its duration (except for obliterate or assassinate). If
they are the target of any action of the associated type during the duration, they immediately take a normal
cure wound with the type being the same as the associated element.

For example if an individual with Elemental Alignment (Fire) wraps themselves in fire for thirty seconds,
they are immune to normal fire actions for the duration. If they are the target of any actions with the fire
type, they immediately take a normal fire cure wound.

Energise Individual

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to empower
target to do one of the following;

If the individual using this skill has Elemental Alignment (Air), the target may call mass normal air repel
once within the next thirty seconds.

If the individual using this skill has Elemental Alignment (Earth), the target may call mass normal earth
strike down once within the next thirty seconds.

If the individual using this skill has Elemental Alignment (Fire), the target may call mass normal fire blast
once within the next thirty seconds.

If the individual using this skill has Elemental Alignment (Water), the target may call mass normal water
stun once within the next thirty seconds.

Unless targeting an individual who has the relevant Elemental Alignment skill, the mass delivery element of
this action must be enacted by raising both arms above the head (targeting everyone within ten feet).

The target can be themselves or an individual who has been within five feet of them for the duration.

Further Energise Individual

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to empower
target to do one of the following;

If the individual using this skill has Elemental Alignment (Air), the target may call mass normal air repel
once every ten seconds for the next thirty seconds.

If the individual using this skill has Elemental Alignment (Earth), the target may call mass normal earth
strike down once every ten seconds for the next thirty seconds.

If the individual using this skill has Elemental Alignment (Fire), the target may call mass normal fire blast
once every ten seconds for the next thirty seconds.

If the individual using this skill has Elemental Alignment (Water), the target may call mass normal water
stun once every ten seconds for the next thirty seconds.

Unless targeting an individual who has the relevant Elemental Alignment skill, the mass delivery element of
this action must be enacted by raising both arms above the head (targeting everyone within ten feet).

The target can be themselves or an individual who has been within five feet of them for the duration.

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Elemental Totem Bearer

Once per day an individual with this skill may attune to an elemental totem of up to moderate power.
Attuning takes one minute of appropriate role play. Attunement is removed upon death or upon one minute
of appropriate role play to unattune. Unless by means which state otherwise, individuals cannot attune to
more than one elemental totem at once.

An individual with this skill may place an elemental totem they are attuned to once every ten minutes. The
elemental totem must be placed on open ground. Placing an elemental totem takes ten seconds of
appropriate role play. Picking an elemental totem up takes ten seconds of appropriate role play. There are
ways in which elemental totems can be moved or destroyed by individuals who are not attuned.

Upon taking this skill an individual receives the following item;

Minor Elemental Totem

Power Rating: Minor
Elemental Totem

May be attuned by an individual with the Elemental Totem Bearer skill. May only be placed by an individual who is
attuned. When placed, unless stated otherwise, can only be moved by the individual who is attuned to this elemental

When this elemental totem is placed an individual who is attuned to it may do the following;

Whilst within ten feet of the elemental totem,the individual may normal blast a target within thirty feet of them once
every thirty seconds. The type of this action must be an element they are aligned with via the Elemental Alignment

Empowered: An individual who has the Empower Elemental Totem skill may touch this elemental totem and mass
normal blast once per ten minutes for each level of Elemental Alignment they have.

Empower Elemental Totem

An individual with this skill may use the empowered features of elemental totems of up to moderate power


An individual with this skill has a basic knowledge in a specific chosen subject or area. Purchasing this skill
requires a discussion with the Forsaken Lands Team as to which specific subjects or areas can be chosen.
This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.

Message Elemental Realm

An individual with this skill may contact one individual overnight that is in an elemental realm that they
are aligned to. Some individuals cannot be contacted via this skill and some targets may choose to reject the
contact. The contact may vary from asking a few questions that can only be answered 'yes', 'no' or
'unknown', to a full conversation. When attempting to use this skill, please seek a Referee (Seer).

An individual with this skill may make the first three actions with a blast effect eldritch in power within an
hour of receiving a reply from a message sent using this skill. The type of these blasts must be that of the
realm in which they received the response from. For example if the individual sends a message to the earth

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realm and receives a response, their next three actions with a blast effect must be eldritch in power and
earth in type.

Primordial Tongue

An individual with this skill is considered to be able to speak the language of elemental creatures they are
aligned to. This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.

An individual with this skill becomes immune to normal mute for three seconds after using an action that
has a type they are aligned to. For example, if an individual who is aligned to fire is muted, and then uses an
action with the fire type, the mute is removed and they are immune to mute for the next three seconds.

Portal Stone Invoker

An individual with this skill can role play appropriately for one minute to activate portal stones of any
power rating. The radius, number of individuals teleported and range of the portal stone is dictated by the
portal stone. An activated portal stone will take the individual / individuals to the last location stated by the
individual activating when at the end of the duration.

Once a day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to create an Invoker’s
Portal Stone.

Invoker’s Portal Stone

Power Rating: Minor
Arcane Item, Portal Stone

An individual with the Portal Stone Invoker skill may use this item to teleport themselves and up to two individuals
within ten feet of them to a location within ten mile of where they currently are. The location must be known to the
individual using this item. This item takes one minute of appropriate role play to activate, unless used by the
individual who created it, in which case it takes three seconds. This item may only be used once per day.

This item expires at the end of the day in which it was created.

Protective Energy

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to grant themselves two magical
armour hit point. These do not stack with any other armour hit points, including if the individual were to
reuse this skill, unless they state that they stack with Protective Energy. This skill can be used once every

Protective Elemental Energy

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to grant themselves two magical
armour hit points. These do not stack with any other armour hit points, including if the individual were to
reuse this skill, unless they state that they stack with Protective Energy. This skill can be used once every

The features of this skill are impacted by an individual's elemental alignment, detailed as follows;

An individual with the Elemental Alignment (Air) skill, may mass normal air repel or strike down whenever
one of the magical armour hit points granted by this skill is destroyed.

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An individual with the Elemental Alignment (Earth) skill, receives three magical armour hit points from
this skill. Whenever one of the magical armour hit points granted by this skill is destroyed, they may point
and normal earth strikedown the individual who destroyed it.

Whenever one of the magical armour hit points granted by this skill is destroyed, an individual with the
Elemental Alignment (Fire) skill, may point and normal fire blast the individual who destroyed it. When the
magical armour hit points granted by this skill (including any that have stacked with them) are reduced to
zero, the individual may mass normal fire blast.

Whenever one of the magical armour hit points granted by this skill is destroyed, an individual with the
Elemental Alignment (Water) skill, may point and normal water repel or stun the individual who destroyed
it. When the magical armour hit points granted by this skill (including any that have stacked with them) are
reduced to zero, the individual may mass normal water repel or strike down.

If an individual has multiple elemental alignments must pick an element they will be using the features of
when they first grant themselves the magical armour hit points.

Redirect Elemental Energy

Once every minute an individual with this skill may point and normal redirect a normal action, of a type
which they are elementally aligned to. The action they are redirecting must have been aimed at a target
within ten feet of them and have a point delivery method.

Realm Treader

An individual with this skill receives fewer, or no, negatives when in a realm of an element they are aligned
to. This is dependent on the area in which they are travelling. A Referee (Seer) will state any negatives when
entering the realm.

Whilst in a realm in which they are elementally aligned to, they gain ten minute regeneration indefinitely
unless stated otherwise.

Thwart and Reflect Elements

Once every minute an individual with this skill may counter a normal blast of air, earth, fire or water type,
with a point delivery method, targeting an individual within thirty feet of them. If the type is of an element
the individual using this skill is aligned to, they may then immediately point and normal blast the individual
who used the action as long as they are within thirty feet of them. The type of this blast must be the same as
what was originally countered.

Negate and Reflect Elements

Once every minute an individual with this skill may counter a normal action of air, earth, fire or water type,
with the point delivery method, as long as it is of a type they are elementally aligned to. If they do so, they
may then immediately point and normal blast the individual who used the action as long as they are within
thirty feet of them. The type of this blast must be the same as what was originally countered.

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Healer Starting Skills
Healers automatically receive the following skills;

Life Bound

Once per day upon entering their grace period for the first time, an individual with this skill receives a
normal cure wound on themselves. An individual using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Channel Life

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute and then point and normal cure
wound a target that has been within five feet of them for the duration. The individual using this skill is
considered to be ‘channelling life’ for the duration.

If an individual with this skill has Life Channeler I the time required to channel life becomes thirty
seconds. If an individual has Life Channeler III the time required to channel life becomes ten seconds.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Assess Condition

An individual with this skill may spend three seconds concentrating on a willing target of the material
realm and state 'assess material condition' to gain the following understanding;

How many body hit points the individual has in total.

How many body hit points the individual is down.
If the target is decaying.
If the target is severed.
If the target is poisoned.
If the target is debilitated.
If the target is dying.
How far into their grace period an individual is if applicable.
If the target is dead.

The target does not need to be willing if they are unconscious.

Healer Skills
Healers have the option to purchase the following skills with their skill points, the skill point cost of each of
these skills can be seen at the top of the table;

One Skill Point Two Skill Points

Cleansing Hands Cleansing Body (Requires Cleansing Hands)

Curse Breaker I

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Emanating Life Emboldened Channeler (Requires Emanating Life)

First Aid Resourceful First Aider (Replaces First Aid)

Flash of Life Burst of Life (Replaces Flash of Life)


Life Anchor Empower Life Anchor (Requires Life Anchor)

Life Channeler I

Mass Rejuvenate

Path to Sanctuary Guide to Sanctuary (Replaces Path to Sanctuary)

Purge Minor Poison

Question the Departed


Saving Grace

Enhance Body Strengthen Body (Replaces Enhance Body)

Transfer Life Projected Life Transferal (Replaces Transfer Life)

Cleansing Hands

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play channelling life for one minute and then point at
and normal cleanse a target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration. The individual using
this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’ for the duration.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Cleansing Body

An individual with this skill may target themselves with a normal cleanse three times per day. An individual
using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’ for the duration, however this skill can still be used if
the individual is decaying.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Curse Breaker I

An individual can spend one minute of appropriate role play concentrating on a target to understand if they
have been inflicted with a curse, what the curse is, and what power rating the curse is associated with. The
target must be within five feet of them for the duration. If the target has been inflicted with a minor or
below curse, the individual with this skill may attempt to remove it.

An individual with Curse Breaker I attempting to remove a petty curse draws from a bag containing sixteen
‘success beads’ and four ‘failure beads’.

An individual with Curse Breaker I attempting to remove a minor curse draws from a bag containing twelve
‘success beads’ and four ‘failure beads’.

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An individual with this skill can attempt to remove one curse per day. There are some curses that require
other skills and / or mechanics to attempt to break. An individual with this skill is considered to be very
good at removing curses.

Emanating Life

An individual with this skill may mass normal repel once every ten seconds whilst channelling life. This
skill may only be used once every ten seconds.

Emboldened Channeler

An individual with this skill may resist normal effects once every ten seconds whilst channelling life. This
skill may only be used once every ten seconds. This still may not be used to resist assassinate or obliterate

First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target that has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point remaining.
An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for two minutes to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has zero body hit points remaining.
Using this skill in either way expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Resourceful First Aider

An individual with this skill may spend one minutes of uninterrupted appropriate roleplay to restore a
single body hit point to a target that has been within five feet of them for the duration. This skill may only
be used once every ten minutes.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Flash of Life

An individual with this skill may point and normal cure wound a target within five feet of them once per
ten minutes. The individual using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Burst of Life

An individual with this skill may point and normal full cure wounds a target within five feet of them once
per ten minutes. The individual using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

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An individual with this skill has a basic knowledge in a specific chosen subject or area. Purchasing this skill
requires a discussion with the Forsaken Lands Team as to which specific subjects or areas can be chosen.
This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.

Life Anchor

Once per day an individual with this skill may attune to a life anchor of up to moderate power rating.
Attuning takes one minute of appropriate role play. Attunement is removed upon death or upon one minute
of appropriate role play to unattune. Unless by means which state otherwise, individuals cannot attune to
more than one life anchor at once.

An individual with this skill may place a life anchor they are attuned to once every ten minutes. The life
anchor must be placed on open ground. Placing a life anchor takes ten seconds of appropriate role play.
Picking a life anchor up takes ten seconds of appropriate role play. There are ways in which life anchors can
be moved or destroyed by individuals who are not attuned.

Upon taking this skill an individual receives the following item;

Minor Life Anchor

Power Rating: Minor
Life Anchor

May be attuned by an individual with the Life Anchor skill. May only be placed by an individual who is attuned.
When placed, unless stated otherwise, can only be moved by the individual who is attuned to this life anchor.

When this life anchor is placed an individual who is attuned to it may do the following;

Whilst within ten feet of the life anchor, the individual may point and normal full cure wounds a target within five
feet of them once every one minute.

Empowered: An individual who has the Empower Life Totem skill may touch this life anchor and mass normal full
cure wounds once per ten minutes for each level of Life Channeller they have (minimum of once).

An individual interacting with a life anchor is considered to be connected to life. An individual who is
decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Empower Life Anchor

An individual with this skill may use the empowered features of life anchors of up to moderate power

Life Channeler I

This skill allows for interaction with anything that requires Life Channeler I. An individual with this skill is
considered to be very good at channelling life.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Mass Rejuvenate

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An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for thirty seconds and then mass normal full cure
wounds once per day. The individual using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’ for the duration.

An individual with Life Channeler II may use this skill twice per day. An individual with Life Channeler
IIII may use this skill three times per day.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Path to Sanctuary

An individual with this skill may point at and normal resolve a target individual within five feet of them.
The individual may then continue to point at and normal resolve the same target every ten seconds for the
following minute as long as they remain within five feet of them. This skill may only be used once per hour.
Whilst using this skill the individual is considered to be ‘connected to life’.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Guide to Sanctuary

An individual with this skill may point at and normal resolve a target individual within five feet of them.
The individual may then continue to point at and normal resolve the same target every ten seconds for the
following minute as long as they remain within five feet of them. Whilst within five feet of the individual
targeted with resolve, the individual using this skill may resist normal effects they are the target of (except
for assassinate or obliterate). This skill may only be used once per hour. Whilst using this skill the
individual is considered to be ‘connected to life’.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Purge Minor Poison

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for thirty seconds and then point and normal purge
minor poison a target that has been within five feet of them for the duration. The individual using this skill
is considered to be ‘channelling life’ for the duration.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Question the Departed

An individual with this skill may perform a minimum of one minute rite in order to ask a recently deceased
individual up to three questions. The questions, which can be asked after one minute, can only be answered
'yes', 'no' or 'unknown'. The recently deceased individual can in some cases refuse to answer. The rite must
be performed before the next dawn after the target died. This requires a Referee (Seer) to be present. This
skill may be used once per day. The individual using this skill is considered to be ‘connected to life’ for the
duration of the rite.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.


An individual with this skill may appropriately role play channelling life for one minute and then point at a
target that has been within five feet of them for the duration, and give them one minute regeneration for
ten minutes. This skill may only be used once every hour, regardless of whether the action has been
completed or not. The individual using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’ for the duration.

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An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Enhance Body

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute and then point and normal
endurance, lasting until the next time out, a target that has been within five feet of them for the duration.
This skill may only be used once every thirty minutes. The individual using this skill is considered to be
‘channelling life’ for the duration.

An individual cannot have more temporary body hit points than body hit points.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Strengthen Body

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute and then point and normal
endurance, a target that has been within five feet of them for the duration. This skill may only be used once
every thirty minutes. The individual using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’ for the duration.

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute and then point and normal fortify
body a target that has been within five feet of them for the duration. This skill may only be used three times
a day. The individual using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’ for the duration.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Saving Grace

An individual with this skill may target an individual who is in their grace period within five feet of them to
pause their grace period. If they do so, they cannot move for the duration in which they choose to or are
able to maintain this skill. Whilst the target individual’s grace period is paused, the individual using this
skill is considered to be in their own grace period. If the individual using this skill would be put into their
grace period by another means whilst maintaining this skill, they continue from the time depleted whilst
using this skill. When this skill ends, the target individual’s grace period continues. If the target is taken out
of their grace period the skill immediately ends. This skill can only be used once every hour. The individual
using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’ for the duration.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Transfer Life

An individual with this skill may take a single point of eldritch damage to their own body hit points and
then immediately point at and normal cure wound a target within five feet of them. This skill may only be
used once every ten minutes. The individual using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’. If the
individual using this skill does not take the single point of eldritch damage for whatever reason, they
cannot then use the latter parts of the skill.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

Projected Life Transferal

An individual with this skill may take a single point of eldritch damage to their own body hit points and
then immediately point at and normal cure wound a target within thirty feet of them. This skill may only be

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used once every ten minutes. The individual using this skill is considered to be ‘channelling life’. If the
individual using this skill does not take the single point of eldritch damage for whatever reason, they
cannot then use the latter parts of the skill.

An individual who is decaying cannot channel life or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise.

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Mystic Starting Skills
Mystics automatically receive the following skills;

Lay to Rest

Once a day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to lay to rest a dead
target. The target must remain within five feet of them for the duration, be from the material realm and
have died within the last hour.

Once laid to rest, the target’s soul is considered to transition straight to Ethosien, the eighth domain of the
spirit realm.

Spiritually Awakened

An individual with this skill may interact with anything that requires ‘Spiritually Awakened’ to interact
with. An individual with this skill gains two Spirit Links to use when entering the Spirit Realm.

Sixth Sense

An individual with this skill receives a sixth sense information sheet at the beginning of an event.

An individual with this skill can spend one minute of appropriate role play concentrating on a target to
discern their level of aura and / or soul taint. The target must be within five feet of them for the duration. At
the end of the minute, the individual must state 'sense aura and soul taint'.

Mystic Skills
Mystics have the option to purchase the following skills with their skill points, the skill point cost of each
of these skills can be seen at the top of the table;

One Skill Point Two Skill Points

Curse Breaker I

Fate Reader

First Aid Resourceful First Aider (Replaces First Aid)

Invigorated Strike Invigorated Strikes (Replaces Invigorated Strike)


Otherrealmly Restoration Otherrealmly Transference (Requires Otherrealmly Restoration)

Portal Stone Invoker

Protective Energy Protective Spirit Energy (Replaces Protective Energy)

Reconnect Spirit

Reinvigorate Soul

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Spirit Pillar Temporary Spirit Displacement (Requires Spirit Pillar)

Spirit Walker I Dream Delver (Requires Spirit Walker I)

Spirit Guide

Spirit Connection Spirit Binder (Replaces Spirit Connection)

Unsettle Unsettling Presence (Requires Unsettle)

Unwavering Spirit

Curse Breaker I

An individual can spend one minute of appropriate role play concentrating on a target to understand if they
have been inflicted with a curse, what the curse is, and what power rating the curse is associated with. The
target must be within five feet of them for the duration. If the target has been inflicted with a minor or
below curse, the individual with this skill may attempt to remove it.

An individual with Curse Breaker I attempting to remove a petty curse draws from a bag containing sixteen
‘success beads’ and four ‘failure beads’.

An individual with Curse Breaker I attempting to remove a minor curse draws from a bag containing twelve
‘success beads’ and four ‘failure beads’.

An individual with this skill can attempt to remove one curse per day. There are some curses that require
other skills and / or mechanics to attempt to break. An individual with this skill is considered to be very
good at removing curses.

Fate Reader

An individual who acquires this skill must have a conversation with the Forsaken Lands Team. This will
determine the possible outcomes of each of the fates they could read based on how they perceive the sixteen

The sixteen fates are as follows;

Beast Bird Blood Book Chalice Chest Eye Feast

Fortress Heart Jester Primordial Reaper Rift Wanderer Wings

Three times a day, an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for at least one minute to read
the fate cards of a willing target, including themselves. The target must be within five feet of them for the
duration of the role play. For the rest of the day the target is then subject to the outcome of the fate which
has been deemed as theirs. This reading must be done in the presence of a Referee (Seer).

This skill cannot be used by an individual who is severed unless by means which state otherwise.

First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target that has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point remaining.
An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for two minutes to restore one body hit point to a

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target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has zero body hit points remaining.
Using this skill in either way expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Resourceful First Aider

An individual with this skill may spend one minutes of uninterrupted appropriate roleplay to restore a
single body hit point to a target that has been within five feet of them for the duration. This skill may only
be used once every ten minutes.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Invigorated Strike

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to
invigorate the next strike of a target. As part of this appropriate role play, the individual must mention one
of the action types except unliving. The target can be themselves or an individual who has been within five
feet of them for the duration.

The target may add the type mentioned by the individual using this skill to their next successful strike
within the following minute.

Invigorated Strikes

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to
invigorate the next strike of a target. As part of this appropriate role play, the individual must mention one
of the action types except unliving. The target can be themselves or an individual who has been within five
feet of them for the duration.

The target may add the type mentioned by the individual using this skill to all of their strikes within the
following thirty seconds.


An individual with this skill has a basic knowledge in a specific chosen subject or area. Purchasing this skill
requires a discussion with the Forsaken Lands Team as to which specific subjects or areas can be chosen.
This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.

Otherrealmly Restoration

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill can point and normal spirit cure wound a target who
has a Fractured, Warped or Corrupted Soul Taint.

Otherrealmly Transference

Whilst within five feet of an individual with this skill, any skills that allow individuals to normal cure
wounds work on targets who have a Fractured, Warped or Corrupted Soul Taint.

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Portal Stone Invoker

An individual with this skill can role play appropriately for one minute to activate portal stones of any
power rating. The radius, number of individuals teleported and range of the portal stone is dictated by the
portal stone. An activated portal stone will take the individual / individuals to the last location stated by the
individual activating when at the end of the duration.

Once a day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to create an Invoker’s
Portal Stone.

Invoker’s Portal Stone

Power Rating: Minor
Arcane Item, Portal Stone

An individual with the Portal Stone Invoker skill may use this item to teleport themselves and up to two individuals
within ten feet of them to a location within ten mile of where they currently are. The location must be known to the
individual using this item. This item takes one minute of appropriate role play to activate, unless used by the
individual who created it, in which case it takes three seconds. This item may only be used once per day.

This item expires at the end of the day in which it was created.

Protective Energy

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to grant themselves two magical
armour hit points. These do not stack with any other armour hit points, including if the individual were to
reuse this skill, unless they state that they stack with Protective Energy. This skill can be used once every

Protective Spirit Energy

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to grant themselves two magical
armour hit points. These do not stack with any other armour hit points, including if the individual were to
reuse this skill, unless they state that they stack with Protective Energy. This skill can be used once every

If the magical armour hit points from this skill are destroyed, the individual with this skill may choose to
immediately hold up a yellow displacement tag for up to ten seconds. During the ten seconds the individual
is considered to be ‘displaced’. Displaced individuals can only be interacted with using skills that interact
with displaced individuals. The individual can move and is considered to be able to see and hear everything
that is going on around them, however cannot interact or be interacted with in any other way. Once the
duration finishes the individual must put the yellow displacement tag down wherever they are. This skill
can only be used once per hour. If the individual has any additional magical armour hit points that are able
to stack with the two granted from this skill, their magical armour hit points must be reduced to zero in
order to be able to displace themselves.

Reconnect Spirit

An individual with this skill may spend thirty seconds of appropriate role play concentrating on a target to
remove a ‘severed’ effect from them. The target must remain within five feet of them for the duration and
'remove sever' must be stated when complete. Or an individual with this skill may resist normal sever.

This skill can only be used three times a day in either capacity.

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Reinvigorate Soul

An individual with this skill may perform a five minute rite to remove a level of soul taint from a willing
target individual, including themselves. The target individual may only be of soul taint level one or two and
must be within ten feet of them for the duration. This requires a Referee (Seer) to be present. This skill may
be used once per day.

This skill cannot be used by an individual who is severed unless by means which state otherwise.

Spirit Pillar

Once per day an individual with this skill may attune to a spirit pillar of up to moderate power rating.
Attuning takes one minute of appropriate role play. Attunement is removed upon death or upon one minute
of appropriate role play to unattune. Unless by means which state otherwise, individuals cannot attune to
more than one spirit pillar at once.

An individual with this skill may place a spirit pillar they are attuned to once every ten minutes. The spirit
pillar must be placed on open ground. Placing a spirit pillar takes ten seconds of appropriate role play.
Picking a spirit pillar up takes ten seconds of appropriate role play. There are ways in which spirit pillars
can be moved or destroyed by individuals who are not attuned.

Upon taking this skill an individual receives the following item;

Minor Spirit Pillar

Power Rating: Minor
Spirit Pillar

May be attuned by an individual with the Spirit Pillar skill. May only be placed by an individual who is attuned.
When placed, unless stated otherwise, can only be moved by the individual who is attuned to this spirit pillar.

When this spirit pillar is placed an individual who is attuned to it may do the following;

Whilst within ten feet of the spirit pillar, the individual may point and normal spirit repel a target within ten feet of
them once every thirty seconds.

Whilst within ten feet of the spirit pillar, the individual may mass normal spirit repel once every five minutes.

Temporary Spirit Displacement

An individual with this skill may touch a spirit pillar they are attuned to, that has been placed, and then
hold up a yellow displacement tag for up to one minute. During that minute the individual is considered to
be ‘displaced’. Displaced individuals can only be interacted with using skills that interact with displaced
individuals. The individual can move and is considered to be able to see and hear everything that is going
on around them, however cannot interact or be interacted with in any other way. The individual must
remain within eyesight of the spirit pillar. Once the duration finishes the individual must put the yellow
displacement tag down wherever they are. This skill can only be used once per hour.

An individual with the Spirit Walker I skill can remain displaced for up to five minutes. An individual with
the Spirit Walker II can remain displaced for up to thirty minutes. An individual with Spirit Walker III can
remain displaced for up to an hour. An individual with the Spirit Walker IIII skill can remain displaced for
up to one day.

This skill cannot be used by an individual who is severed unless by means which state otherwise.

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Spirit Walker I

Requires Spiritually Awakened. An individual with this skill gains two Spirit Links to use when entering the
Spirit Realm.

An individual with this skill is considered to have a very good connection with the Spirit Realm.

Dream Delver

An individual with this skill may contact one target individual overnight by entering their dream. Some
individuals cannot be contacted via this skill and some targets may choose to reject the contact. The
contact may vary from asking a few questions that can only be answered 'yes', 'no' or 'unknown', to a full
conversation. When attempting to use this skill, please seek a Referee (Seer).

Once per day for every level of the Spirit Walker skill they have, an individual with this skill can role play
appropriately for ten seconds and then within the next ten seconds strike successfully once for eldritch
spirit through.

This skill cannot be used by an individual who is severed unless by means which state otherwise.

Spirit Guide

Requires Spiritually Awakened. An individual with this skill provides one Spirit Link to anyone they enter
the Spirit Realm with, who has zero Spirit Links of their own. The individual chooses what they use that
Spirit Link for themselves. An individual may only benefit from one Spirit Guide upon entering the Spirit
Realm unless by means that state otherwise. Upon leaving the Spirit Realm the individual or individuals
who have benefitted from this skill return to zero Spirit Links.

Spirit Connection

An individual with this skill may perform a five minute rite in order to connect their own spirit to a willing
target’s spirit. The willing target must be within thirty feet of them for the duration of the rite. An
individual may only connect their spirit to one other spirit. If this connection is broken or removed in any
way, or an attempt is made to break or remove the connection, please seek a Referee (Seer) immediately.

Connected individuals gain the following;

The individuals are considered to be ‘Spirit Connected’.

Once per day regardless of which individual uses it, either individual may perform thirty seconds of
appropriate role play and then point at the other and normal spirit full cure wounds. They must be within
five feet of each other for the duration.

Both individuals gain one Spirit Link when entering the Spirit Realm together. This spirit link can be used
in addition to any granted by Spirit Guides.

This skill cannot be used by an individual who is severed unless by means which state otherwise.

Spirit Binder

An individual with this skill may perform a five minute rite in order to connect two individual’s spirits. The
willing targets, one of which can be the individual using this skill, must be within thirty feet of them for the

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duration of the rite. An individual may only connect their spirit to one other spirit. This skill may be used
on individuals connected by the Spirit Connection skill to improve the connection. If this connection is
broken or removed in any way, or an attempt is made to break or remove the connection, please seek a
Referee (Seer) immediately.

Connected individuals gain the following;

The individuals are considered to be ‘Spirit Bound’. This replaces ‘Spirit Connected’.

Once per day regardless of which individual uses it, either individual may perform thirty seconds of
appropriate role play and then point at the other and normal spirit full cure wounds. They must be within
five feet of each other for the duration.

Both individuals gain one Spirit Link when entering the Spirit Realm together. This spirit link can be used
in addition to any granted by Spirit Guides.

The individuals targeted must speak to the Forsaken Lands Team who will decide upon additional

This skill cannot be used by an individual who is severed unless by means which state otherwise.


An individual with this skill may strike or point at a target for normal spirit fear once every ten minutes.

Unsettling Presence

An individual with this skill may mass normal spirit fear once every hour.

Unwavering Spirit

Once an hour an individual with this skill may dodge an action of demonic or celestial type, of normal,
brutal or eldritch power, that they are the target of. This skill cannot be used by an individual who has any
level of Soul Taint. This skill does not work against obliterate or assassinate effects.

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Ranger Starting Skills
Rangers automatically receive the following skills;

Trophy Collector

An individual with this skill may hand creature trophies to a trophy collector (details of trophy collectors
can often be found in a survival information sheet) to receive appropriate rewards.

Creature trophies can be found throughout gameplay in a variety of different ways. Not all creatures drop
trophies. Rewards vary in duration and scale.

Minor Mark of the Wild

When an individual selects this skill they may choose from one of three options. These marks are visible
marks upon an individual, be it represented as a tattoo, woad or similar natural styles. For example if an
individual chooses Minor Mark of the Wild (Sky), they might display the mark as a tattoo of a bird of prey
upon their neck.

Minor Mark of the Wild (Land)

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to grant themself one point of
natural armour. The individual must be in an area of open land for the duration of the minute. This skill
grants only one natural armour and cannot be used again to stack more.

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for thirty seconds, in an
area of open land, to restore the point of natural armour if it has been destroyed.

If an individual with this skill gains any armour value or magical armour value, they immediately lose the
point of natural armour granted by this skill if it is in place. They cannot then use this skill to gain natural
armour until thirty minutes after losing the armour value or magical armour value.

If the individual using this skill uses Camouflage, they may remain in stealth for up to ten minutes.

Minor Mark of the Wild (Sea)

Twice per day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to attempt to make an
area difficult terrain as if somewhat submerged in water (seek a Referee (Seer)). This skill may only be used
in an open area, does not always work, and has differing effects and durations if it does.

An individual with this skill can breathe whilst submerged in water.

Minor Mark of the Wild (Sky)

Twice a day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to gain an insight on
the current state of the area around them (seek a Referee (Seer)). This information could be along the lines
of 'there is a group of bandits transiting a road to the South'. The individual can not be indoors whilst using
this skill.

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An individual with this skill may send one short message over a long distance overnight (seek a Referee


An individual with this skill receives a survival information sheet at the beginning of an event.

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute in order to gain information about
tracks in their general area (seek a Referee (Seer)).

Ranger Skills
Rangers have the option to purchase the following skills with their skill points, the skill point cost of each
of these skills can be seen at the top of the table;

One Skill Point Two Skill Points

Attract Minor Material Creature Lure Minor Material Creature (Replaces Attract Minor Material Creature)

Basic First Aid First Aid (Replaces Basic First Aid)


Discern Material Creature I Material Creature Hunter I (Requires Discern Material Creature I)

Exploit Weak Point Through from Behind (Requires Exploit Weak Point)

Follow Up

Glancing Deflection

Improved Constitution I


Mark Target

Nimble-Footed Slipfoot (Requires Nimble-Footed)

Patchwork Repairer Resourceful Repairer (Requires Patchwork Repairer)

Poisoner I

Precision Throw

Quick Snare Big Snare (Requires Quick Snare)

Skillful Shot Hone In (Requires Skillful Shot)

Attract Minor Material Creature

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may point at and normal enthral a target they know to
be a creature of the material realm of minor power rating or less.

There are a variety of ways for an individual with this skill to identify a viable target, or they can be
informed by another individual who is able to discern a viable target.

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Lure Minor Material Creature

Once every ten minutes an individual with this skill may point at and normal enthral a target they know to
be a creature of the material realm of minor power rating or less. They may continue to point at and normal
enthral this creature up to three more times as long as they do so within three seconds of the last enthral

There are a variety of ways for an individual with this skill to identify a viable target, or they can be
informed by another individual who is able to discern a viable target.

Once a day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for five minutes in order to attempt to
lure a local minor material creature or creatures to an area (seek a Referee (Seer)). The Referee (Seer) will
inform the individual at the time as to if they think the attempt will be successful, and how long it will
likely take before the creature or creatures are lured. A higher power rating might be lured instead.

Basic First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. Using this skill expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make three first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for two minutes to restore one body hit
point to a target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has zero body hit points
remaining. Using this skill in either way expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.


An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute in an area of reasonable cover as if
settling into a hiding position. At the end of the minute the individual may hold a grey stealth tag in the air
to be considered stealthed, and therefore cannot be seen by normal means. While stealthed, unless
otherwise stated, the individual may not move or interact with anyone or anything in any way except to
observe. Stealth is broken if the individual interacts with anyone or anything in any way. An individual
using this skill may remain in stealth for up to five minutes.

Discern Material Creature I

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for thirty seconds whilst observing a target. If the
target is considered to be a creature from the material realm of minor or lower power rating, the individual
may then learn what the creature is called as well as a number of details about the target (seek a Referee
(Seer)). The details the individual learns may be things such as typical immunities, habits, or abilities of the

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Material Creature Hunter I

An individual with this skill may strike for normal through against a minor material creature for five
minutes after they have discerned it. This skill may only be used once an hour.

An individual with this skill may also appropriately role play for ten seconds over a dead creature of up to
minor power rating that they know to be of the material realm in order to identify whether it can be
harvested (seek a Referee (Seer)). If the creature is harvestable, the individual may appropriately role play for
a further minute in order to harvest any items, such as trophies, from the creature.

Exploit Weak Point

Once every minute per target, an individual with this skill may strike for normal through.

Through from Behind

Once every ten seconds an individual with this skill may strike for normal through. This skill may only be
used if they are striking whilst behind the back of the target.

Follow Up

If an individual with this skill strikes a target for normal strike down or through with a small or medium
weapon, they may strike again for the same effect within ten seconds with a weapon of the same size in
their other hand. This skill may only be used once every minute.

Glancing Deflection

An individual with this skill may deflect a normal action targeting themselves or a shield they hold once
every five minutes. This skill does not work against obliterate or assassinate effects.

Improved Constitution I

This skill increases an individual's body hit points by one.


An individual with this skill has a basic knowledge in a specific chosen subject or area. Purchasing this skill
requires a discussion with the Forsaken Lands Team as to which specific subjects or areas can be chosen.
This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.

Mark Target

Once every hour an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds whilst another
individual is within five feet of them. They may then strike a target with a ranged or throwing weapon. If
the strike is successful, the individual who was beside them can follow up their strike with a normal rend or
strike down with a large weapon or through with a small or medium weapon within the next thirty seconds.


An individual with this skill may dodge one normal point or strike action against them every ten minutes.
The duration of any normal snare action against an individual with this skill is reduced to ten seconds.

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An individual with this skill is immune to normal snare. The duration of any brutal snare action against an
individual with this skill is reduced to ten seconds.

Patchwork Repairer

An individual with this skill may spend one minute of uninterrupted appropriate roleplay to restore a single
armour hit point to non-natural or magical armour or repair a destroyed shield. Using this skill expends a
single repair patch.

An individual with this skill can make five repair patches a day. Each repair patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. Repair patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Resourceful Repairer

An individual with this skill may spend one minutes of uninterrupted appropriate roleplay to restore a
single armour hit point to non-natural or magical armour or repair a destroyed shield. This skill may only
be used once every ten minutes.

Poisoner I

An individual with this skill is considered competent in the use of poisons up to minor power rating.

Precision Throw

An individual with this skill may strike for normal through once every thirty seconds with a throwing

Once a day an individual with this skill can role play appropriately for ten seconds and then within the next
ten seconds strike once for brutal through with a throwing weapon. The use is expended regardless of
whether the strike successfully hits.

Quick Snare

An individual with this skill may point and normal snare a target within thirty feet of them once every ten
minutes. An individual may also use this skill to normal snare via a strike if using a ranged weapon.

Big Snare

Twice a day an individual with this skill may mass normal snare. The individual using this skill is also
targeted by the mass normal snare when used.

Skillful Shot

An individual with this skill may strike for normal repel, strike down or through once every minute with a
ranged weapon.

Hone In

An individual with this skill may continue to strike a target of their Skillful Shot for normal repel, strike
down or through with a ranged weapon for thirty seconds after using the skill. Every fifth strike with this

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skill is considered brutal. The thirty seconds is reset after each successful strike against the target. The
thirty seconds ends immediately if the individual using this skill strikes another target.

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Rogue Starting Skills
Rogues automatically receive the following skills;


An individual with this skill receives a spycraft information sheet at the beginning of an event.

An individual with this skill may learn extra information about a particular area, organisation or individual
through their contacts. In order to do this the individual should seek a Referee (Seer), who will inform them
of any extra information they are able to learn. The less time in advance they seek to learn the information
the less likely they are to learn it or learn as much.


An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for thirty seconds in an area of reasonable cover as
if settling into a hiding position. At the end of the thirty seconds the individual may hold a grey stealth tag
in the air to be considered stealthed, and therefore cannot be seen by normal means. While stealthed, unless
otherwise stated, the individual may not move or interact with anyone or anything in any way except to
observe. Stealth is broken if the individual interacts with anyone or anything in any way. An individual
using this skill may remain in stealth for up to five minutes.

Targeted Strikes

Twice per day an individual with this skill may appropriately role play choosing a target for ten seconds.
This role play may be done whilst stealthed. Once chosen the individual may strike for normal through
against the target for the next thirty seconds with a small, medium, throwing weapon or bow.

Rogue Skills
Rogues have the option to purchase the following skills with their skill points, the skill point cost of each of
these skills can be seen at the top of the table;

One Skill Point Two Skill Points

Basic First Aid First Aid (Replaces Basic First Aid)

Deceitful Smile

Duelist Sharp Riposte (Requires Duelist)

Exploit Weak Point Through from Behind (Requires Exploit Weak Point)

Follow Up

Improved Constitution I


Night Market

Nimble-Footed Slipfoot (Requires Nimble-Footed)

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Poisoner I Poisoner II (Replaces Poisoner I)

Shadow Step Frightening Step (Requires Shadow Step)

Sleight of Hand I

Stealthy Manoeuvre Stealthy Movement (Replaces Stealthy Manoeuvre)


Throw from the Shadows Shadow Slinger (Replaces Throw from the Shadows)

Witty Retort

Basic First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. Using this skill expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make three first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for two minutes to restore one body hit
point to a target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has zero body hit points
remaining. Using this skill in either way expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Deceitful Smile

An individual with this skill may display themselves as a rank above what they actually are, up to level four.
This can also impact downtime results. If this takes the target to rank one or two, the target is considered to
be under a minor effect for purposes of anyone or anything discerning false ranks. If this takes the target to
rank three or four, the target is considered to be under a moderate effect for purposes of anyone or anything
discerning false ranks.

If targeted by a skill that discerns false rank that meets the required power rating, the individual must
respond 'ping' followed by the power rating, then the level of their false rank and real rank. For example,
'Ping. Moderate effect. False rank three. Real rank two.'.

If the false rank is removed in any way, unless stated otherwise it is removed for the remainder of the day.

Once an hour an individual with this skill may point and normal enthral a target within ten feet of them.
Whilst enthralling the target, the individual must appropriately role play deceitfully talking the target into
following them.

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An individual with this skill may strike a target within five feet of them for normal through once every
thirty seconds as long as no other individuals are within ten feet of either of them.

Sharp Riposte

Requires Duelist. An individual with this skill may strike for normal through with a small or medium
weapon against a target who has struck them in the last ten seconds. This skill may be used once every five

Exploit Weak Point

Once every five minutes per target, an individual with this skill may strike for normal through.

Through from Behind

Once every ten seconds an individual with this skill may strike for normal through. This skill may only be
used if they are striking whilst behind the back of the target.

Follow Up

If an individual with this skill strikes a target for normal rend, strike down or through with a small or
medium weapon, they may strike again for the same effect within ten seconds with a weapon of the same
size in their other hand. This skill may only be used once every five minutes.

Improved Constitution I

This skill increases an individual's body hit points by one.


An individual with this skill has a basic knowledge in a specific chosen subject or area. Purchasing this skill
requires a discussion with the Forsaken Lands Team as to which specific subjects or areas can be chosen.
This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.

Night Market

An individual with this skill may access a night market. Information on how and when a night market can
be accessed will typically be available in a spycraft information sheet. A night market can offer various
different things, and will barter for anything from items to favours, or perhaps even an individual's soul.


An individual with this skill may dodge one normal point or strike action against them every ten minutes.
The duration of any normal snare action against an individual with this skill is reduced to ten seconds.


An individual with this skill is immune to normal snare. The duration of any brutal snare action against an
individual with this skill is reduced to ten seconds.

Poisoner I

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An individual with this skill is considered competent in the use of poisons up to minor power rating.

Poisoner II

An individual with this skill is considered competent in the use of poisons up to moderate power rating.

Shadow Step

Once an hour an individual with this skill may appropriately role play disappearing for three seconds. At
the end of and then hold up a yellow displacement tag and immediately move up to thirty feet forward in a
straight line. This movement must be as swift as safely possible. This skill may not be used to move through
or over barriers or obstacles (although the individual may step around other individuals or creatures). Once
they have moved, or immediately if they encounter an object or barrier, the individual must put the yellow
displacement tag down.

Displaced individuals can only be interacted with using skills that interact with displaced individuals. The
individual can move and is considered to be able to see and hear everything that is going on around them,
however cannot interact or be interacted with in any other way.

Frightening Step

At the end of a Shadow Step an individual with this skill may mass normal fear upon putting their yellow
displacement tag down. This skill may only be used if the individual has moved at least ten feet during the
shadow step. This skill may not be used if the Shadow Step is forcefully ended by an action taken against
the individual.

Sleight of Hand I

An individual with this skill may interact with anything that requires Sleight of Hand I. An individual with
this skill is considered to be very good at sleight of hand.

Stealthy Manoeuvre

An individual with this skill may move up to thirty feet whilst stealthed as long as they remain around
reasonable cover. The individual must move at a slow pace (no more than one foot a second) whilst keeping
their grey stealth tag held in the air. This movement does not have to be continuous.

Stealthy Movement

An individual with this skill may move whilst stealthed as long as they remain around reasonable cover. The
individual must move at a slow pace (no more than one foot a second) whilst keeping their grey stealth tag
held in the air.


An individual with this skill may resist normal strike down once every minute. If an individual with this
skill is running, they are immune to normal strikedown.

Throw from the Shadows

An individual with this skill may strike for normal through once with a throwing weapon whilst stealthed.
They may only use this ability once whilst stealthed, regardless of if the strike is successful or not. If the

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individual has the ability to change the power or type of this action they may do so. The individual must
keep their grey stealth tag held in the air whilst using this skill.

Shadow Slinger

An individual with this skill may strike for normal through once every thirty seconds with a throwing
weapon whilst stealthed. If the individual has the ability to change the power or type of this action they may
do so. The individual must keep their grey stealth tag held in the air whilst using this skill.

Witty Retort

An individual with this skill may resist a normal enthral once every ten minutes.

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Warrior Starting Skills
Warriors automatically receive the following skills;

Muster Strength

An individual with this skill may strike for through with a small or medium weapon, rend or strike down
with a medium or large weapon, or stun with any weapon once every hour. The power of this action is
typically normal, however can be overwritten by other means.

An individual with Strength I may use this skill every ten minutes. An individual with Strength II may use
this skill every five minutes. An individual with Strength III may use this skill every minute. An individual
with Strength IIII may use this skill every ten seconds.

Once per day an individual with the Strength skill can make one of these strikes brutal for each level they
have in Strength. For example an individual with Strength III may make three of their strikes from this skill
brutal per day.

Second Wind

Once a day an individual with this skill can appropriately role play for three seconds and then receive a
normal full cure wounds on themselves as long as they are not unconscious. This skill may be used whilst

Take the Blow

An individual with this skill may redirect a strike or point delivered action targeting an individual within
five feet of them to them once every hour.

An individual with Strength II may use this skill once every thirty minutes. An individual with Strength IIII
may use this skill once every ten minutes.

Warrior Skills
Warriors have the option to purchase the following skills with their skill points, the skill point cost of each
of these skills can be seen at the top of the table;

One Skill Point Two Skill Points

Basic First Aid First Aid (Replaces Basic First Aid)

Determined Shout

Duelist Sharp Riposte (Requires Duelist)

Follow Up

Glancing Deflection

Improved Constitution I Improved Constitution II (Replaces Improved Constitution I)

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Patchwork Repairer Resourceful Repairer (Requires Patchwork Repairer)

Piercing Strike

Shield Barge Shield Wall Barge (Requires Shield Barge)

Shield Bash

Shield Breaker

Strength I

Sweeping Strike Extended Sweeping Strike (Requires Sweeping Strike)

Taunting Shout Mass Taunting Shout (Requires Taunting Shout)

Tenacity I Tenacity II (Replaces Tenacity I)

Basic First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. Using this skill expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make three first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

First Aid

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for one minute to restore one body hit point to a
target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has at least one body hit point
remaining. An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for two minutes to restore one body hit
point to a target, who has been within five feet of them for the duration, who has zero body hit points
remaining. Using this skill in either way expends a single first aid patch.

An individual with this skill can make five first aid patches a day. Each first aid patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. First aid patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Determined Shout

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for three seconds and then point at and normal
resolve a target within line of sight once every five minutes.


An individual with this skill may strike a target within five feet of them for normal through once every
thirty seconds as long as no other individuals are within ten feet of either of them.

Sharp Riposte

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An individual with this skill may successfully strike for normal through with a small or medium weapon
that they are proficient with against a target who has struck them in the last ten seconds. This skill may be
used once every minute.

Follow Up

If an individual with this skill strikes a target for normal strike down or through with a small or medium
weapon, they may strike again for the same effect within ten seconds with a weapon of the same size in
their other hand. This skill may only be used once every minute.

Glancing Deflection

An individual with this skill may deflect a normal action targeting themselves or a shield they hold once
every five minutes. This skill does not work against obliterate or assassinate effects.

Improved Constitution I / II

This skill increases an individual's body hit points by one for each level of improved constitution taken.
Improved Constitution II requires Improved Constitution I.


An individual with this skill has a basic knowledge in a specific chosen subject or area. Purchasing this skill
requires a discussion with the Forsaken Lands Team as to which specific subjects or areas can be chosen.
This skill has the potential to help the individual during play and downtime.

Patchwork Repairer

An individual with this skill may spend one minute of uninterrupted appropriate roleplay to restore a single
armour hit point to non-natural or magical armour or repair a destroyed shield. Using this skill expends a
single repair patch.

An individual with this skill can make five repair patches a day. Each repair patch takes one minute of
appropriate role play to create. Repair patches created in this way expire at the end of the event they were
created at.

Resourceful Repairer

An individual with this skill may spend one minutes of uninterrupted appropriate roleplay to restore a
single armour hit point to non-natural or magical armour or repair a destroyed shield. This skill may only
be used once every ten minutes.

Piercing Strike

Once every five minutes an individual with this skill may strike for normal through three times, as long as
the strikes are within a ten second period. This with a small or medium weapon that they are proficient

Shield Barge

Whilst holding a shield an individual with this skill may point at and normal repel a target within ten feet of
them once every five minutes. The point may be made with a weapon or shield as long as it is clear and

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Shield Wall Barge

Whilst holding a shield, and standing within five feet of a friendly individual who is also holding a shield,
an individual with this skill may mass normal repel once every five minutes.

Shield Bash

Whilst holding a shield an individual with this skill may point at and normal strike down a target within ten
feet of them once every five minutes. The point may be made with a weapon or shield as long as it is clear
and obvious.

Shield Breaker

An individual with this skill may strike a shield for normal rend once every five minutes with a large

Strength I

This skill allows for interaction with anything that requires Strength I. An individual with this skill is
considered to be very strong.

Sweeping Strike

An individual with this skill may strike for normal strike down once every minute with a large weapon

Extended Sweeping Strike

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for three seconds, whilst holding a large weapon,
and then mass normal strike down. This skill can only be used once every five minutes.

Taunting Shout

An individual with this skill may point at and normal taunt a target once every five minutes.

Mass Taunting Shout

An individual with this skill may mass normal taunt once every ten minutes.

Tenacity I

An individual with this skill may dodge a normal action (except those with the assassinate or obliterate
effect) once every thirty seconds when they have zero armour hit points and only one body hit point, or have
zero body hit points and are debilitated.

Tenacity II

An individual with this skill may dodge a normal action (except those with the assassinate or obliterate
effect) once every thirty seconds when they have zero armour hit points and only one body hit point, or have
zero body hit points and are debilitated. An individual with this skill may also walk at a normal speed, but
not run, when debilitated. Once per day upon becoming unconscious for the first time an individual with
this skill takes a normal resolve.

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Spirit of the Game
Rather than an endless supply of referees to follow each and every player in the system the Forsaken lands
crew employ the spirit of the game rule. It exists to ensure that the game is actually fun to play.

All participants of Forsaken lands LARP events are requested to uphold the spirit of the game and not just
the letter of the rules. Referees (Seers) and members of crew can only make decisions based on information
we have to hand.

Appropriate Roleplay

There are many skills in the game that require appropriate role play to use. This allows flexibility for the
individual using the skill to act how they think their character would whilst using the skill. Individuals who
are carrying out this role play should ensure they keep it thematically and character appropriate.

Unless stated otherwise, being the target of an action that would cause damage or that would be considered
as ‘hostile’ to the individual carrying out the appropriate role play breaks the concentration of the role play
and it must be started again.

For further guidance on this please speak to a Referee (Seer) or member of the Forsaken Lands Team.

Game Time

Forsaken Lands event gameplay typically follows the following timings;

Time In Friday - Seven PM

Time Out Friday - One AM (Saturday)

Time In Saturday - Ten AM

Time Out Saturday - One AM (Sunday)

Time In Sunday - Ten AM

Time Out Sunday - Two PM

For skills that state ‘per day’ or words to that effect, a day is considered to be the periods between time in
and time out stated above, unless stated otherwise.

Referees (Seers)
In order to help achieve and maintain a high level of immersion at Forsaken Lands LARP events the
Forsaken Lands Team will, where possible, adopt the roles of Seers when in play. This will essentially
provide the Forsaken Lands Team a reason to be in and around the game play areas without breaking
immersion. The in-character reason for Seers being around can be found in the Seers subsubsection. Please
interact with Seers as you wish, but maintain an awareness that they are primarily there to referee

There will still be occasions where high visibility jackets may be used for ease of directing gameplay, please
treat anyone within a high visibility jacket as not ‘in play’.

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Seers, strange and ancient entities that scriptures say are the last remnants of a time before the lands
became forsaken. Their appearance within the Forsaken Lands is known to coincide with events of great
significance. They are well renowned for being unbiased creatures who lack emotional connection to the
lives of those who walk the Forsaken Lands, with their only purpose now to bear witness to its shaping.
They can however be called upon for knowledge of what is possible and what is not within the Forsaken
Lands, or how certain things would likely work should they be attempted. You may also find them paying
particular attention to rites being performed, discussions being had, and asking in regards to what
decisions have been made… all for the purpose of witnessing the present, knowing the past and some say
seeing the future.

Game Areas
Base Camp

A Referee (Seer) or member of the Forsaken Lands Team will signify to all individuals attending an event if
there is a base camp area, and where that area is. Base camp areas are more often than not protected by
wards that have been emplaced by the Amperitus.

If the base camp area is protected by these wards, no individual within them may enter their grace period or
be instantly killed unless stated otherwise. An individual entering the area who is already in their grace
period however remains in their grace period.

If individuals seek to manipulate the state of these wards, for example to duel, they may speak to a Referee
(Seer) or in some cases a member of the Amperitus. It is possible for these wards to be taken down
completely through various means.

A base camp will also typically have crafting stations that individuals can interact with. These will be
installed to increase immersion throughout gameplay. Individuals are encouraged to utilise these crafting
stations when doing things like crafting weapon upgrades, repairing armour or brewing potions.

Open Play Areas

Anywhere outside of the base camp, unless there is a linear ongoing, is considered to be an open play area.
For most purposes this is the local area around the base camp. Any individual in an open play area may be
subject to any actions without the protection of any wards that are typically in place around a base camp.

If there are any additions or changes to the rules of open play areas, a Referee (Seer) or member of the
Forsaken Lands Team will signify them to all individuals attending an event.

Linear Areas

Linear areas are areas that have been specifically designated, typically cordoned off, for players to go
‘further afield’ than the base camp and surrounding area. For example if an individual or individuals enter
the Spirit Realm. A Referee (Seer) or member of the Forsaken Lands Team will signify any linear areas to
individuals attending an event as and when they are being used.

If there are any additions or changes to the rules whilst individuals are within linear areas, a Referee (Seer)
or member of the Forsaken Lands Team will make individuals entering the linear area aware.

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Info Boxes and Markers

Throughout the various areas of gameplay, individuals may find info boxes or markers. These markers,
boxes, or the information slips within them, will be marked with a list of skills. Any individual who has a
skill that has been marked, can read the relevant information. This may give them further details about a
thing or area in which the box or marker is positioned near or within. Once the information has been read,
the information slips should be returned so that other individuals may find them.

Circles of Power

During gameplay, individuals may come across Circles of Power. These are places in which a significant
amount of power has, or can be amassed. The amount of power and the type of power will vary. There are
various different ways during play to interact with these. Overarchingly, any individual may interact with
Circles of Power and there are potential positives and negatives in doing so.

Forsaken Lands uses attunement as a method of individuals being able to use certain more powerful items
and / or things during gameplay. Attunement provides a method of balancing out gameplay, so that
individuals cannot use too many of these items at once.

Unless stated otherwise, an individual has three attunement slots. These slots can be occupied by items or
things that require attunement.

An individual must attune or unattune in the presence of a Seer (Referee).

If an declares they are unattuning to something, the attunement slot that thing occupied is considered
unusable until the following day.

Forsaken Lands uses aura, rank and soul taint to determine a number of things during gameplay.

An individual's aura is a representation of their impact across the Forsaken Lands. An individual who is
known throughout the Forsaken Lands might have a ‘Fabled Aura’, as opposed to an individual who is just
starting to make a name for themselves. An individual's aura can either be one of esteem or notoriety. Auras
are magically manifested and therefore have beneficial effects to those who have them.

An individual’s aura can increase or decrease during gameplay due to various different things. An
individual whose aura increases or decreases will be notified by a member of the Forsaken Lands Team or a
Referee (Seer).

An individual’s aura is typically displayed through their actions and how they hold themselves. An
individual’s aura is discernible through various methods in play.

Aura Table

Level Equivalent Aura Effect

8 Legendary
Speak to the Forsaken Lands Team.

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7 Fabled
6 Epic
5 Heroic
Extraordinary Presence (Esteemed)
4 Extraordinary
Extraordinary Presence (Notorious)
Astounding Presence (Esteemed)
3 Astounding
Astounding Presence (Notorious)
Exceptional Presence (Esteemed)
2 Exceptional
Exceptional Presence (Notorious)
Remarkable Presence (Esteemed)
1 Remarkable
Remarkable Presence (Notorious)

Remarkable Presence (Esteemed)

An individual with this skill may resist a normal fear once every ten minutes.

An individual with this skill starts the day with two temporary body hit points.

Exceptional Presence (Esteemed)

An individual with this skill may resist a normal fear once every five minutes.

Once an hour an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then mass normal

An individual with this skill starts the day with two temporary body hit points.

Astounding Presence (Esteemed)

An individual with this skill gains one body hit point.

An individual with this skill is immune to normal fear effects.

Once every thirty minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then
mass normal repel.

An individual with this skill starts the day with two temporary body hit points.

Extraordinary Presence (Esteemed)

An individual with this skill gains one body hit point.

An individual with this skill is immune to normal fear effects. The duration of any brutal or eldritch fear
against an individual with this skill is reduced to ten seconds.

Once every thirty minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then
mass eldritch repel.

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An individual with this skill starts the day with two temporary body hit points.

Remarkable Presence (Notorious)

An individual with this skill may point at and normal fear a target once every ten minutes.

An individual with this skill starts the day with two temporary body hit points.

Exceptional Presence (Notorious)

An individual with this skill may point at and normal fear a target once every five minutes.

Once an hour an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then mass normal

An individual with this skill starts the day with two temporary body hit points.

Astounding Presence (Notorious)

An individual with this skill gains one body hit point.

An individual with this skill may point at and normal fear a target once every five minutes. Once a day an
individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then mass normal fear.

Once every thirty minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then
mass normal repel.

An individual with this skill starts the day with two temporary body hit points.

Extraordinary Presence (Notorious)

An individual with this skill gains one body hit point.

An individual with this skill may point at and normal fear a target once every five minutes. Once an hour an
individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then mass normal fear. Three
times a day an individual with this skill may make a fear effect from this skill eldritch in power.

Once every thirty minutes an individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds and then
mass eldritch repel.

An individual with this skill starts the day with two temporary body hit points.

An individual's rank is a representation of the position they hold among the general populace of the
Forsaken Lands. Individuals with rank hold substance among the populous, and might find themselves
having an easier time making things happen, or that people respect them and their opinions far more.
Conversely there are those among the Forsaken Lands who do not respect an ‘authority’ so much, and
therefore might have a negative attitude towards those who hold position.

An individual can acquire or lose rank in various different ways during gameplay. An individual who
acquires or loses rank will be notified by a member of the Forsaken Lands Team or a Referee (Seer).

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Forsaken Lands utilised beads attached to string to display an individual's Rank as it is meant to be easily
noticeable, for example by how they are holding themselves in a room or what they have upon their person.
The bead and string method helps identify this and allows for individuals to interact accordingly with each

White string and gold beads are used in order to denote an individual's Rank, the more beads the higher the
Rank. The level column of the Rank Table dictates how many beads should be displayed, and the Equivalent
Rank column dictates the descriptive nature of the Rank.

Rank Table

Level Equivalent Rank

8 Khaldras

7 Royal Household / Amperitus Council

6 Kings / Queens

5 Provincial Lords / Masters / Warlords

Noble Military Justice

Heads of Major Families

4 Commander Justicar
(Significant Land Owning)

Heads of Minor Families

3 Provincial General Provincial Magistrate
(Land Owning)

Lord / Lady
2 Captain Magistrate
(of Noble Family)

1 Retainer Lieutenant Inquisitor

Soul Taint
An individual whose soul becomes tainted is indicative of how far they are slipping away from the material
realm towards realms that the general populace of the Forsaken Lands often have discrepancies with, hence
being referred to a ‘taint’.

An individual can acquire or lose soul taint in various different ways during gameplay. An individual who
acquires or loses soul taint will be notified by a member of the Forsaken Lands Team or a Referee (Seer).

An individual’s soul taint is not displayed using beads and string, however is discernible by other means. An
individual who progresses up the levels of soul taint should look to alter their physical appearance, and / or
act how they deem appropriate. For example an individual who has become ‘Fractured’ might display veins
more prominently around their eyes, an individual who is ‘Corrupted’ might start growing horns, or an
individual who is ‘Radiant’ might start to have a gold blush around their cheeks.

Soul Taint Table

Level Demonic Example Celestial Example Unliving Example Effect

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8 Infernal Empyral Lich

7 Monstrous Angelic Wight Speak to the Forsaken Lands
6 Fiendish Radiant Ghast Team.

5 Corrupted
4 Warped Otherrealmly Link
3 Fractured Otherrealmly Faculty
2 Distorted Otherrealmly Energy
1 Tainted Otherrealmly Presence

Otherrealmly Presence

An individual with this skill gains one body hit point and their grace period is halved.

Otherrealmly Energy

An individual with this skill gains one body hit point and their grace period is halved.

An individual with this skill is vulnerable to either air, earth, fire or water. This is decided at random by a
member of the Forsaken Lands Team or a Referee (Seer). An individual with this skill may add this type to
any of their actions three times a day, but cannot be used more than once every hour.

Otherrealmly Faculty

An individual with this skill gains one body hit point and their grace period is halved. An individual with
this skill cannot be the target of a normal cure wound action unless by a skill that states it can target a
Fractured individual.

An individual with this skill is vulnerable to either air, earth, fire or water. This is maintained from when
the individual with this skill was subject to ‘Otherrealmly Energy’. An individual with this skill may add this
type to any of their actions once every hour.

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to discern if a target within thirty
feet of them is from the material realm (if used at distance a Referee (Seer) may assist). At the end of the ten
seconds they may state 'discern material being', to which the target should respond 'ping' if they are of the
material realm.

An individual with this skill who does not have their body hit points may appropriately role play for thirty
seconds whilst remaining within five feet of a target who is willing, debilitated or unconscious and is of the
material realm. At the end of the thirty seconds they can then point and eldritch through the target. If this
deals a point of damage to the target, puts the target in their grace period, or if the target is already in their
grace period, then the individual with this skill regains a single body hit point. This skill can only be used
once every ten minutes.

Otherrealmly Link

An individual with this skill gains one body hit point and their grace period is halved. An individual with
this skill cannot be the target of a normal cure wound action unless by a skill that states it can target a
Warped individual.

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An individual with this skill is vulnerable to either air, earth, fire or water. This is maintained from when
the individual with this skill was subject to ‘Otherrealmly Energy’. An individual with this skill may add this
type to any of their actions once every ten minutes.

An individual with this skill may appropriately role play for ten seconds to discern if a target within thirty
feet of them is from the material realm (if used at distance a Referee (Seer) may assist). At the end of the ten
seconds they may state 'discern material being', to which the target should respond 'ping' if they are of the
material realm.

An individual with this skill who does not have their body hit points or does not have the maximum amount
of temporary body hit points they can have, may appropriately role play for thirty seconds whilst remaining
within five feet of a target who is willing, debilitated or unconscious and is of the material realm. At the end
of the thirty seconds they can then point and eldritch through the target. If this deals a point of damage to
the target, puts the target in their grace period, or if the target is already in their grace period, then the
individual with this skill regains a single body hit point. If the individual already has their maximum
amount of body hit point, then they are granted a single temporary body hit point. This skill can only be
used once every five minutes.

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Game Calls
Safety Calls
Forsaken Lands has two main calls utilised for safety during events. These calls are the most important calls
in the game and should be adhered to whenever used.


This should be called loudly in threes e.g. 'safety, safety, safety!'. This dictates there has been an incident
that needs out of character attention. If this call is heard everyone should immediately and safely stop what
they are doing and await further instruction from the Forsaken Lands Team or a Referee (Seer). If it is
apparent that someone else or others around have not heard this call, repeat it so that they are made aware.


If an individual feels that they are unsafe in a situation to carry out the actions that they would usually be
required to do, such as taking a strike down effect in particularly muddy ground, they should call 'unsafe'
and remove themselves from the unsafe area, or seek confirmation from the individual who targeted them
with the effect that they are either happy to carry on without them taking the effect. Seek assistance from
the Forsaken Lands Team or a Referee (Seer) if required.

If an individual feels they are uncomfortable with a situation as a whole, please use this call and
immediately seek out a member of the Forsaken Lands Team.

Gameplay Calls
Forsaken Lands utilises the following calls to help direct gameplay throughout an event.

Time In

Used by a member of the Forsaken Lands Team or a Referee (Seer) to signify the beginning of the play. This
may be used after a safety call or time freeze to signify that the incident has been resolved and that play may

Time Freeze

Used by a member of the Forsaken Lands Team or a Referee (Seer) to signify a pause in play. This pause is
typically to dictate changes or effects that will happen when play recommences. Individuals who hear this
call should safely stop in place and await further instructions.

Time Out

Used by a member of the Forsaken Lands Team or a Referee (Seer) to signify the end of play.

The majority of the game revolves around the following formats in order to help keep gameplay as smooth
as possible.

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The majority of skills within the game will use the following timings;

Three Seconds
Ten Seconds
Thirty Seconds
One Minute
Five Minutes
Ten Minutes
Thirty Minutes
One Hour


The majority of skills within the game will use the following distances;

Five Feet
Ten Feet
Thirty Feet
Line of Sight

Power Ratings

Any entity not from the material realm, some entities from the material realm, and all items within the
game will have the following Power Ratings associated with them;


These ratings will give those who have the ability to discern them, an appreciation of how powerful the
entities are, or how powerful an item is.

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Combat Basics
All characters begin with two body hit points in total.

When an individual’s body hit points are reduced to zero, they are debilitated. If checked with a skill such
as ‘Assess Condition’ the individual would respond 'zero body hits, debilitated'.

A debilitated individual can only move slowly, and cannot make any actions or use any of their skills unless
by means that state otherwise.

If an individual who has zero body hit points takes a point of damage they become unconscious and are
placed in their grace period. For purposes of healing, the individual is still considered to be at zero body hit
points. If checked with a skill such as ‘Assess Condition’ the individual would respond 'zero body hits,

When an individual becomes unconscious, they must safely fall to the ground. The individual cannot then
move, speak, make actions or use any skills unless by means that state otherwise.

An individual’s grace period is eight minutes (overwritten by other means). An individual using a skill such
as ‘Assess Condition’ would be able to identify how far into a grace period a dying individual is. For
example, if five minutes of an individual’s grace period have depleted and they are checked by such a skill,
the response would be 'zero body hits, dying, five out of eight minutes into my grace period'.

At the end of the grace period, the individual is considered dead. If checked with a skill such as ‘Assess
Condition’ the individual would respond 'dead'.

The spirit of the individual that is dead normally goes to the Spirit Realm, to a level determined by the
Forsaken Lands Team. The spirits of the dead are retrievable and resurrection is possible. It is possible for
the spirits of the dead to go to places other than the Spirit Realm.

Body Hit Points

Each individual has body hit points. These are considered to be total body hits and are not split locationally
around the body. These body hit points are indicative of how much damage an individual can sustain before
they become unconscious and start dying. If an individual’s body hit points reach zero, they are debilitated
unless overwritten by other means. If an individual takes any damage whilst their body hit points are at
zero, they become unconscious and enter their grace period unless overwritten by other means.

The body hit points of an individual are often referred to as hit points (HP).

Temporary Body Hit Points

An individual may gain temporary body hit points. These hit points interact in the same way as body hit
points, and are considered body hit points when taking damage from any means, however if they take
damage, they cannot be regained. Temporary body hit points always deplete before body hit points do. An
individual cannot have more temporary body hit points than body hit points.

For example if an individual who has two body hit points and one temporary body hit point takes two
points of damage and then receives a full cure wounds, the one body hit point is restored but the temporary
body hit point is not.

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The temporary body hit points are often referred to as temporary hit points (THP).

Armour Hit Points

An individual may have a number of armour hit points. These are indicative of how much damage the
armour an individual is wearing can sustain. If an individual takes damage whilst wearing armour, the
individual's armour hit points deplete before their body hit points unless the effect of an action states
otherwise. Armour can be worn, natural or magical. Different types of armour can be interacted with in
different ways. The method in which natural and magical armour hit points are acquired will dictate as to
whether it can stack with worn armour.

The armour hit points of physically worn armour is typically referred to as armour value (AV).

As a base, light armour provides one armour hit point, medium armour provides two armour hit points,
heavy armour provides three armour hit points.

The armour hit points of naturally occurring armour is typically referred to as natural armour value (NAV).

The armour hit points of magically manifested armour is typically referred to as magical armour value

Unless stated otherwise an individual cannot have more than six armour hit points of any one type.

If an individual gains armour hit points of multiple types, they are damaged in parallel from the moment
they are equal.

For example if an individual wearing heavy armour with three armour hit points receives 2 magical armour
hit points and is then struck multiple times, the following will happen;

The first strike against them damages one armour hit point.

The second strike against them damages one armour hit point and one magical armour hit point.

The third strike against them damages one armour hit point and one magical armour hit point. Both values
are now at zero.


An individual who is debilitated can only move slowly, and cannot make any actions or use any of their
skills unless by means that state otherwise. Whilst debilitated the individual is considered to have zero
armour hit points.


An individual who becomes unconscious must safely fall to the ground. The individual cannot then move,
speak, make actions or use any skills unless by means that state otherwise.

Grace Period

A grace period is an indication of how long an individual’s spirit takes to leave their body when they are
dying. Typically the grace period is eight minutes, one minute for each link to the demiplanes of the Spirit

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Realm. This grace period can be extended and shortened by various means. An individual dies if they enter
their grace period and the time elapses.


An individual who dies cannot move or interact with the world in any way, unless stated otherwise, and
must seek a Referee (Seer) at the earliest opportunity that does not interrupt game play.

Discern Condition

Any individual may attempt to discern the condition of a target within ten feet of them. To do so they must
spend three seconds concentrating on a willing target of the material realm and state 'discern material
condition'. This gives them the following understanding;

How many body hit points the individual has in total.

How many body hit points the individual is down.
If the target is debilitated.
If the target is unconscious.
If the target is dying.
If the target is dead.

The target does not need to be willing if they are unconscious, dying or dead.


There are times during gameplay when an individual may become ‘displaced’. The means in which they are
displaced will signify how long they are displaced for.

Unless stated otherwise a displaced individual is subject to the following rules;

The individual must hold up a yellow displacement tag to signify they are currently displaced. Whilst they
are holding up a yellow displacement tag, they can only be interacted with by means that allow interaction
with displaced individuals.

Whilst displaced the individual cannot move but is considered to be able to see and hear everything that is
going on around them. Also the individual cannot interact with anyone or use any actions unless they state

Once the signified duration finishes, or if the individual is the target of an action that causes damage, the
individual must put the yellow displacement tag down, and is no longer considered to be displaced. If the
individual chose to displace themselves, they may also choose to end the displacement early.


There are times during gameplay when an individual may enter ‘stealth’. The means in which they enter
stealth will signify how long they are stealthed for.

Unless stated otherwise a stealthed individual is subject to the following rules;

The individual must hold up a grey stealth tag to signify they are currently stealthed. Whilst they are
holding up the grey stealth tag, they can only be interacted with by means that allow interaction with
stealthed individuals.

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Whilst stealthed the individual cannot move but is considered to be able to see and hear everything that is
going on around them. Also the individual cannot interact with anyone or use any actions unless they state

Once the signified duration finishes, or if the individual is the target of an action that causes damage, the
individual must put the grey stealth tag down, and is no longer considered to be stealthed. If the individual
chose to enter stealth themselves, they may also choose to end the stealth early.


An individual may attempt to search a target who is within five feet of them. To do so, unless stated
otherwise, they must notify the target that they are searching them by holding up a hand towards them and
clearly stating “searching”. They must continue to state “searching” at least once every ten seconds until the
searching is completed. Unless stated otherwise, searching an individual takes thirty seconds.

An individual who has been searched, must provide the individual who has searched them with any game
items or documents they have in their possession, unless they have means to prevent this.

If there is any doubt as to whether the item or document should be passed over, the individuals should
speak to a Seer (Referee).

Under no circumstances should any out of game items or documents be passed over to an individual who is

Forming Actions

An action is formed of up to four elements (as seen on the Action Table) in order, and must consist of at
least the delivery and power elements. The elements of an action, in order, are;

Delivery > Power > Type > Effect

In order to make an action, an individual must use one of the delivery methods, then where needed verbally
state the further elements of the action. For example;

An individual may successfully strike a target individual with a weapon without stating anything. The target
takes one point of normal damage because the delivery method was a strike and the power was normal.

An individual may point at another individual to target them and state 'fire blast'. This will mean that the
target individual is subject to a normal fire blast.

An individual may state 'mass brutal earth rend' and put their hands either directly up, or out in a cone, to
target individuals within ten feet around them or within ten feet of the chosen direction. All targeted
individuals are subject to brutal earth rend.

An individual may successfully strike a target individual with a weapon and state 'eldritch demonic repel'.
The target individual takes one point of eldritch damage because the delivery method was a strike and the
power was eldritch. The target is also subject to eldritch demonic repel.

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Verbally stating any elements of an action is considered to be an out of character reference. For example,
the mute effect does not stop someone from stating any elements of an action. The mute effect can however
stop an individual from using an action if it requires them to be able to speak in play.

Action Table

Delivery Power Type Effect

Mass Brutal Air Assassinate Poison

Banish Purge Poison

Point Eldritch Celestial Blast Redirect

Cleanse Regenerate
Self Nil Demonic Control Remove Fear
Counter Rend
SoMV Normal Earth Cure Wound Repel
Curse Resist
Strike Fire Deflect / Dodge Resolve
Drop Sever
Silver Endurance Sleep
Enthral Snare
Spirit Fear Strike Down
Fortify Body Stun
Unliving Mute Subdue
Obliterate Taunt
Water Paralysis Through


Mass is a method of delivery in which an individual either raises both arms above their head, or out in a
directional cone. If both arms are raised above their head, anyone within ten feet is considered to be a
target of the action. If both arms are pointed out in a directional cone, any individuals within ten feet of the
chosen cone are considered to be targets. The result of an action using this method of delivery is dictated by
the type and / or effect elements.


Pointing is a method of delivery in which an individual points at the target. This method of delivery has a
maximum range of thirty feet and requires line of sight on the target unless stated otherwise. The result of
an action using this method of delivery is dictated by the type and / or effect elements.

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Pointing does not necessarily need to be done with a free hand, appropriate role play can be used as part of
this delivery. For example an elementalist wielding a sword might spin it around and then point at a target
using the sword to fire blast them.


The self delivery method considers the individual taking the action to be the target. The result of an action
using this method of delivery is dictated by the type and / or effect elements.

Sound of my Voice

This delivery method is typically used by Referees (Seers) but can be used by other individuals. Everyone
who can hear the following elements of the action is considered to be the target. This delivery method will
be stated as 'sound of my voice'. For example 'sound of my voice eldritch celestial strike down'. In which
case anyone who hears the action being called out would take an eldritch celestial strike down.


A strike is a method of delivery in which a weapon makes contact with something. This method of delivery
deals a single point of damage to the target (overwritten by action type and / or effect, or if the strike causes
no damage). A strike delivery must have a power element as part of the action. The power element of the
action determines the power of the single point of damage caused by the strike. For example, striking an
individual and stating 'eldritch' deals a single point of eldritch damage to the target individual.

The weapon used to strike a target must look appropriately able to deliver an effect if used in conjunction
with an effect element of an action. For example, if an individual is striking for through, the weapon they
are using must look as though it is sharp.

An individual may not use the strike delivery method in any way quicker than once a second.


Nil in regards to power means that no points of damage are caused during the action. This power is mainly
used for the purposes of areas which are magically warded to ensure that individuals within them cannot
harm others. If within one of these areas, no call is required when attacking, however 'no damage' can be
called to provide clarity in some situations. This damage cannot be used in conjunction with any further
elements of an action.


Normal is the baseline power of all non brutal or eldritch action. No call is required for actions with this
power, however 'normal' can be called to provide clarity in some situations.


Brutal power dictates that the action cannot be countered, deflected, dodged or resisted by any means other
than that which specifically interact with the brutal actions. Individuals must clearly state 'brutal' as part of
an action using this power.

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Eldritch power dictates that the action cannot be countered, deflected, dodged or resisted by any means
other than that which specifically interact with the eldritch actions. Individuals must clearly state 'eldritch'
as part of an action using this power.

Air / Celestial / Demonic / Earth / Fire / Silver / Spirit / Unliving / Water

The action is considered to be of the stated type for the purposes of banes, vulnerabilities and immunities.
Individuals must clearly state the type as part of an action when required (not every action will have a type).

If an individual takes a point of damage to their body hit points from an action with the unliving type, they
are considered to be ‘decaying’ unless stated otherwise. Whilst decaying an individual cannot regain any
body hit points by any means other than that which state otherwise. Whilst decaying, an individual cannot
channel or connect to life unless by means which state otherwise. If someone attempts to restore a body hit
points to them, it fails, and they must clearly state 'decaying'.


Target’s body hit points are immediately reduced to zero, they fall unconscious and enter their grace period.
An action containing the assassinate effect cannot be countered, deflected, dodged or resisted by any means
other than that which specifically interact with the assassinate effect.


If the target is banished whilst on a realm they are not from, they are sent back to it. This effect can be
prefixed with a power ratings, power and types e.g. 'mass lesser air banish' or 'eldritch major demonic

In order for the banish to succeed it must hit the correct criteria as part of the action. For example a
demonic creature of moderate power rating that is the target of a 'mass lesser demonic banish' would not be
banished. Nor would the creature be banished if it was the target of a 'major air banish'. It would however
be banished if it was the target of a 'greater demonic banish'.


Deals a single point of damage to the target.


Removes any poison and / or a decaying status from the target individual.


Target is considered to be under the control of the individual who used the action. This effect can be
prefixed with power ratings, power and types e.g. 'minor earth control' or 'eldritch moderate demonic
control'. In order for the control to succeed it must hit the correct criteria as part of the action. For example

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a earth elemental of lesser power rating that is the target of a 'mass minor earth control' would not be
controlled. It would however be if it was the target of a 'moderate earth control'.

Whilst controlled, the target must do everything they can to carry out the commands of the individual who
controlled them.

The duration of the control, unless stated otherwise is ten minutes.

If anyone believes that a control effect is being used in an unsafe manner, they should immediately speak to
a Referee (Seer).


Counter interacts with the point delivery method. Counter may be used to completely cancel an action with
the point delivery method that has happened within the last three seconds by an individual within thirty
feet of them. The individual countering the action must point at the individual who’s action they are
countering and clearly state 'counter' followed by the verbally stated elements of the action they are
countering. The skill used by an individual will dictate the power of action the counter can be used against.

For example an individual may counter an eldritch spirit blast that has just been pointed at another
individual. The target of the eldritch spirit blast ignores the action as if it has not been successful.

There are certain effect elements of an action that mean the action cannot be countered unless specifically
stated otherwise.

Cure Wound

Target immediately regains one body hit point.

This effect can be prefixed with 'full' and stated as 'cure wounds', in which case the target immediately
regains all of their body hit points.


Target is considered to be ‘cursed’. Every curse will have an associated power rating, and the effects of the
curse on an individual will be determined by the curse. The use of curses will be overseen by Referees

Deflect / Dodge

Both dodge and deflect interact with the damage element of an action, e.g. an individual might be able to
dodge or deflect a normal action. If an individual dodges or deflects the stated damage of an action they
ignore all elements of the action. Individuals must clearly state 'dodge' or 'deflect' when they are the target
of an action which they dodge or deflect. An individual may only dodge or deflect an action they have seen

The delivery method of an action with a dodge or deflect effect is always self. There are certain effect
elements of an action that mean the action cannot be dodged or deflected unless specifically stated


Target immediately falls unconscious. Target remains unconscious for one minute unless stated otherwise.

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Target gains one temporary body hit point that unless stated otherwise lasts until time out. Temporary body
hit points can stack, however an individual cannot have more temporary body hit than body hit points.


Target must safely do everything they can to remain within five feet of the individual who has targeted them
for the next thirty seconds. If the individual who has targeted them takes any other action the enthral ends
immediately. There are some skills that allow the enthraller to maintain this effect for longer than thirty
seconds, these should be made obvious when used.

The individual who has targeted them should be appropriately role playing a reason in which they should
be following them. For example if enthralled by an individual's voice, the enthraller must continue to speak
to the target. Another example would be if enthralling a creature the individual might make clicking noises
or keep the creatures gaze in a hypnotic way.


Target must immediately do everything they can to stay at least thirty feet away from, where safe to do so,
the source of this action. This effect has a duration of thirty seconds unless stated otherwise.

Fortify Body

Target gains one body hit point that unless stated otherwise lasts until time out.


Target cannot speak / verbally communicate for one minute.


Target dies immediately. The obliterate effect cannot be countered, deflected, dodged or resisted by any
means other than that which specifically interact with the obliterate effect.


Target is paralysed for one minute. Whilst paralysed the target cannot move at all. An individual who is
paralysed cannot dodge or deflect actions for the duration of the paralysis.


Target is considered to be ‘poisoned’. Every poison will have an associated power rating, and the effects of
the poison on an individual will be determined by the poison. The use of poisons will be overseen by
Referees (Seers).

Purge Poison

This effect will be used in conjunction with a power rating, starting between purge and poison when using
the effect, e.g. 'purge minor poison'. The target is immediately purged of any and all poisons they are
affected by up to the power rating stated when using this effect.

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For example an individual is the target of a purge major poison, they are immediately purged of all poisons
major and below in power rating.


An individual may use redirect, if they have a skill that allows them to do so, against an action that has
happened within the last three seconds. The individual redirecting the action must point to another
individual who has been targeted by an action in the last three seconds and then clearly state 'redirect'
followed by all elements of the action they are redirecting. The method used by an individual to redirect an
action will dictate the delivery, power, and type of action they can redirect, and range in which they can
redirect an action. The individual using redirect is then considered to be the target of that action.

For example an individual may redirect a brutal demonic obliterate action an enemy has just struck an
adjacent individual with. The individual who used the redirect effect is then considered to have been struck
by brutal demonic obliterate.

The delivery method of an action with a redirect effect is always self.

An individual cannot redirect an action that has already been redirected.


Target regains one body hit point periodically over a duration. The period and duration are determined by
the method in which the regenerate effect has been given.

For example an individual may receive thirty second regeneration for ten minutes. The individual would
then regain one body hit point every thirty seconds for ten minutes.

Remove Fear

Removes a fear effect from a target. The power of the action in which this is used, must match the power of
the action in which the fear effect came from.

For example, if an individual has taken an eldritch fear and is then the target of a mass normal remove fear,
it does not work. If someone uses an eldritch remove fear on them, it does.


Immediately reduces the target's armour hit points to zero. If the target has no armour hit points, the
target’s body hit points (including temporary body hit points) are reduced to zero, they fall unconscious and
enter their grace period. If a shield is hit by rend, the shield is considered to be destroyed, unless stated
otherwise, and cannot be used again until repaired. A destroyed shield can be repaired through various
means. If an individual is holding a destroyed shield and the destroyed shield is hit by an action, the
individual holding the destroyed shield is considered to be the target of that action.


Target must immediately, where safe to do so, move ten feet away from the source of this action.


An individual may resist, if they have a skill that allows them to do so, the effect of an action that has
happened to them within the last three seconds. If an individual resists an action they ignore the effect

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element of the action. The method in which an individual is able to use the resist effect will dictate the
delivery, power, and type of action they can resist an effect from, and the effects that they can resist. When
resisting an effect an individual must clearly state 'resist' followed by the effect element of the action they
are resisting.

The delivery method of an action with a resist effect is always self. There are certain effect elements of an
action that mean the action cannot be resisted unless specifically stated otherwise.


If the target is debilitated or unconscious they may walk at a normal speed, but not run, for ten seconds
before returning to their original state. For the duration the target cannot use any actions, but can choose to
ignore any actions against them except for those which contain the obliterate effect. If the target regains
any of their body hit points this effect immediately ends. This does not stop their grace period from
depleting, and if the target dies this effect immediately ends.


For the next hour the target has no grace period. If an individual is the target of this effect whilst already in
their grace period, they immediately die. For the duration of the effect they are considered to be 'severed'. A
severed individual cannot enter the Spirit Realm.


The target must safely and immediately fall to the floor, becoming unconscious and in a sleep from which
they cannot be awoken for ten seconds. After ten seconds the target is no longer unconscious and wakes up.

If an individual is targeted by a sleep effect and does not feel as though they can safely drop to the floor,
they may instead remain standing whilst unconscious and in a sleep from which they cannot be awoken for
ten seconds.


Target is snared for thirty seconds. Whilst snared the target must stand in the same spot, and cannot dodge
or deflect any incoming actions for the duration.

Strike Down

Target should safely drop to both knees and remain in place for ten seconds. During this ten second period
the target can act as normal, including continuing to fight, other than remaining on their knees and in
place. An individual becomes immune to any further strike down effects for the duration of, and for a
further ten seconds post, a strike down effect upon them.

If an individual is targeted by a strike down effect and does not feel as though they can safely drop to both
knees, they may instead take a stun effect.


Target is stunned for ten seconds. Whilst stunned the target cannot move or use any skills for the duration
unless stated otherwise.


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Deals a single point of damage that cannot put the target in their grace period. If a target is successfully hit
with a subdue effect whilst at zero body hit points they still become unconscious but do not enter their
grace period. The target remains unconscious for ten minutes unless stated otherwise.


Target is compelled to aim any of their own, what they consider to be offensive, actions towards the
individual who used this action for ten seconds. The target must do this to the best of their ability unless
there is reason enough not to, e.g. the individual using the taunt effect has done so from behind a wall of
other individuals and therefore they cannot get to them.


The action ignores any armour hit points that the target has and deals a single point of damage to the
target’s body hit points.

Strengths & Weaknesses

There are numerous reasons that an individual may find themselves with strengths and / or weaknesses.


Bane interacts with the type element of an action, e.g. an individual might take bane from air type actions.
If an individual is dealt any damage to their body hit points (including temporary body hit points) from an
action containing a type they take as bane, their body hit points are immediately reduced to zero, they
become unconscious and are placed in their grace period.


Vulnerabilities interact with the type element of an action, e.g. an individual might be vulnerable to air type
actions. If an individual is the target of an action containing a type they are vulnerable to, they cannot resist
the effect the action has by any means.


An individual might find themselves immune to any elements of an action.

If an individual is immune to a delivery method of an action they are the target of, they ignore the action
and must clearly state 'immune' followed by the delivery method they are immune to.

If an individual is immune to the power of an action they are the target of, they ignore the action and must
clearly state 'immune' followed by the power they are immune to.

If an individual is immune to the type of an action they are the target of, they ignore the action and must
clearly state 'immune' followed by the type they are immune to.

If an individual is immune to the effect of an action they are the target of, they ignore the effect element of
the action and must clearly state 'immune' followed by the effect they are immune to.

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Game Team
The Game Team
Adi Waite
Herald of the Light & Dark (Head of Community)
Keeper of the Realms and Beyond (Deputy Head of Gameplay)

Eddy Valentine Hughes

High Keeper of the Realms and Beyond (Head of Gameplay)

Credit: Lucca King Photos

“Creating a LARP system feels like the natural progression after all these years of enjoying the hobby. I’m
incredibly excited to see how it develops, and how people interact with it. Big plans and a lot of fun ahead!”

Kelly Wainwright
The Witch of the Grim Swamp (Aesthetic and Creativity)

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Forsaken Lands Rulebook V1.01

Lee Fletcher
Minister of Peace & Paint (Props, Logistics & Safety)

“Buzzing to bring you all this LARP that we have all been working hard on bringing to fruition, expect lots
of immersion and a prop heavy environment.”

Liam Higgins
Minister of War & Weapons (Props, Logistics & Safety)

“Was so happy to be approached by Eddy and Adi about this new idea for a larp and can not wait to show
you all what it's all about as a prop maker with Twisted Goblin we are excited to be working with the game
team on some weird and wonderful things to get you keen”

Tom Dove
Keeper of the Realms and Beyond (Deputy Head of Gameplay)

Credit: Lucca King Photos

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Forsaken Lands Rulebook V1.01

Date Version Update

9 Nov 22 1.00 Rulebook V1.00 finalised.

21 Mar 23 1.01 Minor tweaks to weapon and shield guidelines to better reflect
specifications and usage.

Corrected replace / requires wording on a couple of skills throughout.

Invoker’s Portal Stone now has the ‘Arcane Item’ and ‘Portal Stone’
tags and reflects once per day use.

Updated Fate Reader to reflect that fates can be read without cards.

Cleansing Body can now be used whilst decaying.

Removed duplicated paragraph on Stealthy Movement skill.

A number of Mystic skills have been updated to reflect the inability to

use them when severed. Skills chosen due to emphasis on needing to
be able to connect to the Spirit Realm in a deeper manner in order to
use them.

Nation details updated to reflect Olgari and Wyveris details.

Searching, Displacement and Stealth now added the Combat section

to enable smooth baseline rules clarification.

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Forsaken Lands Rulebook V1.01

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